276 research outputs found

    Estudio del Testamento y Codicilos del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega: Primer Humanista Peruano (a. 1616)

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    The present work presents the last will of Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, first Peruvian humanist, through the testaments and codicils written in 1616, the last year of his life, and which were found by record keeper Ricardo Gómez y Sánchez in the protocols files of the Cathedral of Córdoba, along with the inventory of assets and a memorial, being published more than a Century ago, in 1908, by Manuel González de la Rosa, but which lack a study from a juridical point of view.Along its analysis attention is drawn to its formal similarity to testamentary models registered starting in the first half of the 17th Century, as well as to its peculiarities in terms of content, to then close with its transcription.En el presente trabajo damos a conocer la última voluntad de Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, primer humanista peruano, a través de los testamentos y codicilos redactados en 1616, último año de su vida, y que fueron encontrados por el archivero D. Ricardo Gómez y Sánchez en el archivo de protocolos de la Catedral de Córdoba, junto al inventario de los bienes y un memorial, siendo publicados hace ya más de un siglo, en 1908, por Manuel González de la Rosa, pero no ha habido un estudio especial que los contemple desde el punto de vista jurídico.A lo largo de su análisis se pone de relieve tanto la similitud formal con los modelos testamentarios registrados a partir de la primera mitad del siglo XVII, como sus peculiaridades de contenido, y se cierra con su transcripción


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    Este artículo ha sido elaborado sobre la base de la ponencia que la autora pronunciara en el II Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Derecho de Familia, cuyo tema fue el de “La Familia contemporánea desde un enfoque multidisciplinario”, del 22 al 24 de mayo del 2014, en la sede de la Universidad del Señor de Sipán, Chiclayo, Perú, precisamente en un año dedicado a la Familia. Se parte de la base de que la familia es una institución natural y que es un hecho constatable el que la sociedad civil se compone principalmente de familias y es su fundamento, es la célula original de la vida social, y además porque se puede afirmar que “sin familia no hay futuro”. La familia es anterior a la sociedad, puesto que se funda en el matrimonio, y éste no es una institución establecida por los hombres, sino que está en la naturaleza: la de ser varón y la de ser mujer, como principio de la familia y de la sociedad compuesta de familias. La autora destaca que no resulta infrecuente encontrar en los medios de comunicación expresiones como “la familia está en crisis”, “la familia está enferma”, ó “se muestra la necesidad de flexibilizar el Derecho de Familia tradicional y adaptarlo a la nueva realidad de nuestros tiempos” y otras semejantes, donde el eco de las mismas se escucha en toda la sociedad civil. Junto con la familia basada en el matrimonio se aceptan diversos modelos de convivencia que se quieren equiparar a ella

    La persona como fons omnis iuris

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    El Derecho civil debe mantener su orientación humanística en cuanto a la protección jurídica de la persona, desde el momento de la concepción hasta su fin natural. En el presente trabajo expondremos una visión global del tratamiento legislativo y jurisprudencial de la persona como centro y eje sobre el que gira el ordenamiento jurídico peruano. Persona y dignidad son dos realidades inseparables, y toda persona merece ser tratada conforme a justicia. Al ser la persona humana el origen, sujeto y fin mismo del Derecho, todo el ordenamiento jurídico debe reconocer y proteger socialmente la dignidad de la persona, fons omnis iuris, como fuente de todo el DerechoCivil law must maintain its humanistic guidance on the legal protection of the person, from the moment of conception until its natural end. In this paper we discuss an overview of the legislative and jurisprudential treatment of the person as center and axis on which turns the Peruvian legal system. The person and dignity are two inseparable realities, and each one deserves to be treated in accordance to justice. Being the person the origin, subject and purpose of the law itself, the entire legal system must recognize and socially protect the dignity of the person, fons omnis iuris, as source of all law

    Juan Antonio González Calderón, Académico del Derecho

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    This paper examines the induction of Argentine Professor Juan Antonio González Calderón to the National Academy of Law and Social Science of Buenos Aires in 1929. It discusses the academic work of Professor González Calderón prior to his induction to the aforementioned Academy (section II). It documents the process of his nomination, eligibility, review, voting, and the induction ceremony (section III). And it analyses the wealth of sources of law that the Argentine jurist used in his dissertation “The necessary and permanent bases of the [Argentine] Constitution” delivered at the induction ceremony (section IV).Este trabajo examina la incorporación del Profesor Juan Antonio González Calderón a la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Buenos Aires en 1929. Para ello, aborda su labor académica antes de su ingreso a esa Academia (II); documenta el proceso de incorporación a esa corporación (III); y analiza la riqueza de fuentes del derecho que el jurista argentino empleó en su disertación “Las bases necesarias y permanentes de la Constitución”, pronunciada en la ceremonia de incorporación a esa Academia (IV).

