58 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de fetos de ratas tratadas com 5-fluoruracil : influencia na formação do germe dentario

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    Orientador: Thales Rocha Mattos FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: It was studied in rats the influence of 5-fluoruracyl on the formation of dental germ and external malformations of rats embryo born from treated mothers. 5-fluoruracyl was administered intraperitonealy in single dose to each rat, that is 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg in different phases of pregnancy: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th days. The fetuses were examined at the 21st of day of pregnancy, after Caesarian operation. They were examined regarding to external malformations, the heads cut out of hystological examination of dental germ. The results were the following according the days of pregnancy the drug was administered: a)9th day:dose of 10 mg/kg caused respectively 21 and 20% of external malformations and 15 and 19% of anormal dental germ; all of the embryos were reabsorbed with doses of 30 and 40 mg/kg; 10th day:doses of 10, 20 and 30 mg/kg caused no malformations and dose of 40 mg/kg induced 94,2% of fetal reabsortionl 11th day:doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg caused no malformations while with those of 30 and 40 mg/kg total reabsortion of fetuses occurred; 12th day:only the dose of 10 mg/kg caused no abnormal fetuses; the doses of 20 and 30 mg/kg induced respectively 22 and 47% of malformations and 26-21% of dental germ agenesis; the dose of 40 mg/kg induced 97% of embrionary reabsortion; 13th day: doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg had no influence on fetuses; the one of 30 mg/kg caused 72% of malformations and 20% of dental agenesis; with the dose of 40 mg/kg 63% of the embryo were dead at the birthDoutoradoFarmacologiaDoutor em Ciência


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    Foi estudada a influência da droga antimitótica 5-fluoruracil (5-FU), administrada a ratas prenhes sobre a formação do germe dental de ratos recém nascidos. Foram utilizadas 125 fêmeas com 90-100 dias de idade e 15 machos adultos (Rattus rattus norvaegicus, albinus, Wistar). A droga foi injetada por via intraperitoneal a ratas grávidas, em doses únicas, aos 9º, 10º, 11º , 12º ou 13 º dias de gestação. Os animais foram divididos em quatro subgrupos de acordo com a dose administrada: 10, 20, 30 e 40 mg/kg. Os resultados mostraram que nessas doses, o 5-FU não teve efeito tóxico nas ratas prenhes, alem de perda de peso com doses mais elevadas (30-40 mg/kg), enquanto causou anomalias dentais nos embriões, bem como malformações externas. A proporção de tais anomalias foi, alem de dose dependente, influenciada pelo dia de gestação no qual antimitótico foi administrado às mães: foi observada maior sensibilidade ao 9º dia e menor ao 10º dia. Doses mais elevadas (30-40 mg/kg) causaram freqüentemente morte do embrião e reabsorção fetal. Agenesia do germe dentário foi freqüentemente observada. Abstract It was studied the influence of the antimitotic drug 5 - fluorouracil (5-FU), administered to pregnant rats, on dental germ formation of newborn rats. A total of 125 female aged 90-100 days and 15 male adult rats (Rattus rattus norvaegicus, albinus, Wistar) were used. The drug was injected intraperitoneally in single doses to females at the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th days of pregnancy. The animals were divided in four groups according to the doses administered: 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg. Results show that the drug induced no toxicity to mothers, other than loss of body weight with higher doses (30-40 mg/kg), but caused in the fetuses dental germ anomalies and body external malformations. The proportion of such anomalies were, besides dose dependent, influenced by the day of pregnancy when the drug was administered to the mothers: there was a greater sensitivity at the 9th day and a lesser one at the 10th day. Higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) caused frequently embryonic death or fetal uterine reabsorption. Agenesia of the dental germ was frequently found


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    Os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio são largamente utilizados em distúrbios cardiovasculares, usualmente em tratamentos prolongados, ocasionalmente em mulheres grávidas. Foram estudados os efeitos do verapamil sobre a implantação uterina, a reabsorção fetal e os níveis de cálcio, fosfato e proteínas totais plasmáticos de mães e filhotes. Foram utilizadas 75 ratas fêmeas Wistar, com qualidade controlada. Os animais tratados foram divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro recebeu verapamil na dose 2,4 mg/rato/dia de e o segundo, 24 mg/rato/dia. A droga foi administrado na água de beber durante 10 semanas: 7 semanas antes do acasalamento e 3 semanas durante a gestação, sendo a operação cesariana realizada ao 21º dia. Por ocasião da cesariana, foram tomadas amostras de sangue das mães e filhotes. O verapamil, na dose mais elevada, causou diminuição dos níveis plasmáticos de cálcio e fosfato nas mães a par de diminuir o peso corpóreo dos filhotes. Os níveis séricos de cálcio, fosfato e proteínas foram comparáveis nos filhotes dos grupos controle e tratado. Contudo, foram significativamente mais baixos em todos os filhotes, em comparação com as respectivas mães. Os resultados mostraram que o verapamil estimulou a ovulação, aumentando o número de implantações uterinas, enquanto induziu morte fetal precoce e reabsorção fetal. Abstract Calcium channel blockers are widely used in cardiovascular diseases, usually in long-term treatments, occasionally in pregnant women. The effects of verapamil were studied on uterine implantation, fetal reabsorption and mothers and offsprings plasmatic levels of calcium, phosphate and total protein. Seventy-five quality-controlled female Wistar rats were used. The drug-treated animals were divided in two groups: the first received verapamil in doses of 2.4 mg/rat/day and the second, doses of 24 mg/rat/day. The drug was administered by means of the drinking water for 10 weeks: 7 weeks before mating and 3 weeks during pregnancy; cesarean surgery was performed on the 21st. day. On the occasion of the cesarean, mothers and newborns blood samples were taken. Verapamil, in the higher dose, caused a lowering of plasmatic calcium and phosphate in mothers and reduced body weight in offspring. In the young, plasmatic calcium, phosphate and total proteins were comparable in verapamil treated and control. However, these values were significantly lower in newborn of treated and control groups, as compared to their respective mothers. Results show that verapamil stimulated ovulation, increasing the uterine implantation but induced early fetal death and reabsorption

