75 research outputs found

    The Andes Cordillera. Part IV: spatio-temporal freshwater run-off distribution to adjacent seas (1979-2014)

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    The spatio-temporal freshwater river run-off pattern from individual basins, including their run-off magnitude and change (1979/1980–2013/2014), was simulated for the Andes Cordillera west of the Continental Divide in an effort to understand run-off variations and freshwater fluxes to adjacent fjords, Pacific Ocean, and Drake Passage. The modelling tool SnowModel/HydroFlow was applied to simulate river run-off at 3-h intervals to resolve the diurnal cycle and at 4-km horizontal grid increments using atmospheric forcing from NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data sets. Simulated river run-off hydrographs were verified against independent observed hydrographs. For the domain, 86% of the simulated run-off originated from rain, 12% from snowmelt, and 2% from ice melt, whereas for Chile, the water-source distribution was 69, 24, and 7%, respectively. Along the Andes Cordillera, the 35-year mean basin outlet-specific run-off (L s−1 km−2) showed a characteristic regional hourglass shape pattern with highest run-off in both Colombia and Ecuador and in Patagonia, and lowest run-off in the Atacama Desert area. An Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis identified correlations between the spatio-temporal pattern of run-off and flux to the El Niño Southern Oscillation Index and to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation

    Reflexiones sobre la Cotidianeidad y la Ciudad

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    Muchachas de Buenos Aires y figurines de París: moda y modernidad en las crónicas de Alfonsina Storni

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    In the first decades of the 20th century, while Latin-American women burst into public space and occupied the city, fashion became a matter of discussion and a source of ambiguous experiences. Despite being loathed by moralists and hygienist reformers and dismissed as “women’s stuff” by solemn male journalists, it was also glorified by mass culture. If sometimes fashion promoted an ideal of a modern woman who was urban, active and free, it often meant, as well, a new form of subjection for womankind. If it was related to progress and comfort, it was also a substitute for real changes. This study aims to examine such contradictory aspects of fashion, based on the articles that Alfonsina Storni wrote on this subject between 1919 and 1920. I will propose that Storni makes use of the topic of fashion to display an identity far from traditional femininity that allows her to question the fascination with novelty and progress during this time.Durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, al tiempo que las mujeres latinoamericanas irrumpían en el espacio público y ocupaban la ciudad, proliferaron diversos discursos y experiencias en relación con la moda. Anatemizada por higienistas y moralistas, desdeñada como “cosa de mujeres” por publicistas “serios”, fue en cambio glorificada por la incipiente cultura de masas. Si en ocasiones encarnó un ideal moderno de mujer urbana, activa y liberada, también representó un nuevo tipo de servidumbre, esta vez a los imperativos de belleza del mercado. Si fue promesa de confort y progreso, también fue sucedánea de una auténtica modernización. El objetivo de este artículo es ahondar en estos y otros aspectos de la moda a partir de las crónicas que Alfonsina Storni dedicó al tema, entre los años 1919 y 1920. Como hipótesis de lectura, en tanto, se afirmará que la escritora argentina aprovecha el tópico de la moda para ensayar una subjetividad femenina crítica y para cuestionar la fascinación con la novedad y el progreso de su tiempo

    Prewhitening of Climatological Time Series

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    Zur Diphtherieprophylaxe mittels der Schutzsalbe nach E. Löwenstein

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    Zur Kropfprophylaxe

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