3,408 research outputs found

    Origin and stability of the dipolar response in a family of tetragonal tungsten bronze relaxors

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    A new family of relaxor dielectrics with the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure (nominal composition Ba6M3+Nb9O30, M3+ = Ga, Sc or In) were studied using dielectric spectroscopy to probe the dynamic dipole response and correlate this with the crystal structure as determined from powder neutron diffraction. Independent analyses of real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function were used to determine characteristic temperature parameters, TVF, and TUDR, respectively. In each composition both these temperatures correlated with the temperature of maximum crystallographic strain, Tc/a determined from diffraction data. The overall behaviour is consistent with dipole freezing and the data indicate that the dipole stability increases with increasing M3+ cation size as a result of increased tetragonality of the unit cell. Crystallographic data suggests that these materials are uniaxial relaxors with the dipole moment predominantly restricted to the B1 cation site in the structure. Possible origins of the relaxor behaviour are discussed.Comment: Main article 32 pages, 8 figures; Supplementary data 24 pages, 4 figure

    Unveiling the intruder deformed 02+^+_2 state in 34^{34}Si

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    The 02+^+_2 state in 34^{34}Si has been populated at the {\sc Ganil/Lise3} facility through the β\beta-decay of a newly discovered 1+^+ isomer in 34^{34}Al of 26(1) ms half-life. The simultaneous detection of e+ee^+e^- pairs allowed the determination of the excitation energy E(02+^+_2)=2719(3) keV and the half-life T1/2_{1/2}=19.4(7) ns, from which an electric monopole strength of ρ2\rho^2(E0)=13.0(0.9)×103\times10^{-3} was deduced. The 21+^+_1 state is observed to decay both to the 01+^+_1 ground state and to the newly observed 02+^+_2 state (via a 607(2) keV transition) with a ratio R(21+^+_101+/21+\rightarrow0^+_1/2^+_102+\rightarrow0^+_2)=1380(717). Gathering all information, a weak mixing with the 01+^+_1 and a large deformation parameter of β\beta=0.29(4) are found for the 02+^+_2 state, in good agreement with shell model calculations using a new {\sc sdpf-u-mix} interaction allowing \textit{np-nh} excitations across the N=20 shell gap.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Spectroscopy of 35^{35}P using the one-proton knockout reaction

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    The structure of 35^{35}P was studied with a one-proton knockout reaction at88~MeV/u from a 36^{36}S projectile beam at NSCL. The γ\gamma rays from thedepopulation of excited states in 35^{35}P were detected with GRETINA, whilethe 35^{35}P nuclei were identified event-by-event in the focal plane of theS800 spectrograph. The level scheme of 35^{35}P was deduced up to 7.5 MeV usingγγ\gamma-\gamma coincidences. The observed levels were attributed to protonremovals from the sdsd-shell and also from the deeply-bound p_1/2p\_{1/2} orbital.The orbital angular momentum of each state was derived from the comparisonbetween experimental and calculated shapes of individual (γ\gamma-gated)parallel momentum distributions. Despite the use of different reactions andtheir associate models, spectroscopic factors, C2SC^2S, derived from the36^{36}S (1p)(-1p) knockout reaction agree with those obtained earlier from36^{36}S(dd,\nuc{3}{He}) transfer, if a reduction factor R_sR\_s, as deducedfrom inclusive one-nucleon removal cross sections, is applied to the knockout transitions.In addition to the expected proton-hole configurations, other states were observedwith individual cross sections of the order of 0.5~mb. Based on their shiftedparallel momentum distributions, their decay modes to negative parity states,their high excitation energy (around 4.7~MeV) and the fact that they were notobserved in the (dd,\nuc{3}{He}) reaction, we propose that they may resultfrom a two-step mechanism or a nucleon-exchange reaction with subsequent neutronevaporation. Regardless of the mechanism, that could not yet be clarified, thesestates likely correspond to neutron core excitations in \nuc{35}{P}. Thisnewly-identified pathway, although weak, offers the possibility to selectivelypopulate certain intruder configurations that are otherwise hard to produceand identify.Comment: 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Влияние способа оплаты на душу населения, на “производительность” работы первичных медицинских учреждений

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    Department of Economy, Management and Psychopedagogy in Medicine, National Company of Medical Insurance, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaAmong the key factors that influence a health system’s performance is financing. During the implementation of compulsory health insurance in Moldova, primary health care has grown considerably in financing - from 240.5 mln lei in 2004 to 1,046.0 mln lei in 2011. Considering that the main method of financing primary care is pay per capita, we examine the influence of this method on the productivity of contracted institutions. The study outcome shows the passive character of per capita payment and the need to supplement with active forms of purchases: per service, bonuses, etc., whose value should be significant enough to stimulate the active behavior of providers to increase activities.Среди ключевых факторов, влияющих на производительность системы здравоохранения, одним из наиболее важных является его финансирование. В период обязательного медицинского страхования в Республике Молдова значительно возросло финансирование первичной медицинской помощи – от 240,5 млн. лей в 2004 году до 1 046,0 млн. лей в 2011 году. Учитывая, что основным способом финансирования этого вида медицинской помощи является оплата на душу населения, нашей целью являлось рассмотрение влияния этого способа оплаты на производительность учреждений первичной медицинской помощи. В результате исследования было доказано, что оплата на душу населения является пассивной и рекомендовано ее дополнение активными формами закупки: за услуги, бонусы и др

