635 research outputs found

    Multivariate methods for genetic association testing for immune traits in maternal pig breeds

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    In pig breeding immune traits are considered to serve as potential biomarkers for pig’s health-competence. A limited number of published studies indicate medium to high heritabilities (h2) for several immune traits. Genetic variance and covariance components of immune traits were estimated in chapter 3 to examine the quantitative genetic background of these traits. For this purpose, blood samples were collected for Landrace (LR) (n=611) and Large White (LW) (n=544) piglets and their biological dams (n=298, 272, respectively) in a short period around birth. Immune profile was covered by 22 traits including immune cells, red blood cell characteristics, and cytokines. Maternal impacts on piglet’s immune profile were investigated as well as close phenotypic and genetic-based relationships in a multivariate approach. Immune traits showed low to high breed-specific h2. Strong positive genetic correlations (rg) were estimated among red blood cell characteristics (0.77 to 0.99) as well as among cytokines (0.48 to 0.99). The litter impact on piglet’s immunity was examined and strengthened already observed breed differences. In LR h2 (0.22 to 0.15) and litter effect (c2) (0.52 to 0.44) for IFN-Îł decreased after statistical consideration of maternal impact. In LW a decrease in h2 (0.32 to 0.18) for IFN-Îł and an increase in c2(0.54 to 0.56) was observed. The development of selection strategies requires deep investigations with appropriate statistical genome-wide association study approaches to explore the joint genetic foundation for health biomarkers. Consideration of previously established rg between immune traits were used to identify pleiotropic genetic markers. For this reason, several univariate (uv) and multivariate (mv) genetic association testing methods were applied on immune traits in chapter 4. Mv GWAS approaches detected 647 associations for different mv immune trait combinations that were summarized to 133 quantitative trait loci (QTL). SNPs for different trait combinations (n=66) were detected with more than one mv method. Most of these SNPs are associated with red blood cell related immune trait combinations. With uv methods shared markers were not observed between the breeds, whereas mv approaches were able to detect two conjoint SNPs for LR and LW. Most immune traits are heritable and are promising to cover global breed-specific immunocompetence in animals. With uv and mv approaches, the joint genetic background of immune traits was demonstrated by revealing immune relevant potential candidate genes. Investigated traits can be used to gain a breeding-based health improvement in piglets whereby special attention has to be laid on the relationship between immunocompetence and further performance characteristics.Multivariate genetische Assoziationsstudien von Immunmerkmalen bei Schweinen aus Reinzuchtlinien In der Schweinezucht werden Immunmerkmale als potenzielle Bioindikatoren der Gesundheitskompetenz betrachtet. In einer begrenzten Anzahl von Veröffentlichungen wurden fĂĽr eine Reihe von Immunmerkmalen mittlere bis hohe Heritabilitäten (h2) geschätzt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden, wie in Kapitel 3 beschrieben, genetische Varianz- und Kovarianzkomponenten geschätzt. Dazu wurden in einem kurzen Zeitraum um die Geburt Blutproben von Landrasse (n=611) und Large White (n=544) Ferkeln und ihren biologischen MĂĽttern (n=298 bzw. 272) entnommen. Das Immunprofil wurde durch 22 Merkmale einschlieĂźlich Immunzellen, Erythrozyten-Charakteristika und Zytokinen abgedeckt. Die Auswirkungen der Mutter auf das Immunprofil des Ferkels sowie vorherrschende, enge, phänotypische und genetische Beziehungen wurden in einem multivariaten (mv) Ansatz untersucht. Immunmerkmale zeigten niedriges bis hohes rassespezifische h2. Es wurden starke positive genetische Korrelationen (rg) zwischen den Merkmalen der roten Blutkörperchen (0,77 bis 0,99) sowie zwischen den Zytokinen (0,48 bis 0,99) geschätzt. Der Wurfumwelteffekt (c2 auf die Immunität der Ferkel wurde untersucht und verstärkte bereits beobachtete Rassenunterschiede. In LR betrugen die h2 (0,22 bis 0,15) und c2 (0,52 bis 0,44) fĂĽr IFN-γ nach statistischer BerĂĽcksichtigung des maternalen Effekts. Bei LW wurde eine Abnahme von h2 (0,32 bis 0,18) und eine Zunahme von c2 (0,54 bis 0,56) beobachtet. Die in Kapitel 3 festgestellten rg wurden zur Identifikation von pleiotropen, genetischen Markern genutzt. Aus diesem Grund wurden verschiedene univariate (uv) und mv genetische Ansätze angewendet. Deren Anwendbarkeit und Aussagefähigkeit wurden in Kapitel 4 untereinander empirisch verglichen. Mv Ansätze detektierten 647 Assoziationen fĂĽr verschiedene Immunmerkmalskombinationen, wovon 66 SNPs mit mehr als einer mv Methode nachgewiesen werden konnten. Mit uv Methoden wurden keine gemeinsamen Marker zwischen den Rassen beobachtet, während mv Ansätze zwei gemeinsame SNPs zwischen LR und LW aufweisen konnten. FĂĽr die meisten Immunmerkmale wurde eine moderate bis hohe, rassespezifische h2 festgestellt. Mit uv und mv Ansätzen konnte der gemeinsame genetische Hintergrund von Immunmerkmalen untersucht und potenzielle, immunrelevante Kandidatengene aufgedeckt werden. Immunmerkmale können zu einer zĂĽchterischen Verbesserung der Gesundheit von Ferkeln beitragen. Hierbei sollten allerdings die Beziehungen der Immunmerkmale zu weiteren Leistungsmerkmalen in Betracht gezogen werden

