230 research outputs found

    The role of form in masked priming effects in cognate words

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    Las principales propuestas teóricas sobre el léxico bilingüe asumen dos niveles de representación: el nivel de la representación de la forma (ortográfica y fonológica) y el nivel de representación conceptual (semántico). El grado en que estos dos niveles de representación son compartidos por las dos lenguas ha sido objeto de interés creciente en los últimos años. Distintos estudios utilizando diferentes tareas y paradigmas experimentales han mostrado que el estatus de traducción cognaticia desempeña un papel relevante a la hora de determinar cómo se relacionan las palabras de las dos lenguas en estos dos niveles de representación. Las traducciones cognaticias son pares de palabras que se parecen tanto en la forma como el significado (por ejemplo, arbre-árbol) y contrastan con los falsos amigos (sólo relacionados en la forma; por ejemplo, fleca-fleco) y las traducciones no-cognaticias (sólo comparten su significado; por ejemplo, sorra-arena). En este artículo se revisan una serie de experimentos de priming enmascarado entre lenguas llevados a cabo con bilingües competentes de español y de inglés y de español y catalán. Asimismo, se presenta un experimento realizado con bilingües de español y de catalán, en el que se ha utilizado también el priming enmascarado, manipulando el grado de solapamiento formal entre traducciones cognaticias. Los resultados de este experimento junto con la evidencia revisada sugieren que la semejanza en la forma no puede dar cuenta de los efectos de priming que se observan en palabras cognaticias.Most theoretical proposals about the bilingual lexicon include representations at the levels of form (orthographic and phonological) and meaning (conceptual). The degree of shared representations across languages at either level has been a matter of dispute in recent times. A number of studies using different tasks and experimental paradigms have shown that the cognate status of translations is a relevant factor concerning the relationship between words across languages. Cognate translations are word pairs that share similar form and meaning across two languages (e.g. arbre-árbol), in contrast with so-called false friends (which are only form-related, such as fleca-fleco) and non-cognate translations (which only share their meanings, e.g. sorra-arena). In this article, we review a series of masked priming experiments across languages with competent Spanish-English and Catalan-Spanish bilinguals, and report a new masked priming experiment carried out with Catalan-Spanish bilinguals in which the degree of form overlap between cognate pairs was manipulated. The results of the experiment and the evidence reviewed suggest that form similarity by itself cannot account for the priming effects obtained with cognate words

    Microbiota gastrointestinal y síndrome de intestino irritable

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    We thank García-Mazcorro et al.1 for their interest and comments on completely agree with them concerning the term intestinal «flora». Microbiota is the correct word, defined as the community of living microorganisms residing in a determined ecological niche, and we use it, not only in the title, but throughout the article (79 times to be exact), whereas the less precise but commonly used flora is employed only 5 times.2 Secondly, the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene is one of the components of the small subunit (30S) of the ribosome and is present in all bacteria and archaea. It is the genetic marker used in bacterial phylogenetic analysis and is widely used in an endless number of studies. This gene sequence is approximately 1,550 bp long and is composed of 9 highly variable regions or hypervariable regions flanked by constant regions. The differences in sequencing of these hypervariable regions make it possible to taxonomically identify the bacteria present in study samples (for example, in stools and intestinal mucosa).3 The «rrs» gene, also known as 16S ribosomal DNA or 16S rDNA, as mentioned in table 3 of our article, encodes 16S rRNA. Even though there are limitations in sequencing based on 16S rRNA, it continues to be the gold standard due to the extensive databases based on this marker. Illumina belongs to the «next generation» sequencing technologies that are limited by the length of the sequences they can provide, and so specific regions of the 16S rRNA gene must be selected in the analysis.3 Other sequencing strategies and equipment currently exist that were designed for completion and correction. Thirdly, the inability to absolutely establish the microbiota that is characteristic of IBS due to the factors mentioned by García-Mazcorro et al. is a fundamental aspect of our review.2 In fact, that was why we reached the conclusion that even though there is evidence that the intestinal microbiota is different in persons with IBS from that of normal subjects (level 3b evidence, grade B recommendation), it is not possible to establish a microbial composition that is specific for this disorder (level 3b evidence, grade B recommendation).2 On the other hand, we agree that the taxonomic levels found were not mentioned in some cases, but some of the studies reviewed only reported the differences in microbial groups. And finally, we agree that our already extensive review fell short of analyzing the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and even synbiotics, in the treatment of IBS, but we felt these topics should be the subject of another review. As a matter of fact, a very recent systematic review of the literature has reported that probiotics were superior to placebo due to a lower frequency of IBS symptom persistence (55.8% vs. 73.1%).4 In addition, probiotics were shown to be superior to placebo in the improvement of overall symptoms, abdominal pain, subjective abdominal bloating, and flatulence. Specifically, it was Bifidobacterium spp that showed a tendency toward the improvement of overall symptoms and abdominal pain, but determining which strain(s) will be the effective one(s) has yet to be established. The authors also found that there were very few studies on prebiotics and synbiotics.4 Another review found that B. infantis 35624 was effective in improving subjective bloating in IBS in general and B. animalis DN-173010 in patients with constipation predominant IBS (IBS-C).5 Furthermore, the relation between diet and the microbiota should also be analyzed. For example, low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols) diets that improve IBS symptoms also appear to reduce the concentration and proportion of bifi-dobacteria in stools determined through fluorescence in situ hybridizatio