    Оптимизация метода определения сумм для приобретения компенсированных лекарств при обязательном медицинском страховании

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    Department of Economy, Management and Psychopedagogy in Medicine, National Company of Medical Insurance, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaOne of the main benefits of the package of guaranties in primary care medicine is the offsetting of drug costs. The amount paid for compensated medicines during 2005-2011 has increased by 20.7 times. This study shows that the main share of the contingent of drug consumers differs significantly from one institution to another. Therefore, using the method “per capita” is neither effective nor fair for assessing the amount limits for financing the compensated medicines in the territory. A scheme was proposed to adjust the amount limit for demographic and morbidity risk, which also had an obvious positive impact on the process of supplying the population with reduced cost drugs.Одной из важнейших гарантий в пакете услуг первичной медико-санитарной помощи являются компенсированные медикаменты. Сумма, затрачиваемая с этой целью, с 2005 по 2011 год увеличилась в 20,7 раз. В ходе исследований представленных в статье, было доказано, что доля контингентов основных потребителей лекарств существенно отличается от одного учреждения к другому и, следовательно, использовать метод “на душу населения” для определения объема финансирования не является эффективным и правильным. В связи с этим была предложена схема коррекции сумм предназначенных для финансирования компенсированных медикаментов в соответствии с демографическим риском и риском заболеваемости. Предложенная схема была внедрена в 2008 году и оказала положительное влияние на процесс, связанный с обеспечением населения компенсированными лекарственными средствами

    Prolate-Spherical Shape Coexistence at N=28 in 44^{44}S

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    The structure of 44^{44}S has been studied using delayed γ\gamma and electron spectroscopy at \textsc{ganil}. The decay rates of the 02+^+_2 isomeric state to the 21+^+_1 and 01+^+_1 states have been measured for the first time, leading to a reduced transition probability B(E2~:~21+^{+}_1\rightarrow02+)^{+}_2)= 8.4(26)~e2^2fm4^4 and a monopole strength ρ2\rho^2(E0~:~02+^{+}_2\rightarrow01+)^{+}_1) =~8.7(7)×\times103^{-3}. Comparisons to shell model calculations point towards prolate-spherical shape coexistence and a phenomenological two level mixing model is used to extract a weak mixing between the two configurations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Spectroscopy of 28^{28}Na: shell evolution toward the drip line

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    Excited states in 28^{28}Na have been studied using the β\beta-decay of implanted 28^{28}Ne ions at GANIL/LISE as well as the in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy at the NSCL/S800 facility. New states of positive (Jπ^{\pi}=3,4+^+) and negative (Jπ^{\pi}=1-5^-) parity are proposed. The former arise from the coupling between 0d_5/2\_{5/2} protons and a 0d_3/2\_{3/2} neutron, while the latter are due to couplings with 1p_3/2\_{3/2} or 0f_7/2\_{7/2} neutrons. While the relative energies between the Jπ^{\pi}=1-4+^+ states are well reproduced with the USDA interaction in the N=17 isotones, a progressive shift in the ground state binding energy (by about 500 keV) is observed between 26^{26}F and 30^{30}Al. This points to a possible change in the proton-neutron 0d_5/2\_{5/2}-0d_3/2\_{3/2} effective interaction when moving from stability to the drip line. The presence of Jπ^{\pi}=1-4^- negative parity states around 1.5 MeV as well as of a candidate for a Jπ^{\pi}=5^- state around 2.5 MeV give further support to the collapse of the N=20 gap and to the inversion between the 0f_7/2\_{7/2} and 1p_3/2\_{3/2} levels below Z=12. These features are discussed in the framework of Shell Model and EDF calculations, leading to predicted negative parity states in the low energy spectra of the 26^{26}F and 25^{25}O nuclei.Comment: Exp\'erience GANIL/LISE et NSCL/S80

