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    Abstract Decision making is an activity undertaken at a problem to be solved. One type of problem is a semi-structured problems are problems with multiple criteria and multiple alternatives. One method of making the decision to semi-structured problems is Analytical Hierachy Process (AHP), a method to compare two alternatives based on certain criteria (pairwise comparison), and among the criteria to compare one with the other criteria. When performing a comparison between two objects, the consistency of decision-makers must be maintained. The study aims to analyze the value of consistency in measurement technique AHP method. For semi-structured decision problems, maintaining consistency is not easy. Harmonic consistency index technique be an alternative to maintain the consistency of decision-makers. The workings of this technique is that, after the comparison of two objects put in a pairwise matrix, the matrix which has not been filled will be filled after seeing the comparison of two objects that already exist, without having to ask again to decision-makers. This technique is expected to ensure consistency of decision making is maintained. Three case studies applying a promotion decision-making in three high schools who are in the organization of an educational foundation in the city of Bandung. Analysis of the results of application of harmonic consistency index was tested with the initial hypothesis that the technique produces harmonic consistency index consistency the index is small enough so that it can be concluded the decision making process carried out consistently

    Processo de trabalho e planejamento na estratégia saúde da família

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    Este livro faz parte dos materiais didáticos dos cursos de especialização para trabalhadores vinculados à Atenção Básica ofertados pela UFPE. O objetivo é refletir sobre os conceitos e as teorias pertinentes aos processos de trabalho na prática das Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF), estabelecendo o intercâmbio social nos territórios de adscrição das equipes de saúde, sob o manto da Política de Humanização do SUS. Também é explorado o Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES) como estratégia para consolidação da dinâmica dos processos de trabalho, como ferramenta indispensável na otimização dos recursos, no exercício da convivência e no fortalecimento dos vínculos na Estratégia Saúde da Família