    Etiology and treatment of peri-implant illnesses

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    Introdução: a periimplantite é uma doença infecciosa semelhante à periodontite crônica que afeta os tecidos periimplantares. Objetivo: realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre periimplantite, abordando os tipos, as causas, diagnóstico e tratamento. Conclusão: as doenças periimplantares são possíveis complicações do tratamento com implantes. Vários protocolos de tratamento já foram sugeridos e estudados por diversos autores, porém, ainda se sabe muito pouco se essas terapias são capazes de devolver a osseointegração dos implantes. O tratamento das doenças periimplantares é ainda baseado em considerações empíricas, muitas vezes derivadas da pesquisa periodontal e de dados extrapolados de achados in vitro. Introduction: the periimplantitis is an infectious similar disease to the chronic periodontitis that affects the periimplant tissue. Aim: carry out a revision of literature on periimplantitis, boarding the types, the causes, diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: the periimplant diseases are possible complications of the treatment with dental implants. Several protocols of treatment were already suggested and studied by several authors, however, somewhat is still known very much if these therapies are able to return the osseointegration of the implants. The treatment is still well-founded in empirical considerations very often been derived from the inquiry periodontal and of overstepped data of finds in vitro


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    O verapamil e outros bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio são usados como antihipertensivos e antiarrítmicos tratamentos prolongados ou por toda a vida, podendo ser indicados em gestantes. Foi estudado o efeito do bloqueador dos canais de cálcio sobre o germe dental, tempo de erupção dentária de filhotes nascidos de mães tratadas e mineralização óssea nas mães. As fêmeas tratadas foram divididas em dois grupos: o primeiro recebeu verapamil na dose de 2,4 mg/rato/dia e o segundo, 24 mg/rato/dia. Os animais foram divididas em dois subgrupos: o primeiro recebeu a droga durante 10 semanas: 7 semanas antes do acasalamento e 3 semanas durante a gestação realizando-se a operação cesariana ao 21o dia; o outro foi tratado como o primeiro, porem os filhotes nasceram de parto natural e o tratamento das mães foi continuado por 15 dias. Foram determinados os níveis plasmáticos de cálcio e fosfato de mães e filhotes. As cabeças dos filhotes foram seccionadas para histologia dos germes dentários e determinados os pesos úmido e seco do osso femoral das mães. Os resultados mostraram que a droga, na dose mais elevada, diminuiu os níveis séricos de cálcio e fosfato nas mães, enquanto que nos filhotes, os valores foram significativamente mais baixos em comparação com as mães. O verapamil causou aumento da mineralização óssea nas mães durante a gestação, mas não após o parto. Um aumento da calcificação dos germes dentários dos filhotes não pôde ser demonstrada, porem na dose mais elevada, o verapamil causou retardo significativo na erupção dentária. Abstract Verapamil and other calcium blocker drugs are used as antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic in long term treatments and appropriate to be prescribed for pregnant women. It was studied in rats the effects of verapamil on dental germ calcification, the time of dental eruption in offspring born from treated mothers and on mothers bone mineralization. The rats were divided in two groups: one received verapamil in doses of 2.4 mg/rat/day and the other, 24 mg/rat/day. The animals were divided in two subgroups: one was treated during 10 weeks: 7 before mating and 3 during pregnancy, cesarean surgery performed on the 21st day; the other was treated in the same way but the offspring were born by natural delivery and the mothers treatment continued for 15 days. Plasma calcium and phosphate were assayed in mothers and offspring. The offsprings heads were isolated to histology of dental germs and determined mothers femoral bone fresh and dry weights. Results show that the higher dose verapamil lowered mothers plasmatic calcium and phosphate while a significant lower values were observed in offspring as compared to their mothers. Verapamil increased mothers femoral bone mineralization during mineralization but not after delivery. An increased calcium deposition of dental germ could not be demonstrated but verapamil significantly delayed newborns dental eruption