    Visuelle und neuronale Verarbeitung von Emotionen

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    Die Kombination von Eyetracking und fMRI in den Neurowissenschaften ist eine relativ neue Methode, die einerseits eine technische Herauforderung darstellt, andererseits neue Möglichkeiten des Zugangs zu neuronalen Prozessen darbietet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden durch Kombination beider Methoden Prozesse der neuronalen und visuellen Verarbeitung von Emotionen untersucht. Zunächst wurde die Rolle von verschiedenen Gehirnregionen innerhalb des emotionalen Netzwerks sowie die Frage nach der Lateralität der emotionalen Verarbeitung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die neuronale Antwort in den unterschiedlichen Regionen in erster Linie die Anforderungen an die jeweilige funktionelle Einheit spiegelt. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen von visueller Verarbeitung wurden die einzelnen spezifischen Blickbewegungsmuster für Emotionen Angst, Ekel und Freude erstmals charakterisiert. Es wurden auch Habituationseffekte auf die beschriebenen Blickbewegungsmuster untersucht. Die gemeinsame Analyse beider Datensätze zeigte, dass zwischen visuellen und neuronalen Prozessen eine enge qualitative Interaktion besteht. Es wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Betrachtungsdauer und der tiefe der Verarbeitung nachgewiesen

    Neisseria meningitidis Has Two Independent Modes of Recognizing Its Human Receptor CEACAM1

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    BACKGROUND: Several human-restricted gram-negative bacteria exploit carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs) for host colonization. For example, Neisseria meningitidis engages these human receptors via outer membrane proteins of the colony opacity-associated (Opa) protein family triggering internalization into non-phagocytic cells. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We report that a non-opaque strain of N. meningitidis selectively interacts with CEACAM1, but not other CEACAM family members. Using functional assays of bacterial adhesion and internalisation, microscopic analysis, and a panel of CEACAM1 deletion mutants we demonstrate that the engagement of CEACAM1 by non-opaque meningococci occurs in a manner distinct from Opa protein-mediated association. In particular, the amino-terminal domain of CEACAM1 is necessary, but not sufficient for Opa protein-independent binding, which requires multiple extracellular domains of the human receptor in a cellular context. Knock-down of CEACAM1 interferes with binding to lung epithelial cells, whereas chemical or pharmacological disruption of host protein glycosylation does not abrogate CEACAM1 recognition by non-opaque meningococci. The previously characterized meningococcal invasins NadA or Opc do not operate in a CEACAM1-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate a mechanistically distinct, Opa protein-independent interaction between N. meningitidis and human CEACAM1. Our functional investigations suggest the presence of a second CEACAM1-binding invasin on the meningococcal surface that associates with the protein backbone and not the carbohydrate structures of CEACAM1. The redundancy in meningococcal CEACAM1-binding factors further highlights the important role of CEACAM recognition in the biology of this human-adapted pathogen

