80 research outputs found

    Integrated optics for astronomical interferometry. I. Concept and astronomical applications

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    We propose a new instrumental concept for long-baseline optical single-mode interferometry using integrated optics which were developed for telecommunication. Visible and infrared multi-aperture interferometry requires many optical functions (spatial filtering, beam combination, photometric calibration, polarization control) to detect astronomical signals at very high angular resolution. Since the 80's, integrated optics on planar substrate have become available for telecommunication applications with multiple optical functions like power dividing, coupling, multiplexing, etc. We present the concept of an optical / infrared interferometric instrument based on this new technology. The main advantage is to provide an interferometric combination unit on a single optical chip. Integrated optics are compact, provide stability, low sensitivity to external constrains like temperature, pressure or mechanical stresses, no optical alignment except for coupling, simplicity and intrinsic polarization control. The integrated optics devices are inexpensive compared to devices that have the same functionalities in bulk optics. We think integrated optics will fundamentally change single-mode interferometry. Integrated optics devices are in particular well-suited for interferometric combination of numerous beams to achieve aperture synthesis imaging or for space-based interferometers where stability and a minimum of optical alignments are wished.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accpeted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Serie

    The interferometric baselines and GRAVITY astrometric error budget

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    GRAVITY is a new generation beam combination instrument for the VLTI. Its goal is to achieve microarsecond astrometric accuracy between objects separated by a few arcsec. This 10610^6 accuracy on astrometric measurements is the most important challenge of the instrument, and careful error budget have been paramount during the technical design of the instrument. In this poster, we will focus on baselines induced errors, which is part of a larger error budget.Comment: SPIE Meeting 2014 -- Montrea

    High spatial resolution monitoring of the activity of BA supergiant winds

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    There are currently two optical interferometry recombiners that can provide spectral resolutions better than 10000, AMBER/VLTI operating in the H-K bands, and VEGA/CHARA, recently commissioned, operating in the visible. These instruments are well suited to study the wind activity of the brightest AB supergiants in our vicinity, in lines such as Hα\alpha or BrGamma. We present here the first observations of this kind, performed on Rigel (B8Ia) and Deneb (A2Ia). Rigel was monitored by AMBER in two campaigns, in 2006-2007 and 2009-2010, and observed in 2009 by VEGA; whereas Deneb was monitored in 2008-2009 by VEGA. The extension of the Halpha and BrGamma line forming regions were accurately measured and compared with CMFGEN models of both stars. Moreover, clear signs of activity were observed in the differential visibility and phases. These pioneer observations are still limited, but show the path for a better understanding of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of localized ejections using optical interferometry.Comment: Proceedings of conf. IAUS272 - Active OB stars - Paris, July 19-23, 201

    Characterization of integrated optics components for the second generation of VLTI instruments

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    Two of the three instruments proposed to ESO for the second generation instrumentation of the VLTI would use integrated optics for beam combination. Several design are studied, including co-axial and multi-axial recombination. An extensive quantity of combiners are therefore under test in our laboratories. We will present the various components, and the method used to validate and compare the different combiners. Finally, we will discuss the performances and their implication for both VSI and Gravity VLTI instruments.Comment: SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation 2008 in Marseille, France -- Equation (7) update

    The compact Hα emitting regions of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 179218 and HD 141569 from CHARA spectro-interferometry

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    This work presents CHARA/VEGA Hα spectro-interferometry (R ∌ 6000, and λ/2B ∌ 1 mas) of HD 179218 and HD 141569, doubling the sample of Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars for which this type of observations is available so far. The observed Hα emission is spatially unresolved, indicating that the size of the Hα emitting region is smaller than ∌0.21 and 0.12 au for HD 179218 and HD 141529 (∌15 and 16 R*, respectively). This is smaller than for the two other HAeBes previously observed with the same instrumentation. Two different scenarios have been explored in order to explain the compact line emitting regions. A hot, several thousand K, blackbody disc is consistent with the observations of HD 179218 and HD 141569. Magnetospheric accretion (MA) is able to reproduce the bulk of the Hα emission shown by HD 179218, confirming previous estimates from MA shock modelling with a mass accretion rate of 10−8 M⊙ yr−1, and an inclination to the line of sight between 30∘ and 50∘. The Hα profile of HD 141569 cannot be fitted from MA due to the high rotational velocity of this object. Putting the CHARA sample together, a variety of scenarios is required to explain the Hα emission in HAeBe stars – compact or extended, discs, accretion, and winds – in agreement with previous BrÎł spectro-interferometric observations

    Integrated optics for astronomical interferometry - VI. Coupling the light of the VLTI in K band

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    Our objective is to prove that integrated optics (IO) is not only a good concept for astronomical interferometry but also a working technique with high performance. We used the commissioning data obtained with the dedicated K-band integrated optics two-telescope beam combiner which now replaces the fiber coupler MONA in the VLTI/VINCI instrument. We characterize the behaviour of this IO device and compare its properties to other single mode beam combiner like the previously used MONA fiber coupler. The IO combiner provides a high optical throughput, a contrast of 89% with a night-to-night stability of a few percent. Even if a dispersive phase is present, we show that it does not bias the measured Fourier visibility estimate. An upper limit of 0.005 for the cross-talk between linear polarization states has been measured. We take advantage of the intrinsic contrast stability to test a new astronomical prodecure for calibrating diameters of simple stars by simultaneously fitting the instrumental contrast and the apparent stellar diameters. This method reaches an accuracy with diameter errors of the order of previous ones but without the need of an already known calibrator. These results are an important step of integrated optics and paves the road to incoming imaging interferometer projects

    Characterizing closure-phase measurements at IOTA

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    We are working towards imaging the surfaces and circumstellar envelopes of Mira stars in the near-infrared, using the IOTA interferometer and the IONIC integrated-optics 3-beam combiner. In order to study atmospheric structures of these stars, we installed 3 narrow-band filters that subdivide H-band into 3 roughly equal-width sub-bands - a central one for continuum, and 2 adjacent ones to sample Mira star's (mostly water) absorption-bands. We present here our characterization of the IOTA 3-Telescope interferometer for closure-phase measurements with broad and narrow-band filters in the H atmospheric window. This includes characterizing the stability, chromaticity, and polarization effects of the present IOTA optics with the IONIC beam-combiner, and characterizing the accuracy of our closure phase measurements

    The GRAVITY instrument software / High-level software

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    GRAVITY is the four-beam, near- infrared, AO-assisted, fringe tracking, astrometric and imaging instrument for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). It is requiring the development of one of the most complex instrument software systems ever built for an ESO instrument. Apart from its many interfaces and interdependencies, one of the most challenging aspects is the overall performance and stability of this complex system. The three infrared detectors and the fast reflective memory network (RMN) recorder contribute a total data rate of up to 20 MiB/s accumulating to a maximum of 250 GiB of data per night. The detectors, the two instrument Local Control Units (LCUs) as well as the five LCUs running applications under TAC (Tools for Advanced Control) architecture, are interconnected with fast Ethernet, RMN fibers and dedicated fiber connections as well as signals for the time synchronization. Here we give a simplified overview of all subsystems of GRAVITY and their interfaces and discuss two examples of high-level applications during observations: the acquisition procedure and the gathering and merging of data to the final FITS file.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Proc. SPIE 9146, Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 91462