    Permacultura y sostenibilidad agrícola

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    La permacultura es más que un tipo de agricultura. En algunos casos, considerada una variante de la agricultura ecológica, reproduce y pone en práctica a través de sus principios los objetivos de la agroecología; es "un nuevo enfoque científico que surge en los últimos años debido a los importantes problemas ambientales y sociales de la agricultura moderna y la necesidad de lograr un cambio hacia sistemas más sostenibles" (Sarandón y Flores, 2014: 11). Asimismo, puede concebirse como un modo de vida opcional, una técnica de jardinería, o en otros casos, puede llegar a cumplir un papel primordial en países subdesarrollados, donde su práctica es una necesidad y una forma eficaz de asegurar la seguridad alimentaria. Además, a diferencia de los demás tipos de agricultura, que constituyen un método de producción económica, en este caso, se trata más bien de una filosofía de vida, en la que prima la cooperación y convivencia pacífica entre las personas y unos valores éticos. Es considerada también una contracultura espacial, que anhela la obtención de un alto grado de autosuficiencia de las fincas agrícolas, y la creación de agroecosistemas sostenibles. Esta nueva forma de trabajar la tierra cumple un papel fundamental en lo que se refiere a la gran labor social y ambiental que hay detrás de cada proyecto, a nivel mundial, nacional y también en el marco local, contribuyendo a la conservación de los paisajes agrarios, que a la vez constituyen el patrimonio cultural de las regiones. Además, estudios recientes han demostrado que los rendimientos por unidad de superficie en la producción de alimentos, en sistemas de policultivo, que también se rigen por esta metodología, pueden llegar a tener valores superiores con respecto a los sistemas de monocultivo. Dada la fuerte dependencia de las Islas Canarias del exterior, en el abastecimiento de alimentos, estas recientes investigaciones proporcionan una oportunidad para lograr un mayor grado de autosuficiencia alimentaria, y una mayor resiliencia agroecológica de las fincas agrícolas. "Aunque existen muchos países en los que la permacultura está mucho más desarrollada que en España o en Canarias, existen algunos ejemplos vivos que, aunque no son numerosos, sí resultan interesantes", (Costa del Forcallo, 2008). En nuestro archipiélago, se localizan principalmente en la zona de medianías, por poseer "unas condiciones más benignas para el cultivo, y por haber tenido una mayor regularidad, puesto que esta franja altitudinal ha sido la base de la dieta alimentaria de los canarios, a lo largo de la historia de las islas" (Rodríguez Brito, 1992: 71). La mayoría de estos proyectos están enfocados a la producción de alimentos. Otros, en cambio, están enfocados a la educación ambiental y a las actividades terapéuticas en contacto con la naturaleza, donde se trata de inculcar a los más pequeños la importancia de cuidar del medio ambiente.Permaculture is more than one type of agriculture. In some cases, considered a variant of organic farming, plays and implements through its principles of agroecology objectives; It is "a new scientific approach that emerged in recent years, due to the important environmental and social problems of modern agriculture, and the need for a shift towards more sustainable systems" (Sarandon and Flores, 2014: 11). It can also be conceived as a way of optional technical gardening life or in other cases, you can get to play a key role in developing countries, where the practice is a necessity and an efficient way to ensure food security. In addition, unlike other types of agriculture, which are a method of economic production, in this case, it is more a philosophy of life, in which raw cooperation and peaceful coexistence between people and ethical values. It is also considered a space counterculture, yearning to obtain a high degree of self-sufficiency of farms, and creating sustainable agro-ecosystems. This new way of working the land plays a key role in relation to the great social and environmental work behind each project, globally, nationally and in the local context, contributing to the conservation of agricultural landscapes , which in turn they constitute the cultural heritage of the regions. In addition, recent studies have shown that yields per unit area in food production, in polyculture systems, which are also governed by this ideology, can have higher values compared to monoculture systems. Given the heavy dependence of the islands outside in the food supply, these recent studies provide an opportunity to achieve a greater degree of food self-sufficiency, and greater resilience of agro-ecological farms. Permaculture can be a way to learn how to optimize the use of natural resources sustainably, increasing the food security of our archipelago, and helping to preserve the island's agricultural areas. "Although there are many countries where permaculture is much more developed than here in Spain or the Canary Islands specifically, there are few living examples that although many if not interesting" (http://www.rinconesdelatlantico.com/num2/permacultura.html , accessed on 09.10.2015). In our islands, are located mainly in the midlands area, by having "a more benign conditions for cultivation, and for having more regular, since it has been the basis of the diet of canaries, along the history of the islands "(Rodriguez Brito, 1992: 71). Most of these projects are focused on food production and the "generation of soils," Alfred Yeomans (1950). Others, however, are focused on environmental education, and therapeutic activities in contact with nature, where it is the smallest instill the importance of protecting the environment

    Analisis Pengaruh Manajemen Perubahan dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja ASN pada Biro Hukum Kementerian Pertanian

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of change management and competence on the performance of ASN at the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. Management of Change in Bureaucratic Reform is carried out to change the culture and mindset of ASN so that it can achieve the expected Bureaucratic Profile in 2025. The Ministry of Agriculture, especially the Legal Bureau is committed to implementing Bureaucratic Reform within the Ministry of Agriculture, especially in the area of changes in the arrangement of laws and regulations. To achieve this, the Legal Bureau continues to strive to improve the competence of ASN as a drafter of laws and regulations. The application of change management and competency improvement in the Legal Bureau has the aim of improving performance in the Legal Bureau, especially in producing legal products in the Agricultural Sector. This study uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires as primary data to 49 respondents, while secondary data is collected through interviews and literature reviews from various journals, books, laws and regulations, and other internet sources. The results of the t-count of Change Management are 5.371 > 2.013, then there is an influence between Change Management on performance, while the t-count of Competence is 5.462 > 2.013, it can be concluded that there is an influence between Competence on performance. Based on the results of the study, it shows that there is an influence between change management on performance and competence on performance

    Effects of carbon source, carbon concentration and culture conditions on in vitro rooting of Pinus pinea L. microshoots

