577 research outputs found

    Introducing monitoring and automation in cartilage tissue engineering, toward controlled clinical translation

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    The clinical application of tissue engineered products requires to be tightly connected with the possibility to control the process, assess graft quality and define suitable release criteria for implantation. The aim of this work is to establish techniques to standardize and control the in vitro engineering of cartilage grafts. The work is organized in three sub-projects: first a method to predict cell proliferation capacity was studied, then an in line technique to monitor the draft during in vitro culture was developed and, finally, a culture system for the reproducible production of engineered cartilage was designed and validated. Real-time measurements of human chondrocyte heat production during in vitro proliferation. Isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) is an on-line, non-destructive and high resolution technique. In this project we aimed to verify the possibility to apply IMC to monitor the metabolic activity of primary human articular chondrocytes (HAC) during their in vitro proliferation. Indeed, currently, many clinically available cell therapy products for the repair of cartilage lesions involve a process of in vitro cell expansion. Establishing a model system able to predict the efficiency of this lengthy, labor-intensive, and challenging to standardize step could have a great potential impact on the manufacturing process. In this study an optimized experimental set up was first established, to reproducible acquire heat flow data; then it was demonstrated that the HAC proliferation within the IMC-based model was similar to proliferation under standard culture conditions, verifying its relevance for simulating the typical cell culture application. Finally, based on the results from 12 independent donors, the possible predictive potential of this technique was assessed. Online monitoring of oxygen as a non-destructive method to quantify cells in engineered 3D tissue constructs. This project aimed at assessing a technique to monitor graft quality during production and/or at release. A quantitative method to monitor the cells number in a 3D construct, based on the on-line measurement of the oxygen consumption in a perfusion based bioreactor system was developed. Oxygen levels dissolved in the medium were monitored on line, by two chemo-optic flow-through micro-oxygen sensors connected at the inlet and the outlet of the bioreactor scaffold chamber. A destructive DNA assay served to quantify the number of cells at the end of the culture. Thus the oxygen consumption per cell could be calculated as the oxygen drop across the perfused constructs at the end of the culture period and the number of cells quantified by DNA. The method developed would allow to non-invasively monitoring in real time the number of chondrocytes on the scaffold. Bioreactor based engineering of large-scale human cartilage grafts for joint resurfacing. The aim of this project was to upscale the size of engineered human cartilage grafts. The main aim of this project consisted in the design and prototyping of a direct perfusion bioreactor system, based on fluidodynamic models (realized in collaboration with the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain), able to guarantee homogeneous seeding and culture conditions trough the entire scaffold surface. The system was then validated and the capability to reproducibly support the process of tissue development was tested by histological, biochemical and biomechanical assays. Within the same project the automation of the designed scaled up bioreactor system, thought as a stand alone system, was proposed. A prototype was realized in collaboration with Applikon Biotechnology BV, The Netherlands. The developed system allows to achieve within a closed environment both cell seeding and culture, controlling some important environmental parameters (e.g. temperature, CO2 and O2 tension), coordinating the medium flow and tracking culture development. The system represents a relevant step toward process automation in tissue engineering and, as previously discussed, enhancing the automation level is an important requirement in order to move towards standardized protocols of graft generation for the clinical practice. These techniques will be critical towards a controlled and standardized procedure for clinical implementation of tissue engineering products and will provide the basis for controlled in vitro studies on cartilage development. Indeed the resulting methods have already been integrated in a streamlined, controlled, bioreactor based protocol for the in vitro production of up scaled engineered cartilage drafts. Moreover the techniques described will serve as the foundation for a recently approved Collaborative Project funded by the European Union, having the goal to produce cartilage tissue grafts. In order to reach this goal the research based technologies and processes described in this dissertation will be adapted for GMP compliance and conformance to regulatory guidelines for the production of engineered tissues for clinical use, which will be tested in a clinical trial

    Clinical features and metabolic complications for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in youth with obesity

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    Pediatric obesity has become in the last forty years the most common metabolic disease in children and adolescents affecting about 25% of the pediatric population in the western world. As obesity worsens, a whole-body insulin resistance (IR) occurs. This phenomenon is more pronounced during adolescence, when youth experience a high degree of insulin resistance due the production of growth hormone. As IR progresses, the blunted control of insulin on adipose tissue lipolysis causes an increased flux of fatty acids with FFA deposition in ectopic tissues and organs such as the liver, leading to the development of NAFLD. In this brief review, we will discuss the clinical implications of IR and NAFLD in the context of pediatric obesity. We will review the pathogenesis and the link between these two entities, the major pathophysiologic underpinnings, including the role of genetics and metagenomics, how these two entities lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, and which are the therapeutic options for NAFLD in youth

