32 research outputs found

    Levels of Acculturation of Children of Mexican Descent as Perceived in their Kinetic Family Drawings

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    Problem. Information on Hispanic children and their families is limited. More research activity is crucial in the light of the rapidly expanding population of Latino/Hispanics. Mexican families present a particular challenge to clinicians and to treatment settings, as well as to researchers. The impact of acculturation on psychological assessment instruments is largely unknown. This study sought to use the Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) as a tool to gain information about how differences in acculturation are reflected through drawings done by children of Mexican descent. Method. Private and public schools with representation of Mexican-American and Caucasian children from rural, semi-rural, small cities, and urban areas were selected in central and north Texas. Subjects were non-clinical children, 320 of Mexican descent and 114 Caucasian- Americans in Grades 3 through 6. Subjects were assigned to different acculturation levels utilizing criteria by Olmedo (1980) and Padilla (1980). Children were interviewed and drew KFDs, which were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to ascertain different acculturation levels. Results. Levels of acculturation were clearly evident in the KFDs of these children. Many traditional Mexican family values are replaced gradually by American values. The variables of place of birth, length of time lived in America, and language preference all have a relationship with the acculturation process. Less acculturated Mexican family members were more often drawn engaged in work-related activities with defined roles to help the family survive in a new country. More leisure activities were drawn by the more acculturated children and by Caucasian children. Higher levels of communication and interaction levels were drawn by more acculturated than by less acculturated children. Conclusion. Levels of acculturation were clearly portrayed in the KFDs of Mexican-descent children. Although still holding some of their traditional cultural values, Mexicans gradually adopt values and activities similar to those of the American culture. Similar studies are needed to enhance the understanding of other minority children\u27s acculturation process

    Acute Hamstring Injury Prevention Programs in Eleven-a-Side Football Players Based on Physical Exercises: Systematic Review

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    Objective: To analyze the exercise programs used to prevent of acute hamstring injuries in eleven-a-side football players, and their effectiveness. (2) Methods: A systematic review (PRISMA) was conducted (2008-2020), including RCTs, that exclusively used physical exercises as a prevention method. (3) Results: Ten studies were selected considering 14 interventions, including nine different programs: FIFA11+ (11+), Harmoknee, eccentric Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) exclusively, with eccentric exercises, with stretching or with proprioceptive, New Warm-up Program (NWP), Bounding Exercise Program (BEP), the only one with no positive results, and proprioceptive exercises. Incidence of injuries and strength were the most considered variables, both with favorable evidences. Programs including NHE, which assessed injury incidence, were always effective. The 11+ program was effective in injury incidence and strength; NWP was effective in balance, stability, and strength. (4) Conclusions: The exercise programs discussed were effective to prevent acute hamstring injuries in football players except BEP and partially Harmoknee. Exercises mostly used to reduce the risk of hamstring injuries are those of eccentric force due to its functionality, especially NHE. Only concentric contractions and isometric contractions obtained significant favorable results. The most complete and promising programs were 11+ (in injury incidence and strength) and NWP (strength, balance, and stability). NWP was the best in strength

    Entrepreneurship: What matters most

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    This paper presents the results of a study about particular personality traits that entrepreneurs display. Supported by a survey involving 1,135 responses from students enrolled in master’s degree programmes taught across five cities in Spain, we identified the relevant characteristics that determine the personality traits of a likely entrepreneur. We found some key aspects such as previous knowledge of the business, high level of initiative, openmindedness and coming from an entrepreneurial family environment, with no other distinctions made for other factors. In a second analysis, we compared students enrolled in entrepreneur-related courses (EMBA and MBA) with students enrolled in other disciplines and found significant differences between groups. Finally, we compared all results based on gender to obtain more relevant conclusions

    Changes in membrane carbohydrates distribution associated to epididymal sperm maturation during the prolonged sperm storage period of Corynorhinus mexicanus bat (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

