125 research outputs found

    Gorenstein colength of local Artin k-algebras

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    [spa] En esta tesis abordamos el problema de la aproximación de anillos locales por anillos de Gorenstein en el caso cero-dimensional. Nos centramos en el estudio y el cálculo efectivo de la colongitud de Gorenstein, una noción propuesta por Ananthnarayan para medir qué tan cerca está una k-álgebra artiniana de satisfacer la propiedad de Gorenstein. Extendemos la caracterización de los anillos de Teter a k-álgebras de baja colongitud de Gorenstein en términos de sus sistemas inversos de Macaulay y ciertos ideales auto-duales generalizando resultados de Huneke-Vraciu, Ananthnarayan y Elias-Silva. Estudiamos ciertas propiedades de las coberturas Gorenstein minimales de un anillo, como su función de Hilbert y su dimensión de embedding. La herramienta de los sistemas inversos resulta clave para la definición y cálculo efectivo de la variedad de coberturas Gorenstein minimales vía el método de integración introducido por Mourrain. En codimensión 2, extendemos la parametrización de Conca-Valla para ideales del anillo de polinomios al anillo de series, obteniendo un método para el cálculo de coberturas Gorenstein basado en el estudio de matrices canónicas de Hilbert-Burch. Todos los algoritmos propuestos se han implementado en una librería del software de álgebra communtativa Singular

    El paper de la mestra assessora a un centre d’infantil i primària

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    Es descriu la figura de la mestra assessora, creada al CEIP Margalida Florit de Ciutadella. La mestra assessora té una visió transversal del projecte d'escola i s'encarrega d’assessorar, guiar i animar el projecte d’aula durant tot el seu procés mitjançant reunions periòdiques amb la resta de l’equip educatiu. En primer lloc, es fa una breu contextualització del centre i es comenta el tipus de model educatiu que necessita. Seguidament, s’exposen les principals funcions que corresponen al perfil professional de la mestra assessora. Finalment, es comenten els aspectes positius a l’hora de comptar amb aquesta figura professional dins del centre educatiu

    A novel algebraic approach to time-reversible evolutionary models

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    In the last years algebraic tools have been proven to be useful in phylogenetic reconstruction and model selection by means of the study of phylogenetic invariants. However, up to now, the models studied from an algebraic viewpoint are either too general or too restrictive (as group-based models with a uniform stationary distribution) to be used in practice. In this paper we provide a new framework to work with time-reversible models, which are the most widely used by biologists. In our approach we consider algebraic time-reversible models on phylogenetic trees (as defined by Allman and Rhodes) and introduce a new inner product to make all transition matrices of the process diagonalizable through the same orthogonal eigenbasis. This framework generalizes the Fourier transform widely used to work with group-based models and recovers some of the well known results. As illustration, we exploit the combination of our technique with algebraic geometry tools to provide relevant phylogenetic invariants for trees evolving under the Tamura-Nei model of nucleotide substitution

