8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Limited Face-Face Learning on Student Learning Effectiveness in Fiqih Subjects

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    The objectives of this study were: 1) to find out the reality of face-to-face learning limited to class VIII Fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung; 2) To find out the effectiveness of student learning in class VIII fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung. 3) Examine only the effectiveness of student learning in Fiqh Class VIII at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung to determine the effect of face-to-face meetings on student learning.The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The techniques or methods of data collection used in this study were questionnaires, observation, and document studies. In taking the sample, we used purposive cluster random sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is instrument analysis, the classic assumption test, descriptive statistics, and the t test for hypothesis testing. To find out the influence of the learning effectiveness variable on private madrasah tsanawiyah students when face-to-face learning is limited to student learning effectiveness, the researcher used a simple linear regression analysis. The results in this study are as follows: 1) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X get an average result of 53.90, with the most answers being "strongly agree." 2) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X give an average result of 57.80, with the most answers agreeing. 3) Based on the analysis conducted, the coefficient value of the independent variable is positive, which means that limited face-to-face learning has a positive effect on student learning effectiveness of 21.5% (very weak)

    Karakteristik Deformasi Gunungapi Ijen dalam Periode 2002-2005 Hasil Estimasi Metode Survei GPS

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    Pemantauan aktivitas gunungapi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, dimana salah satunya adalah metode deformasi. Metode ini dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan beragam sensor dan teknik, dimana salah satunya adalah teknik yang menggunakan pengamatan terhadap satelit GPS (Global Positioning System). Makalah ini menjelaskan penggunaan metode survei GPS secara periodik untuk studi deformasi Gunungapi Ijen, gunungapi aktif tipe-A yang terletak di Jawa Timur. Dari hasil survei GPS yang telah dilaksanakan pada Juni 2002, April 2004, Juni 2004 dan Agustus 2005 teramati bahwa pada saat aktivitas gunung Ijen meningkat, pergeseran titik-titik pengamatan dapat mencapai sekitar 1-2 dm, baik dalam komponen horisontal maupun vertikal. Deformasi dalam level ini belum disertai dengan aktivitas letusan dari gunung Ijen

    Magma intrusion and effusion at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, from 2013 to 2016, as revealed by continuous GPS observation

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    We analyzed continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) data from Sinabung to capture and model the migration of magma from the pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive time period between June 2013 and January 2016. We divided this time into four periods of significant deformation: two extensional stages followed by two contractional stages. Using a grid search method, we determined the location and volume change of a Mogi source for each deformation stage. Cumulative volume changes during the contraction periods were approximated by an exponentially decaying function with time. Period 1 began in June 2013 with slight extension, for which an inflation source was modeled at a depth of 3–8 km below sea level (bsl) and a volume change of 0.3–1.8 Mm3. Seismicity in period 1 was marked by a notable increase in deep high frequency volcano tectonic earthquakes (VTs) beginning in July 2013 and shallow VTs in September 2013. Period 2 began in late October 2013 with accelerated extension, with at least 1 cm extension in the baseline length. During period 2 the modeled inflation source ascended to a shallower depth of 0.9 (0.4–2.1) km below sea level (bsl) beneath Sinabung with a change in volume of + 0.39 (+ 0.18–+0.60) Mm3, and with accelerated rates of volume increase during the time period when the magma migrated to the surface. Seismicity during period 2 was marked first by an increase in the incidence of shallow volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes and later by repetitive self-similar hybrid events as the magma migrated to the surface. Period 3 began in January 2014, after the appearance of the lava dome, and was marked by rapid steady contraction of ~ 3 cm through March 2014. The modeled source located at 8.4 (7.4–9.9) km bsl beneath the eastern flank of Sinabung with a volume change of − 20.51 (− 26.89 to − 14.12) Mm3. Period 4 began in April 2014 with decelerating contraction, and the modeled deformation center shifted to the northeast, reaching a depth of 12.2 (10.1–14.8) km bsl between Sinabung and Sibayak volcanoes and a change in volume of − 88.26 (− 123.87 to − 52.66) Mm3. Approximately 2/3 of the total volume change related to contraction occurred between January 2014 and May 2016, and the current activity of Sinabung is expected to decrease gradually and almost terminate in the early 2020s, assuming no new intrusion or deformation rate changes. Both of the eruptions at Sinabung in 2010 and Unzen in 1991–1995 show characteristics of ground inflation and subsequent deflation, indicating magma migration and effusion processes similar to the current Sinabung activity. The inflation before the 2010 Sinabung eruptions likely started before 2007 and is an indication of magma intrusion before the 2010 and 2013 eruptions

