198 research outputs found

    Structure and architectural project: two examples with masonry walls.

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    International Conference on Structures and Architecture(1ª.2010.Guimarães, Portugal)[Abstract] The paper presents two buildings solved with masonry walls: a family house in Betanzos and a multi-storey apartment building located at Lugo. The structure of the first one is solved by load-bearing walls of precast concrete blocks that arise from an elevated floor slab. The concrete block, though hidden, provides housing modulating, simplifying the tasks of construction, the wholeness of the building as well as guarantees other physical properties (fire resistance, thermal inertia, sound insulation). The second building is a residential building, which has four floors (the fourth one under the roof) built on a small site. There is a real ‘tour de force’ in this building project whose load-bearing walls of brickwork (perforated klinker) solve both structural requirement and thermal insulation of the façade with a reduced thickness. Through these examples, we offer an overview of various aspects relating to the materialization of the architectur

    Leishmanicidal Activity of Nine Novel Flavonoids from Delphinium staphisagria

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    Objectives. To evaluate the in vitro leishmanicidal activity of nine flavonoid derivatives from Delphinium staphisagria against L. infantum and L. braziliensis. Design and Methods. The in vitro activity of compounds 1–9 was assayed on extracellular promastigote and axenic amastigote forms and on intracellular amastigote forms of the parasites. Infectivity and cytotoxicity tests were carried on J774.2 macrophage cells using Glucantime as the reference drug. The mechanisms of action were analysed performing metabolite excretion and transmission electronic microscope ultrastructural alteration studies. Results. Nine flavonoids showed leishmanicidal activity against promastigote as well as amastigote forms of Leishmania infantum and L. braziliensis. These compounds were nontoxic to mammalian cells and were effective at similar concentrations up to or lower than that of the reference drug (Glucantime). The results showed that 2″-acetylpetiolaroside (compound 8) was clearly the most active. Conclusion. This study has demonstrated that flavonoid derivatives are active against L. infantum and L. braziliensis

    Alianzas estratégicas, sus propósitos, duración y evolución hacia la internacionalización

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    Strategic Alliances are essential elements of competitive advantage for organizations to maintain a strong and effective presence in the global market. Certainly, those alliances form part of a structure where control must be shared in a higher or lower degree and it must be developed an environment of trust and respect by both partners, which is why this research considers the different types of alliances, from strategic alliances such as joint ventures and international joint ventures to partnerships as hybrid value chains and crowdsourcing, describing the type of alliance according to its strength, purpose, and evolution to achieve a successful alliance.Las alianzas son elementos esenciales de la competitividad para que las empresas mantengan una presencia fuerte y efectiva en el mercado globalizado. Sin duda forman parte de una estrategia don- de debe compartirse el control en mayor o menor medida y debe de desarrollarse un ambiente de confianza y respecto por ambas par- tes, por lo que en esta investigación se abordan los diferentes tipos de alianzas, desde las alianzas estratégicas como las joint ventures y las international joint ventures hasta la colaboración a través de cadenas híbridas de valor y crowdsourcing, describiendo el tipo de alianza de acuerdo a su fuerza, propósito y evolución para lograr una alianza exitosa

    Heart Rate Variability in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Association with Health-Related Parameters and Effects of Aerobic Exercise

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    Abnormal heart rate variability (HRV) has been observed in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In a combined cross-sectional and interventional study approach, we investigated the association of HRV with inflammation and oxidative stress markers, patient-reported outcomes, and the effect of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise in HRV. Fifty-five women with SLE (mean age 43.5 ± 14.0 years) were assigned to either aerobic exercise (n = 26) or usual care (n = 29) in a non-randomized trial. HRV was assessed using a heart rate monitor during 10 min, inflammatory and oxidative stress markers were obtained, psychological stress (Perceived Stress Scale), sleep quality (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index), fatigue (Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory), depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory), and quality of life (36-item Short-Form Health Survey) were also assessed. Low frequency to high frequency power (LFHF) ratio was associated with physical fatigue (p = 0.019). Sample entropy was inversely associated with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (p = 0.014) and myeloperoxidase (p = 0.007). There were no significant between-group differences in the changes in HRV derived parameters after the exercise intervention. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and myeloperoxidase were negatively related to sample entropy and physical fatigue was positively related to LFHF ratio. However, an exercise intervention of 12 weeks of aerobic training did not produce any changes in HRV derived parameters in women with SLE in comparison to a control group

    Accumulation of Exogenous Amyloid-Beta Peptide in Hippocampal Mitochondria Causes Their Dysfunction: A Protective Role for Melatonin

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    Amyloid-beta (Aβ) pathology is related to mitochondrial dysfunction accompanied by energy reduction and an elevated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Monomers and oligomers of Aβ have been found inside mitochondria where they accumulate in a time-dependent manner as demonstrated in transgenic mice and in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. We hypothesize that the internalization of extracellular Aβ aggregates is the major cause of mitochondrial damage and here we report that following the injection of fibrillar Aβ into the hippocampus, there is severe axonal damage which is accompanied by the entrance of Aβ into the cell. Thereafter, Aβ appears in mitochondria where it is linked to alterations in the ionic gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This effect is accompanied by disruption of subcellular structure, oxidative stress, and a significant reduction in both the respiratory control ratio and in the hydrolytic activity of ATPase. Orally administrated melatonin reduced oxidative stress, improved the mitochondrial respiratory control ratio, and ameliorated the energy imbalance