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    The Corynorhinus mexicanus bat provides an interesting experimental model for the study of epididymal sperm maturation because after testicular regression, this bat stores sperm in epididymal cauda for several months. Earlier research conducted by our group suggested that sperm maturation in this specie must be completed in the caudal region of the epididymis, although the precise factor linked with this phenomenon is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze changes in the distribution of N-acetylglucosamine and/or sialic acid, Fucose and Mannose carbohydrates in different membrane domains of sperm cells as they change from the caput to the cauda of the epididymis, as well as, their changes in different dates of capture. The sperm cells present a redistribution of N-acetylglucosamine and/or sialic when they arrived in the caudal region (September 11), but after storage until October 22 the distribution of N-acetylglucosamine and/or sialic acid changed. Mannose residues were found predominantly towards the acrosome during their entry into and transit through the three regions of the epididymis. The flow cytometry assay indicated that fluorescence intensity due to the presence of of N-acetylglucosamine and/or sialic acid on the sperm decreases as the sperm pass through the epididymal duct and as storage time in the cauda goes on. The Mannose fluorescence intensity, decreased in corpus and cauda from September 24 to October 8, though no differences appeared on the latter date. The presence of Fucuse was corroborated only by flow cytometry. In conclusion, the carbohydrate distribution on sperm membrane can be considered as part of the process of epididymal sperm maturation and is associated with the phenomenon of prolonged sperm storage that is characteristic of this specie. This adaptation allows the males to synchronize with the period of receptivity of the females, and then, carry out the matings.El murciélago Corynorhinus mexicanus es un modelo interesante para el estudio de la maduración espermática epididimaria, debido a que después de la regresión testicular, este quiróptero almacena los espermatozoides en la cauda epididimaria por varios meses. Nuestro grupo de investigación determino que la maduración epididimaria en este murciélago culmina en la región caudal, aunque el factor preciso que lo determina es aún desconocido. Por lo que, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los cambios en la distribución de carbohidratos de membrana (N-acetilglucosamina y/o ácido siálico, Fucosa y Manosa) en diferentes dominios de la membrana plasmática de los espermatozoides y cómo estos azúcares se distribuyen de caput a cauda del epidídimo, así como los cambios que se presentan durante el periodo de almacenamiento. Los espermatozoides presentan una redistribución de N-acetilglucosamina y/o ácido siálico cuando ingresan a la región caudal del epidídimo (septiembre 11), pero después de almacenadas las células la distribución vuelve a cambiar (octubre 22). Los residuos de Manosa se encontraron predominantemente hacia el acrosoma durante su entrada y tránsito a través de las tres regiones del epidídimo. El análisis por citometría de flujo indicó que, la intensidad de fluorescencia (IF) de N-acetilglucosamina y/o ácido siálico localizada en los espermatozoides disminuye a medida que estas células ingresan al conducto epididimario y transcurre el tiempo de almacenamiento en la cauda epididimaria. En el caso de Manosa, la IF disminuye en el corpus y cauda epididimarios de septiembre 24 a octubre 8, sin diferencias para la última fecha. La presencia de Fucosa sólo se corroboró por citometría de flujo. En conclusión, la distribución de carbohidratos de membrana puede ser considerada como parte del proceso de maduración espermática epididimaria y puede estar asociada al proceso de almacenamiento prolongado, característico de esta especie. Adaptación que le permite a los machos sincronizarse con el periodo de receptividad de las hembras y poder llevar a cabo los apareamientos

    Validity evidence of the Portuguese version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire

