35 research outputs found
Caracteres morfológicos y fisiológicos que afectan la aptitud al ordeño mecánico en ovejas de raza Manchega y Lacaune
Se estudiaron los principales parámetros de valoración de la aptitud al ordeño mecánico en 232 ovejas lecheras de raza Manchega (Mn) y Lacaune (Lc), de distintas edades y potencial productivo, sometidas a dos ordeños diarios. Los caracteres se evaluaron antes del ordeño de la tarde, a los 30, 60 y 120 días post-parto. Se empleó también la ecografía para valorar el área cisternal de ambas razas y su capacidad productiva, además de un bloqueador de la oxitocina para estudiar el fraccionamiento de leche en la ubre. Las ovejas Lc, de mayor productividad, presentaron ubres grandes de pezones pequeños, mientras que las Mn mostraron ubres más pequeñas con pezones grandes. Los caracteres morfológicos aumentaron con la edad, y los de ubre decrecieron a lo largo de la lactación, además de relacionarse positivamente con la leche producida. Las ubres con mayor altura de cisterna tendieron a presentar pezones menores y horizontales, con una peor adaptación al ordeño. Los caracteres lineales propuestos para pezones y ubre se correlacionaron estrechamente con sus respectivas variables biológicas, y menos entre sí. Al realizar una evaluación subjetiva de la ubre (Gallego et al., 1983), se observó que los Tipos de ubre evolucionaron según la edad, no modificándose a lo largo de la lactación. En el estudio ecográfico, las ovejas Lc presentaron mayor área y volumen de leche cisternal. Dichos caracteres, en ambas razas, se mostraron correlacionadas entre sí, con la producción de leche y con las medidas de ubre. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la ecografía es eficaz para evaluar el tamaño de la cisterna y la capacidad productiva de las ubres ovinas. El análisis factorial mostró que las variables morfológicas se agrupan según tamaño de ubre, pezón, y altura de las cisternas más ángulo de inserción. Se propuso una nueva Tipología de ubre (conglomerados), observando que ésta es propia de cada raza, no está relacionada con la producción de leche, se mantiene constante a lo largo de la lactación, y varía con la edad de los animales, evolucionando hacia ubres peor conformadas. Al estudiar el fraccionamiento de leche, se observó que la superioridad productiva de la raza Lc se fundamente en una mayor cantidad de leche cisternal almacenada y leche máquina emitida. Las fracciones de ubre y ordeño se relacionaron positivamente con el área ecográfica de la cisterna. La cinética de emisión de leche mostró que la mayor parte de los animales, en un porcentaje similar en ambas razas, presentaron dos picos de emisión. Se definió un tipo de curva «en meseta», con mayores volúmenes y tiempos de emisión, aunque con similares caudales. Los parámetros de cinética se mostraron relacionados entre sí, con la producción de leche, el área cisternal y las fracciones. La utilización de un antagonista de la oxitocina, permitió obtener el fraccionamiento de leche en la ubre, de un modo eficaz y con fiabilidad.The objective of this project was to study the main aspects of milkability in 232 dairy Manchega (Mn) and Lacaune (Lc) ewes belonging to a different age groups and productivity. Two milkings par day were performed. Udder traits were measured before the evening milking, at 30, 60 and 120 days post-partum. To determine the area of the mammary gland and the production capacity in both breed, the ultrasonography method was used, as well as an oxytocin blocking agent for the study of the milk storage in the udder. Lc sheep showed a higher milk production, larger udder and shorter teats. Otherwise, Mn ewes showed a smaller udder and bigger teats. Mammary morphology traits in both breeds reached the maximum values in ewes of three or more lactations. Udder sizes traits decreased through lactation and were positively related to milk production. Udders with a larger cistern height tended to present smaller teats with higher insertion angle, which implies a worse milkability. Linear traits proposed were correlated to the descriptive morphological traits measured, and low related between them. Furthermore, the frequency of udder types evaluated following the typology proposed by Gallego et al. (1983) were high according to parity number, although it was not affected by the stage of lactation. Ultrasound cistern area and the amount of cisternal milk were larger in Lc sheep. These characters were correlated in both breeds as well as milk production and udder size. Results showed