149 research outputs found

    Die schwierige Vereinbarung von Familie und Beruf: eine italienische Studie

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    'Von einer dyadischen (matched-pairs) Forschungsperspektive ausgehend, will der folgende Beitrag die Risiken und die Möglichkeiten untersuchen, welche mit der Interferenz zwischen Arbeit und Familie (workfamily-conflict: WFC/ family-work-conflict: FWC) in den ersten Phasen des Lebenszyklus der Familie zusammenhängen. Es sollen vor allem die Ansichten von Ehemännern und -frauen in Hinsicht auf den Konflikt zwischen den beiden Lebensumfeldern verglichen sowie untersucht werden, ob und in welchem Maße sich dieser Konflikt auf das individuelle und eheliche Wohlbefinden sowie auf die Verwendung der Coping-Strategien auswirkt. Das Sample der Studie besteht aus 279 jungen, verheirateten Paaren, welche in Norditalien ansässig sind (ohne Kinder, mit 1 oder 2 Kindern im Vorschulalter) an welche der Fragebogen ausgehändigt wurde. Sieben MANOVA-Modelle wurden dann anhand der Befragungsergebnisse getestet. Im Einklang mit anderen Forschungsarbeiten wurde erhoben, dass die Frauen einen höheren Interferenzgrad des Familienumfeldes im Verhältnis zu den Anforderungen, welche im Arbeitsumfeld (family-work-conflict) an sie gerichtet werden, erleben. Zusätzlich wurde eine dyadische Typologie erstellt, welche von verschiedenen, innerhalb der Paare wahrgenommenen Graden des FWC ausgeht. Diese Taxonomie hat determinierenden Einfluss auf die eheliche Zufriedenheit, auf den Grad des individuellen Wohlbefindens und auf die verwendeten Coping-Strategien. Des weiteren wird aufgedeckt, welche Rolle die geschlechterspezifischen Faktoren und die Faktoren des Zyklus des Familienlebens in Hinsicht auf die Entwicklung der Vereinbarung von Arbeit und Familie spielen.' (Autorenreferat)'Based on a matched pairs research design, the purpose of the present study was to investigate risks and resources of the work-family interface (WFC/ FWC) during the earliest phases of the family life cycle. Comparing the perceptions of husbands and wives, this cross-sectional study examined the impact of work-family-conflict on the individual and couple well-being as well as on a range of work-family coping strategies. Using a random Sample of 279 dual-earner young married couples from the north of Italy (childless/ with 1 preschooler/ with 2 preschoolers), seven MANOVA models were tested through self-report data. Consistently with previous research, the findings indicated that wives experienced a greater amount of family interfering with work demands and obligations (family-work-conflict FWC). In addition, a four-fold dyadic typology was created crossing the FWC levels within the pairs (i.e., within the couples). The typology in question discriminated as marital satisfaction, personal well-being and the coping strategy of responsibilities avoidance were concerned. On the whole, gender and family life cycle factors showed a specific role in shaping the complex work-family nexus.' (author's abstract

    predictors of parenting stress during early adoptive parenthood

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    Parenting stress has a crucial influence on the parent-child relationship, the functioning of the family, and the development of children. Few studies have examined parenting stress in adoptive families during early parenthood, and fewer still have considered this issue in association with the quality of both couple and social relationships. The current study was intended to investigate predictors of parenting stress in a community sample of 56 adoptive parents from Italy, for a total of 112 participants. Our goals were to: 1) evaluate parenting stress among adoptive parents during the first post-adoption year, and 2) identify whether and to what extent parenting stress can be predicted by certain characteristics of the child (gender, age at adoption, years of institutionalisation, presence/absence of disease on arrival, emotional and behavioural difficulties), of parents' individual well-being (e.g., the presence of depressive symptoms), of relationships within the couple (sexual satisfaction, tenderness between partners, quarrelling) and with the social context (real and potential social support). In the analyses parents' gender effect and intercorrelations between the partners were taken into account. Results of multiple regression analysis and relative weight analysis highlighted the great importance of children's age at adoption and their emotional and behavioural difficulties in predicting both mothers' and fathers' stress, but also the contribution of the couple relationship quality as a protective factor that could reduce the level of parenting stress

    Bullying victimization among internationally adopted adolescents: Psychosocial adjustment and moderating factors

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    Bullying constitutes a serious risk factor for the psychosocial adjustment of young people in both the general population and minority groups. Among minorities, international adoptees are likely to show a specific vulnerability to the experience of being bullied, moderated by specific risk and protective factors. This study aimed to investigate the association between adoptees’ experience of bullying victimization and their psychosocial adjustment, and to explore the moderating role of adoptive identity and reflected minority categorization. An online, anonymous self-report questionnaire was completed by 140 adolescents (13–17 years), who were internationally adopted by Italian families. Findings showed that being victimized was associated with higher levels of emotional and behavioral difficulties, but that the strength of this relation varied according to the levels of adoptive identity and reflected minority categorization. Specifically, victimization was found to have a more detrimental and negative impact on psychological adjustment for adoptees who were highly identified with the adoptive group, and reported to be less perceived by others as members of the minority group. Results are discussed in relation to recommendations for further research as well as for professionals working with internationally adopted adolescents.publishedVersio

    Promuovere una cultura dell'accoglienza: Quali le rappresentazioni dell'adozione oggi?

