9 research outputs found


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    The high level of smartphone users by women today is certainly accompanied by the contribution of technology to support life processes, especially in learning. Therefore, a female student must be able to control herself in using a smartphone appropriately, so that inappropriate behavior does not occur. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of self-control of female students using smartphones based on aspects of behavior control, cognitive control, decision control. The method used in this research is quantitative. The measuring instrument used is a self-control instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability and is analyzed using a simple proportion formula. The result of this research is that self-control of female students from the aspects of behavior control, cognitive aspects, and decision control is still low. This is an important note for the campus to contribute to the environment for students in using smartphones. Based on this, Islamic guidance and counseling services are needed in higher education to be able to provide understanding to female students in smart and quality smartphone use. Therefore, a technical institution that focuses on providing Islamic guidance and counseling services in higher education is needed so that the appropriate behavior that arises due to weak self-control can be overcom


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    Ikatan Mubaligh Profesional (IMP) Kota Padang didirikan atas dasar permintaan dari masyarakat untuk memenuhi panggilan dakwah di berbagai masjid dan mushalla. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi perencanaan dakwah yang dilakukan oleh IMP Kota Padang. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif melalui penelitian lapangan (field research). Sedangkan yang menjadi sumber data berasal dari pengurus (19 orang), Pembina (2 orang), Surat Keputusan, AD/ART IMP Kota Padang dan lain sebagainya. Data tersebut diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Data yang sudah terkumpul diolah dengan cara memeriksa data, klasifikasi data, analisis data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Penelitian ini mengungkap dua hal tentang perencanaan dakwah; a) Perencanaan dakwah yang telah diterapkan oleh Pengurus IMP Kota Padang diawali dengan melakukan konsultasi dengan Pembina dan memusyawarahkannya dengan sesama Pengurus tentang program kegiatan yang sekiranya sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat; b) Bentuk perencanaan yang dilakukan meliputi penetapan tujuan, penentuan objek, menetapkan program dan target prioritasnya, menetapkan waktu, menetapkan tempat, menganggarkan biaya serta persiapan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan dalam merealisasikan rencana tersebut. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu berkontribusi bagi ilmuwan dan aktivis dakwah dalam mengkaji dan menerapkan kegiatan dakwah pada masyarakat luas secara terorganisir

    Tingkat Kontrol Diri Siswa dalam Pencegahan Pornografi

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    Kontrol diri siswa yang rendah bisa menyebabkan munculnya pornografi. Pornografi merupakan media yang dapat mempengaruhi remaja untuk berperilaku seksual berisiko. Kontrol diri merupakan suatu kecakapan individu dalam kepekaan membaca situasi diri dan lingkungannya serta kemampuan untuk mengontrol dan mengelola faktor-faktor perilaku sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi untuk menampilkan diri dalam melakukan sosialisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan kontrol diri siswa di MTs S Bukit Barisan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 128 siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala kontrol diri dalam pencegahan pornografi dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar (0,888). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa yaitu sebanyak 84 orang (65,6%) siswa memiliki kontrol diri “sedang” dalam pencegahan pornografi, lalu sebagian kecil siswa yaitu sebanyak 3 orang (2,3%) siswa memiliki kontrol diri yang “rendah” dalam pencegahan pornografi. Selanjutnya, sebanyak 7 orang (5,5%) siswa memiliki kontrol diri yang “sangat tinggi” dalam pencegahan pornografi dan sebanyak 34 orang (26,6%) siswa memiliki kontrol diri yang “tinggi” dalam pencegahan pornografi. Hasil penelitian secara umum menunjukkan bahwa kontrol diri siswa berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 65,6 % dan perlu untuk ditingkatkan agar mencegah pornografi. Hasil penelitan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar oleh guru BK dalam memberikan layanan bimbingan dan konseling untuk mencegah perilaku pornografi siswa di sekolah

    Investigating Students’ Academic Stress on the Transition to Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research is based on the situation of students at the State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang that were stressed due to the changing  of learning process into online learning during the pandemic of covid-19.The study aims to describe students state based on physical response, emotion, and behaviour. Quantitative method with descriptive approach were used. The objects of the research were chosen based on Random sampling. The instrument used in the research were questionnaire based on Likert. The research found that the level of academic stress based on physical response was high at 68 %, while in emotional response was 70 % and 65 % based on behaviour. The result of the research can be used as data to improve the quality and innovation of teaching and learning during the pandemic to avoid greater issues


