51 research outputs found

    Comparison of ferment sugars, produce hemolysis and measuring growth in methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus isolates from inpatients and healthcare workers in Gorgan Hospitals, North of Iran

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    The mec A gene in Staphylococcus aureus leads to production of new penicillin-binding protein called PBP2a.This change may follow some changes in other phenotypes. The aim of this study was the comparison of Ferment Sugars, Produce Hemolysis and Measuring Growth in MRSA and MSSA isolates. 188 Staphylococcus aureus isolates separated from inpatients and healthcare workers (healthy carriers)were studied.Bacterialcultures in blood agar environment at 37°C during 24h and at 4°C during other 24h were applied for studying hemolysis. Sugar fermentation carried out in phenol red Broth medium, containing glucose, galactose, arabinose, fructose, xylose, ramnose, mannose, sucrose, trehalose, raffinose or maltose. For determining bacterial growth,bacterial concentration of 103was taken each hour during 12 cultured in MHAand colonies were counted after 24h.The mean amount of hemolysis diameter in MRSA isolates was rather more than that of MSSA isolates. The difference between MRSA and MSSA isolates were significant as to fermenting ramnose, trehalose, galactose and xylose. The mean rate of growth in MRSAwere significantly different from that of MSSAisolates (p<0.05).Resistance to methicillin in Staphylococcus aureus isolates accompanies the increase of ability to ferment sugars. This phenomenon may be one of reasons for increased pathogenicity of MRSA isolates; So results shows the logarithmic phase is longer in MRSA isolates, This may implicate that PBP2a production in methicillin-resistant isolates follows slowing down nutrients entrance into the bacterium that in turn may causes slow growth

    Factors Affecting Minor Psychiatric Disorder in Southern Iranian Nurses: A Latent Class Regression Analysis

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    Background: Mental health is one of the most important dimensions of life and its quality. Minor Psychiatric Disorder as a type of mental health problem is prevalent among health workers. Nursing is considered to be one of the most stressful occupations. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of minor psychiatric disorder and its associated factors among nurses in southern Iran. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 771 nurses working in 20 cities of Bushehr and Fars provinces in southern Iran. Participants were recruited through multi-stage sampling during 2014. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used for screening of minor psychiatric disorder in nurses. Latent Class Regression was used to analyze the data. Results: The prevalence of minor psychiatric disorder among nurses was estimated to be 27.5%. Gender and sleep disorders were significant factors in determining the level of minor psychiatric disorder (P Values of 0.04 and < 0.001, respectively). Female nurses were 20% more likely than males to be classified into the minor psychiatric disorder group. Conclusions: The results of this study provide information about the prevalence of minor psychiatric disorder among nurses, and factors, which affect the prevalence of such disorders. These findings can be used in strategic planning processes to improve nurses’ mental health

    Educational achievement of children with selected major congenital anomalies and associated factors: a Finnish registry-based study

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. BACKGROUND: Children with major congenital anomalies may be at risk of poor educational outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the educational achievement of children born with major congenital anomalies compared with children without major congenital anomalies in relation to sociodemographic factors. METHODS: We performed a registry-based study including 401 544 children in Finland, graduates of the compulsory school who applied to secondary education. We used health data from the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations for children born from 1995 to 2002 linked with education data from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. We used generalized linear regression to compare the mean grade differences of children with specific major congenital anomalies and \u27All anomalies\u27 subgroup (major congenital anomalies, chromosomal syndromes, and multiple anomalies) with reference children. RESULTS: Children with major congenital anomalies were less likely to apply for further education than reference children (88.0% vs. 96.8%; odds ratio = 4.13; 95% confidence interval, 3.92-4.36). For most non-chromosomal congenital anomalies, children born with congenital anomalies had similar educational achievement to the reference children. For the \u27All anomalies\u27 subgroup, children with congenital anomalies had lower educational achievement than reference children. Among children with congenital anomalies, male sex, lower maternal educational levels and younger maternal age were associated with lower educational achievement. CONCLUSIONS: For children applying to further education, most non-chromosomal congenital anomalies were not associated with lower educational achievement. Nevertheless, efforts are needed to improve educational achievement in children with major congenital anomalies associated with maternal sociodemographic background

    Nanotechnology and global energy demand: challenges and prospects for a paradigm shift in the oil and gas industry.

