10 research outputs found

    Pandangan Positif Matematika terhadap Internalisasi Nilai “Performance Character” dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar

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    This article has a purpose to discuss about character building for students in elementary level by developing positive attitude and positive opinion towards mathematics. Indonesian government today continuously has tried to improve the quality of education by revising curriculum to all levels of education starting from elementary school to senior high school. The new implemented curriculum focus on the implementation of character which is integrated with all school subjects including mathematics. Character building at elementary level becomes main concern by all people because the main focus at elementary level is more on building good attitude rather than on knowledge and skill. This paper describes about on how to develop performance character and mathematics positively which includes confidence, positive view towards mathematics, improve students’ patience, improve student’s competence, praise for the student’s effort, develop student’s cleverness and gives motivation. By developing performance character and mathematics positivity could create an effective mathematics class, improve student’s behavior, avoid student’s constrain in learning mathematics and enhance student’s interest in learning mathematics

    The use of critical reflection manual in writing reflective journal: a case study of Malaysian student teachers’ perceptions

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    Reflective journal writing is a common tool for reflection to engage student teachers (STs) in reflective practice during teacher clinical experience (TCE) or teaching practicum. However, studies have shown that STs who have undergone the TCE often demonstrated low levels of reflection in their reflective writings. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to discuss the effectiveness of critical reflection manual (CRM) in promoting critical reflection among STs during TCE based on the STs’ perceptions. The CRM is developed through a systematic review of literature on various models of reflection, tools for reflection and approaches to developing a manual. It is developed specifically to guide STs to engage in critical reflection in their reflective writings during TCE. Primary data were collected from in-depth interviews and analysed by using content analysis technique. Eight STs from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) who were given exposure to the CRM during TCE were purposely selected to be interviewed. The findings indicated that the use of CRM by the STs had an overall positive impact. In addition, most STs gave positive perceptions of the CRM and provided several suggestions for improving the effectiveness of this CRM

    Student teachers’ level of reflection during teacher clinical experience: A case study in a Malaysian university

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    This study investigated student teachers’ (ST)level of reflection during teacher clinical experience (TCE). It sought to analyse the level of reflection among STs from a Malaysian university in the current practice of reflective writing and after given exposure to the critical reflection manual (CRM)during TCE. This study used Van Manen’s (1977) three-stage model (technical, practical and critical) to determine the level of reflection based on STs’ self-reflection notes in their daily lesson plan books (for the current practice of reflective writing)and weekly reflective journal writings (for STs who were given exposure to the CRM). The participants consisted of seven STs who were undergoing TCE from February to June 2014 (for the current practice) and eleven STs who were undergoing TCE from July to October 2015 (for those given exposure to the CRM). Each participant’s level of reflection was analysed based on Van Manen’s (1977) categorisation of levels of reflection. Results of the analyses showed that STs were barely reflective, demonstrating very low level of reflection for the current practice of reflective writing while STs exhibited practical and critical levels of reflection after given exposure to the CRM. Interpretations of the results are presented and recommendations are discussed within thecontext of the study

    Kompetensi Pedagogik: Sebuah Tinjauan tentang Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Karakter pada Pembelajaran Matematika SD

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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan aspek penting dari implementasi kurikulum 2013 (K-13) yang menghendaki guru untuk menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai karakter pada semua materi ajarnya. Demikian pula dengan pelajaran matematika pada jenjang sekolah dasar (SD), guru dituntut memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bermakna dengan melibatkan penanaman nilai-nilai karakter pada materi ajarnya. Namun pada kenyataannya proses ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah karena guru harus memiliki sejumlah kompetensi yang mumpuni dalam mengajar, terutama kompetensi pedagogik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang dilaksanakan mulai bulan April-Oktober 2018 yang melibatkan 43 orang guru SD di Kota Langsa. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemilihan model, metode, dan media pembelajaran serta sumber belajar matematika oleh guru kelas sudah sesuai dengan pertimbangan terhadap karakteristik siswa dan mata pelajaran; (2) namun ditemukan juga kendala pada implementasi nilai-nilai karakter yang tampak pada rencana kerja harian, hal ini disebabkan sebagian guru tidak paham terhadap perangkat ajar K-13 dan bahkan rencana kerja harian diambil secara langsung dari internet. Sehingga diharapkan kepada Dinas Pendidikan terkait untuk terus meningkatkan pelatihan bagi guru kelas terutama yang berkaitan dengan penyusunan rencana kerja harian sesuai dengan K-1

    Self-Reflection and Transformation Among Ningxia International Students in Malaysia

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    The study investigated the learning experiences and the adaptation process among Ningxia China international students studying in Malaysia. The paper aims to highlight the researcher’s self-reflection on the learning experience which led to self-transformation. The study employed a qualitative paradigm where a total of the ten participants were interviewed. Through a unique self-reflection during analysis, the researcher placed herself in the study and supported by ten other respondents. The researcher went through a rigorous search within herself. In addition, a set of semi-structured questions was used during the interview. The self-reflection of the researcher was conceptualized, interviews were transcribed and data were triangulated. Coding and constant comparison were adopted during data analysis. The findings showed the sub-themes of the learning experiences which led to self -transformation. The results yielded from this study contributed significantly towards the notion of transformation, study abroad and internationalisation. Thus, this implies that to able to succeed while studying abroad, it is important to understand the learning processes and the outcomes of the transformation within an individual

    The Implementation of Role of Kuttab Al-Fatih (KAF) Philosophy in Islamic Character Education