    Efeito do consumo de álcool no suporte ósseo periodontal em periodontite experimental em ratos

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the alcohol consumption on the periodontal bone support (PBS) in experimental periodontitis in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-three male rats were divided into seven groups: G1 (control); G2 (10% ethanol); G3 (nutritional control of G2); G4 (20% ethanol); G5 (nutritional control of G4); G6 (30% ethanol) and G7 (nutritional control of G6). The groups G3, G5 and G7 received controlled diets with equivalent caloric amounts to those consumed in G2, G4 and G6 respectively, with the ethanol replaced by sucrose. After anesthesia, ligatures were installed around the mandibular first molar, leaving the contralateral teeth unligated. After 8 weeks, the rats were killed and their mandibles were radiographed to measure the percentage of PBS on the distal aspect. RESULTS: The intragroup analyses showed that presence of ligatures induced periodontitis (pOBJETIVO: O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de álcool sobre o suporte ósseo periodontal (SOP) em periodontite induzida por ligaduras em ratos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Sessenta e três ratos machos foram divididos em sete grupos: G1 (controle); G2 (álcool a 10%); G3 (controle nutricional de G2); G4 (álcool a 20%); G5 (controle nutricional de G4); G6 (álcool a 30%); G7 (controle nutricional de G6). Os grupos G3, G5 e G7 receberam dietas controladas com a mesma quantidade de calorias consumidas por G2, G4 e G6, respectivamente, com o etanol substituído por sacarose. Após anestesia foram instaladas ligaduras no primeiro molar inferior direito, permanecendo o dente contralateral sem ligadura. Após oito semanas, os ratos foram sacrificados e as mandíbulas radiografadas para medição do SOP na proximal distal. RESULTADOS: A análise intragrupo mostrou que a presença da ligadura foi capaz de induzir periodontite (

    Rational use of antimicrobials in dentistry during pregnancy

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    The use of medicines during pregnancy deserves special attention from dentists due to the potential risks to fetal development. The prescription of antimicrobial drugs during this period must be based not only on the etiology of the disease but also on the drug?s effect on the embryo, which may be toxic, possibly leading to irreversible lesions. Interest in studies of the teratogenic effects of drugs increased in response to reports of the high incidence of phocomelia in patients treated with thalidomide. Although teratogenicity has long been known, pregnant women today are still exposed to this risk. The effects of drugs depend on the level of susceptibility of the fetus and on the period of exposure during pregnancy. In this context, and considering the paucity of studies on this subject in dentistry, the aim of this review was to offer an up-to-date compilation of data on the antimicrobial drugs most frequently used during pregnancy and the effects of their use

    The Influence of Alcohol Consumption in Conjunction with Sex Hormone Deficiency on Ca/P Ratio in Rats

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    Deficiency of sex hormones and excessive alcohol consumption are factors that have been related to alterations in the pattern of bone mineralization and osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible alterations in the calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio in the femur of rats subjected to sex hormone deficiency and/or alcohol consumption. Methods. Female andmaleWistar rats (n = 108) were divided into ovariectomized (Ovx), orchiectomized (Orx), or sham-operated groups and subdivided according to diet: alcoholic diet (20% alcohol solution), isocaloric diet, and ad libitum diet. The diets were administered for 8 weeks. The Ca/P ratio in the femur was analyzed by energy dispersive micro-X-ray spectrometer (mu EDX). Results. Consumption of alcohol reduced the Ca/P ratio in both females and males. The isocaloric diet reduced the Ca/P ratio in females. In groups with the ad libitum diet, the deficiency of sex hormones did not change the Ca/P ratio in females or males. However, the combination of sex hormone deficiency and alcoholic diet presented the lowest values for the Ca/P ratio in both females and males. Conclusions. There was a reduced Ca/P ratio in the femur of rats that consumed alcohol, which was exacerbated when combined with a deficiency of sex hormones.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil)Brazilian governmental research agency, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil)Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Diagnostics, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Avenida Engenheiro Francisco José Longo 777, 12245-000 São José dos Campos, SP, BrazilInstitute of Environmental Science, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Department of Mathematical and Earth Sciences, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Rua Prof. Artur Riedel 275, 09972-270 Diadema, SP, BrazilInstitute of Research and Development, University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP), Laboratory of Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy, Avenida Shishima Hifumi 2911, 12244-000 São José dos Campos, SP, BrazilInstitute of Science and Technology, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Avenida Engenheiro Francisco José Longo 777, 12245-000 São José dos Campos, SP, BrazilDepartment of Preventive and Community Dentistry, The University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, N337-1 Dental Science N, 52242 Iowa City, IA, USAInstitute of Environmental Science, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Department of Mathematical and Earth Sciences, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Rua Prof. Artur Riedel 275, 09972-270 Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc