49 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: In Durango, forest plantations with woody species reached 1,866 ha in 2013 (SEMARNAT, 2013). Forest plantations have been recommended under irrigation and agricultural lands for the intensive production of wood, pulp and firewood, as well as for Christmas trees cultivation. In 2015, intensive production of forest biomass was supported using different pine species such as Pinus greggii, P. cembroides and P. engelmannii. High yield potential has been also detected in the same production areas for agricultural crops such as common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), which is considered as a productive and profitable option by farmers in order to obtain food and economic benefits during pine timber production. Decrements have been observed in grains per pod, grains per plant and harvest index, as percentage of shade increased (Hadi et al., 2006). The objective of this study was to evaluate shade effects on yield of Pinto Saltillo common bean cultivar grown under two cropping systems in Durango, México

    Caracterización morfológica y molecular de las variedades locales de frijol común cultivado en el altiplano mexicano semi-árido.

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    The objective of the current research was to characterize the common bean in agriculturalfields planted with common bean landraces from the semi-arid Mexican high plateau using bothmorphological and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLPs) data. The morphological traitswere discriminating and exhibited the clustering of 150 accessions based on the geographic origin andseed coat color. AFLP primer combinations exhibited a polymorphic range between 0.292 (E-AGG +M-ACT) and 0.375 (E-ACA + M-AGA). The frequency and distribution of the polymorphic fragmentsallowed the detection of a larger number of rare fragments in accessions 121 and 111 (Flor de Mayoand black common beans, respectively). The analysis of genetic relationships, analysis of molecularvariance (AMOVA), and Powell’s diversity index confirmed a broad genetic basis for the germplasmof the common bean from the semi-arid Mexican high plateau. The clustering and principal coordinateanalyses demonstrated a strong genetic relationship among the collected common bean landraces basedon the similarity in the variety name, origin, and seed coat color, demonstrating the influence of differentcultivation practices in the two regions and the adaptation of P. vulgaris to the agroclimatic conditions ofthe semi-arid Mexican high plateau.Caracterización morfológica y molecular de las variedades locales de frijol común cultivado enel altiplano mexicano semi-árido. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el frijol común de parcelasagrícolas cultivadas con variedades criollas de frijol común de la región semiárida del altiplano mexicanoutilizando datos morfológicos y de Polimorfismos en la Longitud de los Fragmentos Amplificados (AFLPs). Las características morfológicas fueron discriminantes y mostraron la agrupación de las 150 accesiones en función del origen geográfico y el color de la testa de la semilla. La combinación deiniciadores AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) mostraron un rango polimórfico entre 0,292(EM-ACT AGG +) y 0,375 (M + E-ACA-AGA). La frecuencia y distribución de los fragmentos polimórficos permitió la detección de un mayor número de fragmentos raros en las accesiones 121 y 111 (Flor deMayo y frijol común Negro, respectivamente). El análisis de las relaciones genéticas, varianza molecular(AMOVA), y el índice de diversidad de Powell confirmaron amplia base genética del germoplasma defrijol común del altiplano semi-árido mexicano. El análisis de coordenadas principales y de agrupacióndemostraron fuerte relación genética entre las variedades colectadas con base a la similitud en el nombre de la variedad, el origen y el color de la testa de la semilla, lo que demuestra la influencia de las diferentes prácticas de cultivo en las dos regiones y la adaptación de P. vulgaris a las condiciones agroclimáticas dela región semiárida del altiplano mexicano

    Calidad fermentativa y nutricional de ensilados de maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp.) a diferentes edades de corte y niveles de maíz molido

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    Effect of cutting age and level of ground corn grain inclusion were determined on nutritional and fermentative quality of maralfalfa silages (Pennisetum sp). Two cutting ages 48 and 60 (Days After Regrowth) and five levels of ground corn (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) were evaluated on pH, ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3), dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), hemicellulose, and cellulose; as well as in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). The data obtained were analyzed under a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (2x5, two cutting ages anda five corn levels). In maralfalfa silage 48 DAR and 5% ground corn was obtained highest content of crude protein (12.2%; P ≤ 0.05), and was decreased the level ammoniacal nitrogen (0.06%; P ≤ 0.05), also was observed in maralfalfa silages 60 DAR that addition ground corn increased digestibility and decreased cellulose content. The addition of ground corn to silages improved nutritional and fermentative characteristics and reduced pH, and ammoniacal nitrogen in maralfalfa silages, which improved the conservation, quality and digestibility. Results indicate that the production of maralfalfa silage more the addition of ground corn can improve protein content and digestibility, becoming in an option to incorporate into feeding of livestock.Se determinó el efecto de la edad de corte y el nivel de maíz molido en la calidad fermentativa y nutricional de ensilados de maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp). Dos edades de corte, 48 y 60 días después del rebrote (DDR) y cinco niveles de maíz molido (0, 5, 10, 15 y 20%) fueron evaluados en pH, nitrógeno amoniacal (N-NH3), materia seca (MS), cenizas, proteína cruda (PC), extracto etéreo (EE), hemicelulosa y celulosa; como también digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS). Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados bajo un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial (2x5, dos edades de corte y 5 niveles de maíz). En el ensilado de maralfalfa a 48 DDR y 5 % de maíz molido se obtuvo el más alto contenido de proteína cruda (12.2 %; P ≤ 0.05) y se disminuyó el nivel de nitrógeno amoniacal (0.06 %; P ≤ 0.05), mientras que el ensilado de maralfalfa 60 DDR and 0 % de maíz molido tuvo más alto contenido de cenizas (18.3 %; P ≤ 0.05), también se observó en los ensilados de maralfalfa a 60 DDR que la adición de maíz molido incrementó la digestibilidad y disminuyó el contenido de celulosa. La adición de maíz molido a los ensilados mejoró las características fermentativas y nutricionales y redujo el pH y nitrógeno amonical en ensilados de maralfalfa, lo cual mejoró la conservación, calidad y digestibilidad. Los resultados indican que la producción de ensilado de maralfalfa más la adición de maíz molido pueden incrementar el contenido de proteína y digestibilidad, convirtiéndose en una opción para incorporar dentro de la alimentación del ganado.Fil: Faviola Ortiz Robledo. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Osvaldo Reyes Estrada. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Francisco Oscar Carrete Carreón. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Juan Fernando Sánchez Arroyo. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Esperanza Herrera Torres. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Manuel Murillo Ortiz. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango (México). Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia.Fil: Rigoberto Rosales Serna. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México


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    In the North-Central Mexico, the main production area of beans in the country, a study was conducted during 2008-2009, whose objectives were to characterize the producers, determine the extent of adoption and to assess the impact of using the bean variety “Pinto Saltilloâ€, generated by INIFAP. The methodological approach was based on a formal interview to a sample of farmers, who were randomly selected from a population of 45,000 registered producers in the pattern of SAGARPA. The sample size was 496 elements. The questionnaire included closed and open questions by analyzing each of the responses through Frequency Analysis. Official sources were consulted for information as well as cooperatives, integrating and marketing of beans. The economic impact analysis of the use of Pinto Saltillo was made considering the increase in performance and / or sale price, and the number of hectares planted. The results indicated that 65.9% of farmers used the variety Pinto Saltillo and that there are different degrees of adoption by state: while in Durango and Chihuahua has been widespread use with rates of 93.3% and 82.8% respectively, Zacatecas recorded use of only 13.3%. The economic benefit generated by this variety released by INIFAP in northern central Mexico with 2008 prices, is approximately 934'000, 000 pesos. The adoption of Pinto Saltillo was a success in production and trade that benefits producers, traders, industrialists and consumers of beans.INIFAP, integrating and marketing organization of beans, bean grown under water scarcity conditions, consumers., Agribusiness,

    Use of agave durangensis bagasse fibers in the production of wood-based medium density fiberboard (MDF)

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    There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of wood-based medium density fiberboard (MDF). Agave durangensis Gentry bagasse is a waste product produced in large quantities in the mezcal industry. This study evaluated the incorporation of A. durangensis bagasse fibers (ADBF) to elaborate MDF wood-based panels. Three types of panels with different ratios (wood fibers: bagasse fibers) were investigated. The ratios evaluated were 100:0, 90:10, and 70:30. The density profiles, water absorption, and thickness swell of the panels were determined, as well as the modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bond (IB), according to the ASTM D1037-06a standard. The results were compared to the ANSI A208.2-2016 standard. The effect of the addition of ADBF on the properties of the panels was analyzed. Density profiles were comparable among the three types of panels, while water absorption, thickness swelling, MOE, MOR, and IB were similar between panels with ratios of 100:0 and 90:10. Panels with 10% and 30% of ADBF meet the minimum ANSI requirements for quality grade 115. It is feasible to use up to 30% of ADBF in the manufacture of wood-based MDF panels

    Importance of the Natural Incidence of the <em>Fusarium</em> Genus in Food Crops Established in Northern México

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    The incidence of the Fusarium genus causing root rot is reviewed in crops showing high importance for food supply and to obtain regular income by farmers in the highlands of Northern México. Pathogen incidence was evaluated under field conditions in multiple sampling locations for common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and several chili peppers (Capsicum annuum) local cultivars (landraces and bred cultivars). Five commercial plots for registered and certified seed were also evaluated in common beans to be used in the ‘seed refreshing program’ implemented for the cultivar Pinto Saltillo, considered as the main variety sown in the highlands of México. High Fusarium genus incidence and its interactions with other fungi species, such as Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp., cause high losses in plant population, commercial yield and seed quality in food crops grown in Northern México. The natural incidence of plant disease caused by the Fusarium genus and its negative effect on crop survival and the reduction of commercial yield and seed quality is fully reviewed. Plant disease resistance, crop breeding and the influence of the environmental conditions were also considered

    Analysis of Fusarium-Common Beans Pathosystem in Aguascalientes, Mexico

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    In Mexico, high incidences of Fusarium affect common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production, reducing grain yields due to seedling death and crop standing reductions. Production of resistant germplasm could be an appropriate strategy for grain yield increasing. Bean breeding programs need the former analysis of plant-pathogen pathosystem to perform the selection of segregating populations with improved resistance to root rot pathogens and the best agroecosystem adaptation. Here, we report our results on characterization of genetic variability patterns of Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (FSP) from Aguascalientes, México; the analysis of P. vulgaris germplasm reactions to highly and naturally FSP-infested field and controlled conditions; and the identification of genetic basis of resistance to FSP root rot in segregating common bean populations. Significant genetic variability in FSP isolates from Aguascalientes and other regions of México was found. Also, we found high variation on reactions to FSP root rots, resistance was more frequent on black seed-coated beans, and susceptibility was common in pinto beans. Resistance to FSP in BAT 477 seedlings was associated with one quantitative trait loci (QTL)

    Pruning and fertilization in young Pinus greggii plantations established at Durango, Mexico

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    Objective: To evaluate pruning and fertilization effects on growth of plantations of Pinus greggii established in Durango. Design/methodology/approach: In a plantation (Durango), pruning was applied at three intensities (0, 50 and 75%), under a randomized complete block design. Four years later the basal diameter (Db), normal diameter (DN), plant height (PH) and stem height (SH) were evaluated. In another plantation (La Soledad), two levels of pruning (0 and 50%) and foliar fertilization (with and without application) were applied under a factorial experiment in completely randomized design. Seven months later, Db, PH, and crown diameter (CD) were recorded. An analysis of variance and a means comparison test (Tukey, ? = 0.05) were performed. Results: In Durango, pruning diminished the Db and PH, but increased the SH (p ? 0.01). In La Soledad, pruning also affected the growth. The Db, PH, and CD were lowered when trees were pruned (p ? 0.01). Fertilization affected the PH (p ? 0.05) and the CD (p ? 0.01) as well. The PH and the CD for both pruned and unpruned trees were increased with fertilization. Limitations/implications: Pruning at intensities of 50 and 75% are not suitable for P. greggii because reduce their growth. Findings/conclusions: Fertilization favors the growth of P. greggii planted on low fertility soils for both pruned and unpruned trees, but the interaction between pruning and fertilization should be examined in detail for a longer period.Objective: To evaluate the effects of pruning and fertilization on the growth of Pinus greggii plantationsestablished at Durango state, Mexico.Design/methodology/approach: In a plantation (Durango), pruning was applied in three intensities (0, 50,and 75%) in a randomized complete block design. Four years later, the basal diameter (Db), normal diameter(ND), total plant height (PH), and stem height (SH) were evaluated. In another plantation (La Soledad), twopruning levels (0 and 50%) and foliar fertilization (with and without application) were applied in a completelyrandomized factorial design. Seven months later, Db, PH, and crown diameter (CD) were assessed. Theanalysis of their variance and means comparison test (Tukey, 0.05) were performed.Results: In Durango, pruning diminished the Db and PH, but increased the SH (p0.01). In La Soledad,pruning also affected growth. The Db, PH, and CD were lower (p0.01) when trees were pruned. Fertilizationaffected the PH (p0.05) and CD (p0.01) as well. The PH and the CD for both pruned and unpruned treesincreased with fertilization.Limitations/implications: Pruning at 50 and 75% intensities are not suitable for P. greggii because it reducestheir growth.Findings/conclusions: Fertilization favors the growth of P. greggii planted on low fertility soils for both prunedand unpruned trees, but the pruning and fertilization interaction should be examined in detail for a longerperio