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    El informe está estructurado en seis partes. En la primera, “Transparencia y derecho a la información en Jalisco”, se presenta un artículo que sintetiza cómo fue que en diciembre de 2011, el Congreso y el Gobierno del Jalisco se organizaron para aprobar la “Ley de Información Pública de Jalisco y sus Municipios”, como un intercambio de favores entre estos poderes. En la segunda parte, "Medios de comunicación y periodismo en Jalisco", se presentan trabajos sobre los cambios en la prensa local, los medios de comunicación y los juegos panamericanos, las condiciones laborales de los periodistas en Guadalajara, y la prensa roja. En la tercer parte, "Economía política de los medios de comunicación y las industrias culturales en Jalisco" se incluyen trabajos sobre la industria de la música, la propaganda disfrazada de periodismo, y los medios públicos. En la cuarta parte, "Medios de comunicación y telecomunicaciones", se abordan los temas de la lucha por las telecomunicaciones en México, y la televisión abierta como una herramienta política para construir estrategias gubernamentales. En la quinta parte, "Producción de investigación académica del observatorio de medios", se presenta un análisis de contenido de cinco periódicos mexicanos con respecto al tema del medio ambiente. La sexta parte es una semblanza del periodista Víctor Wario Romo.ITESO, A.C

    Coping With Water Shortage: An Update on the Role of K+, Cl-, and Water Membrane Transport Mechanisms on Drought Resistance

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    Drought is now recognized as the abiotic stress that causes most problems in agriculture, mainly due to the strong water demand from intensive culture and the effects of climate change, especially in arid/semi-arid areas. When plants suffer from water deficit (WD), a plethora of negative physiological alterations such as cell turgor loss, reduction of CO2 net assimilation rate, oxidative stress damage, and nutritional imbalances, among others, can lead to a decrease in the yield production and loss of commercial quality. Nutritional imbalances in plants grown under drought stress occur by decreasing water uptake and leaf transpiration, combined by alteration of nutrient uptake and long-distance transport processes. Plants try to counteract these effects by activating drought resistance mechanisms. Correct accumulation of salts and water constitutes an important portion of these mechanisms, in particular of those related to the cell osmotic adjustment and function of stomata. In recent years, molecular insights into the regulation of K+, Cl-, and water transport under drought have been gained. Therefore, this article brings an update on this topic. Moreover, agronomical practices that ameliorate drought symptoms of crops by improving nutrient homeostasis will also be presented

    Estimación de la Turbidez Atmosférica Usando el Modelo IQC en el Área Metropolitana de Huancayo – Perú

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    Por naturaleza el cielo no es totalmente limpio, sin embargo cuando la concentración de partículas es mayor a la normal puede atenuar con mayor intensidad la de radiación solar. Por lo que la cantidad de radiación solar que llega hasta la superficie terrestre depende en gran medida de la turbidez atmosférica. De esta manera, el objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los valores óptimos diarios de la turbidez atmosférica y parámetros radiativos de superficie tales como: el coeficiente de turbidez de Angstrom (β), exponente de longitud de onda de Angstrom (α), el albedo de dispersión simple (ω0) y dispersión ascendente (Fc). Mediante mediciones de radiación solar incidente (global, directa y difusa), realizadas entre junio y julio del 2019 en la Provincia de Huancayo-Perú, se realizó los cálculos de los parámetros antes presentados. El modelo numérico usado para calcular los componentes de radiación solar directa, difusa y global, es el modelo numérico de parametrización de banda ancha para cielo despejado; IQC (Iqbal, 1993) el cual se basa en información sinóptica. Los resultados muestran valores de β y α de 0.16 y 1.3 respectivamente, sugiriendo una atmósfera parcialmente contaminada

    Desarrollo de Prototipo de Aplicación Móvil para Smart Tourism basado en Diseño Centrado en el Usuario

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    En este artículo, se presenta la implementación de la norma ISO 9241-210:2010 (Human Centred Design for Interactive Systems) para el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil con el fin de fortalecer la experiencia del usuario al momento de utilizar la aplicación móvil in situ. Siguiendo las fases que la norma dicta para el desarrollo y evaluación de software y hardware con el propósito de obtener un prototipo funcional, y al término del proceso un producto. La implementación de la norma permitió generar un prototipo inicial validado por usuarios reales(turistas), por lo que, para un trabajo futuro se llevará a cabo el uso de técnicas de inteligencia artificial (AI) y análisis de datos, estas mismas, complementarán este trabajo, dando como resultado una aplicación para Smart Tourism completamente validada y funcional. Cabe destacar que el propósito es usar el Diseño Centrado en el Usuario (DCU), logrando así un prototipo de alta fidelidad