148 research outputs found
Alcuni casi di reimpiego di strutture edilizie nella Roma del III secolo d.C.
La normativa edilizia romana in ambito privato, nel corso dei secoli, ha cercato di controllare il fenomeno del riuso dei materiali edilizi, al fine di scongiurare l’abbandono d’interi fabbricati con lo scopo di condurli verso la rovina per trarne materiali di riuso, giungendo a equiparare la mancata manutenzione alla deliberata demolizione.
Nell’edilizia pubblica non erano permesse demolizioni di edifici se non per motivi particolari e con specifici accorgimenti. In piena età imperiale, inoltre, l’impiego di materiale di recupero fu poco praticato in ambito pubblico, in quanto la costruzione o ricostruzione di un edificio era uno strumento di propaganda politica per chi si accingeva a promuoverne e finanziarne il progetto.
Nei pochi casi in cui si reimpiegava materiale, questo non era esibito (il frontone dei propilei del Portico d’Ottavia ricostruito dopo l’incendio del 191 d.C.), neanche quando si ricostruiva lo stesso edificio.
Guardando più specificatamente l’ambito cronologico oggetto dell’approfondimento, il III secolo, va considerato che Roma, a quell’epoca, possedeva un apparato monumentale così imponente da condizionare tutte le iniziative edilizie rendendo pressoché impossibile prescindere dagli edifici preesistenti.
Fu l’epoca della diminuita disponibilità di marmo lunense, anche per il parziale insabbiamento del Porto di Luni, e della riorganizzazione amministrativa delle cave imperiali voluta da Caracalla. Tutto ciò condusse, a partire dall’età dioclezianea, all’uso sistematico di spolia (natatio e calidarium delle Terme di Diocleziano).
All’interno del più vasto ambito del reimpiego dei materiali si colloca il riutilizzo, intero o parziale, di strutture edilizie all’interno di nuovi edifici.
Le Mura Aureliane (271-279 d.C.) inglobarono costruzioni preesistenti di varia natura e dimensione (tombe, case, muri di cinta di giardini, acquedotti, ma anche cisterne, portici, anfiteatri e una fortificazione), per uno sviluppo pari a circa il 10% del loro sviluppo.
Le modalità con cui gli edifici entrarono a far parte della nuova costruzione sono diverse e variano principalmente a seconda dell’entità delle strutture esistenti, delle loro caratteristiche materiche e strutturali e della posizione rispetto al circuito che si andava realizzando. Alcuni edifici furono inglobati interamente (tra gli altri i sepolcri di Cornelia Vatiena e di Q. Sulplicio Massimo, presso Porta Salaria, il muro di cinta di un giardino nelle vicinanze di Porta Tiburtina, incorporato nella fortificazione mantenendo in posizione le statue presenti all’interno delle nicchie), altri furono parzialmente demoliti per essere inclusi nel nucleo strutturale (sepolcro di Eurisace, case ad ovest di Porta Latina e su viale Montebello) altri ancora furono modificati per divenire parte del fronte del muro (castellum aquae nelle vicinanze di Porta Tiburtina, Castra Praetoria, Anfiteatro Castrense).
Si tratta di una casistica talmente vasta e articolata da fornire un panorama utile per la comprensione di un particolare aspetto dell’attività edilizia romana nel III secolo.The study of the whole or partial reemployment of buildings is a part of the research field of material reemployment in architecture.
Some of the reemployed building in Rome were changed using stone facings (Tempio delle Botteghe Oscure, Tempio C in Largo Argentina).
The colonnade of the Caesar Forum was partially destroyed by the fire (283 A.D.). During the restoration of the building some of the old structures were encapsulated inside new walls.
The Aurelian Walls (271-279 A.D.) incorporated different types of buildings (tombs, houses, garden surrounds, aqueducts, but also cisterns, amphitheatre and a fortress).
