3,110 research outputs found

    Developmental Constraints of Toe Length on Scale Count

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    Previous research has shown that Anolis lizards have their own set of developmental patterns to control the development of their adhesive toe pads. To see how much further this goes we are studying the morphology of scale count and toe length in anoles and in lizard species without adhesive toepads. We expect that the length will control for scale count in nonadhesive toepads, but in anoles adhesive toepads this will not be found. This will continue to set forth that adhesive toe pads follow their own developmental constraints when compared to nonadhesive toepad lizard

    The patient as “text” according to Ricoeur: bioethic implications

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    Paul Ricoeur argues that narration is lived life. Therefore, human experience has a narrative dimension, ie, it has a narrative structure and every effort you want to make for the human need to consider the narrative. For this reason, the text theory is converted to Ricoeur in a general model for the study of human action, since this is conceived as an open work to anyone who can read it. Given this general framework for discussion, we have deepened the notion of the patient as “text”, and described their richness for reflection of bioethics and medical act, rescuing the value of listening, prudence, responsibility and rediscovering a place for the principle of autonomy and casuistry. Paul Ricoeur sostiene que la narración es vida vivida. Por lo tanto, la experiencia humana posee una dimensión narrativa, es decir, tiene una estructura narrativa y todo esfuerzo que quiera dar cuenta de lo humano tendrá que contar con lo narrativo. Por esta razón, la teoría del texto se convierte para Ricoeur en un modelo general para el estudio de la acción humana, pues esta es concebida como una obra abierta a cualquiera que pueda leer. Teniendo en cuenta este marco general de reflexión, hemos profundizado en la noción del paciente como “texto”, y describimos su riqueza para la reflexión de la bioética y el actuar médico, rescatando el valor de la escucha, la prudencia, la responsabilidad y redescubriendo un lugar para el principio de autonomía y la casuística

    Manual de calidad para entidades de educación secundaria del sector público

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    Se busca facilitar de forma clara y concisa, de cómo desarrollar un manual de calidad, que es el documento base para la implementación de la norma ISO 9001:2008 y la estructuración por procesos de una organización_ Específicamente fue una guía del manual de calidad para Instituciones Educativas oficiales ayudando a estas en el cumplimiento de los proyectos y normas son respecto a calidad educativa implantados por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional_ Se comenzó con la investigación de la institución educativa para poder entender el funcionamiento particular de las mismas dentro del ámbito educativo oficial_ Teniendo en cuenta estas características especiales, se inició con la elaboración del modelo de guía para el manual de calidad basado en la norma ISO 9001:2008 (documento obligatorio para el cumplimiento de los requisitos), teniendo como resultado el modelo presentado_ Siguiendo con la planeación se socializó la propuesta en una Institución Educativa oficial de Cartagena, la cual lo adoptó y lo dio en práctica realizado su manual de calidad basados en el modelo de guía socializado, teniendo como resultado una manual de calidad claro con los requerimientos obligatorios especificados por la norma y con el cual en posteriormente sin ser objeto del caso de estudio fueron certificados en la norma ISO 9001: 2008_It seeks to provide a clear and concise manner, how to develop a quality manual, which is the base document for the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 and structuring processes of an organization_ Specifically it was a quality manual guide for officer s educational institutions helping in meeting these projects and standards regarding educational quality are implemented by the Ministry of Education_ It started with the investigation of the educational institution to understand the particular operation, of this institution_ Given these special characteristics, began with the development of the model as a guide for the quality manual based on ISO 9001:2008 (mandatory document for compliance requirements), resulting in the model presented_ Following with the planning schedule, socialized the proposal at an educational institution Cartagena, which they adopted him and made his practice-based quality manual guide socialized model, resulting in a clear quality manual with the mandatory requirements specified by the standard, and later without being subject of the case study were certified in ISO 9001: 2008

    Human life as an experience of the call for existence: Bioethical implications

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    Personalism has brought new important elements concerning the way human person is seen, but the vocational dimension has not received as much interest as other elements. By understanding vocation as the call received by every human being to exist and give his/her own existence a meaning, we propose this element as one of the fundamentals of personalist bioethics. This vocational dimension analysis of the person allows a better understanding of the primacy of responsibility, the untransferable value of identity, the attention to others and the role of health professionals as transmitters of such call. El personalismo ha presentado novedades importantes sobre la mirada a la persona humana, pero no se le ha dado tanto interés a su dimensión vocacional como a otros elementos. Entendida la vocación como la llamada que recibe todo ser humano a existir y a dar sentido a su propia existencia, proponemos este elemento como uno de los fundamentos de la bioética personalista. Este análisis de la dimensión vocacional de la persona nos permite comprender mejor la primacía de la responsabilidad, el valor intransferible de la identidad, la atención por el otro y el papel del profesional de la salud como transmisor de esa llamada