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    In the last ten years in Italy, both the number of children in international adoption and the number of prospective adoptive parents have consistently decreased. The present research is aimed at investigating the social representations concerning adoption, adoptive parents and the motivations that can lead to adoption. The general aim is obtain useful information in order to develop specific awareness campaigns to promote a broader culture of acceptance and a more conscious readiness for adoption. We collected data from 265 parents through a self-report questionnaire. The results show that participants have a good knowledge of the adoptive phenomenon, mainly thanks to the media and a number direct contacts with adoptive families in the neighborhood and in the relative network. Adoptive parents were represented as couples without children, wealthy and generous, motivated by the desire to give a family to a needy child. It also emerged that the subjects, in case of lack of children, would have chosen to resort firstly to homologous artificial insemination and to adoption as second choice.Negli ultimi dieci anni nel nostro paese si è verificato un consistente calo non solo del numero dei minori accolti mediante l’adozione internazionale ma anche una riduzione del numero di coppie che presentano disponibilità all’adozione. Il presente studio si propone di indagare quale sia la rappresentazione diffusa nel nostro contesto socio-culturale dell'adozione, dei genitori adottivi e delle motivazioni che possono spingere all’adozione al fine di ottenere informazioni utili a sviluppare campagne di sensibilizzazione specifiche, che possano promuovere una più ampia cultura dell’accoglienza e favorire una maggiore e più consapevole disponibilità all’adozione. A tal fine sono stati coinvolti 265 genitori ai quali è stato somministrato un questionario self-report. I risultati evidenziano come i soggetti abbiano una buona conoscenza del fenomeno adottivo, principalmente grazie ai media e a numerosi contatti diretti con famiglie adottive nel vicinato e nella rete parentale. Le persone si rappresentano i genitori adottivi come coppie senza figli, benestanti e generose, motivate dal desiderio di dare una famiglia ad un bambino bisognoso. È inoltre emerso come i soggetti, in caso di mancanza di figli, ricorrerebbero in primo luogo alla fecondazione assistita e solo in secondo luogo all'adozione

    School victimization and psychosocial adjustment among Eastern European adopted adolescents across Europe

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    Background: Little is known about bullying experienced by internationally adopted teens residing in Europe. Objectives: Within the framework of an international research effort involving several European countries, the main goal of this study was to explore the experiences of bullying victimization suffered by adopted adolescents, as well as its impact on their psychological adjustment. Methods: The sample consisted of 199 adolescents born in Eastern European countries and adopted in France (n = 50), Italy (n = 59), Norway (n = 25) and Spain (n = 65). Results: More than half of the adopted adolescents had been exposed to some form of peer victimization in the previous 2 months, with verbal harassment and social exclusion being the most common forms of victimization. Differences between receiving countries were not statistically significant, suggesting a common pattern for Eastern European adopted adolescents living in Western Europe. More frequent experiences of peer victimization were associated with more psychological difficulties among the adopted adolescents. Conclusions: Findings highlight that adopted adolescents might have considerable difficulties in social integration with peers; these experiences of peer victimization might play an important role hindering their psychosocial adjustment. The socioemotional development of adopted people is not only linked to their pre-adoptive experiences; factors in their daily lives (i.e., peer relationships) may also be associated with their psychological adjustment later in life. Interventions are needed to promote the real inclusion of these groups of children in their social and educational contexts.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad PSI2015-67757-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad PID2020-115836RB-I00Unión Europea PSI2015-67757-RUnión Europea PID2020-115836RB-I0

    Internationally Adopted Adolescents Internationally Adopted Adolescents: How Do They Integrate Ethnic and National Identity?

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    _______________________________________ Abstract: In recent years the phenomenon of international adoption has steadily increased, and many adopted children are now adolescents. At this developmental stage the construction of ethnic identity becomes crucial, involving additional challenges for interracial adoptees. Some recent studies, mostly American, have focused on ethnic identity of adoptees: their results, however, are inconsistent with patterns of ethnic identification. This could be related to the complexity of this issue and the different strategies used by adoptees to confront dual membership of ethnic group and new social context. The present article explores how international adoptees negotiate dual identity and how this process affects their well-being. A self-report questionnaire was administered individually to 97 international adoptees aged between 15 and 22. Four types of adoptees, representing different patterns of ethnic and national identification, were determined in relation to different well-being outcomes. The results suggest some practical applications in pre-and post-adoption parent-training programs