    Identification and characterization of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus candidate protective antigens for the control of cattle tick infestations

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    The cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp., affect cattle production in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Tick vaccines constitute a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to tick control. The recombinant Rhipicephalus microplus Bm86 antigen has been shown to protect cattle against tick infestations. However, variable efficacy of Bm86-based vaccines against geographic tick strains has encouraged the research for additional tick-protective antigens. Herein, we describe the analysis of R. microplus glutathione-S transferase, ubiquitin (UBQ), selenoprotein W, elongation factor-1 alpha, and subolesin (SUB) complementary DNAs (cDNAs) by RNA interference (RNAi) in R. microplus and Rhipicephalus annulatus. Candidate protective antigens were selected for vaccination experiments based on the effect of gene knockdown on tick mortality, feeding, and fertility. Two cDNA clones encoding for UBQ and SUB were used for cattle vaccination and infestation with R. microplus and R. annulatus. Control groups were immunized with recombinant Bm86 or adjuvant/saline. The highest vaccine efficacy for the control of tick infestations was obtained for Bm86. Although with low immunogenic response, the results with the SUB vaccine encourage further investigations on the use of recombinant subolesin alone or in combination with other antigens for the control of cattle tick infestations. The UBQ peptide showed low immunogenicity, and the results of the vaccination trial were inconclusive to assess the protective efficacy of this antigen. These experiments showed that RNAi could be used for the selection of candidate tick-protective antigens. However, vaccination trials are necessary to evaluate the effect of recombinant antigens in the control of tick infestations, a process that requires efficient recombinant protein production and formulation systems

    Surnames and Y-Chromosomal markers reveal low relationships in Southern Spain

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    A sample of 416 males from western and eastern Andalusia has been jointly analyzed for surnames and Y-chromosome haplogroups and haplotypes. The observed number of different surnames was 222 (353 when the second surname of the Spanish system of naming is considered). The great majority of recorded surnames have a Castilian-Leonese origin, while Catalan or Basque surnames have not been found. A few Arab-related surnames appear but none discernible of Sephardic-Jewish descent. Low correlation among surnames with different population frequencies and Y-chromosome markers, at different levels of genetic resolution, has been observed in Andalusia. This finding could be explained mainly by the very low rate of monophyletic surnames because of the historical process of surname ascription and the resulting high frequencies of the most common Spanish surnames. The introduction of surnames in Spain during the Middle Ages coincided with Reconquest of the territories under Islamic rule, and Muslims and Jews progressively adopted the present male line surname system. Sampled surnames and Y-chromosome lineages fit well a power-law distribution and observed isonymy is very close to that of the general population. Besides, our data and results show that the reliability of the isonymy method should be questioned because of the high rate of polyphyletic surnames, even in small geographic regions and autochthonous populations. Random isonymy would be consistently dependent of the most common surname frequencies in the population

    Changes induced by pressure processing on immunoreactive proteins of tree nuts

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    Tree nuts confer many health benefits due to their high content of vitamins and antioxidants, and they are increasingly consumed in the last few years. Food processing is an important industrial tool to modify allergenic properties of foods, in addition to ensuring safety and enhancing organoleptic characteristics. The effect of high pressure, without and with heating, on SDS-PAGE and immunodetection profile of potential allergenic proteins (anti-11S, anti-2S and anti-LTP) of pistachio, cashew, peanut, hazelnut, almond, and chestnut was investigated. Processing based on heat and/or pressure and ultra-high pressure (HHP, 300–600 MPa) without heating was applied. After treating the six tree nuts with pressure combined with heat, a progressive diminution of proteins with potential allergenic properties was observed. Moreover, some tree nuts proteins (pistachio, cashew, and peanut) seemed to be more resistant to technological processing than others (hazelnut and chestnut). High pressure combined with heating processing markedly reduce tree nut allergenic potential as the pressure and treatment time increases. HHP do not alter hazelnut and almond immunoreactivity

    Boophilus microplus: biological and molecular aspects of acaricide resistance and their impact on animal health