    Penerapan Model Deformasi Horizontal Mogi untuk Prediksi Perubahan Volume Sumber Tekanan pada Gunungapi Guntur

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    ABSTRAK Gunungapi Guntur merupakan gunungapi aktif yang memiliki potensi bencana letusan yang berulang, maka aktivitasnya perlu diamati secara kontinu. Informasi lokasi dan perubahan volume sumber tekanan sangat bermanfaat dalam pemantauan aktivitas gunungapi. Model Mogi [Mogi, 1958] dapat digunakan dalam penentuan perubahan volume sumber tekanan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menentukan parameter-parameter Model Mogi berupa jarak radial antara titik pantau terhadap sumber tekanan, kedalaman sumber tekanan menggunakan gridding, dan perubahan volume sumber tekanan menggunakan teknik kuadrat terkecil. Kedalaman sumber tekanan ditentukan dalam rentang 5 sampai dengan 10 km dengan interval 1 km. Parameter jarak radial sumber tekanan terhadap titik-titik pantau diambil dari Kawah Masigit terhadap tiga titik pantau (Citiis (CTSG), Masigit (Msgt) dan Sodong (SODN)) periode Februari 2012 s.d April 2013. Teknik kuadrat terkecil diterapkan untuk penentuan parameter perubahan volume sumber tekanan. Hasil deformasi horizontal Model Mogi diuji kemiripannya dengan hasil pengukuran menggunakan goodness of fit χ2. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai best fit pada kisaran kedalaman 5 km. Pola perubahan volume pada umumnya bersifat periodik, dengan periode antara dua setengah sampai dengan tiga bulan dengan nilai fluktuasi yang beragam. Kata kunci: Model Mogi, gridding, kuadrat terkecil, goodness of fit χ2 ABSTRACT Mount Guntur is vulcano active and has the potential disaster eruption could happen then activity Guntur vulcano need observed continuously. Information about the location and volume changes source pressure will be very beneficial in monitoring activities Guntur vulcano. Model mogi [ mogi, 1958] is one model that can be used in the determination volume changes source pressure. Least square adjustment worn to solving parameters volume changes source pressure, while parameters depth source pressure using methods gridding in range depth 5 s.d 10 km by intervals 1 km and parameters distance radial source pressure upon observation points taken from Masigit crater. With the data deformation toward the horizontal on observation points citiis ( ctsg ), masigit ( msgt), and sodong ( sodn ) period february 2012 - april 2013. Deformation horizontal results model mogi will be done testing similarities data with deformation horizontal result of measurement GPS using goodness of fit χ2 method. Result goodness of fit χ2 method produce the best value lies in the depth around 5km Pattern of volume changes in general be periodic, with a period between two a half to three months  with a variety of value fluctuations. Keywords: Guntur Vulcano, Least Square Adjusment Mogi Models, volume changes source pressur

    Estimasi Kedalaman Pusat Tekanan dan Volume Magma dari Hasil Perbandingan Nilai Maksimum Deformasi Horizontal dan Vertikal Hasil Pengamatan GPS Real-Time Kontinu