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    Islam is a moderate religion that is very close to the dignity of women which is very different from the two religions of its predecessors. In both religions women are considered as a burden in life and very detrimental, women's rights are morally and materially ignored. Like ownership of property, the right to issue testimony, identity is assigned to the husband not to his father. Even as far back as 1956 and perhaps up to now in France and Germany full of women's freedom must obtain the husband's permission to conduct transactions, such as buying and selling, grants from his own property. With library studies and comparative approaches and qualitative methods the author reveals whether Jews and Christians have similarities in their treatment of women in theory and is there a difference between the two religions? Do Islam, Judaism and Christianity in theory give equal treatment to women? Let a Muslim know that there is a gap between the teachings of Islam and the behavior of some Muslims today that are no longer in accordance with Islamic norms. Such behavior does not originate from Islam as a moderate religion.Keywords: Islamic Moderation, In Gender, Comparison, Judaism and Christian


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    Da'wah that develops at this time has a tendency to doctrine, where the community is likened to a piggy bank that must continue to be filled with a set of beliefs and moral values in his life. One of the most important issues is the challenge of da'wah in the global era as the impact of the globalization process related to the religious life of the community, namely the depletion of the space of religiosity in the context of human life. On the same side, we can see that some Muslims tend to accept what comes from the West without filtering it out. Besides that, the challenge of global ethics that needs to be a very important study at this time is the dissemination of perspectives around human relations with the natural environment, family relationships, social harmony, especially those that develop in developed countries. For this reason, da'wah in the global era requires the dai to be better able to adjust to the times

    Efektivitas Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Menggunakan Teknik Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Remaja

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    The Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Techniques to Improve Adolescent Learning Independence. This study aims to determine the differences in the learning independence of adolescents in the experimental and control groups after being given group guidance services using cognitive behavior therapy techniques. This quantitative study used a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The research subjects were teenagers from the Aisyiyah Orphanage Koto Tangah Ampang, Padang City. Determination of research subjects using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a learning independence scale with an average validity of 0.001 and reliability of 0.938. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon signed ranks test and the Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 independent sample. The results showed that there were differences in scores on the pretest and posttest of the experimental group after being given group guidance services using CBT techniques to increase adolescent learning independence. Then, there was no difference in scores in the pretest and posttest of the control group after being given group guidance services without the CBT technique. Furthermore, there are differences in the posttest scores of the experimental and control groups after being given group guidance services using CBT techniques

    Efektivitas layanan bimbingan kelompok menggunakan metode debat untuk meningkatkan sikap semangat kebangsaan remaja di Paa Nanggalo Padang

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    [Bahasa]: Semangat kebangsaan dapat diwujudkan dalam sikap dan perbuatan sehari-hari dengan mengakui persamaan derajat, saling menghargai sesama dan mengembangkan sikap tenggang rasa. Namun, kebanyakan dari remaja saat ini tidak memiliki sikap semangat kebangsaan, hal ini terlihat dari kurangnya rasa kepedulian terhadap sesama, mereka sering berperilaku tidak peduli dengan sesama atau mempunyai sikap masa bodoh dengan keadaan temannya yang mengalami kesulitan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap semangat kebangsaan melalui bimbingan kelompok dengan menggunakan metode debat di panti asuhan Aisyiyah Nanggalo Padang. Metode yang digunakan adalah jenis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan pre-eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sikap semangat kebangsaan yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan pretest kemudian diberikan perlakuan bimbingan kelompok dengan metode debat, dan diakhiri dengan posttest. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Wilcoxon signed rank test untuk membandingkan skor pretest dan posttest hasil dari tindakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan sikap semangat kebangsaan remaja sesudah diberikan bimbingan kelompok dengan metode debat. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil postet bahwa remaja memiliki antusias yang cukup tinggi ketika diberikan pemahaman berkenaan dengan sikap semangat kebangsaan. Hal ini berarti bahwa kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode debat untuk meningkatkan semangat kebangsaan melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok sangat efektif dilakukan. Implikasi dari kegiatan ini adalah semua remaja dapat memahami bahwa semangat kebangsaan penting untuk ditanamkan dan dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: bimbingan kelompok, debat, semangat kebangsaan [English]: The national spirit can be manifested in attitudes and daily actions by recognizing equality, respecting each other and developing an attitude of tolerance. However, recently most teenagers do not have an attitude of national spirit. It can be seen from their lack of concern for others, they often behave indifferently towards others or have an indifferent attitude towards the circumstances of their friends who have difficulties. This community service program aims to increase the attitude of the national spirit through group guidance using the debate method at the Aisyiyah Nanggalo Padang orphanage. The method used was a quantitative approach pre-experiment. The data collection technique used a questionnaire on the attitude of the national spirit, which has been tested for validity and reliability. The program’s implementation begins with a pretest, then given the treatment of group guidance with the debate method, and ends with a posttest. Data analysis techniques used Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare scores pretest and post-test. The results show an increase in the attitude of the national spirit of youth after being given group guidance using the debate method. It can be seen from the results posted that teenagers have quite high enthusiasm when given an understanding regarding the attitude of the national spirit. It means that the program using the debate method is very effective. This program implies that all teenagers understand the importance of the national spirit and that it must be embedded and practised in their daily lives. Keywords: group guidance, debate, national spiri