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    [ES]: La aplicación de ixodicidas durante mucho tiempo ha sido la alternativa de elección para el control de la garrapata Boophilus microplus, sin embargo, actualmente el uso de los ixodicidas tiene una eficacia limitada en la reducción de las infestaciones debido al desarrollo de poblaciones de garrapatas resistes. La resistencia a ixodicidas es un problema creciente que necesita ser atendido, por que en este momento está afectando la competitividad de la ganadería y la economía de miles de productores en México. La solución de este problema requiere de la implementación de programas de investigación que coadyuven a dilucidar los mecanismos moleculares de la resistencia con el fin de encontrar nuevos blancos moleculares para el diagnóstico y para el desarrollo de vacunas recombinantes. El uso reciente de nuevas herramientas genómicas y los enfoques de genética reversa, son una extraordinaria herramienta que podría ayudar en el descubrimiento de nuevos genes de interés diagnóstico ó imunoprofiláctico, contribuyendo así al mejoramiento de las estrategias de control de garrapatas y los programas de mitigación de la resistencia a ixodicidas. El propósito de esta revisión es compilar diferentes tópicos actuales relacionados con la biología de las garrapatas, resistencia a los ixodicidas, y las perspectivas de la investigación genómica en la garrapata Boophilus microplus, iniciando con algunas consideraciones biológicas y moleculares acerca de la nueva clasificación de este ectoparásito, hasta el análisis de la resistencia a los ixodicidas, su impacto en la industria ganadera en México y la aplicación de la genómica en la solución de problemas asociados con el control de las garrapatas mediante el diseño de nuevos métodos diagnósticos así como el desarrollo de vacunas contra garrapatas.[EN]: The application of Ixodicides has been considered for a long time the alternative for control of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus, however, its use is currently limited in reducing tick infestations, due to the appearance of resistant field tick populations. Ixodicide resistance is a growing problem that needs to be attended, because, it is currently affecting the competitiveness of the Mexican cattle industry in general and in particular the income of cattle producers. The solution to this problem needs to increase the budget dedicated to basic research in order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of ixodicide resistance leading to the discovery of new molecular targets for ixodicide resistance detection and recombinant vaccine development. The recent use of new genomic tools, as well as reverse genetics approaches, will provide an extraordinary contribution to the improvement of tick control strategies and ixodicide resistance mitigation programs. The aim of the present review is to make a compilation of different topics related with acaricide resistance in the cattle tick Boophilus microplus, starting with some biological and molecular considerations on its new classification, to the analysis of ixodicide resistance, its impact on the Mexican cattle industry and the perspective of the genomic research in order to solve the problems associated to tick control, new diagnostic tools and development of tick vaccines.Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología por la beca otorgada a la MC Delia Inés Domínguez García inscrita en el programa doctoral de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Este trabajo fue parcialmente financiado por el proyecto 90195 del programa de CONACYT de apoyos complementarios otorgado a Dr. Rodrigo Rosario Cruz.Peer Reviewe

    Silicon induced Fe deficiency affects Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth in calcareous conditions

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    A protective effect by silicon in the amelioration of iron chlorosis has recently been proved for Strategy 1 species, at acidic pH. However in calcareous conditions, the Si effect on Fe acquisition and distribution is still unknown. In this work, the effect of Si on Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution was studied in rice (Strategy 2 species) under Fe sufficiency and deficiency. Plants (+Si or-Si) were grown initially with Fe, and then Fe was removed from the nutrient solution. The plants were then analysed using a combined approach including LA-ICP-MS images for each element of interest, the analysis of the Fe and Si concentration at different cell layers of root and leaf cross sections by SEM-EDX, and determining the apoplastic Fe, total micronutrient concentration and oxidative stress indexes. A different Si effect was observed depending on plant Fe status. Under Fe sufficiency, Si supply increased Fe root plaque formation, decreasing Fe concentration inside the root and increasing the oxidative stress in the plants. Therefore, Fe acquisition strategies were activated, and Fe translocation rate to the aerial parts was increased, even under an optimal Fe supply. Under Fe deficiency, +Si plants absorbed Fe from the plaque more rapidly than –Si plants, due to the previous activation of Fe deficiency strategies during the growing period (+Fe + Si). Higher Fe plaque formation due to Si supply during the growing period reduced Fe uptake and could activate Fe deficiency strategies in rice, making it more efficient against Fe chlorosis alterations. Silicon influenced Mn and Cu distribution in root.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects: AGL2013-44474-R and RYC-2014-1498

    Characterization and expression of the arginine biosynthesis gene cluster of Streptomyces clavuligerus

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    Revista continuada por Microbial Physiology[EN] A cluster of genes argCJBDRGH containing most of the arginine biosynthesis genes has been found in Streptomyces clavuligerus after sequencing a 8.3 kb DNA region containing overlapping sequences of two DNA fragments known to contain arginine biosynthesis genes. Subcloning, complementation of E. coli arginine auxotrophic strains and enzymatic assays confirmed the identity of each gene. S1 nuclease mapping studies and Northern hybridization analysis revealed the formation of two large transcripts corresponding to argCJBDR and argGH. The amount of each of these mRNAs is 10 to 44 times higher in a S. clavuligerus argR-disrupted mutant than in the wild type confirming the existence of an ArgR-mediated control of arginine biosynthesis gene expression. A low level constitutive monocistronic transcript of argR was observed in S. clavuligerus cells. Most of the argGH transcript initiating at an adenine 29 nt upstream of the argG initiation codon appears to stop at a termination stem and loop structure present downstream of the argG geneSIThis work was supported by grants from the CICYT (Madrid) Bio96-0827 and by Antibióticos SA, León. We thank H. Kieser (Norwich, U.K.) for providing the S. coelicolor cosmid library. Álvaro de la Fuente and Rosario Pérez-Redondo received fellowships from the PFPI (Madrid) and the University of León, respectively