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    ABSTRAK Gunungapi Sinabung yang terletak di Kabupaten Karo, Provinsi Sumatera Utara terakhir meletus pada tahun 2010 sehingga perlu dilakukan pemantauan deformasi sebagai  antisipasi terhadap bahaya letusan. Model Mogi menggunakan perbandingan dari deformasi horizontal dan vertikal untuk mengestimasi kedalaman pusat tekanan untuk selanjutnya mengestimasi volume material dapur magma. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengestimasi kedalaman pusat tekanan dan volume material dapur magma Gunungapi Sinabung dengan menggunakan perbandingan nilai maksimum dari jarak horizontal, deformasi horizontal, dan deformasi vertikal. Pemantauan yang dilakukan dengan pengamatan GPS real time kontinu pada titik tiga pantau, yaitu Gurukinayan (GRKI); Lawukawar (LWKR); dan Sukanalu (SKNL). Deformasi horizontal dan vertikal yang digunakan adalah yang memiliki nilai kurang dari 0,5 meter. Hasil dari nilai maksimum deformasi horizontal adalah 0,410 meter; nilai maksimum deformasi vertikal adalah 0,326 meter; dan nilai maksimum dari jarak horizontal adalah 9.446,963 meter. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut didapatkan nilai kedalaman pusat tekanan estimasi adalah 11.358,887 m ≈ 11,4 km dengan simpangan baku ± 412,925 m ≈ ± 0,4 km dari puncak kawah Gunungapi Sinabung dan hasil volume magma estimasi Gunungapi Sinabung adalah 266.155.980,655 m3 dengan simpangan baku ± 6.574.227,425 m3. Kata kunci: Model Mogi, nilai maksimum, kedalaman pusat tekanan estimasi, volume magma estimasi ABSTRACT Mount Sinabung located at Karo Regency, North Sumatra last erupted at 2010 therefor need to be conducted a deformation monitoring as an anticipation of an eruption hazard. Mogi Model uses the comparison of horizontal deformation and vertical deformation to estimate the depth of pressure source for henceforth estimate the volume of magma chamber. The propose of this research is for estimate depth of pressure source and volume of magma chamber of Mount Sinabung using the comparison of horizontal distance; horizontal deformation;  and vertical deformation. These monitoring is conducted with real-time continue GPS observation on the three of monitoring point, there is Gurkinayan (GRKI), Lawukawar (LWKR); dan Sukanalu (SKNL). Horizontal and vertical deformation were used which has the value less than 0.5 meter. The result from the average of maximum value of horizontal deformation is 0.410 meter; average of maximum value of  vertical deformation is 0.326 meter; average of maximum value of  horizontal distance is 9,446.963 meters. From the result of those calculating is obtained the estimation value of the pressure source depth is 11,358.887 m ≈ 11,4 km with standart deviation is ± 412.925 m ≈ ± 0.4 km from the crater peak of Mount Sinabung and magma volume estimation of Mount Sinabung is 266,155,980.655 m3 with standart deviation is ± 6,574,227.425 m3 Keywords: Mogi Model, maximum value, depth of pressure source, magma volum

    Method for estimating the end of the deflation initiated in 2014 at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, under the assumption that the magma behaves as a Bingham fluid

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    We herein estimated the end of the ongoing deflation at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, which began in 2014 under the assumption that the magma is incompressible and behaves as a Bingham fluid. At first, we estimated the temporal volume change of the deformation sources for deflation periods from the end of 2013 until December 2016. The deflation rate is decreasing gradually, and the deflation is expected to cease in the future. Next, we obtained the absolute pressure in the reservoir as a function of time by modeling the magma as an incompressible fluid inside a spherical reservoir with a cylindrical vent and applying the estimated volume change function to the model. We then estimated the yield stress of the Sinabung magma to be 0.1–3 MPa from a previously derived linear relationship between the silica content and yield stress of lava and the measured silica content of Sinabung ashfall from 2010 to 2014, which was reported to be 58–60%. The absolute pressure in the reservoir is expected to fall below the yield stress between August and September 2018, which means that the magma would stop migrating from the reservoir toward the summit under the assumption that it behaves as a Bingham fluid. As a result, the deflation of Sinabung is estimated to end between August and September 2018. In comparison with the 1991–1995 deflation at Unzendake, the total deflation volume of Sinabung is comparable, whereas the duration of the deflation of Sinabung is approximately 1 year longer


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    Prosiding ini berisi kumpulan artikel dari narasumber dan peserta INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR on ISLAMIC STUDIES AND EDUCATION (ISoISE) dalam rangka Visiting and International Conference tahun 2020 dari Dosen dan Mahasiswa Program Magister Pascasarjana UIN Sutha Jambi – Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia pada 20 Februari 202