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    The exploitation of new hydrocarbon discoveries in meeting the present global energy demand is a function of the availability and application of new technologies. The relevance of new technologies is borne out of the complex subsurface architecture and conditions of offshore petroleum plays. Conventional techniques, from drilling to production, for exploiting these discoveries may require adaption for such subsurface conditions as they fail under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. The oil and gas industry over the past decades has witnessed increased research into the use of nanotechnology with great promise for drilling operations, enhanced oil recovery, reservoir characterization, production, etc. The prospect for a paradigm shift towards the application of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry is constrained by evolving challenges with its progression. This paper gave a review of developments from nano-research in the oil and gas industry, challenges and recommendations

    Determinants of patient satisfaction with ultrasound-assisted liposuction

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    Background: Liposuction is one of the most common aesthetic procedures and a number of options are available to practitioners in terms of surgical technique. One of those options is ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), which has garnered considerable attention in the literature and from patients themselves. Because the role of ultrasound in body sculpting is continuing to increase over time, the authors believe that a comprehensive assessment of patient satisfaction after the procedure is essential. Currently, there are very few reports in the literature examining patient satisfaction with UAL, and to the authors' knowledge, no reports in the literature have successfully outlined the determinants and predictors of long-term satisfaction with the procedure. Objective: The authors examine the correlates and predictors of patient satisfaction after UAL. Methods: The authors conducted a prospective cross-sectional study on 609 consecutive patients who underwent UAL from 2002 to 2008. One hundred and sixty (54) out of 300 patients with whom the authors could make contact agreed to answer a standardized questionnaire regarding their overall satisfaction. Results: Nearly 80 of the patients were completely or mostly satisfied with UAL. Seventy-five percent reported that they had or would recommend UAL to others. Women (P =.009), patients who did not gain weight after their UAL procedure (P <.001), patients who were content with their body appearance (P <.001), patients whose dress sizes decreased after UAL (P =.001), and patients with confidence in their body (P <.001) showed statistically significant higher rates of satisfaction with UAL. Among these correlates, confidence in body (odds ratio OR = 24.4; 95% confidence interval CI: 6.8-83.3) and contentment with body appearance (OR = 5.5; 95% CI: 1.5-19.4) were found to be reliable independent predictors of patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Most patients were satisfied with UAL, but certain patient responses were more highly correlated with overall satisfaction than others and therefore can be considered predictors of long-term patient satisfaction with this procedure. The results of this study may provide plastic surgeons with valuable clues that can enhance preoperative planning and therefore enable further improvement of patients' satisfaction with UAL. © 2010 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc

    Moving out of the box:a holiday house in North of Iran

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    Iran also called as Persia, with the area of almost 1.5 million square meters, and a population of more than 75 million people, with the civilization dating back to almost 5000 years ago, with a long history in Art and Architecture, has been experiencing rapid social and historical changes during the time, From secular modernism to traditionalized transitions. Various changes in many fields within time have been a key factor for influencing the social and daily life of the people. In other words, History of architecture in Iran has been clearly reflecting sociocultural aspects of people’s life. There used to be an apparent harmony and balance between the cultural needs of people and the diagrammatic features and spatial arrangements of architecture. Despite all these remarkably valuable characteristics, the contemporary architecture of Iran has been recently walking on the edge line, meaning that it is losing the connection to its unique context. ‘Moving out of the box’ is a study aiming to Design one holiday house according to sociocultural needs of one Iranian family and also an approach for the reestablishment of some local and traditional architectural features

    Improvement of production and quality of essential oils in multi-cut peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) through eco-friendly fertilizers in the semi-arid highlands

