297 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos

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    A short review on electromagnetic properties of neutrinos is presented. In spite of many efforts in the theoretical and experimental studies of neutrino electromagnetic properties, they still remain one of the main puzzles related to neutrinos.Comment: The talk presented by A.Studenikin at the International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Rome (Italy), July 1-5, 200

    Oscillatons revisited

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    In this paper, we study some interesting properties of a spherically symmetric oscillating soliton star made of a real time-dependent scalar field which is called an oscillaton. The known final configuration of an oscillaton consists of a stationary stage in which the scalar field and the metric coefficients oscillate in time if the scalar potential is quadratic. The differential equations that arise in the simplest approximation, that of coherent scalar oscillations, are presented for a quadratic scalar potential. This allows us to take a closer look at the interesting properties of these oscillating objects. The leading terms of the solutions considering a quartic and a cosh scalar potentials are worked in the so called stationary limit procedure. This procedure reveals the form in which oscillatons and boson stars may be related and useful information about oscillatons is obtained from the known results of boson stars. Oscillatons could compete with boson stars as interesting astrophysical objects, since they would be predicted by scalar field dark matter models.Comment: 10 pages REVTeX, 10 eps figures. Updated files to match version published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    On the thermal footsteps of Neutralino relic gases

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    Current literature suggests that neutralinos are the dominant cold dark matter particle species. Assuming the microcanonical definition of entropy, we examine the local entropy per particle produced between the ``freeze out'' era to the present. An ``entropy consistency'' criterion emerges by comparing this entropy with the entropy per particle of actual galactic structures given in terms of dynamical halo variables. We apply this criterion to the cases when neutralinos are mosly b-inos and mostly higgsinos, in conjunction with the usual ``abundance'' criterion requiring that present neutralino relic density complies with 0.1 < \Omega_{\chic{\tilde\chi^0_1}} < 0.3 for h0.65h\simeq 0.65. The joint application of both criteria reveals that a better fitting occurs for the b-ino channels, hence the latter seem to be favoured over the higgsino channels. The suggested methodology can be applied to test other annihilation channels of the neutralino, as well as other particle candidates of thermal gases relics.Comment: LaTex AIP style, 8 pages including 1 figure. Final version to appear in Proceedings of the Mexican School of Astrophysics (EMA), Guanajuato, M\'exico, July 31 - August 7, 200

    Electromagnetic Form Factors of a Massive Neutrino

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    Electromagnetic form factors of a massive neutrino are studied in a minimally extended standard model in an arbitrary RξR_{\xi} gauge and taking into account the dependence on the masses of all interacting particles. The contribution from all Feynman diagrams to the charge, magnetic, and anapole form factors, in which the dependence on the masses of all particles as well as on gauge parameters is accounted for exactly, are obtained for the first time in explicit form. The asymptotic behavior of the magnetic form factor for large negative squares of the momentum of an external photon is analyzed and expression for the anapole moment of a massive neutrino is derived. The results are generalized to the case of mixing between various generations of the neutrino. Explicit expressions are obtained for the charge, magnetic, and electric dipole and anapole transition form factors as well as for the transition electric dipole moment.Comment: 16 pares with 5 figures in pdf forma

    General massive one-loop off-shell three-point functions

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    In this work we compute the most general massive one-loop off-shell three-point vertex in D-dimensions, where the masses, external momenta, and exponents of propagators are arbitrary. This follows our previous paper in which we have calculated several new hypergeometric series representations for massless and massive (with equal masses) scalar one-loop three-point functions, in the negative dimensional approach.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    New measurement of neutron capture resonances of 209Bi