    Rendimiento y valor nutricional de tres variedades de sorgo dulce cultivadas en cuatro ambientes de Durango

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    El sorgo dulce muestra alto rendimiento de forraje para la alimentación de rumiantes. El objetivo fue evaluar el rendimiento y calidad forrajera de tres variedades de sorgo en Durango. En 2014, se evaluaron las variedades Lico, TOM 3 y Mercedes, en la Colonia Hidalgo (CH), Campo Experimental Valle del Guadiana (CEVAG), La Soledad (LS) y La Goma (LG). El diseño experimental fue completamente aleatorio con arreglo factorial y cinco repeticiones. Se evaluó forraje verde (FV), forraje seco (FS), proteína cruda (PC), digestibilidad verdadera in vitro (DIVMS), fibra detergente neutra (FDN), fibra detergente ácida (FDA), lignina (L), celulosa (Cel), hemicelulosa (HE), valor relativo (VRF) y calidad relativa del forraje (CRF). Se observaron diferencias significativas (P≤0.01 y 0.05) entre ambientes y variedades para FV, FS, L, VRF y CRF y entre ambientes para PC, FDN, FDA, CEL, HE y DIVMS. En CEVAG, se registró el mayor rendimiento de FV (75.9 t ha-1) y FS (12.4 t ha-1). El valor más alto de PC se obtuvo en LG (10 %); mientras que la DIVMS fue alta en LS (78.2 %) y más baja en LG (63.9 %). El contenido de L fue más alto en CH (6.3 %) y LG (6.2 %); mientras que, en LS fue de 3.4 %. Exceptuando LG, en todos los ambientes se obtuvo alta calidad forrajera (CRF= 106.7 a 135.0 %). El sorgo es una opción forrajera en Durango, aunque debe cuidarse la fecha de siembra y cosecha, control de insectos, riego y fertilización para incrementar el rendimiento y calidad nutricional

    Genetic diversity analysis of common beans based on molecular markers

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    A core collection of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), representing genetic diversity in the entire Mexican holding, is kept at the INIFAP (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, Mexico) Germplasm Bank. After evaluation, the genetic structure of this collection (200 accessions) was compared with that of landraces from the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz (10 genotypes from each), as well as a further 10 cultivars, by means of four amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) +3/+3 primer combinations and seven simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci, in order to define genetic diversity, variability and mutual relationships. Data underwent cluster (UPGMA) and molecular variance (AMOVA) analyses. AFLP analysis produced 530 bands (88.5% polymorphic) while SSR primers amplified 174 alleles, all polymorphic (8.2 alleles per locus). AFLP indicated that the highest genetic diversity was to be found in ten commercial-seed classes from two major groups of accessions from Central Mexico and Chiapas, which seems to be an important center of diversity in the south. A third group included genotypes from Nueva Granada, Mesoamerica, Jalisco and Durango races. Here, SSR analysis indicated a reduced number of shared haplotypes among accessions, whereas the highest genetic components of AMOVA variation were found within accessions. Genetic diversity observed in the common-bean core collection represents an important sample of the total Phaseolus genetic variability at the main Germplasm Bank of INIFAP. Molecular marker strategies could contribute to a better understanding of the genetic structure of the core collection as well as to its improvement and validation