    High voltage shore connections. Application in piers and power supply ships

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    The objective of this project is to study the behavior of a High Voltage Shore Connection, a useful system to carry electrical power from shore to ship and backwards, while it is berthed at piers. This will be done by designing a system for a port, able to be connecting four ships at the same time to a shore power source. With this design, simulations will be performed. The results in regular operation conditions and in special situations will be analyzed, and they will be compared with the quality requirements stablished by international standards for these installations.The High-Voltage Shore Connections (HVSC) are an efficient way to reduce air pollution in ports and its surroundings, as it allows ships to connect themselves to a shore source of energy and shut down their engines, thus cutting their contaminant emissions. To be able to carry out this connection between the shore electrical grid and the ship, it must be taken into account that, generally, both systems work with different voltages and frequencies. Therefore, the HVSC must be in charge of not only transmitting energy from piers to ship and vice versa, but also doing the suitable conversions so that the two networks may connect each other properly. In this project, it is designed and analyzed a possible solution of the circuit in charge of making these energy transformations. After completing the design of the system, simulations under different load situations and possible failures are run. With four ships using in parallel the HVSC, it may be seen, besides the regular behavior of the circuit, the repercussions and effects in the whole system when a short circuit takes place in one of the connecting electric feeders between one of the ships and the converter system. Similarly, also the effects of one step in the energy required by a ship (an increase or decrease of 1 MVA, regarding the 5-10 MVA that it regularly needs) in the rest of the circuit can be observed. Both the design of the circuit and the conditions of the simulations are performed with Matlab Simulink, and the results are compared with stablished requirements by international regulation associations. In this case, Classification Societies, who are normally the main references when introducing normative and requirements in the maritime ambit, stablish few regulations about it. Instead, the International Standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-1 covers with detail all the subject about harbor connections, on the ship side as well as on the shore side. That is why this Standard is the one that will be taken into account to observe the system operation limits. The results show that in case of short circuit in one electric feeder, the voltage goes down to zero, while the current goes up to very high values, as it was expected; this causes transient changes in the voltages and currents of other feeders, which includes peaks in the electric feeder going directly to a ship. Meanwhile, in the cases of increase and decrease of the loads it is observed that when the load of one ship is increased, the voltage in its feeder decreases and the current grows, and the opposite happens when the load is decreased. With the load variation simulated, the effects of these load changes are barely noticeable in other ships, except for the ship supplied directly from the source, where a little variation appears in voltage. Therefore, it can be concluded that even most of studied cases don’t cause severe alterations, there are some exceptions. On one hand, a short circuit in the source electric feeder affects importantly to the rest of the feeders. And on the other hand, it must be taken into account that the load change in one feeder will affect to the voltage supplied, being deviated from the nominal voltage stablished by the rule. Las conexiones de puerto de alta tensión (HVSC) son una forma eficiente de reducir la contaminación ambiental en los puertos y sus alrededores, ya que permite a los buques conectarse a una fuente de energía en el muelle y apagar los motores, reduciendo así sus emisiones contaminantes. Para poder llevar a cabo esta conexión entre la red eléctrica en tierra y la propia del barco, debe tenerse en cuenta que, por norma general, ambos sistemas trabajan a tensiones y frecuencias diferentes. Por lo tanto, las HVSC deben encargarse no solo de transmitir la energía desde el puerto al buque y viceversa, sino también de efectuar las conversiones necesarias para que las dos redes puedan estar conectadas sin sufrir problemas. En este proyecto se diseña y estudia precisamente una possible solución del circuito que ha de llevar a cabo esas transformaciones de energía, adaptando la tensión generada por la fuente a una que sea adecuada para la red del buque usando la conexión. Tras completar el diseño del sistema, este se pone a prueba, simulando distintas situaciones de carga y posibles fallos. Con cuatro buques usando en paralelo la HVSC se ven, además del comportamiento normal del circuito, las repercusiones que tendría un cortocircuito en las líneas de conexión entre uno de los buques y el sistema de la conversión en la energía que llega a los demás buques. De igual forma, también se observan los efectos de un escalón en la energía requerida por un buque (un incremento o disminución de 1 MVA, respecto a los 5-10 MVA que puede necesitar normalmente) en el resto del circuito. Tanto el diseño del circuito como las simulaciones de las condiciones se llevan a cabo con el programa Matlab Simulink, y los resultados son comparados con los requisitos establecidos por las asociaciones internacionales de regulación. En este caso las Sociedades de Clasificación, normalmente las mayores referencias a la hora de introducir normativas y requisitos en el ámbito marítimo, establecen muy pocas regulaciones al respecto. En cambio, el Standard Internacional ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-1 cubre detalladamente todo el tema de conexiones en puertos, tanto en el lado del buque como en el de tierra, por lo que se atenderá a este para observar los límites de operación del sistema. Los resultados muestran que en el caso del cortocircuito en una línea, la tensión baja hasta cero mientras la corriente sube a valores muy altos, como era predecible; esto provoca alteraciones transitorias en las tensiones y corrientes de las otras líneas, incluyendo picos en la línea que alimenta directamente a un buque. Mientras tanto, para los casos de aumento y disminución de carga se observa que cuando se aumenta la carga de un buque, la tensión en esa línea baja mientras la corriente sube, y al revés cuando se disminuye la carga. Con la variación de carga probada, los efectos de estos cambios de carga son apenas perceptibles en los otros buques, a excepción del buque alimentado directamente de la fuente, donde aparece una pequeña variación en la tensión. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que aunque la mayoría de casos estudiados no provocan alteraciones muy graves, hay ciertas excepciones. Por un lado, el cortocircuito en la línea de la fuente, que afecta de forma muy importante a todas las demás líneas. Y por el otro, debe tenerse en cuenta que el cambio de carga en una línea afectará a la tensión que va a recibir, lo que la hará desviarse de la tensión nominal establecida por la norma