    Psicologia dell'adozione e dell'affido familiare

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    Nel succedersi dei capitoli, l’intento è quello di affrontare a tutto tondo la molteplicità di aspetti che tali esperienze evocano e chiedono di essere trattati. Nel primo capitolo viene evidenziato il DNA comune dell’affido e dell’adozione in quanto forme di genitorialità “radicale” la cui principale finalità è la protezione dell’identità filiale descritta attraverso la declinazione delle modalità che in queste famiglie assumono i registri della genitorialità e della filiazione (biologico, accuditivo-educativo, intergenerazionale e sociale). Nel capitolo successivo l’affido e l’adozione sono presi in considerazione come specifiche transizioni familiari innescate da eventi critici che richiedono a ciascun protagonista della scena familiare risorse e capacità per far fronte alle sfide e ai compiti di sviluppo loro richiesti. Il capitolo 3 offre una disamina aggiornata sullo stato dell’arte e sulla dimensione attuale dell’adozione (nazionale e internazionale) e dell’affido mostrando come gli interventi di tutela del minore e di sostegno alle famiglie si pongano al crocevia di numerose aree disciplinari: psicologica, sociale, educativa e giuridica. L’excursus sulla normativa che disciplina questi istituti fornisce una lettura analitica e completa degli articoli di legge più rilevanti, offrendo un quadro esaustivo del complesso insieme di norme sulla materia. Il capitolo 4 è dedicato ad una rassegna dell’ampia letteratura nazionale ed internazionale sulle tematiche adottive, evidenziando gli orientamenti che hanno dominato i principali filoni di ricerca, a partire dai primi studi comparativi fino alle ricerche più recenti sui fattori genetici e neurobiologici implicati nella variabilità di adattamento all’adozione. In particolare, poi viene approfondito il tema dell’identità etnica, prendendo in considerazione le ricerche che riguardano il complesso processo di costruzione dell’identità nei casi di adozione internazionale (capitolo 5), mentre nel sesto capitolo viene proposta una panoramica delle ricerche più recenti sui temi del benessere psicosociale degli adottati nell’età adulta, la ricerca delle origini, la costruzione del legame di coppia e la transizione alla genitorialità. Nel capitolo successivo (capitolo 7) viene tratteggiato il panorama della letteratura nazionale e internazionale riguardante le ricerche sui fenomeni di crisi e di fallimento nel percorso adottivo, della loro diffusione e dei fattori di rischio e di prevenzione. Nei capitoli 8 e 9, attraverso i contributi degli studi della letteratura nazionale e internazionale, sono affrontati i temi emergenti della ricerca sociale e clinica sull’affidamento familiare quali, ad esempio, l’importanza del rapporto dei minori con le famiglie di origine, il legame tra fratelli nel collocamento congiunto e le sperimentazioni di nuove forme di affido. Viene poi presentato un excursus sulle nuove modalità di accoglienza familiare, a partire dalle forme più “leggere” di affido familiare, passando in rassegna alcune prassi giudiziarie come l’adozione mite o l’adozione aperta, per poi illustrare le forme “peculiari” di affido quali, ad esempio, l’affido omoculturale, l’affido professionale e l’affiancamento familiare. Il capitolo 10 illustra gli interventi di tipo preventivo-promozionale per l’accompagnamento delle famiglie adottive e affidatarie, volti ad arricchire e rafforzare i legami familiari con un approfondimento dei Percorsi di Enrichment Familiare. Nel capitolo 11, infine, sono presentati gli interventi clinici di sostegno e di aiuto per le famiglie complesse insieme ai principali strumenti simbolici (ad esempio il Test della Doppia Luna e il Life book), al gioco di ruolo, al disegno spontaneo e alla libera narrazione, oltre ad alcune interessanti esemplificazioni applicative, per chiudere poi con un affondo sul trauma, i disturbi dissociativi e l’intervento clinico specificamente rivolto agli adottati

    The role of adoptive parents\u2019 intergroup contact in fostering the well-being of adoptees: The \u201cextended intragroup contact effect\u201d

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    The present study examines the effects of a new cultural socialization strategy on the well-being of transracially adopted adolescents and emerging adults. Specifically, we propose a novel strategy focused on the role of adoptive parents\u2019 positive contact with members of their children\u2019s ethnic group of origin, which we labeled \u201cextended intragroup contact.\u201d The hypothesis was that observing ingroup members (adoptive parents, belonging to the family ingroup) engaging in contact with another ingroup (members of children\u2019s original ethnic group) would be associated with adoptees\u2019 meaning in life and, in turn, with well-being. A self-report questionnaire was administered to 120 families, each composed of transracial adoptees (all born in Latin American countries) and their adoptive parents. The results were generally supportive of predictions, showing that knowing of positive interactions between members of two different ingroups (family ingroup and ethnic ingroup) had beneficial effects for the well-being of transracial adoptees. The theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed, focusing on the importance of investigating extended intragroup contact as a strategy for improving the well-being of disadvantaged group members