    An empirical contribution to development theory: a covariance structure model for development as freedom

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    This Thesis examines the empirical validity of Sen’s development theory. In his seminal work “Development as Freedom” Sen postulated a theoretical conceptualization of development which constitutes a paradigm shift towards a fundamental understanding of the determinants and causal relationships that explain development. A deconstruction of Sen’s development theory leads to five core tenets on which his theoretical conceptualization rests. These five pillars are translated onto testable hypothesis which are incorporated into a 2nd order recursive Covariance Structure Model (CSM) that allows scientific examination through hypothesis testing. Sen’s hypothesized core tenets are as follows: 1. Development is seen as an integrated multi-dimensional construct. Evaluative assessments of development require a broadening of the informational basis, and cannot be viewed only on the basis of one sole indicator (i.e. income per capita or gross domestic product). 2. Instrumental freedoms (i.e institutional structure) directly enhance substantive freedoms (i.e societal capabilities). 3. Substantive freedoms are derived from five different types of instrumental freedoms. 4. The expansion of freedoms is the primary end of development. 5. The existence of interlinkages between different kinds of instrumental freedoms. A database comprising 5 measured variables in the economic dimension, 5 in the social dimension, and 6 in the political dimension, for 154 countries (for all levels of income) for the average period from 1990 - 1994 was put together. The resulting empirical covariance matrix from the data was subjected to scientific hypothesis testing against the CSM. The results provide strong empirical evidence in support of Sen\u27s development as freedom theory. The clear implication is that Sen\u27s paradigm shift in development theory calls for a total rethinking on the socio-economic front of policy making, and that, once and for all, scholars in long-term growth and in political economy, policy makers, and world financial institutions alike should seriously consider an in-depth review, if not totally abandon, the unidimensional dominant perspective that for far too long now has negatively impacted and slowed down economic growth around the world

    On contra λsi-continuous functions and their applications

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    In this work, we introduce and study the classes of contra ΛsI-continuous,contra quasi-ΛsI-continuous and contra ΛsI-irresolute functions in a topological spaceendowed with an ideal. We investigate the relationships among these functions andtheir respective characterizations. Also, we analyze the behavior of certain topologicalnotions under direct and inverse images of these new classes of functions

    Contra-continuous functions defined through ΛI-closed sets

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    We introduce some variants of contra-continuity in terms of ΛI-closed sets, namely contra-ΛI-continuous, contra quasi-ΛI-continuous and contra ΛI-irresolute functions. The relationships between these functions are investigated and their re-spective characterizations are established. Moreover, we study their behavior of several topological notions under the direct and inverse images of these functions

    Inteligencia competituva en la pequeña y mediana empresa

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    La comunicación se realiza en la Mesa de Dirección Estratégica del XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. El tema de la ponencia es la importancia de la inteligencia competitiva en la gestión de la pequeña y mediana empresa, donde se propone un Sistema de Inteligencia Competitiva (SIC) aplicable y flexible.En un mundo global caracterizado por una rivalidad tanto entre empresas como entre países, donde las guerras se desarrollan cada vez más en el terreno económico, la competencia adquiere un protagonismo especial. Es vital para el empresario dominar toda la información y el conocimiento que tengan un interés estratégico, así como optimizar sus modelos de análisis para poder anticiparse a las amenazas, y aprovechar unas oportunidades que, cada vez con más frecuencia, ocurren y son conocidas en tiempo real, siendo la Inteligencia Competitiva la herramienta más adecuada para conseguir este propósito. El objeto de este documento es presentar un modelo operativo, sistemático y viable, que permita implementar la Inteligencia Competitiva dentro de una organización desde una perspectiva estratégica. Para ello, se ha diseñado un Sistema de Inteligencia Competitiva (SIC) que sea aplicable y flexible, en un estadio inicial, a una pequeña y/o mediana empresa.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    On decomposition of bioperation-continuity

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    In this paper, we introduce some new types of sets via bioperation and obtain a new decomposition of bioperation-continuity using this sets