    Paroxysmal eye–head movements in Glut1 deficiency syndrome

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    Objective:To describe a characteristic paroxysmal eye–head movement disorder that occurs in infants with Glut1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1 DS).Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of 101 patients with Glut1 DS to obtain clinical data about episodic abnormal eye movements and analyzed video recordings of 18 eye movement episodes from 10 patients.Results:A documented history of paroxysmal abnormal eye movements was found in 32/101 patients (32%), and a detailed description was available in 18 patients, presented here. Episodes started before age 6 months in 15/18 patients (83%), and preceded the onset of seizures in 10/16 patients (63%) who experienced both types of episodes. Eye movement episodes resolved, with or without treatment, by 6 years of age in 7/8 patients with documented long-term course. Episodes were brief (usually &lt;5 minutes). Video analysis revealed that the eye movements were rapid, multidirectional, and often accompanied by a head movement in the same direction. Eye movements were separated by clear intervals of fixation, usually ranging from 200 to 800 ms. The movements were consistent with eye–head gaze saccades. These movements can be distinguished from opsoclonus by the presence of a clear intermovement fixation interval and the association of a same-direction head movement.Conclusions:Paroxysmal eye–head movements, for which we suggest the term aberrant gaze saccades, are an early symptom of Glut1 DS in infancy. Recognition of the episodes will facilitate prompt diagnosis of this treatable neurodevelopmental disorder.</jats:sec

    A virtual laboratory for an enhanced and safe understanding of the electric transformers operation

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    [EN] The paper presents an educational software designed to simulate the behaviour of an electric transformer under no-load, shortcircuit and load test, measuring its input and output magnitudes through network analysers, and enabling the supply voltage and load regulations. This virtual laboratory allows to achieve several objectives. First, the student becomes familiar with the system to be operated in the real laboratory, reducing the subsequent electrical risk and optimizing the time required for carrying out the practice. Second, it enhances the understanding of transformers behaviour, its modelling through the equivalent electrical circuit, and the calculation of its two most characteristic parameters during its operation (performance and internal voltage drop). Finally, the application auto evaluates the transformer characterization performed by the student. The simulator reproduces schematically, but precisely, the assembly that the student faces during the lab lesson: an autotransformer to regulate the supply voltage, a transformer, two input and output network analysers, and different types of loads. The tool is structured in three panels. In the first panel, the student selects a transformer from 24 options, and performs its shortcircuit and no-load tests to characterize it through its electric equivalent circuit. Panels 2 and 3 enable load tests and its main characteristics calculation (performance and internal voltage drop). The student results are introduced in the app to perform auto-evaluation. To measure the performance and usefulness of the application, it has been implemented in the lab lessons of the subject ¿Electrical Technology¿, belonging to the Bachelor¿s Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering, taught at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). The sample size is 96 students and the methodology used is as follows. The 96 students are subdivided into four groups. The practice lessons follow this sequence: a refreshment of the transformer concepts needed + explanation of the practice lesson to be performed + explanation and use of the app solving an example (only for groups 1 and 2) + real laboratory experience + final test on transformers. Finally, the performances between groups 1-2 and 3-4 are compared. It is observed that the students of groups 1 and 2 obtain better results in the final tests than those of groups 3 and 4, reaching higher levels of learning thanks to the previous use of the simulator. On the other hand, it is also observed that the time of completion of the real laboratory practice decreases substantially in groups 1 and 2. As a conclusion, there is a great benefit in using this application specifically designed to obtain very specific learning results, since the application is fully adapted to the needs of the degree and therefore to the level of knowledge that the students need to acquire according to the perception and experience of the teaching staff. Finally, based on the results, the application is permanently implemented in the laboratory lessons of Electrical Technology.This project is supported by Universitat Politècnica de València through the Project of Innovation and Educational Improvement Program (PIME 2018-2019/B26).Bonet-Jara, J.; Pons Llinares, J.; Bernal-Perez, S.; Sabater I Serra, R. (2019). A virtual laboratory for an enhanced and safe understanding of the electric transformers operation. IATED. 9177-9186. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.2277S9177918

    Development of an e-learning platform for improving and assessing the student outcomes in electrical engineering