that mammary ultrasonography is an efficient method to evaluate the cistern size and the productive capacity of the ovine udder. The factor analysis showed that three factors (udder size, teat size and teat insertion angle and cistern height) explain an important amount of the variability. An new udder typology was proposed (clusters) for both breeds and presented enough differences to be grouped according to udder types characteristics of the breed, but there is any possibility to establish a universal udder classification. Udder types in our classification did show stability throughout lactation, but tended to evolve negatively as the age of the ewe increased. The study of milk partitioning showed that the milk superiority of Lc ewes depends on machine milk fraction and amount of cisternal milk. A positive relation of the cisternal milk and the milking machine fraction with the cisternal area was observed. The more frequent milk kinetics type was «2 peaks», reaching a similar proportion in both breeds. The «in plateau» type curve proposed showed larger volume and time of emission, without change in the milk flow. Positive correlation was observed in both breeds for total milk production, kinetic parameters, cisternal area and milk fractions. The use of an oxytocin antagonist is useful in order to obtain the real cisternal milk and to analyse the actual differences in milk partitioning of dairy sheep with fiability
How to Create Conditioned Taste Aversion for Grazing Ground Covers in Woody Crops with Small Ruminants
Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a learning behavior process where animals are trained to reject certain feed after gastrointestinal discomfort has been produced. Lithium chloride (LiCl) is the preferred agent used in livestock to induce CTA because it specifically stimulates the vomit center. In addition, LiCl is commercially available, and easy to prepare and administer using a drenching gun. Nevertheless, some factors have to be considered to obtain an effective long-lasting CTA, which allows small ruminants to graze during the cropping season. A key aspect is to use animals with no previous contact with the target plant (the plant chosen to be avoided; new feed). Due to their native neophobic feeding behavior, small ruminants can easily associate the negative feedback effects with the new feed, resulting in a strong and persistent CTA. The recommended doses are 200 and 225 mg LiCl/kg body weight (BW) for goats and sheep, respectively. To induce CTA, 100 g of the target plant should be individually offered for at least 30 min, and LiCl administered thereafter if the intake is greater than 10 g. Each time the animal eats the target plant without negative consequences, the CTA becomes weaker. Consequently, to minimize the risk of target plant consumption, it is essential to have sufficient palatable ground cover available. The presence of an alternative feed (of quality and quantity) prevents the accidental consumption of the target plant. A close monitoring of the flock is recommended to remove and re-dose any animal consuming more than 4 bites or 10 g of the target plant. At the beginning of each grazing season, check the CTA status of each animal before moving them to the crop
Pasturatge en oliverars: aplicació de l'aversió condicionada a l'olivera en cabres
Cada dia l'agricultura incorpora noves pràctiques més respectuoses amb el medi ambient intentant aprofitar millor els recursos naturals i preservar-los de cara al futur. En el cas de l'oliverar, l'erosió que pateix el sòl, a causa de les pràctiques tradicionals de conreu, ha propiciat la implantació de cobertes vegetals que es controlen mitjançant l'ús de maquinària, o bé amb herbicides. L'inconvenient que comporten aquestes pràctiques i la inquietud per pràctiques més sostenibles han afavorit l'estudi de l'ús de bestiar per pasturar els camps d'oliveres. L'inconvenient és que les fulles de les oliveres són un aliment molt atractiu per a cabres i ovelles i poden malmetre l'arbre. Amb la finalitat que les cabres rebutgin menjar fulles d'olivera, es planteja la possibilitat de modificar el seu comportament alimentari, utilitzant diferents dosis de clorur de liti (LiCl), 175 mg LiCl/kg PV i 200 mg LiCl/kg PV. Els resultats obtinguts en cabres murcianogranadines mostren la possibilitat de generar aversió a les fulles d'olivera, que es va mantenir durant catorze mesos. L'aversió va ser més efectiva en el cas de les cabres que van rebre la dosi de 200 mg LiCl/kg PV.Each day brings new and more