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    The neutron capture cross section of Bi209 has been measured at the CERN n TOF facility by employing the pulse-height-weighting technique. Improvements over previous measurements are mainly because of an optimized detection system, which led to a practically negligible neutron sensitivity. Additional experimental sources of systematic error, such as the electronic threshold in the detectors, summing of gamma-rays, internal electron conversion, and the isomeric state in bismuth, have been taken into account. Gamma-ray absorption effects inside the sample have been corrected by employing a nonpolynomial weighting function. Because Bi209 is the last stable isotope in the reaction path of the stellar s-process, the Maxwellian averaged capture cross section is important for the recycling of the reaction flow by alpha-decays. In the relevant stellar range of thermal energies between kT=5 and 8 keV our new capture rate is about 16% higher than the presently accepted value used for nucleosynthesis calculations. At this low temperature an important part of the heavy Pb-Bi isotopes are supposed to be synthesized by the s-process in the He shells of low mass, thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars. With the improved set of cross sections we obtain an s-process fraction of 19(3)% of the solar bismuth abundance, resulting in an r-process residual of 81(3)%. The present (n,gamma) cross-section measurement is also of relevance for the design of accelerator driven systems based on a liquid metal Pb/Bi spallation target.Comment: 10 pages, 5figures, recently published in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the s-only isotope 204Pb from 1 eV to 440 keV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 204Pb has been measured at the CERN n_TOF installation with high resolution in the energy range from 1 eV to 440 keV. An R-matrix analysis of the resolved resonance region, between 1 eV and 100 keV, was carried out using the SAMMY code. In the interval between 100 keV and 440 keV we report the average capture cross section. The background in the entire neutron energy range could be reliably determined from the measurement of a 208Pb sample. Other systematic effects in this measurement could be investigated and precisely corrected by means of detailed Monte Carlo simulations. We obtain a Maxwellian average capture cross section for 204Pb at kT=30 keV of 79(3) mb, in agreement with previous experiments. However our cross section at kT=5 keV is about 35% larger than the values reported so far. The implications of the new cross section for the s-process abundance contributions in the Pb/Bi region are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, article submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Beyond series expansions: mathematical structures for the susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model

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    We first study the properties of the Fuchsian ordinary differential equations for the three and four-particle contributions χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)} of the square lattice Ising model susceptibility. An analysis of some mathematical properties of these Fuchsian differential equations is sketched. For instance, we study the factorization properties of the corresponding linear differential operators, and consider the singularities of the three and four-particle contributions χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)}, versus the singularities of the associated Fuchsian ordinary differential equations, which actually exhibit new ``Landau-like'' singularities. We sketch the analysis of the corresponding differential Galois groups. In particular we provide a simple, but efficient, method to calculate the so-called ``connection matrices'' (between two neighboring singularities) and deduce the singular behaviors of χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)}. We provide a set of comments and speculations on the Fuchsian ordinary differential equations associated with the n n-particle contributions χ(n) \chi^{(n)} and address the problem of the apparent discrepancy between such a holonomic approach and some scaling results deduced from a Painlev\'e oriented approach.Comment: 21 pages Proceedings of the Counting Complexity conferenc

    Resonance capture cross section of 207Pb

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    The radiative neutron capture cross section of 207Pb has been measured at the CERN neutron time of flight installation n_TOF using the pulse height weighting technique in the resolved energy region. The measurement has been performed with an optimized setup of two C6D6 scintillation detectors, which allowed us to reduce scattered neutron backgrounds down to a negligible level. Resonance parameters and radiative kernels have been determined for 16 resonances by means of an R-matrix analysis in the neutron energy range from 3 keV to 320 keV. Good agreement with previous measurements was found at low neutron energies, whereas substantial discrepancies appear beyond 45 keV. With the present results, we obtain an s-process contribution of 77(8)% to the solar abundance of 207Pb. This corresponds to an r-process component of 23(8)%, which is important for deriving the U/Th ages of metal poor halo stars.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the radiative neutron capture cross section of 206Pb and its astrophysical implications

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    The (n, gamma) cross section of 206Pb has been measured at the CERN n_TOF facility with high resolution in the energy range from 1 eV to 600 keV by using two optimized C6D6 detectors. In the investigated energy interval about 130 resonances could be observed, from which 61 had enough statistics to be reliably analyzed via the R-matrix analysis code SAMMY. Experimental uncertainties were minimized, in particular with respect to (i) angular distribution effects of the prompt capture gamma-rays, and to (ii) the TOF-dependent background due to sample-scattered neutrons. Other background components were addressed by background measurements with an enriched 208Pb sample. The effect of the lower energy cutoff in the pulse height spectra of the C6D6 detectors was carefully corrected via Monte Carlo simulations. Compared to previous 206Pb values, the Maxwellian averaged capture cross sections derived from these data are about 20% and 9% lower at thermal energies of 5 keV and 30 keV, respectively. These new results have a direct impact on the s-process abundance of 206Pb, which represents an important test for the interpretation of the cosmic clock based on the decay of 238U.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, paper to be submitted to Phys. Rev.