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    The aim of study was to understand about the implementation of role of kuttab al fatih (KAF) philosophy in islamic character education. This research used qualitative method. The study revealed that the KAF philosophies are "the faith before the Quran” “the adab before the knowledge" and “the knowledge before the actions (‘amal), which are believed to aid KAF to achieve its vision and mission. The implementation of KAF Philosophies in Islamic character education creates a solid foundation of faith which contains basic values for students who contain character good personalities such as obedient, responsible, disciplined, hard-working, long term concentration or focus, away from prohibitions, vices, sincere, be grateful, and motivated because of Allah. KAF philosophies delivered to all parties in KAF included students, parents, teachers, management, staff Foundation, cleaning service and driver. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami tentang implementasi peran filosofi kuttab al fatih dalam pendidikan karakter Islami. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa filosofi KAF adalah "Iman sebelum Quran" "Adab sebelum Ilmu""Ilmu sebelum tindakan (amal), yang diyakini membantu KAF untuk mencapai visi dan misinya. Penerapan KAF Philosophies dalam pendidikan karakter Islam menciptakan fondasi iman yang solid yang berisi nilai-nilai dasar bagi siswa yang mengandung karakter kepribadian yang baik seperti taat, bertanggungjawab, disiplin, pekerja keras, konsentrasi atau fokus jangka panjang, jauh dari larangan, kejahatan, tulus, bersyukur, dan termotivasi karena Allah. Filosofi KAF disampaikan kepada semua pihak di KAF termasuk siswa, orang tua, guru, manajemen, staf Yayasan, layanan kebersihan dan sopir

    The challenge of producing progressive teachers in Malaysia: a case study of reflective writings among UPSI student teachers

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    Because Malaysia is determined to produce high quality teachers who are able to become agents of change and empowered decision makers about their teaching practices, it becomes the responsibility of teacher education institutions in the country to train teachers to be reflective. This study examines 428 self-reflection notes (SRNs) of seven student teachers (STs) sampled from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) during their teaching practicum. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to gauge the STs’ perceptions of the SRNs and identify the problems faced by them during reflection. The main aspects of the SRNs were feedback and assessment, lesson implementation, lesson preparation, classroom management and professional attributes. The reflection level of the STs was analyzed based on Van Manen’s categorization using content analysis of the SRNs reflective components. The findings revealed that majority of the research participants were barely reflective as their SRNs were mostly exhibiting at technical level. There were also SRNs that were at practical level but none of them had achieved the highest (critical) level of reflection. Among the problems encountered by STs when reflecting were the absence of a given format in writing SRNs, time constraints, workload problems, difficulty in suggesting recommendations to overcome problems, lack of guidance from supervising lecturers, and problems in determining aspects of focus in the SRNs

    Parents Involvement in Improving Character of Children Through Mathematics Learning

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss parental involvement to the development of children character in mathematics learning. Parents are very important in improving children character by spending more time at home together, awareness and concern of parents are very influential towards the formation of character and academic performance of children. Mathematics education can be seen as a situation or the nature or even the value of synergies with character development. The achievements of pupils in mathematics and their participation to a higher level in mathematics are a reflection of the attitudes and aspirations of their parents. This study discusses parents’ involvement in improving the character of children through mathematical learning in the elementary school. This study describes the parent's knowledge and their character education, the concern towards their child's math skills, the difficulties of children in mathematics and the cooperation of the school and parents in improving the character of children at the elementary school

    The Analysis of UPSI Teacher Clinical Experience In Comparative Perspective and Suggestion for New Teacher Clinical Experience Structure

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    This study was conducted to compare and discuss the teacher clinical experience structure offered by the Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) and the chosen universities from Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, and Australia. This comparative analysis is carried out using a qualitative approach which will focus on the purposes, duration, timing and phases or components of the teacher clinical experience offered by the UPSI and the chosen universities. This analysis has identified that the time allocation for the teacher clinical experience of the UPSI was too short; the timing for pre-service teachers to undergo teacher clinical experience was inappropriate, and the phases or components of teacher clinical experience adopted was insufficient. This paper will suggest a new teacher clinical experience structure and provide implications that can be learnt by the UPSI from other universities abroad to enhance its existing teacher clinical experience

    Perbedaan Resistensi Siswa Laki-laki dengan Siswa Perempuan di SMP Telekomunikasi Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to investigate the differences in resistance levels exhibited by male and female students towards their teachers. The research employed a quantitative approach with a comparative design, involving 75 students from a Junior High School named SMP Telekomunikasi Pekanbaru. The resistance levels of the students were measured using a resistance scale composed of various indicators. The validity and reliability of the research instrument were established through validity and reliability tests. The obtained data were subjected to Independent T-Test analysis to determine if there were significant differences in resistance between male and female students. The results indicated that both male and female students exhibited moderate levels of resistance towards their teachers. However, the analysis of the Independent T-Test revealed that there was no significant difference in resistance levels between the two genders (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that gender did not play a significant role in influencing the resistance behaviors displayed by the students. In conclusion, the study contributes to the understanding of student resistance towards teachers, indicating that both male and female students exhibit moderate levels of resistance. The absence of significant gender-based differences in resistance levels suggests that other factors, such as teaching methodologies, classroom dynamics, and student perceptions, might be more influential in shaping resistance behaviors. These results highlight the importance of fostering positive teacher-student interactions and creating an environment where students feel heard and understood, regardless of their gender.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan besar antara tingkat resistensi guru siswa laki-laki dan perempuan di SMP Telekomunikasi Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif komparatif. Total sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena melibatkan 75 siswa yang semuanya adalah siswa SMP Telekomunikasi Pekanbaru sebagai responden. Pengukuran skala resistensi yang telah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas digunakan untuk mendapatkan data untuk penelitian ini. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan independent T-test. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada resistensi siswa laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap guru besar, dengan nilai signifikansi (sig. 2 tailed) sebesar 0,094 > 0,05. Fakta bahwa penelitian ini bahkan ada