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    There were three aims of the present study. The first was to examine the validity based on the internal structure of the Portuguese version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) using a first and a second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The second was to investigate the predictive validity of the FFMQ through a multiple indicators and multiple causes model (MIMIC). The third was to evaluate the concurrent validity of the FFMQ by computing correlations between FFMQ scores and trait Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (trait MAAS) score. The sample used in this study was composed of 164 yoga practitioners (132 women, 32 men) and 87 non-practitioners (39 women, 48 men). The first-order CFA revealed that only a FFMQ with a modified four-factor structure of Nonjudge, Observe, Act Aware, and Describe, and only 26 items, met criteria for a good fit to data, a good construct reliability, a good convergent validity between the indicators of the constructs, and a good discriminant validity of the constructs. The secondorder CFA model without the Nonreact factor also fitted the data well, but not so well as the first-order model. The MIMIC model of the effect of gender and to be or not a yoga practitioner in four facets of mindfulness fitted the data well, but only the variable to be or not a yoga practitioner was a statistically significant predictor of the scores on the facets of mindfulness, except Nonjudge. Statistically significant positive Pearson correlations were found between scores on the FFMQ subscales, FFMQ, and trait MAAS.Tres han sido los objetivos de este estudio. El primero, consistió en examinar la validez basada en la estructura interna de la versión en português del Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), utilizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) de primer y segundo orden. El segundo, fue investigar la validez predictiva del FFMQ a través de un modelo de múltiples indicadores y múltiples causas (MIMIC). Y el tercero, fue evaluar la validez concurrente del FFMQ calculando las correlaciones entre las puntuaciones del FFMQ y del trait Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (trait MAAS). La muestra utilizada en este estudio fue compuesta por 164 practicantes de yoga (132 mujeres, 32 hombres) y 87 no practicantes (39 mujeres, 48 hombres). El AFC de primer orden, reveló para el FFMQ una estructura de cuatros factores (No Juzgar, Observación, Actuando con Consciencia y Descripción) y 26 items, como la que mejor cumplía com los criterios para un buen ajuste a los datos, una buena fiabilidade del constructo, una buena validez convergente entre los indicadores de los constructos, y una buena validez discriminante de los mismos. El modelo AFC de segundo orden, sin el factor de No Reactividad a la Experiencia Interna, también se ajustó adecuadamente a los datos, pero no tan bien como el modelo de primer orden. El modelo MIMIC del efecto del género y ser o no un practicante de yoga en cuatro facetas de mindfulness obtuvo un buen ajuste respecto a los datos, pero sólo la variable ser o no un practicante de yoga fue un predictor estadísticamente significativo de las puntuaciones en las facetas de mindfulness, excepto No Juzgar. Así mismo, se encontraron correlaciones de Pearson positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre las puntuaciones de las sub-escalas del FFMQ, FFMQ y trait MAAS.Este estudo teve três objetivos. O primeiro, consistiu em examinar a validade baseada na estrutura interna da versão portuguesa do Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), utilizando uma análise fatorial conrmatória (AFC) de primeira e segunda ordem. O segundo, foi investigar a validade preditiva do FFMQ através de um modelo de múltiplos indicadores e múltiplas causas (MIMIC). E o terceiro, foi avaliar a validade concorrente do FFMQ calculando as correlações entre as pontuações do FFMQ e do trait Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (trait MAAS). A amostra utilizada neste estudo foi composta por 164 praticantes de yoga (132 mulheres, 32 homens) e 87 não-praticantes (39 mulheres, 48 homens). A AFC de primeira ordem revelou para o FFMQ uma estrutura de quatros fatores (Não Julgar, Observar, Agir com Consciência e Descrever) e 26 itens, como a que melhor cumpria com os critérios para um bom ajuste aos dados, uma boa abilidade de construto, uma boa validade convergente entre os indicadores dos construtos, e uma boa validade discriminante dos mesmos. O modelo AFC de segunda ordem, sem o fator Não Reagir, também se ajustou adequadamente aos dados, mas não tão bem como o modelo de primeira ordem. O modelo MIMIC do efeito do género e ser ou não praticante de yoga em quatro facetas de mindfulness obteve um bom ajuste aos dados, mas só a variável ser ou não praticante de yoga foi um preditor estatisticamente signicativo das pontuações nas facetas de mindfulness, exceto Não Julgar. Foram encontradas correlações de Pearson positivas e estatisticamente signicativas entre as pontuações das subescalas do FFMQ, FFMQ e trait MAAS

    Efecto de intervenciones mente/cuerpo sobre los niveles de ansiedad, estrés y depresión en futuros docentes de educación primaria: un estudio controlado

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    En el presente estudio se compara el efecto de tres programas mente/cuerpo que gozan de amplia popularidad en la actualidad, como son Mindfulness, Taichí y Yoga, en el estrés, ansiedad y depresión de una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. En concreto, tomaron parte de la presente investigación 282 estudiantes de Magisterio que, como profesionales, estarán sometidos a altos niveles de estrés, y como alumnos y alumnas, sufren niveles preocupantes de ansiedad en los periodos de examen. Se asignaron aleatoriamente 85 alumnos y alumnas al grupo de Yoga, 68 al grupo de Taichí, 84 al grupo de Mindfulness y 45 al grupo control. Taichí y yoga redujeron significativamente la ansiedad, mientras que Mindfulness el estrés; no obstante, los tres programas fueron efectivos en la reducción del malestar psicológico en comparación con el grupo control. En salud mental general Mindfulness ofreció un mayor efecto. El grupo control no experimentó ningún cambio significativo en las variables evaluadas e incluso hubo un empeoramiento en el postest realizado previamente al periodo de exámenes.