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: importance of a screening program for the early detection of risk conditions in a target population

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In their genesis, an important role is played by some behavioral risk factors that may act inducing the onset of “intermediate risks factors” represented by hypertension, prediabetes, overweight and obesity. This study aimed to show the importance of the screening methodology to early detect these risk conditions in order to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes complications. Methods. We carried out a screening program involving a cohort of people aged 45-60 in which risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes were evaluated. The subjects were then classified in four groups according to the risk conditions. Results. A high percentage (27.0%) of the sample resulted with some alteration in the detected anthropometric and/or clinical-laboratory parameters but unaware of this condition and, consequently, not under therapeutic treatment. Conclusions. The screening program allowed the early detection of hypertension and prediabetes or full-blown diabetes conditions in subjects that unknown their pathological condition, and consequently to proceed with adequate investigations and start healthy lifestyles/pharmacological therapies. Overall, the results highlight the need to anticipate these screening campaigns, especially in men, to increase the effectiveness of the prevention programs

    Cationic porphyrins are reversible proteasome inhibitors

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    The aim of this study is to verify if watersoluble porphyrins can be used as proteasome inhibitors. We have found that cationic porphyrins inhibit proteasome peptidase activities much more effectively than the corresponding anionic derivatives. The relevance of electrostatics in driving porphyin−proteasome interactions has been confirmed by the observation that the inhibitory efficiency of the cationic macrocycles decreases with the number of positive substituents. We have also investigated various metalloporphyrins, which differ due to the different propension of the central metal ion toward axial coordination. Our experimental results indicate that the naked cationic porphyrins are the most active in reversibly inhibiting the three main protease activities of the proteasome in the micromolar range. A spectroscopic characterization of porphyrin−proteasome interactions by UV−vis spectra parallels the results of inhibition assays: the higher the inhibitory effect the stronger the spectroscopic variations are. To interpret the action of porphyrins at a molecular level, we have performed calculations evidencing that cationic porphyrins may hinder the access to the canonical proteolytic site on the proteasome β5 subunit. In particular, an inspection of the top-scoring docking modes shows that the tetracationic porphyrin blocks the catalytic pocket, close to the N termini of the β5 proteasome subunit, more efficiently than its anionic counterpart. Proteasome inhibition activity of porphyrins unites their known anticancer properties making them suitable as a scaffold for the design of novel multitargeted molecules

    Differential Expression of Kisspeptin System and Kisspeptin Receptor Trafficking during Spermatozoa Transit in the Epididymis

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    The hypothalamus–pituitary–testis axis controls the production of spermatozoa, and the kisspeptin system, comprising Kiss1 and Kiss1 receptor (Kiss1R), is the main central gatekeeper. The activity of the kisspeptin system also occurs in testis and spermatozoa, but currently the need of peripheral kisspeptin to produce gametes is not fully understood. Hence, we characterized kisspeptin system in rat spermatozoa and epididymis caput and cauda and analyzed the possible presence of Kiss1 in the epididymal fluid. The presence of Kiss1 and Kiss1R in spermatozoa collected from epididymis caput and cauda was evaluated by Western blot; significant high Kiss1 levels in the caput (p < 0.001 vs. cauda) and constant levels of Kiss1R proteins were observed. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that the localization of Kiss1R in sperm head shifts from the posterior region in the epididymis caput to perforatorium in the epididymis cauda. In spermatozoa-free epididymis, Western blot revealed higher expression of Kiss1 and Kiss1R in caput (p < 0.05 vs. cauda). Moreover, immunohistochemistry revealed that Kiss1 and Kiss1R proteins were mainly localized in the secretory epithelial cell types and in contractile myoid cells, respectively. Finally, both dot blot and Elisa revealed the presence of Kiss1 in the epididymal fluid collected from epididymis cauda and caput, indicating that rat epididymis and spermatozoa possess a complete kisspeptin system. In conclusion, we reported for the first time in rodents Kiss1R trafficking in spermatozoa during the epididymis transit and Kiss1 measure in the epididymal fluid, thus suggesting a possible role for the system in spermatozoa maturation and storage within the epididymis

    Extracorporeal shock waves alone or combined with raloxifene promote bone formation and suppress resorption in ovariectomized rats

