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    262 σ., εικ.Έκδοσις Ελληνική: αυξηθείσα και προς χρήσιν των Γυμνασίων και ανωτέρων ΕκπαιδευτηρίωνΜετά ξυλογραφημάτω

    Generating MSCs from an integrated formal specification language.

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    The requirements capture of complex systems requires powerful mechanisms for specifying system state, structure and interactive behaviors. Integrated formal specification languages are well suited for presenting more complete and coherent requirement models for complex systems. Given an integrated model, one can project it into multiple views for specialized analysis. Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) is a popular graphical notation for presenting interactive viewpoints of a system. In this paper, we investigate the semantic based transformation from an integrated formal specification language TCOZ to MSCs. An automated tool has also been developed for generating MSCs from TCOZ models. Furthermore, by inserting operation constraints (as assertions) into the generated MSCs, system testing requirements can be obtained