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    In stone pine (Pinus pinea L.), clonal propagation via adventitious shoot formation from cotyledons has been reported before but rooting of these shoots is poor. The number of rooted shoots had low frequency limiting the used of micropropagation protocols as a choice for mass propagation of superior genotypes. Therefore the main objective of the present work was to increase the number and quality of roots per shoot in order to ensure the survival and growth of a great number of plants in the acclimation phase. To achieve this, different combinations of carbon source (sucrose or glucose) at different concentrations, under different environmental conditions (temperature and light), were tested in the induction and expression phases of the adventitious root formation. Shoots of different clones obtained via organogenesis have been employed for the experiments. Observations were made on the rooting percentage, root length and number of roots per shoot. The results showed a general increased of the number of roots per shoot and an earlier root formation when glucose was used as a carbon source. However, there were no differences in the percentage of rooting between the carbons sources tested. The best results were obtained using 0.117 M of glucose and dark treatment combined with 19°C during the induction phase of the rhizogenic process. Light and low sugar concentration proved to be beneficial for the expression phase, increasing the root length. A remarkable interclonal difference in the ability to form roots was observed. It was possible to obtain a rooting percentage of more than 75% in several of the tested clones

    Impact of the fear of Covid-19 on perceptions of physical shopping convenience and consumer behaviour in Portugal

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    The aim of this study is top rovide an insight of the fear of Covid-19 felt by the Portuguese and how it impacted their perceptions of physical shopping convenience and consumer behaviour. Specifically, utilitarian and hedonic shopping, the likelihood of stockpiling products and the probability to change the offline shopping to online channels. Statistical evidence was found that fear does influence consumer perceptions and behaviours. Results of this study can be used by companies to better understand customers’ reactions to fear-induced situations and quickly adapt to these changes

    Social representations of adolescents and young about adolescence

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    A partir do século XX, a adolescência tomou força de realidade psíquica e social constituindo-se, portanto, em um fenômeno recente que tem tomado diversas significações no universo científico. Aspectos sociais, políticos e econômicos significam a adolescência, produzindo representações ambíguas. Objetivou-se, na investigação ora apresentada, identificar as representações sociais que jovens elaboram sobre a adolescência. Um total de 308 jovens participou da pesquisa. Foram realizadas Análises de Conteúdo e Análises de Evocação. Os resultados indicaram uma visão de adolescente que carrega as marcas históricas da transgressão. A conclusão sugere que as representações sociais da adolescência estão ancoradas em características e conceitos historicamente construídos acerca da adolescência, na percepção atualmente circundante na sociedade sobre a violência juvenil e nas inserções sociais dos sujeitos da representação.Starting from the century XX, the adolescence took force of psychic and social reality being constituted, therefore, in a recent phenomenon that it has been taking several significances in the scientific universe. Social, political and economical aspects means the adolescence, producing ambiguous representations. The main objective of this research was to identify the social representations that teenagers have about adolescence. Were part of this research 308 teenagers. The results - obtained from specific studies and analysis, indicated have a vision that adolescents carry historical marks of transgressions. The conclusion suggests that the social representations of adolescence are anchored in historically constructed concepts about adolescence, currently surrounding the perception in society about the teenager violence and also in the social insertion of the subjects of representation