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    The semi-arid highlands offer favorable temperature and radiation conditions for cultivating medicinal plants organically. This practice not only supports the sustainability of the ecosystems in these regions but also presents a valuable opportunity for the production of medicinal plants. Peppermint, a highly sought-after medicinal plant, presents a favorable choice for farmers residing in semi-arid regions due to its versatile applications across various industries. To assess the biomass and essential oil (EO) of peppermint, the utilization of diverse fertilizer sources across different cuttings has been examined. The experimental treatments consisted of four fertilizer sources including poultry manure (POM), sheep manure (SHM), cattle manure (CAM), and chemical fertilizers (CHF), and different cuttings, namely first cutting (CUT1), second cutting (CUT2) and third cutting (CUT3). Plants treated with POM and SHM gave the highest biomass in CUT1 and CUT2, respectively. The nutrient content (macro- and micro-) raised with the application of POM and SHM. The highest EO content was recorded in POM treatment and CUT2. Plants amended with POM had the greatest EO yield in three cuttings. The major EO constituents were menthol (35.2%-58.3%), menthone (3.1%–33.6%), menthyl acetate (1.1%-9.4%), iso- menthone (0.41%-8.8%), with the highest percentages of these compounds reached in treatments with organic manures in various cuttings. High-quality EOs (high menthol and low menthoufuran content) were obtained with organic manure treatments in three cuttings. Plants amended with POM, CHF and CHF showed the highest antioxidant capacity of EO in CUT1, CUT2 and CUT3, respectively. Overall, the usage of POM and SHM can be recommended for increasing biomass and improving the quality of peppermint EO during the growth season, while maintaining ecosystem sustainability by replacing chemical fertilizers in the semi-arid highlands

    Badanie wpływu właściwości skał na prędkość wiercenia przy zastosowaniu metod statystycznych i inteligentnych: studium przypadku: szyb naftowy w południowo-zachodniej części Iranu

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    Rate of penetration (ROP) is one of the key indicators of drilling operation performance. The estimation of ROP in drilling engineering is very important in terms of more accurate assessment of drilling time which affects operation costs. Hence, estimation of a ROP model using operational and environmental parameters is crucial. For this purpose, firstly physical and mechanical properties of rock were derived from well logs. Correlation between the pair data were determined to find influential parameters on ROP. A new ROP model has been developed in one of the Azadegan oil field wells in southwest of Iran. The model has been simulated using Multiple Nonlinear Regression (MNR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). By adding the rock properties, the estimation of the models were precisely improved. The results of simulation using MNR and ANN methods showed correlation coefficients of 0.62 and 0.87, respectively. It was concluded that the performance of ANN model in ROP prediction is fairly better than MNR method.Prędkość wiercenia jest jednym z podstawowych parametrów charakteryzujących tempo prac wiertniczych. Oszacowanie prędkości wiercenia jest zagadnieniem kluczowym dla inżynierów wiertnictwa, gdyż pozwala na dokładne określenie czasu trwania prac, a co za tym idzie także kosztów operacyjnych. Szacowanie prędkości wiercenia odbywa się na podstawie modelu uwzględniającego parametry pracy oraz parametry środowiskowe. Pierwszy krok obejmuje pozyskanie danych o fizycznych i mechanicznych właściwościach skał na podstawie profilowania geofizycznego otworu. Zastosowano korelację odpowiednich par danych dla pokreślenie wpływu głównych czynników warunkujących prędkość wiercenia. Nowy model obliczania prędkości wiercenia opracowany został w okręgu naftowym Azadegan w południowo-zachodniej części Iranu. Symulacje prowadzono w oparciu o metodę wielokrotnej regresji nieliniowej a także przy wykorzystaniu sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Poprzez dodanie danych o właściwościach skał, model został znacznie udoskonalony. Wyniki symulacji prowadzonych w oparciu o powyższe metody wykazały współczynniki korelacji na poziomie 0.62 i 0.87. Stwierdzono, że metoda wykorzystująca sztuczne sieci neuronowe daje dokładniejsze szacunki prędkości wiercenia niż podejście bazujące wyłącznie na metodzie obliczania regresji nieliniowe