    Motor Skill Improvement in Preschoolers: How Effective Are Activity Cards?

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    Strategies to early develop and implement motor skill promotion in preschoolers are lacking. Thus, we examined the effects of a card-based exercise promotion program in a kindergarten setting. 214 preschool children (5.5 ± 0.6 y, range 4.2–6.7 y) were examined in the present intervention study. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were measured. Children were randomly assigned to the KIDZ-Box® physical activity intervention program (INT: n = 107) or the control group (CON: n = 107). Children were trained daily for 15 min over 7 month at the preschool for agility, balance, endurance and jump performance, employing the card-based KIDZ-Box® media package. At pre- and post-testing, dynamic balance, jump and agility performance were tested. Cross-sectionally, agility testing differed between sexes (p = 0.01) and BMI (p = 0.02). Trends towards a significant association were found between BMI and side-to-side jumping (p = 0.1) and beam balancing (p = 0.05). Relevant interventional effects favoring the intervention group were slightly found for agility (p = 0.04, ηp2 = 0.02) and moderately for side-to-side jumping (p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.08). Balance performance did not relevantly improve. As jumping cards have been used frequently by the teachers, jumping improvements are plausible. The activity cards are feasibly applicable but should be employed with more structure during longer training sessions

    Sensorische, ernährungsphysiologische und rheologische Eigenshaften der Vorarlberger Bergkäse