environmentally friendly practices to farming, trying to make better use of natural resources and to preserve them for the future. In the case of olive groves, the soil erosion to which this crop is exposed because of traditional farming systems is offset by the introduction of groundcover which is controlled by the use of machinery or herbicides. The drawback involved by these practices and concerns about more sustainable systems has encouraged the study of the use of grazing animals in olive groves. However, olive leaves are very attractive to goats and sheep, which could damage the trees. In order to make goats reject olive leaves, the aim of this study was to modify their feeding behaviour using lithium chloride (LiCl) in various doses (175 mg LiCl/kg BW and 200 mg LiCl/kg BW). The results obtained with Murciano-Granadina goats show that it is possible to generate a conditioned taste aversion to olive leaves, which was maintained for 14 months. Aversion was more effective in goats which received the 200 mg LiCl/kg BW dose.Cada día la agricultura incorpora nuevas prácticas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente intentando aprovechar mejor los recursos naturales y preservarlos de cara al futuro. En el caso del olivar, la erosión que sufre el terreno, debido a las prácticas tradicionales de cultivo, ha propiciado la implantación de cubiertas vegetales que se controlan mediante el uso de maquinaria, o bien con herbicidas. El inconveniente que conllevan estas prácticas y la inquietud por prácticas más sostenibles han favorecido el estudio del uso de animales para el pastoreo en los campos de olivos. El inconveniente es que las hojas de los olivos son un alimento muy atractivo para las cabras y ovejas y pueden dañar el árbol. Con la finalidad de que las cabras rechacen consumir hojas de olivo, se plantea la posibilidad de modificar su comportamiento alimentario, utilizando diferentes dosis de cloruro de litio (LiCl), 175 mg LiCl/kg PV y 200 mg LiCl/kg PV. Los resultados obtenidos en cabras murciano-granadinas muestran la posibilidad de generar aversión a las hojas de olivo, que se mantuvo durante catorce meses. La aversión fue más efectiva en el caso de las cabras que recibieron la dosis de 200 mg LiCl/kg PV
Development, Analysis, and Sensory Evaluation of Improved Bread Fortified with a Plant-Based Fermented Food Product
In response to the demand for healthier foods in the current market, this study aimed to develop a new bread product using a fermented food product (FFP), a plant-based product composed of soya flour, alfalfa meal, barley sprouts, and viable microorganisms that showed beneficial effects in previous studies. White bread products prepared with three different substitution levels (5, 10, and 15%) of FFP were evaluated for physical characteristics (loaf peak height, length, width), color indices (lightness, redness/greenness, yellowness/blueness), quality properties (loaf mass, volume, specific volume), protein content, crumb digital image analysis, and sensory characteristics. The results revealed that FFP significantly affected all studied parameters, and in most cases, there was a dose–response effect. FFP supplementation affected the nutritional profile and increased the protein content (p \u3c 0.001). The sensory test indicated that consumer acceptance of the studied sensory attributes differed significantly between groups, and bread with high levels of FFP (10 and 15% FFP) was generally more poorly rated than the control (0%) and 5% FFP for most of the variables studied. Despite this, all groups received acceptable scores (overall liking score ≥ 5) from consumers. The sensory analysis concluded that there is a possible niche in the market for these improved versions of bread products
Aversión condicionada a aroma de fresa en ovino
La neofobia alimentaria es un mecanismo adaptativo que permite aprender de las consecuencias postingestivas al ingerir un alimento nuevo (Provenza y Balph, 1988; Van Tien et al., 1999). Cuando un animal consume un alimento nuevo, comienza por pequeñas cantidades y, en caso de percibir una retroalimentación positiva, incrementa el consumo según su apetecibilidad (Thorhallsdottir et al., 1987). Si la retroalimentación es negativa, el animal asocia las características sensoriales del alimento (gusto, olfato, tacto y vista) con el malestar postingestivo, lo que genera aversión condicionada al alimento (Frutos et al., 2001; Manuelian et al., 2014). Aromas, sabores y flavores se utilizan habitualmente para estimular el consumo