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    [EN] In the European Higher Education Area, the concept of `education¿ can be defined as a process that facilitates learning. The process will culminate successfully if our students have really learned and not necessarily because we have taught them. Taking into account the educational environment in which we are immersed, the learning process must be turned into a process where the students become aware of their goals and the teacher is transformed into a guide that escorts the students towards the achievement of the objectives. The organization of teaching in this environment involves developing new conceptualizations and methodologies, which can be applied jointly to classical methodologies, acting in a complementary and also synergistic manner. Currently, all academic institutions use virtual campus platforms for educational purposes. At the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), this virtual system can be used as a repository of academic material but also has tools for the development of applications based on e-learning. In the present paper, an e-learning platform has been designed for students of electronic engineering that guide the learners to understand theoretical concepts, integrate theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to specific problems. The importance of defining and assessing learning outcomes, that is, the competences that students should have acquired and can use, have also been considered. To achieve this goal, a problem-based learning approach has been used so the students learn to identify and interpret data and design strategies to solve problems applying concepts of analysis of electrical circuits. First, the most relevant competences that the students must achieve has been analysed (`Knowledge and use of the principles of theory of circuits and electric machines¿, `Applied knowledge of electrical engineering¿ and `Analysis and resolution of problems¿). Based on them, a battery of tests and tasks has been designed, in order to reinforce the theoretic concepts and analyse and solve problems. The `Test & Quizzes¿ tool of the system has been used to develop the e-learning platform, in which selfevaluation has been also integrated in order to become an effective instrument for learning. The focus has been put on the design of the strategy in relation to the competences that students should acquire, the experience gained during the development of the e-learning platform and the students¿ satisfaction after the implementation.This project is supported by Universitat Politècnica de València through the Project of Innovation and Educational Improvement Program (PIME 2018-2019/B26).Pons Llinares, J.; Bernal-Perez, S.; García-Sánchez, TM.; Bonet-Jara, J.; Sabater I Serra, R. (2019). Development of an e-learning platform for improving and assessing the student outcomes in electrical engineering. IATED. 9169-9176. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.2276S9169917

    The International Working Group on Neurotransmitter related Disorders (iNTD): A worldwide research project focused on primary and secondary neurotransmitter disorders

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    INTRODUCTION: Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that enable communication between the neurons in the synaptic cleft. Inborn errors of neurotransmitter biosynthesis, breakdown and transport are a group of very rare neurometabolic diseases resulting in neurological impairment at any age from newborn to adulthood. METHODS AND RESULTS: The International Working Group on Neurotransmitter related Disorders (iNTD) is the first international network focusing on the study of primary and secondary neurotransmitter disorders. It was founded with the aim to foster exchange and improve knowledge in the field of these rare diseases. The newly established iNTD patient registry for neurotransmitter related diseases collects longitudinal data on the natural disease course, approach to diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and quality of life of affected patients. The registry forms the evidence base for the development of consensus guidelines for patients with neurotransmitter related disorders. CONCLUSION: The iNTD network and registry will improve knowledge and strengthen research capacities in the field of inborn neurotransmitter disorders. The evidence-based guidelines will facilitate standardized diagnostic procedures and treatment approaches

    Stick Akí

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    El projecte és la creació d'un programa radiofònic en forma podcast sobre l'hoquei herba. L'objectiu és utilitzar Internet com una finestra per fer arribar a tothom un esport considerat minoritari. El projecte deixa de banda la rigorosa actualitat i tracta el punt de vista més humà de l'esport a través d'històries. S'ha realitzat una enquesta per analitzar les opinions dels usuaris i a partir de diferents entrevistes s'han anat descobrint continguts considerats interessants.El proyecto es la creación de un programa radiofónico en forma de podcast sobre el hockey hierba. El objetivo es utilizar Internet como una ventana para hacer llegar a todos un deporte considerado minoritario. El proyecto deja de lado la rigurosa actualidad y trata el punto de vista más humano del deporte a través de historias. Se ha realizado una encuesta para analizar las opiniones de los usuarios y a partir de diferentes entrevistas se han ido descubriendo contenidos considerados interesantes.The project is the creation of a radio program in podcast format about field hockey. The goal is to use Internet as a window to bring everyone a minority considered sport. The project ignores rigorous current affairs and deals with the most humane point of view of sport through stories. A survey has been carried out to analyze users' opinions and from different interviews we have been discovering content considered interesting