    Laboratorio de Programación II

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    La asignatura de Laboratorio de Programación II es complementaria de Laboratorio de Programación l; se pretende que el alumno alcance un grado mínimo en la programación de lenguajes orientados a objetos. Exponemos aquí una visión general de la asignatura con el temario y la problemática que encontramos en la didáctica de la misma


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    A comparative study of the male reproductive organs and spermatozoa from three lagomorphs species, the volcano rabbit or Zacatuche (Romerolagus diazi), the black-tailed hare (Lepus californicus) and the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), was conducted. The animals were euthanased and their reproductive organs excised. Testes, epididymes and accessory sexual glands were isolated, removed of any of connective and other tissues and weighed. Caudal spermatozoa were obtained from the epididymal tail, counted, fixed and measured. The testicular mass was not related to body mass, but when considered as a percentage of body mass, the values for L. californicus and R. diazi were twice as large as that determined for O. cuniculus. The epididymal mass, when expressed as a percentage of the body mass, was highest in R. diazi and smallestin O. cuniculus. Spermatozoa counts from the epididymal tail were larger in L. californicus than in R. diazi or O. cuniculus. Lengths and widths of the spermatozoa head from R. diazi were larger than from O. cuniculus and L. californicus. Total length and tail length of caudal spermatozoa from O. cuniculus and R. diazi were found to be similar but larger than those recorded from L. californicus. This is the first such quantitative and comparative study of wild lagomorphs species from North A merica.Se hizo un estudio comparativo del aparato reproductor masculino entre tres especies de lagomorfos: el conejo zacatuche (Romerolagus diazi), la liebre cola negra (Lepus californicus)y el conejo doméstico (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Se extrajo el aparato reproductor de los especímenes sacrificados y los testículos, epidídimos y glándulas sexuales accesorias fueron aislados, liberados del tejido conectivo y pesados. Los espermatozoides de la cola del epidídimo fueron obtenidos por retroperfusión, contados, fijados y medidos, utilizando técnicas fotográficas. La masa testicular no estuvo relacionada con la masa corporal y, considerada como porcentaje en relación a la masa corporal, fue más de dos veces mayor en L. californicus y R. diazi que en O. cuniculus. La masa epididimaria, expresada como porcentaje de la masa corporal, fue más grande en R. diazi que en L. californicus y en O. cuniculus. Hubo más espermatozoides, en la cola del epidídimo, de L. californicus que en R. diazi o en O. cuniculus. El largo y ancho de la cabeza espermática de R. diazi, superaron a los de O. cuniculus y L. californicus. La longitud total y el largo de la cola espermática, fueron similares en O. cuniculus y R. diazi, mientras que los espermatozoides de L. californicus fueron menores. Los datos que se presentan en este estudio, son los primeros cuantitativos de testículos, epidídimos, glándulas sexuales accesorias y espermatozoides, de especies de lagomorfos silvestres de Norteamérica


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    Introducción. La hepatitis C es causada por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC), la Organización Mundial de la Salud estima 170 millones de personas se encuentran infectadas por el virus. El 80% de los infectados no elimina el virus de manera natural volviéndose crónico y llevando al desarrollo de cirrosis hepática en el 20% de los casos y carcinoma hepatocelular en el 10%. México se estima una seroprevalencia de 1.5% en la población general, y en Yucatán de 1.6%. En pacientes con cirrosis hepática se estima 32% en el Estado. Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de la infección activa de los VHC en los pacientes con cirrosis hepática que son atendidos en el Hospital General “Dr. Agustín O’Horán” de Mérida Yucatán. Metodología. Se tomaron 62 muestras séricas, se realizó la extracción de ARN total seguido de la síntesis de ADNc, la amplificación de la región 5' no codificante de los VHC con la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, obteniendo un amplicon de 144 pares de bases. Resultado y Conclusión. 46.16% de las muestras séricas de los pacientes presentaron genoma viral circulante; hubo un aumento de la cirrosis causada por el VHC en un periodo de 10 años

    Characterization of Tajogaite volcanic plumes detected over the Iberian Peninsula from a set of satellite and ground-based remote sensing instrumentation

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    Three volcanic plumes were detected during the Tajogaite volcano eruptive activity (Canary Islands, Spain, September–December 2021) over the Iberian Peninsula. The spatiotemporal evolution of these events is characterised by combining passive satellite remote sensing and ground-based lidar and sun-photometer systems. The inversion algorithm GRASP is used with a suite of ground-based remote sensing instruments such as lidar/ ceilometer and sun-photometer from eight sites at different locations throughout the Iberian Peninsula. Satellite observations showed that the volcanic ash plumes remained nearby the Canary Islands covering a mean area of 120 ± 202 km2 during the whole period of eruptive activity and that sulphur dioxide plumes reached the Iberian Peninsula