    O sentido de vida do familiar do paciente crítico

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    This study emerged from the reflection of my nursing professional experiences. The objectives were to understand the life meaning of critical patients' relatives, in view of the Tragic Triad: guilt, suffering, and death; to identify the contents of these individuals' life meanings, based on Existential Analysis. The methodological trajectory implied the qualitative approach and content analysis. The understanding of the meanings was guided by the Triadic Configuration, from which the following categories emerged: existential emptiness, suffering, guilt, death, meaning of life and ICU care. For the critical patients' relatives, finding the meaning of life in view of the Tragic Triad means perceiving the tragic optimism, such as the possibility of answering life questions in a positive and responsible way, by means of spiritual forces, as of their inner God, though the purpose of creating or performing something, or through the love dedicated to their sick loved one.Este estudio surgió de la reflexión acerca de las vivencias tenidas como profesional de enfermería. Tuvo como objetivos: comprender el sentido de la vida del familiar del paciente crítico, frente a la Triada Trágica: culpa, sufrimiento y muerte; e identificar los contenidos del sentido de la vida, fundamentado en el Análisis Existencial. En la trayectoria metodológica el abordaje fue el cualitativo y el análisis de contenido. La comprensión de los significados fue guiada por la Configuración Triádica de donde surgieron las categorías: Vacío existencial, Sufrimiento, Culpa, Muerte, Sentido de la vida y Asistencia en la UCI. Para el familiar del paciente crítico, encontrar el sentido de la vida frente a la Triada Trágica es percibir el optimismo trágico, como posibilidad de responder a las cuestiones de la vida de modo positivo y responsable, a través de fuerzas espirituales, como de su Dios interior, del objetivo de crear o realizar algo o del amor dedicado a su enfermo.Este estudo emergiu da reflexão acerca de vivências, como profissional de enfermagem. Teve como objetivos compreender o sentido de vida do familiar do paciente crítico, diante da Tríade Trágica: culpa, sofrimento e morte; e identificar os conteúdos de sentido de vida destes, fundamentada na Analise Existencial. Na trajetória metodológica, a abordagem foi qualitativa, e a análise de conteúdo. A compreensão dos significados foi guiada pela Configuração Triádica, de onde surgiram as categorias: Vazio existencial, Sofrimento, Culpa, Morte, Sentido de vida e Assistência na UTI. Para o familiar do paciente crítico, encontrar o sentido de vida frente à Tríade Trágica é perceber o otimismo trágico, como possibilidade de responder às questões da vida de modo positivo e responsável, através de forças espirituais, como do seu Deus interior, do objetivo de criar ou realizar algo ou do amor dedicado ao seu enfermo

    Perbaikan Gejala Neuropati Pada Pemberian Kombinasi Vitamin B Untuk Pasien Neuropati Diabetikum

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    Neuropati diabetikum (ND) adalah komplikasi utama yang sering muncul pada pasien diabetes mellitus (DM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas vitamin B kombinasi terhadap gejala klinis ND dan QoL (kualitas hidup/quality of life) pada pasien DM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian one group pre and post test design pada pasien DM dengan ND. Setiap subjek mendapatkan kombinasi vitamin B yang terdiri dari: vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dan vitamin B12 dengan dosis masing-masing secara berurutan: 100 mg, 100 mg, 5000 mcg. Gejala klinis ND diukur dengan menggunakan Total Symptom Score (TSS). Angka QoL diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner SF-8. Penilaian gejala dilakukan sebanyak 5 kali, dari penilaian awal hingga 3 bulan. Ada 104 subjek pada awal penelitian. Tujuh subjek tidak dapat mengikuti penelitian sampai selesai, sehingga tersisa 97 subjek pada akhir penelitian. Ada perbaikan gejala ND, yang meliputi sensasi nyeri tertusuk, sensasi nyeri terbakar, kesemutan, dan rasa kebas/baal, setelah pemberian kombinasi vitamin B. Perubahan tersebut bermakna secara statistik (p<0,0001). Hasil serupa juga tampak pada QoL. Ada perbaikan QoL dari awal penelitian hingga akhir penelitian. Perbedaan tersebut bermakna secara statistik (physical component summary dengan p<0,0001 dan mental component summary dengan p=0,0001). Kombinasi vitamin B efektif untuk memperbaiki gejala klinis dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada pasien ND

    Ischemic stroke in coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) positive patient: a case report

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    A new coronavirus disease called COVID-19 was declared by World Health Organization (WHO). The COVID-19 may complicated into many other conditions, including neurologic. One among this neurologic complication is stroke. This paper aimed to report a case of ischemic stroke in COVID-19 positive patient in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A male patient, 42 years old, came to emergency department with weakness in his right arm for two days as his main complain. He also had face drop on the right side, cough, and shortness of breath. He had a history of hyperthyroid and type II diabetes mellitus. The brain CT Scan showed a lacunar infarct in the left lentiform nucleus. Patient had nasopharynx and oropharynx swab to be checked for the presence of COVID-19 and the result was positive.The pathophysiology of stroke in COVID-19 include the hyperactivation of inflammatory factors that causes a fatal inflammatory storm. It also cause a damage of coagulation system which causing the D-dimer and platelet abnormalities, hypercoagulability from critical illness and cardioembolism from virus-related cardiac injury. Moreover, COVID-19 may cause a direct role in viral infection in central nervous system. In conclusion, ischemic stroke can be present along with COVID-19.