de alimento en ganadería. Así, corderos adaptados a aromas y/o flavores (i.e., cebolla, ajo, hierba) aumentaron el consumo de alimentos nuevos tratados con el mismo aroma o flavor (Provenza et al., 1995; Nolte y Provenza, 1992; Van Tien et al., 1999). Sin embargo, la generalización de la aversión mediante aromas, sabores o flavores ha sido poco estudiada. La aversión al agua con aroma de almendra, inducida en ratas mediante 190 mg LiCl /kg PV, fue menor que con sabor dulce (sacarina), pero se potenció al utilizar un alimento con aroma y sabor (Palmerino et al., 1980). Por otro lado, ovejas con aversión a harina de arroz con flavor a canela, utilizando 250 mg LiCl/kg PV, mostraron aversión a harina de trigo con el mismo flavor (Launchbaugh y Provenza, 1993). La generalización de la aversión se mantuvo al incorporar el aroma a canela en harina de soja (Launchbaugh y Provenza, 1993). El objetivo del presente estudio fue crear aversión condicionada a un concentrado utilizando aromas y LiCl, a fin de evaluar la capacidad del ganado ovino de generalizar la aversión a otros alimentos con un mismo aroma
Perspectives of Dairy Employees at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Health Risks and Educational Needs
Our objective was to understand dairy employees\u27 perceptions and educational needs at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A bilingual (English and Spanish), anonymous survey targeted at dairy employees was circulated nationwide via university and allied industry media outlets. Responses (n = 63) from 11 states were received (May–Sep. 2020). Respondents worked in herds ranging from 50 to 40,000 animals in size. Dairy managers (33%) responded mostly to the English survey (52%), whereas entry-level workers (67%) chose the Spanish format (76%). Survey results highlighted different perspectives, educational needs, and preferred sources of information between English- and Spanish-speaking dairy workers. Overall, 83% of the respondents were somewhat concerned or very concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents (51%) indicated that their main concern was “to bring the virus from work to home and make my family sick.” Most dairy employees (83%) perceived that their employers were somewhat or very concerned about the pandemic. Respondents (65%) indicated that COVID-19 informative training was provided at the workplace, but training was more frequently undertaken among dairy managers (86%) than entry-level workers (53%). Most trainings (72%) were limited to posters on walls. The preferred means of information delivery was through in-person meetings at work (35%), with YouTube (29%) and on-demand videos (27%) as second and third options. The main source of information regarding the pandemic was social media (52%). Frequent handwashing (81%), limiting on-farm visits (70%), limiting agglomeration in break rooms (65%), hand sanitizer use (60%), and social distancing (60%) were the most common safety measures implemented at the workplace among the options given to respondents. Few respondents (38%) indicated that face-covering was required at work. Successful emergency plans on dairies should consider the outreach needs and preferences of dairy workers
Perspective of Dairy Producers from California, Idaho, South Dakota, and Washington: Health and Business Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic During the Second Wave
The aim of this study was to document California, Idaho, South Dakota, and Washington dairy producers\u27 perspectives on the health and business implications of COVID-19 during the pandemic second wave. Dairy producers were reached by a 14-question anonymous mail survey during June and July of 2020. We obtained 226 responses (response rate: 9.3% CA, 8.6% ID, 31.4%, and 10.0% WA). Responses were grouped by state (CA: 48.7%, ID: 15.9%, SD: 21.7%, or WA: 13.7%) and dairy size [based on number of cows; small (\u3c100): 14.1%, medium (100–499): 27.7%, medium-large (500–1,999): 33.2%, or large (≥2,000): 25.0%]. Survey responses were summarized, and multiple correspondence analysis was used to map responses and identify data clusters. At the time of the survey, some respondents suspected (3%) or had confirmed (9%) COVID-19 cases on their premises. Respondents were somewhat or very concerned about the health (75%) and business (92%) implications associated with COVID-19. Producers were concerned about the health of their families, employees, and employees\u27 families; having to reduce production; workforce shortage; limited goods