12 research outputs found

    Habitat III - Towards a New Urban Agenda

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    A summary of the findings of the draft Regional Report on the UNECE region of the UN for Habitat III, 2016

    Habitat III Regional Report on Housing and Urban Development for the UNECE Region: Towards a City-Focused, People-Centred and Integrated Approach to the New Urban Agenda

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    Recognition that sustainable development needs to be the central pillar of urbanisation has become a clear and present concern of stakeholders in the 20 years since Habitat II. The attention of stakeholders to sustainable development in urbanisation has been steadily increasing in the last several years in all regions of the world. In the region covered by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe with its 56 member States, the importance of sustainable urban development and the role of cities is now central to public, political, business and scientific debates. This regional report to Habitat III will not only contribute to the debate among stakeholders in the region but also inform the New Urban Agenda and the negotiations on the outcome document of the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development that will take place in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016. This analysis of urban development in the large and diverse region of UNECE, together with the conference conclusions, will serve a wide range of stakeholders in their efforts to improve the quality of urban development and to use this as a positive force to enable a more sustainable development in their cities and communities. It addresses a wide variety of issues that have a strong regional interconnected urban dimension – from urban structure, through environment and climate change, to job creation, affordable housing and equality. Sustainable urban development can be achieved through regional and sub-regional frameworks which guide the effective translation of sustainable development policies into concrete actions at the national and sub-national levels. UNECE and UN-Habitat will continue to work in close partnership by joining forces with the Programmes, Funds and Agencies of the United Nations to advance the findings of this Report in implementing the transformative Agenda 2030 and the outcome of Habitat III. We will strengthen joint efforts to promote existing instruments like the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing to make housing safer, more affordable, resilient, and available while encouraging investment and growth. Or the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning that provide national governments, local authorities, civil society organizations and planning professionals with a global reference framework promoting more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development. Together, we will support policies and actions and encourage international cooperation at all levels to serve the Member States, their cities, and all stakeholders in their quest for sustainable urban development

    Raza, espacio y lugar: lecciones de Sheffield

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    How has housing played a role in incorporating immigrants into English society? Inspired by a small demonstration project in Sheffield, Twice the Terrace, which aimed to convert two small bye-law houses into a single larger house appropriate for a large and traditional Pakistani family, the paper traces the history of this house type using the concept of living-in-space to explore not only the social practices of families living inside them, but also the way they affect relationships outside the property itself. Using Keith’s concept of racialization as being equally about how specific ethnic groups re-invent themselves over time and how urban space provides a stage on which the performance of re-invention simultaneously alters the urban object itself, the paper traces the history of the demonstration project as it emerged from a localised struggle to prevent the demolition of the area within which it was located (Keith, 2005). The paper concludes that while houses play important roles in incorporating immigrants into English society, it is not the same role everywhere at all times. Both localisation and temporisation are important processes in grasping the wider role of racialization in urban change.Com l'habitatge ha jugat un paper en la incorporació d'immigrants a la societat anglesa? Inspirat en el petit projecte de demostració de Sheffield, Twice the Terrace , l'objectiu del qual era convertir dos habitatges petits de protecció (bye-law houses) en una única casa més adequada per una família gran i tradicional de Pakistan, el document rastreja la història d'aquest tipus d'habitatges usant el concepte living-in-space per explorar no només les pràctiques socials de les famílies que viuen en elles, sinó també la forma en que elles afecten les relacions fora de la propietat en sí. Utilitzant el concepte de Keith deracialització sobre com determinats grups ètnics es reinventen a través del temps i la forma, en que l'espai urbà ofereix un escenari en el que l'execució de la reinvenció simultàniament altera l'objecte urbà en sí; l'estudi descriu la història del projecte de demostració tal com va sorgir de la lluita localitzada per evitar l'enderrocament de la zona en la que aquest es troba localitzat (Keith, 2005). El treball conclou que, si bé els habitatges juguen un rol important en la incorporació d'immigrants a la societat anglesa, no és aquest el mateix rol a tot arreu i en tot moment. Tant la localització com la temporització son processos importants per comprendre el paper més ampli de la racialització en les transformacions urbanes.¿Cómo la vivienda ha jugado un papel en la incorporación de inmigrantes a la sociedad inglesa? Inspirado en el pequeño proyecto de demostración de Sheffield, Twice the Terrace, cuyo objetivo era convertir dos viviendas pequeñas de protección (bye-law houses) en una única casa más adecuada para una familia grande y tradicional de Pakistán; el documento rastrea la historia de este tipo de viviendas usando el conceptoliving-in-space para explorar no sólo las prácticas sociales de las familias que viven dentro de ellas, sino también la forma en que ellas afectan las relaciones fuera de la propiedad en sí. Utilizando el concepto de Keith de racialización sobre cómo determinados grupos étnicos se reinventan a través del tiempo y la forma en que el espacio urbano ofrece un escenario en el que el desempeño de la re-invención simultáneamente altera el objeto urbano en sí; el estudio describe la historia del proyecto de demostración tal como surgió de una lucha localizada para evitar la demolición de la zona en la que este se encuentra localizado (Keith, 2005). El trabajo concluye que si bien las viviendas juegan un rol importante en la incorporación de inmigrantes en la sociedad inglesa, no es este el mismo rol en todas partes y en todo momento. Tanto la localización como la temporización son procesos importantes para comprender el papel más amplio de la racialización en las transformaciones urbanas.Peer Reviewe