Buildings were incorporated in different ways. Some of them were completely incorporated (the tombs of Cornelia Vatiena and Q. Sulplicio Massimo, near Porta Salaria, the Garden surround, adorned with statues, near Porta Tiburtina). Other buildings were partially destroyed and inserted in the structural core (the tomb of Eurisace, the houses near Porta Latina and near Montebello road), others were transformed to become part of the facade of the wall (castellum aquae near Porta Tiburtina, Castra Praetoria, Anfiteatro Castrense)
The culture of restoration. A new point of view for an international framework
The ratification of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972 opened up to a debate on the discipline in the academic and professional field. The paper wants to look at the issue from a different point of view, outlining the perception of Heritage and its acknowledged values in the different contexts the students following the MSc in Architecture-Conservation (Sapienza University of Rome) come from. A questionnaire was submitted at the end of the Conservation Design Studio module. The answers outline some homogeneous problems that need to be deeply understood to face the future of the Cultural and Architectural Heritage all over the World
Vernacular earthen architecture. Construction techniques and restoration. From the international setting to some specific Italian regional cases
[EN] The research focuses on vernacular architecture, in particular earth buildings, highlighting the different geographic areas involved, building types and construction techniques. In Italy, despite theoretical progress, some cultural and technical problems are still evident in earth architecture conservation. This is also due to the prevalence, among earth buildings, of vernacular architecture, that, in general, has no artistic value and with historical value yet to be fully appreciated. The characteristics of some regional areas are also considered, with particular attention to the Marche and Sardinia Regions, where earthen constructions have existed since ancient times. Knowledge of construction techniques that are the result of age-old experience is the basis for a good conservation and for the design of new ones. Today, some public administrations, on the regional and local levels, have developed operating manuals for the conservation of earth constructions, but there is still no real legislative protection for earth buildings and their material authenticity.Petrucci, E.; Mancini, R.; Putzu, MG. (2022). Vernacular earthen architecture. Construction techniques and restoration. From the international setting to some specific Italian regional cases. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 897-904. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1524989790
Atenção domiciliar no âmbito da reabilitação e prática centrada na família: aproximando teorias para potencializar resultados
Estudo de revisão narrativa que apresenta e discute os pressupostos da Prática Centrada na Família (PCF) e as influências desta abordagem no contexto da Atenção Domiciliar (AD) no âmbito da reabilitação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Com base nas informações obtidas, a AD e a PCF foram analisadas, permitindo discutir o potencial impacto dos pressupostos da PCF na AD, do sistema publico de saúde brasileiro. A AD tem importante papel na constituição de redes substitutivas, produzindo novos modos de cuidar. Entretanto, alguns problemas na organização deste serviço geram descontinuidade do cuidado, sobrecarga de todos os níveis de atenção e dificultam o vínculo entre profissionais/usuário/família. A PCF propõe que os programas domiciliares sejam direcionados aos familiares, especialmente aos cuidadores, para que estes desenvolvam as competências necessárias para a prestação do cuidado, possibilitando assim assistência integral, contextualizada e humanizada ao usuário. A utilização da PCF no contexto da AD no SUS, tendo em conta o empoderamento do usuário e sua família, pode favorecer o estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos e de co--responsabilidade entre profissionais/usuário/família, impactando na qualidade da assistência prestada e nos resultados esperados.This narrative review presents and discusses the assumptions of Family-Centered Practice (FCP) and the influences of this approach in the context of Home Care (HC) in rehabilitation in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). HC and FCP were analyzed from the information obtained, allowing to discuss the potential impact of the assumptions of the FCP in HC of the Brazilian public health system. HC has an important role in networks, producing new ways of caring. However, some problems in the organization of this service generates discontinuity of care and overload of all levels of attention, hampering the bond between professionals/user/ family. FCP proposes that home programs be targeted at family members, especially caregivers, so that they develop the skills required for the provision of care, thus enabling comprehensive, contextualized and humanized assistance to the user. The use of FCP in the context of HC in the Brazilian Unified Health System, considering user empowerment and his family, may favor the establishment of emotional and co-responsibility bonds between professionals/user/family, impacting on the quality of the assistance provided and the results expected
Tuberculosis in Kindergarten and Primary School, Italy, 2008–2009
An outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in Italy involved 19 schoolchildren with active TB and 43 with latent infection. The source of the outbreak was a school assistant born in Italy who had a family history of TB. This outbreak highlights the need for maintaining clinical and public health expertise in countries with low TB incidence
Terapia de movimento induzido pela restrição na hemiplegia: um estudo de caso único
Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) consists of restraining movement of the non-affected arm while providing intensive training of the affected upper extremity. Positive results have been reported after CIMT in individuals with hemiparesis due to stroke. This study is a longitudinal, ABA-design documentation of the effects of CIMT on upper extremity function of an individual with chronic left hemiparesis. Baseline phases (A) lasted two weeks and intervention (B) involved restrain of the non-affected arm with a splint and five three-hour weekly sessions of training of the affected arm, for two weeks. During the six study weeks upper extremity function was assessed by means of the Action Research Arm (ARA) and movement quality and dexterity were assessed with the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), five times a week. Quality and frequency of use of the upper extremity were assessed by the Motor Activity Log (MAL) once a week. Collected data were statistically analysed. Results showed significant gains in quality of movement (WMFT) during intervention (p;0.05). As to dexterity (WMFT) and functioning (ARA), significant gain trends were detected during the first four weeks, performance having stabilised thereafter (p>;0.05). MAL analysis did not detect any clinically relevant change. This study thus documented motor performance gains after CIMT in a patient with chronic hemiparesis.A terapia de movimento induzido por restrição (TMIR) tem mostrado resultados positivos em indivíduos hemiparéticos após acidente vascular cerebral; consiste na contenção do membro superior não-afetado e treinamento intensivo do membro afetado. Este estudo visou documentar longitudinalmente os efeitos da TMIR na funcionalidade do membro superior de um indivíduo com hemiparesia esquerda crônica. Neste estudo de caso único tipo ABA, as fases linha de base (A) duraram duas semanas e a intervenção (B) compreendeu a contenção do membro sadio com um splint e cinco sessões semanais de 3 horas de treino do membro superior afetado, durante duas semanas. As medidas de funcionalidade Action Research Arm (ARA) e de qualidade de movimento e destreza Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) foram coletadas cinco vezes por semana, e a medida de qualidade e freqüência de uso do membro superior, Motor Activity Log (MAL), uma vez por semana por seis semanas. Os dados coletados foram tratados estatisticamente. Os resultados mostram ganhos significativos na qualidade de movimento (WMFT) durante a intervenção (p;0,05). Quanto à destreza (WMFT) e funcionalidade (ARA), foram detectadas tendências significativas de ganho durante as quatro primeiras semanas; após a intervenção, houve estabilização do desempenho (
Evidence of a noncoding transcript of the RIPK2 gene overexpressed in head and neck tumor
Receptor-interacting proteins are a family of serine/threonine kinases, which integrate extra and intracellular stress signals caused by different factors, including infections, inflammation and DNA damage. Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (RIP-2) is a member of this family and an important component of the nuclear factor NF-kappa-B signaling pathway. The corresponding human gene RIPK2 generates two transcripts by alternative splicing, the full-length and a short transcript. The short transcript has a truncated 5? sequence, which results in a predicted isoform with a partial kinase domain but able to transduce signals through its caspase recruitment domain. In this study, the expression of RIPK2 was investigated in human tissue samples and, in order to determine if both transcripts are similarly regulated at the transcriptional level, cancer cell lines were submitted to temperature and acid stresses. We observed that both transcripts are expressed in all tissues analyzed, with higher expression of the short one in tumor samples, and they are differentially regulated following temperature stress. Despite transcription, no corresponding protein for the short transcript was detected in tissues and cell lines analyzed. We propose that the shorter transcript is a noncoding RNA and that its presence in the cell may play regulatory roles and affect inflammation and other biological processes related to the kinase activity of RIP-2.Fil: Mancini Villagra, Ulises Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: da Cunha, Bianca R.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Polachini, Giovana M.. No especifíca;Fil: Tiago, Tiago Henrique. No especifíca;Fil: Carlos H. T. P. da Silva. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Feitosa, Olavo A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Fukuyama, Erica E.. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute; BrasilFil: López, Rossana V. M.. No especifíca;Fil: Dias Neto, Emmanuel. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Nunes, Fabio D.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Severino, Patricia. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein; BrasilFil: Tajara, Eloiza Helena Tajara. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi
Effects of Reactive Oxygen Species on Mitochondrial Content and Integrity of Human Anastomotic Colorectal Dehiscence: A Preliminary DNA Study