availability; and lack of services. Producers perceived that their employees were somewhat or very concerned (74%) with the pandemic. There was COVID-19 safety information or training provided (78%) or intended (4%) in English (22%), Spanish (23%), or both (55%). The focus of training was as follows: how to remain healthy at work (91%) and at home (60%), what to do if a worker gets sick (77%), and sick leave information (54%). Nevertheless, 18% of the respondents answered that training was not going to be provided. The following control measures implemented: providing hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes (78%), instruction on frequent hand-washing (76%), social distancing (59%), prevention of employee gatherings (54%), providing and requiring the use of face masks (49%), and limiting on-farm visitors (44%). Multiple correspondence analysis showed that concern with health risk and business impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as mitigation and response strategies implemented, varied based on respondent\u27s dairy size and state. The greatest concerns were reported by producers from California and large and medium-large dairies, whereas the fewest concerns were reported by producers from small dairies. Results from this survey highlighted the health and business concerns of dairy producers from California, Idaho, South Dakota, and Washington during the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation efforts adopted. In conclusion, mitigation measures were adopted by most dairy producers but in various degrees. Dairy industry service providers and educators were secondary educational resources during the pandemic; thus, future efforts toward centralized access to dairy specific bilingual educational materials are suggested
Aplicació de l'aversió condicionada a l'olivera en cabres
Cada dia l'agricultura incorpora noves pràctiques més respectuoses amb el medi ambient intentant aprofitar millor els recursos naturals i preservar-los de cara al futur. En el cas de l'oliverar, l'erosió que pateix el sòl, a causa de les pràctiques tradicionals de conreu, ha propiciat la implantació de cobertes vegetals que es controlen mitjançant l'ús de maquinària, o bé amb herbicides. L'inconvenient que comporten aquestes pràctiques i la inquietud per pràctiques més sostenibles han afavorit l'estudi de l'ús de bestiar per pasturar els camps d'oliveres. L'inconvenient és que les fulles de les oliveres són un aliment molt atractiu per a cabres i ovelles i poden malmetre l'arbre. Amb la finalitat que les cabres rebutgin menjar fulles d'olivera, es planteja la possibilitat de modificar el seu comportament alimentari, utilitzant diferents dosis de clorur de liti (LiCl), 175 mg LiCl/kg PV i 200 mg LiCl/kg PV. Els resultats obtinguts en cabres murcianogranadines mostren la possibilitat de generar aversió a les fulles d'olivera, que es va mantenir durant catorze mesos. L'aversió va ser més efectiva en el cas de les cabres que van rebre la dosi de 200 mg LiCl/kg PV
Creación y persistencia de la aversión condicionada a hojas de vid en ovino. Aplicación al pastoreo de viñedos en primavera
El pastoreo en viñedos se ve limitado por el daño que las ovejas pueden provocar en el cultivo, dada la alta palatabilidad de las hojas de vid. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue crear aversión a hojas de vid y evaluar su persistencia en ovejas (Manchega, n = 12; Lacaune, n = 12) durante tres años. El estudio incluyó la creación y validación de la aversión en condiciones experimentales en el primer año y en pastoreo en viñedos comerciales los años dosytres. Lostratamientos consistieron en ovejas avertidas (AV, 225 mg LiCl/kg PV) y ovejas control (C, tratadas con agua). Durante el año uno la aversión se validó (30 min/prueba) en el aprisco y en viña simulada. Los siguientes años, las ovejas AV pastaron dos viñedos comerciales con cubierta espontánea (viñedo A y B). El tratamiento con LiCl dio lugar a que las ovejas AV rechazaran consumir las hojas de vid (AV vs. C; 0 vs. 95 ± 5 g/d). En los viñedos comerciales, las ovejas AV redujeron la materia seca de la cubierta vegetal en un 68 ± 8% y 44 ± 4% para A y B respectivamente. Sin embargo, cuando la cubierta fue poco palatable y escasa, las ovejas AV empezaron a consumir las hojas y brotes de vid,siendo necesaria una nueva dosis de LiCl (A, 100%; B, 50% ovejas). En conclusión, la AV fue una herramienta efectiva para controlar la cubierta vegetal del viñedo en primavera,siendo necesaria una supervisión de los animales