    Хроническая мигрень, ассоциированная с сахарным диабетом I типа

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    Catedra Neurologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Institutul de Neurologie şi NeurochirurgieMigraine is estimated to be found in about 30% of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type I. The migraine associated with DM is a complex scientific and clinical problem. The article is a case presentation of a patient with chronic migraine (ChM) associated with DM type I having clinical manifestations which included daily medium to strong headaches located unilaterally or bilaterally with a compressive or pulsating pattern lasting more than 4 hours, sometimes associated with nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia or osmophobia. Headache attacks were aggravated by physical effort or stress. The patient has a genetic predisposition to migraine (her mother and brother suffered from ChM for many years). The patient underwent a complex examination: EEG, fundoscopy, angio-CT and MRI of the brain, ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and a radioscopy of the stomach. The psychometric evaluation utilized the Spielberger and Beck questionnaire. The test revealed a moderate level of anxiety and depression, as well as the patient’s histrionic personality. Effective treatment of metabolical changes in DM contributed to the reduction of the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks.Частота распространенности мигрени высока среди пациентов, которые давно страдают сахарным диабетом (СД) I типа, в среднем около 30%. Сопутствующая сахарному диабету мигрень представляет собой сложную и интересную в научном плане задачу. Представлен клинический случай пациентки с хронической мигренью (ХМ) в сочетании с СД I типа. В клинической картине были ежедневные приступы головной боли, средней и сильной интенсивности, одно- или двухсторонние, сжимающего или пульсирующего характера, длительностью более 4-х часов, сочетающиеся с тошнотой, иногда рвотой, фото-, фоно- и осмофобией. Приступы усиливались при физической нагрузке или при психоэмоциональных стрессах. У пациентки присутствовала генетическая предрасположенность к мигрени (мать и брат страдают хронической мигренью в течение многих лет). Больная была многосторонне обследована: ЭЭГ, офтальмоскопия, ангио-КТ, МРТ головного мозга, ЭКГ, УЗИ органов брюшной полости, Rg-скопия желудка и т.д. Психометрические тесты (Спилберг, Бек, DSM-IV опросник), выявили высокий уровень реактивной и личностной тревоги, депрессию средней степени выраженности, а также черты хистрионической личности. Эффективное лечение расстройств способствовало уменьшению интенсивности и частоты сопутствующих мигренозных атак

    Radiofrequency ablation in primary colo-rectal cancer and liver metastasis

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    Institutul Oncologic Bucuresti, Clinica de Chirurgie Nr. 1, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Ablaţia prin radiofrecvenţă constituie o soluţie terapeutică recentă în chirurgia determinărilor primare sau secundare din neoplasmele colorectale. Realizată prin abord deschis, laparo-endoscopic sau percutan, metoda asigură un control acceptabil asupra procesului tumoral, cu riscuri reduse comparativ cu chirurgia de exereză, cu condiţia respectării stricte a indicaţiilor. Obiective. Evaluăm această procedură terapeutică, aplicată pentru indicaţia clasică din metastazele hepatice, cât şi pentru tumorile rectale joase sau recidive pelvine după cancer rectal operat, prin prisma experienţei acumulate pe parcursul a 4 ani, focusând complicaţiile perioperatorii şi rata de recidivă locală şi evoluţia la distanţă. Metoda. În perioada decembrie 2006 – martie 2010 au fost trataţi prin radiofrecvenţă 64 pacienţi, 46 cu metastaze hepatice secundare CRC, iar 18 cu cancer rectal inferior sau recidive pelvine; procedura s-a realizat în majoritatea cazurilor sub control echografic intraoperator, prin abord chirurgical clasic în 59 cazuri, iar în 5 cazuri prin abord laparoscopic. Evoluţia pacienţilor a fost monitorizată imagistic prin CT postoperator la 30 zile, ulterior din 3 în 3 luni, urmărirea markerilor tumorali (CEA, CA19.9.) şi control endoscopic. Rezultate. Complicaţii perioperatorii s-au inregistrat la 6 pacienţi si au constat în sindroame febrile, citolize hepatice. Nu s-au înregistrat complicaţii de tipul hemoragiilor, fistulelor sau peritonitelor; şi nici mortalitate perioperatorie imputabilă metodei. Recidive locale înregistrate, la un interval de 6-25 luni, la 12 pacienți. Concluzii. Experienţa iniţială arată că radioablaţia în chirurgia determinărilor primare sau secundare din neoplasmele colo-rectale este o procedură relativ sigură, grefată de morbiditate redusă şi rata scazută de recidivă locală; urmează ca studii de urmărire pe perioade mai întinse să confirme valoarea metodei.Radiofrequency ablation represent a therapeutic option for primary colo-rectal cancer and liver metastasis, performed by open surgery, laparoscopic approach or percutaneous, provide a reasonable local tumor control, involved low risks comparative resection surgery. Objectives. We analyzed this procedure, for classic indication in hepatic metastatic tumors, as well as in low rectal tumors and pelvic recurrences after rectal surgery based on four years experience, focused on perioperative complications, recurrence rate and long distant evolution. Method. Between December 2006 and March 2010, 64 patients underwent RFA; 46 cases had metastatic lesions from colo-rectal cancer and 18 cases had low rectal cancer or pelvic recuurrence. RFA was performed in 59 patients via open surgery and laparoscopic approach in 5 patients. Postoperative course was followed with CT scan at 1 month, and then at 3 month interval, in correlation with tumor markers level (CEA, CA19.9.) and endoscopic control. Results. Perioperative complications occurred in 6 cases, consist of prolonged fever, severe hepatic cytolysis, without other complications such, biliary tract injury, hemorrhage, and peritonitis; no mortality caused by RFA procedure. 12 cases had local recurrence, at 6 and 25 month after post RFA procedure. Concluzii. Initial experience shows that RFA is a safe procedure for treatment of primary colo-rectal cancer and liver metastasis, with low rate of morbidity and local recurrence, indicated for patients with unresecable lesions or high risks for surgical resection