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    Osteoporosis is a metabolic skeletal disease characterized by an imbalance between osteoclast-mediated bone resorption and osteoblast-mediated bone formation. We examined the beneficial effect of shock waves (SW) alone or in combination with raloxifene (RAL) on bone loss in ovariectomized rats (OVX). Sixteen weeks after surgery, OVX were treated for five weeks with SW at the antero-lateral side of the right hind leg, one session weekly, at 3 Hz (EFD of 0.33 mJ/mm2), or with RAL (5 mg/kg/die, per os) or with SW+RAL. Sera, femurs, tibiae and vertebrae were sampled for following biochemical and histological analysis. SW, alone or combined with RAL, prevented femur weight reduction and the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture both in femur and vertebrae. All treatments increased Speed of Sound (SoS) values, improving bone mineral density, altered by OVX. Serum parameters involved in bone remodeling (alkaline phosphatase, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand, osteoprotegerin) and osteoblast proliferation (PTH), altered by ovariectomy, were restored by SW and RAL alone or in combination. In tibiae, SW+RAL significantly reduced cathepsin k and TNF-α levels, indicating the inhibition of osteoclast activity, while all treatments significantly increased runt-related transcription factor 2 and bone morphogenetic-2 expression, suggesting an increase in osteoblastogenic activity. Finally, in bone marrow from tibiae, SW or RAL reduced PPARγ and adiponectin transcription, indicating a shift of mesenchymal cells toward osteoblastogenesis, without showing a synergistic effect. Our data indicate SW therapy, alone and in combination with raloxifene, as an innovative strategy to limit the hypoestrogenic bone loss, restoring the balance between bone formation and resorption

    Removal of Koos IV acoustic neuroma and auditory brainstem implant in NF2 patient

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    The authors present the case of removal of a Koos grade IV right acoustic neuroma in a neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) patient, already operated on for left cerebellopontine angle meningioma at 7 years of age and a left acoustic neuroma at 16 years of age. A transpetrosal approach allowed cochlear sensor implantation to detect residual hearing. An enlarged retrosigmoid approach then allowed subtotal microsurgical removal of the lesion; consequently, the authors illustrate the technical nuances of an auditory brainstem implant (ABI). One month after surgery, the ABI was successfully switched on, giving back hearing perception to the patient. The video can be found here: https://stream.cadmore.media/r10.3171/2021.7.FOCVID218

    Establishment of a Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line carrying a deletion of exons 51–53 of the dystrophin gene (CCMi003-A)

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    Abstract Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disorder affecting skeletal and cardiac muscle function, caused by mutations in the dystrophin (DMD) gene. Dermal fibroblasts, isolated from a DMD patient with a reported deletion of exons 51 to 53 in the DMD gene, were reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by electroporation with episomal vectors containing the reprogramming factors: OCT4, SOX2, LIN28, KLF4, and L-MYC. The obtained iPSC line showed iPSC morphology, expression of pluripotency markers, possessed trilineage differentiation potential and was karyotypically normal

    An orally administered butyrate-releasing derivative reduces neutrophil recruitment and inflammation in dextran sulphate sodium-induced murine colitis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Butyrate has shown benefits in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, it is not often administered orally because of its rancid smell and unpleasant taste. The efficacy of a more palatable butyrate-releasing derivative, N-(1-carbamoyl-2-phenylethyl) butyramide (FBA), was evaluated in a mouse model of colitis induced by dextran sodium sulphate (DSS). EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Male 10 week-old BALB/c mice received DSS (2.5%) in drinking water (for 5 days) followed by DSS-free water for 7 days (DSS group). Oral FBA administration (42.5 mg·kg-1 ) was started 7 days before DSS as preventive (P-FBA), or 2 days after DSS as therapeutic (T-FBA); both treatments lasted 19 days. One DSS-untreated group received only tap water (CON). KEY RESULTS: FBA treatments reduced colitis symptoms and colon damage. P-FBA and T-FBA significantly decreased polymorphonuclear cell infiltration score compared with the DSS group. FBA reversed the imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (reducing inducible NOS protein expression, CCL2 and IL-6 transcripts in colon and increasing TGFβ and IL-10). Morever, P-FBA and T-FBA limited neutrophil recruitment (by expression and localization of the neutrophil granule protease Ly-6G), restored deficiency of the butyrate transporter and improved intestinal epithelial integrity, preventing tight-junction impairment (zonulin-1 and occludin). FBA, similar to its parental compound sodium butyrate, inhibited histone deacetylase-9 and restored H3 histone acetylation, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect through NF-κB inhibition and the up-regulation of PPARγ. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: FBA reduces inflammatory intestinal damage in mice indicating its potential as a postbiotic derivative without the problems associated with the oral administration of sodium butyrate