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Vorarlberger Bergkäse, g.U. (de: g.U. = geschützter Ursprung; engl: PDO = protected designation of origin) untersucht. Zuerst wurde eine Literaturrecherche über die Produktion, Zusammensetzung und bisherige Studien über die Sensorik von Käse durchgeführt. Im praktischen Teil wurden 4 sechs Monate alte PDO-Vorarlberger Bergkäse sensorisch, chemisch und rheologisch untersucht und miteinander sowie mit einem österreichischem Bergkäse, der kein PDO-Produkt war, verglichen. Die sensorische Untersuchung der Käse wurde in Form einer Quantitativen Deskriptiven Analyse durchgeführt, bei welcher festgestellt wurde, dass der charakteristische Bergkäsegruch und –Flavour und der Milchfettgeruch und –Flavour die dominantesten Attribute waren, während die Grundgeschmacksrichtungen geringer ausgeprägt waren. Alle untersuchten pdo-Bergkäse unterschieden sich signifikant durch ihre individuellen Noten. Der Referenzkäse unterschied sich einerseits durch die geringere Ausprägung der meisten Geruchs- und Flavourattribute verglichen mit den PDO-Käsen und andererseits durch eine signifikant härtere und gummiartigere Textur. Die gefunden Unterschiede in der Textur wurden bei der Textur-Profil-Analyse quantifiziert. Bei der chemischen Analyse wurden die Parameter Trockensubstanzgehalt, Fettgehalt, F.i.T.-Wert (Fettgehalt in der Trockensubstanz), Fettsäureprofil, Wff-Wert (Wasser in der fettfreien Käsemassse), Salzgehalt, SW-Wert und pH-Wert ermittelt. Unterschiede zwischen den PDO-Bergkäsen und dem Referezkäse wurden beim Trockensubstanzgehalt (Referenzkäse: 70,74%; PDO Käse: 66,16%) und beim Wff-Wert (Referenzkäse: 45,59%; PDO Käse: 51,23%) deutlich. Die PDO-Käse wiesen sowohl einen signifikant geringeren Salzgehalt (Referenzkäse: 2,27%; PDO Käse: 1,48%) als auch einen geringeren SW-Wert (Referenzkäse: 7,59; PDO Käse: 4,37) auf, sowie einen geringeren pH-Wert als der Referenzkäse (Referenzkäse: 5,56; PDO Käse: 5,40). Beim Fettgehalt und beim Fettsäuremuster waren die Unterschiede zwischen PDO-Käse und Referenzkäse gering, jedoch enthielten die PDO-Bergkäse signifikant weniger gesättigte Fettsäuren und mehr einfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren als der Referenzkäse. Die untersuchten Käse enthielten einen relativ hohen Anteil an ω3. Das Verhältnis von ω6 zu ω3 Fettsäuren die den PDO-Käsen unterschied sich nicht signifikant von dem des Referenzkäses.The intention of this study was to make an informative portrait of Vorarlberger Bergkäse, an alpine cheese of protected designation of origin. For this purpose first a literature research about the production, composition and former studies of the sensory properties of cheese was made. In the practical part 4 PDO-alpine cheeses at the age of six months were under examination in a sensoric, chemical and rheological way. They were compared to each other and to a reference cheese, which was either an austrian alpine cheese of six months, but not a PDO-product. For sensory examination was used a Quantitative Descripitve Analysis. It was figured out that each of the analysed PDO-cheeses had significantly different sensory propertiers but in all the dominant descriptors were alpine cheese flavour and milkfat odour and flavour, whereas the basic tastes were far less intense. Animalic, mushroom and earthy flavour were examples for individual differences of the analysed cheeses. The reference cheese showed less pronounced odour and flavour attributes compared to the PDO-cheeses. It was remarcably harder and had a more rubbery texture.The differences in texture were quantified at the Texture Profile Analysis. At the chemical examination the parameters dry matter, fat content, fat content in dry matter, fatty acid profile, salt content, MNFS-value (Moisture in non fat substance), SM-value (salt in moisture) an pH-value were measured. The differences in the analytical parameters between the PDO-alpine cheeses and the reference cheese were observed in the dry matter (reference cheese: 70,74%; PDO cheese: 66,16%) and the MNFS (reference cheese: 45,59%; PDO cheese: 51,23%). Additionally the PDO-cheeses had a statistically significant lower salt content (reference cheese: 2,27%; PDO cheese: 1,48%), SM-value (reference cheese: 7,59; PDO cheese: 4,37) and pH-value (reference cheese: 5,56; PDO cheese: 5,40). The fat content and the fatty acid profile of the PDO-cheeses and the reference cheese were similar, exept the SFA-content, which was significant lower and the MUFA-content, which was higher in the PDO-cheeses. All analysed alpine cheeses showed a relatively high content of ω3-fatty acids. The ratio of ω6: ω3 fatty acids was either similar and not statistically significant

    Extradyadic stress as a barrier to sexual activity in couples? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis

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    Sexuality is integral to most romantic relationships. Through stress spillover, however, factors such as individually experienced stress outside of the relationship (i.e., extradyadic stress) can negatively impact sexuality. In this study, we explored how a possible (mis)matching of both partners' levels of extradyadic stress is related to sexual activity and tested for gender differences. Analyzing 316 mixed-gender couples from Switzerland, we employed Dyadic Response Surface Analysis to assess how extradyadic stress is associated with sexual activity. Our results showed that extradyadic stress was positively linked to sexual activity for women (in general) and men (in the case of matching stress levels). As this result was surprising, we conducted additional exploratory analyses and split the measure of sexual activity into (1) exchange of affection and (2) eroticism (petting, oral sex, and intercourse) and controlled for age. Results from this second set of analyses showed that for women, matching stress levels were associated with higher exchange of affection, whereas men’s exchange of affection was higher if men reported higher stress levels than women. Notably, after accounting for age, the link between stress and eroticism dissipated. Our findings suggest that exchange of affection may serve as a coping mechanism for stress, with gender influencing this dynamic. However, future research investigating stress and sexual activity should consider additional factors such as age, relationship satisfaction, stressor type, and stress severity