BACKGROUND: Anastomotic dehiscence is one of the most severe complications of colorectal surgery. Gaining insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of anastomotic dehiscence following colorectal surgery is important for the reduction of postoperative complications. OBJECTIVE: Based on the close relationship between surgical stress and oxidative stress, the present study aimed to determine whether a correlation exists between increased levels of reactive oxygen species and colorectal anastomotic dehiscence. METHODS: Patients who underwent surgical resection for colorectal cancer were divided into three groups: patients with anastomotic dehiscence (group 1); patients without dehiscence who underwent neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (group 2); and patients without anastomotic dehiscence who did not undergo neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (group 3). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were performed to measure nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content, and possible oxidative damage to nonmalignant colon and rectal tissues adjacent to the anastomoses. RESULTS: mtDNA content was reduced in the colon tissue of patients in groups 1 and 2. Rectal mtDNA was found to be more damaged than colonic mtDNAs in all groups. The 4977 bp common deletion was observed in the mtDNA of tissues from both the colon and rectum of all patients. DISCUSSION: Patients in groups 1 and 2 were more similar to one another than to group 3, probably due to higher levels of reactive oxygen species in the mitochondria; the greater damage found in the rectum suggests that dehiscence originates primarily from the rectal area. CONCLUSIONS: The present study of mtDNA analyses of normal human colon and rectal tissues from patients with colorectal cancer is among the first of its kind
Evidence of a noncoding transcript of the RIPK2 gene overexpressed in head and neck tumor
Receptor-interacting proteins are a family of serine/threonine kinases, which integrate extra and intracellular stress signals caused by different factors, including infections, inflammation and DNA damage. Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (RIP-2) is a member of this family and an important component of the nuclear factor NF-kappa-B signaling pathway. The corresponding human gene RIPK2 generates two transcripts by alternative splicing, the full-length and a short transcript. The short transcript has a truncated 5’ sequence, which results in a predicted isoform with a partial kinase domain but able to transduce signals through its caspase recruitment domain. In this study, the expression of RIPK2 was investigated in human tissue samples and, in order to determine if both transcripts are similarly regulated at the transcriptional level, cancer cell lines were submitted to temperature and acid stresses. We observed that both transcripts are expressed in all tissues analyzed, with higher expression of the short one in tumor samples, and they are differentially regulated following temperature stress. Despite transcription, no corresponding protein for the short transcript was detected in tissues and cell lines analyzed. We propose that the shorter transcript is a noncoding RNA and that its presence in the cell may play regulatory roles and affect inflammation and other biological processes related to the kinase activity of RIP-2.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula
Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance burden from a cohort of 27 hospitals, 2020–2022
Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s)Introduction: The ESCPM group (Enterobacter species including Klebsiella aerogenes - formerly Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia species, Citrobacter freundii complex, Providencia species and Morganella morganii) has not yet been incorporated into systematic surveillance programs. Methods: We conducted a multicentre retrospective observational study analysing all ESCPM strains isolated from blood cultures in 27 European hospitals over a 3-year period (2020–2022). Diagnostic approach, epidemiology, and antimicrobial susceptibility were investigated. Results: Our study comprised 6,774 ESCPM isolates. MALDI-TOF coupled to mass spectrometry was the predominant technique for bacterial identification. Susceptibility to new β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations and confirmation of AmpC overproduction were routinely tested in 33.3% and 29.6% of the centres, respectively. The most prevalent species were E. cloacae complex (44.8%) and S. marcescens (22.7%). Overall, third-generation cephalosporins (3GC), combined third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins (3GC + 4GC) and carbapenems resistance phenotypes were observed in 15.7%, 4.6%, and 9.5% of the isolates, respectively. AmpC overproduction was the most prevalent resistance mechanism detected (15.8%). Among carbapenemase-producers, carbapenemase type was provided in 44.4% of the isolates, VIM- (22.9%) and OXA-48-enzyme (16%) being the most frequently detected. E. cloacae complex, K. aerogenes and Providencia species exhibited the most notable cumulative antimicrobial resistance profiles, with the former displaying 3GC, combined 3GC + 4GC and carbapenems resistance phenotypes in 15.2%, 7.4%, and 12.8% of the isolates, respectively. K. aerogenes showed the highest rate of both 3GC resistant phenotype (29.8%) and AmpC overproduction (32.1%), while Providencia species those of both carbapenems resistance phenotype (42.7%) and carbapenemase production (29.4%). ESCPM isolates exhibiting both 3GC and combined 3GC + 4GC resistance phenotypes displayed high susceptibility to ceftazidime/avibactam (98.2% and 95.7%, respectively) and colistin (90.3% and 90.7%, respectively). Colistin emerged as the most active drug against ESCPM species (except those intrinsically resistant) displaying both carbapenems resistance phenotype (85.8%) and carbapenemase production (97.8%). Conclusions: This study presented a current analysis of ESCPM species epidemiology in Europe, providing insights to inform current antibiotic treatments and guide strategies for antimicrobial stewardship and diagnostics.publishersversionpublishe
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