27 research outputs found

    European consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD: The European Network Adult ADHD.

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    BACKGROUND: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood that persists into adulthood in the majority of cases. The evidence on persistence poses several difficulties for adult psychiatry considering the lack of expertise for diagnostic assessment, limited treatment options and patient facilities across Europe. METHODS: The European Network Adult ADHD, founded in 2003, aims to increase awareness of this disorder and improve knowledge and patient care for adults with ADHD across Europe. This Consensus Statement is one of the actions taken by the European Network Adult ADHD in order to support the clinician with research evidence and clinical experience from 18 European countries in which ADHD in adults is recognised and treated. RESULTS: Besides information on the genetics and neurobiology of ADHD, three major questions are addressed in this statement: (1) What is the clinical picture of ADHD in adults? (2) How can ADHD in adults be properly diagnosed? (3) How should ADHD in adults be effectively treated? CONCLUSIONS: ADHD often presents as an impairing lifelong condition in adults, yet it is currently underdiagnosed and treated in many European countries, leading to ineffective treatment and higher costs of illness. Expertise in diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults must increase in psychiatry. Instruments for screening and diagnosis of ADHD in adults are available and appropriate treatments exist, although more research is needed in this age group

    Normatização de um teste computadorizado de atenção visual: (TAVIS) Normatization of a computerized visual attention test (TAVIS)

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    Os autores apresentam os dados normativos de um teste computadorizado de atenção visual (TAVIS) para crianças e adolescentes, que representa o primeiro instrumento neuropsicológico deste tipo projetado e desenvolvido no Brasil. Três tarefas diferentes avaliam os apectos de seletividade, alternância e sustentação da atenção. Erros de omissão e ação, bem como o tempo de reação, são avaliados. São comentadas as vantagens e limitações do teste.<br>The authors present the normative data of a computerized test (TAVIS) that address visual attention in children and adolescents being the first neuropsychological instrument as such devised and developed in Brazil. Selective, alternate and sustained attention aspects are evaluated through three different tasks. Omission and action errors as well as time reaction are evaluated. The advantages and limitations of the test are commented

    Dispersed oil decreases the ability of a model fish (Dicentrarchus labrax) to cope with hydrostatic pressure

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    © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Data on the biological impact of oil dispersion in deep-sea environment are scarce. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential interest of a pressure challenge as a new experimental approach for the assessment of consequences of chemically dispersed oil, followed by a high hydrostatic pressure challenge. This work was conducted on a model fish: juvenile Dicentrarchus labrax. Seabass were exposed for 48 h to dispersant alone (nominal concentration (NC) = 4 mg L-1), mechanically dispersed oil (NC = 80 mg L-1), two chemically dispersed types of oil (NC = 50 and 80 mg L-1with a dispersant/oil ratio of 1/20), or kept in clean seawater. Fish were then exposed for 30 min at a simulated depth of 1350 m, corresponding to pressure of 136 absolute atmospheres (ATA). The probability of fish exhibiting normal activity after the pressure challenge significantly increased from 0.40 to 0.55 when they were exposed to the dispersant but decreased to 0.26 and 0.11 in the case of chemical dispersion of oil (at 50 and 80 mg L-1, respectively). The chemical dispersion at 80 mg L-1also induced an increase in probability of death after the pressure challenge (from 0.08 to 0.26). This study clearly demonstrates the ability of a pressure challenge test to give evidence of the effects of a contaminant on the capacity of fish to face hydrostatic pressure. It opens new perspectives on the analysis of the biological impact of chemical dispersion of oil at depth, especially on marine species performing vertical migrations

    Detecting tax evasion: a co-evolutionary approach

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    We present an algorithm that can anticipate tax evasion by modeling the co-evolution of tax schemes with auditing policies. Malicious tax non-compliance, or evasion, accounts for billions of lost revenue each year. Unfortunately when tax administrators change the tax laws or auditing procedures to eliminate known fraudulent schemes another potentially more profitable scheme takes it place. Modeling both the tax schemes and auditing policies within a single framework can therefore provide major advantages. In particular we can explore the likely forms of tax schemes in response to changes in audit policies. This can serve as an early warning system to help focus enforcement efforts. In addition, the audit policies can be fine tuned to help improve tax scheme detection. We demonstrate our approach using the iBOB tax scheme and show it can capture the co-evolution between tax evasion and audit policy. Our experiments shows the expected oscillatory behavior of a biological co-evolving system