    Couples’ dyadic coping in the context of child-related stressors: A systematic review across three decades

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    The relevance of dyadic coping (DC), a concept how couples cope with stressors together, has been established in different contexts (e.g., daily hassles, mental and physical health) and is related to different outcomes such as relationship satisfaction, relationship quality and stability, psychological well-being, and child behavior. The current systematic review aims at providing an integration of the field of research on couple’s DC with child-related stressors which are understood as demands that arise for couples due to becoming or being parents. DC and related search terms were used for the literature search in PsycINFO, Psyndex, and Medline. We included 55 publications (reporting empirical data on 6,779 couples in total) including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods studies published between 1990 and 2020. We applied a narrative synthesis approach organizing the results around six identified areas of child-related stressors: pregnancy and transition to parenthood, parenting, child mental health, child disability, child chronic physical illness, and child death. Overall, results show the importance of DC for both individual and relationship functioning in the context of child-related stress. Surprisingly, effects of parental DC on child outcomes remained understudied, although the existing studies yield promising results for child adjustment. In conclusion, adapting a “we”-perspective, mutual understanding and support is of importance not only to overcome the stressor but also to grow together as a couple. As DC plays a significant role for couples to cope in a resilient way when facing child-related stressors it should be more promoted in couple- and family counseling and therapy

    Hydrometrocolpos, postaxial polydactyly, and hypothalamic hamartoma in a patient with confirmed Pallister-Hall syndrome: a clinical overlap with McKusick-Kaufman syndrome

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    We present a preterm-born girl with polydactyly of both hands and massive hydrometrocolpos, the latter due to vaginal atresia. This association led initially to the diagnosis of McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (MKKS). However, additional features, including characteristic radiographic findings of the hands and a large hypothalamic tumour, presumably a hamartoma, favoured the diagnosis of Pallister-Hall syndrome (PHS), which was then genetically confirmed by detection of a GLI3 mutation (Q717X). This is the second genetically confirmed case revealing the previously described association of PHS with hydrometrocolpos due to vaginal atresia as a clinical overlap with MKK

    Visual Fixation Durations and Saccade Amplitudes: Shifting Relationship in a Variety of Conditions

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    Is there any relationship between visual fixation durations and saccade amplitudes in free exploration of pictures and scenes? In four experiments with naturalistic stimuli, we compared eye movements during early and late phases of scene perception. Influences of repeated presentation of similar stimuli (Experiment 1), object density (Experiment 2), emotional stimuli (Experiment 3) and mood induction (Experiment 4) were examined. The results demonstrate a systematic increase in the durations of fixations and a decrease for saccadic amplitudes over the time course of scene perception. This relationship was very stable across the variety of studied conditions. It can be interpreted in terms of a shifting balance of the two modes of visual information processing

    Dyadic coping and mental health in couples: A systematic review

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    Globally, one out of three people suffer from a mental health issue during their lifetime. In romantic relationships, impaired mental health does not only affect the individual but also their partner and therefore needs to be coped with dyadically. In this systematic review, we summarize research examining dyadic coping (DC) in the context of mental health and individual and relational outcomes. We searched for peer-reviewed articles published between January 1990 and April 2023 on PsycInfo, Medline, and PSYNDEX on DC and mental health within romantic relationships. A total of 60 qualitative, quantitative, and intervention studies met the inclusion criteria, reporting on 16,394 individuals and 4,945 dyads. To synthesize the studies, we used a narrative synthesis approach. Overall, stress expression and positive DC yielded beneficial individual and relational outcomes, whereas, for negative DC, the opposite was true. Results differed between mental health clusters and context played an important role (e.g., symptom severity, life phase). Due to the great diversity of studies and variables, further research should focus on understudied mental health clusters (e.g., anxiety disorders). Clinicians are advised to view mental health issues as a dyadic rather than an individual phenomenon (“we-disease”) and develop tailored couple-centered interventions
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