2,067 research outputs found
L-band briefcase terminal network operation
During 1989, SkyWave Electronics Ltd. developed a lightweight battery powered, L Band Briefcase Satellite Terminal (LBT) which is capable of providing truly portable voice and data communications on a global scale. The LBT is designed to operate through Inmarsat's Atlantic Region Satellite MARECSB-2, and Teleglobe Canada's 18 meter Laurentides Earth Station. A small operating network, consisting of up to 20 mobile terminals and homing on the Laurentides Earth Station, was set up in the spring of 1990 to provide commercial service to LBT users, both domestic and international. This paper describes the LBT and the operation of the network
Foundations of American Political Theory
Let me group the ideas that make up our tradition under four main headings: the nature of man, the pattern of society, the structure and purpose of government, the place of man in society and under government. The results will be, as best I can state them, the essentials of our common tradition
Using Laguerre functions to improve the tuning and performance of predictive functional control
This paper proposes a novel modification to the predictive functional control (PFC) algorithm to facilitate significant improvements in the tuning efficacy. The core concept is the use of an alternative parameterisation of the degrees of freedom in the PFC law. Building on recent insights into the potential of Laguerre functions in traditional MPC (Rossiter et al., 2010; Wang, 2009), the paper develops an appropriate framework for PFC and then demonstrates that these functions can be exploited to allow easier and more effective tuning in PFC as well as facilitating strong constraint handling properties. The proposed design approach and the associated tuning methodology are developed and their efficacy is demonstrated with a number of numerical examples
The Professional Development of Rural ESL Instructors: Program Administrators’ and Instructors’ Views
In this article, we report perceived professional development (PD) needs, interests, and challenges of ESL instructors in rural Alberta from the perspectives of instructors and administrators. We collected questionnaire responses from instructors who taught in programs offered in five rural locations with a large recent influx of newcomers requiring ESL instruction. This was followed by focus-group interviews with the instructors and individual interviews with their program administrators. The findings highlight the importance of PD designed to meet the specific needs of rural instructors and to facilitate effective ESL teaching and learning in their communities. We offer recommendations for designing PD for ESL programs.Dans cet article, nous évoquons les besoins, les intérêts et les défis en perfectionnement professionnel pour les enseignants d’ALS dans les régions rurales de l’Alberta tels qu’ils sont perçus par les enseignants et les administrateurs. Nous avons recueilli les réponses aux questionnaires complétés par des enseignants qui travaillaient dans des programmes d’ALS offerts dans cinq milieux ruraux ayant récemment reçu un important afflux de nouveaux arrivants. Par la suite, nous avons mené des entrevues auprès de groupes de consultation composés d’enseignants et des entrevues individuels auprès d’administrateurs de programmes. Les résultats soulignent l’importance du perfectionnement professionnel conçu pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des enseignants ruraux et pour faciliter l’enseignement et l’apprentissage efficaces de l’ALS dans leurs communautés. Nous offrons des recommandations portant sur la conception du perfectionnement professionnel dans le cadre de programmes d’ALS
Clover disease : Practical Findings and Recommendation for Control
Practical Findings and Recommendation for Control
During the past decade an infertility in ewes together with other breeding troubles and abnormalities of the sex organs of sheep became a serious problem in certain regions in Western Australia where pastures were composed predominantly of early (Dwalganup) subterranean clover
Intercultural Communicative Competence: Beliefs and Practices of Adult English as a Second Language Instructors
Effective and appropriate communication is critical for the successful integration of newcomers in Canada. In this paper, we describe the intercultural communicative competence beliefs and practices of 70 adult English as a second language (ESL) instructors. Responses to an online survey indicated a strong belief in the value of integrating intercultural communicative competence into their instruction; however, instructors’ reported classroom practices revealed that culture was addressed in varying degrees and that intercultural communicative competence was not systematically developed. Findings suggest that enhanced instructor education, appropriate materials development, and research investigating the effective pedagogical development of intercultural communicative competence in the language learning classroom are needed.  La communication efficace et appropriĂ©e est critique pour une intĂ©gration rĂ©ussie des nouveaux arrivants au Canada. Dans cet article, nous dĂ©crivons les croyances et les pratiques relatives Ă la compĂ©tence communicative interculturelle de 70 enseignants d’anglais langue seconde aux adultes. D’après leurs rĂ©ponses Ă un sondage en ligne, les enseignants croient fermement en la valeur de l’intĂ©gration de la compĂ©tence communicative interculturelle  dans leur pĂ©dagogie; toutefois, les commentaires des enseignants portant sur leur pratiques en salle de classe indiquent qu’ils traitent la culture Ă des degrĂ©s variables et qu’ils ne dĂ©veloppent pas de la compĂ©tence communicative interculturelle systĂ©matiquement. Les rĂ©sultats portent Ă croire qu’il faudrait offrir une formation accrue aux enseignants, dĂ©velopper du matĂ©riel appropriĂ© et entreprendre de la recherche traitant du dĂ©veloppement efficace de la compĂ©tence communicative interculturelle dans les cours de langue.  Â
University Students’ and Instructors’ Paraphrasing and Citation Knowledge and Practices
Plagiarism is a widespread concern at post-secondary institutions (Perry, 2010). University students are expected to avoid plagiarism by citing sources and paraphrasing appropriately. Their written work, however, often contains “patchwriting”, a developmental stage of writing that involves deleting/replacing words and/or altering structures in copied texts (Howard, 1995). Nine university instructors and 66 of their students responded to surveys addressing perceptions of paraphrasing and citation and recommendations for developing these skills. Responses revealed variations in perceptions of acceptable paraphrasing, particularly for patchwriting. Participants recommended paraphrasing workshops or online courses to provide more explicit instruction and guidance for both instructors and students
Enhancing the Impact of Evidence-based Publications on K-12 ESL Teacher Practices
The reading of current research-informed publications is an essential component of teacher professional development that has the potential to lead to or reinforce the implementation of effective instructional practices. To our knowledge, no studies have examined kindergarten to grade 12 (K-12) ESL teacher engagement in professional reading related to the teaching and learning of ESL. Therefore, we conducted a survey of K-12 ESL teachers from four Canadian provinces to examine their reading practices. Results revealed that teachers mainly consulted professional newsletter articles to address classroom-related issues and indicated that key stakeholders (e.g., teachers’ associations, school districts, and school principals) do little to enhance teachers’ reading of TESL-related publications. Several recommendations to increase teacher reading engagement are included.La lecture de publications courantes fondées sur la recherche constitue une composante essentielle du développement professionnel des enseignants et une qui a le potentiel d’entrainer la mise en œuvre de pratiques pédagogiques efficaces, ou de renforcer celles-ci. Nous ne connaissons aucune étude ayant examiné l’implication des enseignants K-12 dans la lecture de revues et d’ouvrages spécialisés portant sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en ALS. Nous avons donc entrepris une enquête auprès d’enseignants K-12 d’ALS dans quatre provinces canadiennes pour connaitre leurs pratiques quant à la lecture. Les résultats indiquent que les enseignants consultaient surtout des articles de bulletins professionnels pour aborder des questions liées à leur pratique. Les enseignants ont également mentionné que les intervenants principaux (par ex. les associations d’enseignants, les districts scolaires et les directeurs d’école) faisaient peu pour encourager la lecture par les enseignants de publications portant sur l’ALS. Nous présentons plusieurs recommandations pour motiver les enseignants à la lecture
Mammy\u27s Shufflin\u27 Dance / music by Melville J. Gideon; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert
Cover: photo of the Dolce Sisters (see 433); Publisher: Will Rossiter (Chicago)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1019/thumbnail.jp
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