    The role of form in masked priming effects in cognate words

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    Las principales propuestas teóricas sobre el léxico bilingüe asumen dos niveles de representación: el nivel de la representación de la forma (ortográfica y fonológica) y el nivel de representación conceptual (semántico). El grado en que estos dos niveles de representación son compartidos por las dos lenguas ha sido objeto de interés creciente en los últimos años. Distintos estudios utilizando diferentes tareas y paradigmas experimentales han mostrado que el estatus de traducción cognaticia desempeña un papel relevante a la hora de determinar cómo se relacionan las palabras de las dos lenguas en estos dos niveles de representación. Las traducciones cognaticias son pares de palabras que se parecen tanto en la forma como el significado (por ejemplo, arbre-árbol) y contrastan con los falsos amigos (sólo relacionados en la forma; por ejemplo, fleca-fleco) y las traducciones no-cognaticias (sólo comparten su significado; por ejemplo, sorra-arena). En este artículo se revisan una serie de experimentos de priming enmascarado entre lenguas llevados a cabo con bilingües competentes de español y de inglés y de español y catalán. Asimismo, se presenta un experimento realizado con bilingües de español y de catalán, en el que se ha utilizado también el priming enmascarado, manipulando el grado de solapamiento formal entre traducciones cognaticias. Los resultados de este experimento junto con la evidencia revisada sugieren que la semejanza en la forma no puede dar cuenta de los efectos de priming que se observan en palabras cognaticias.Most theoretical proposals about the bilingual lexicon include representations at the levels of form (orthographic and phonological) and meaning (conceptual). The degree of shared representations across languages at either level has been a matter of dispute in recent times. A number of studies using different tasks and experimental paradigms have shown that the cognate status of translations is a relevant factor concerning the relationship between words across languages. Cognate translations are word pairs that share similar form and meaning across two languages (e.g. arbre-árbol), in contrast with so-called false friends (which are only form-related, such as fleca-fleco) and non-cognate translations (which only share their meanings, e.g. sorra-arena). In this article, we review a series of masked priming experiments across languages with competent Spanish-English and Catalan-Spanish bilinguals, and report a new masked priming experiment carried out with Catalan-Spanish bilinguals in which the degree of form overlap between cognate pairs was manipulated. The results of the experiment and the evidence reviewed suggest that form similarity by itself cannot account for the priming effects obtained with cognate words

    Potential community-based control by use of plastic film to block aedes aegypti (L.) egg adhesion

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    Abstract. Monitoring and control programs for yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.), usually do not focus on the egg as a potential target for control. The egg is the most numerous life stage but is invisible to conventional inspection by a sticky pad that attaches it. This laboratory study evaluated the potential ovicidal effect of five commonly used plastics. Plastic liners in oviposition containers were exposed to gravid female mosquitoes in an insectary. The percentage of eggs that hatched was recorded. The plastic liners altered the places where eggs were laid, i.e., 27.0% were glued onto the plastic film, 70.0% remained floating, and 3.0% were submerged. Vinyl blocked most egg adhesion, with a mean of 7.05 ± 10.1 eggs, compared to 170.7 ± 68.6 eggs for the check. Pooled numbers of glued, floating, and submerged eggs showed fewest eggs hatched on vinyl or low-density polyethylene, resulting in the death of 94.7% of the embryos. Plastics waterproofing property might be blocking the hyaluronic acid, the component of the sticky substance of mosquito eggs. Results demonstrated the potential use of plastic strips as an ovicide. Plastics should be studied further for use in community-based programs to control dengue


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    The present aimed to identify and describe lesions caused by helminths in motelo tortoises(Chelonoidis denticulata). Forty gastrointestinal tracts were collected at Belen market inIquitos, Peru where this species is sold for meat consumption. The macroscopic analysisshowed that 42.5, 70.0, and 100% of the stomachs, small intestine and large intestinerespectively were parasitizedor affected by pathological –possibly due to parasites–changes like nodules, blackish coloration areas, ulcers, perforations, thickening,congestion and hemorrhagic areas. Parasites of 11 species were collected: Labidurisgulosa, Labiduris zschokkei, Labiduris irineuta, Atractis marquezi, Klossinemellatravassosi, Sauricola sauricola, Chapiniella variabilis, Angusticaecum holopterumand Ophidascaris arndti (Nematoda), and Halltrema avitellina and Helicotrema spirale(Trematoda). Histologically, an invasion of the four gastrointestinal layers by parasiticstructures compatible with H. avitellina (and its eggs), C. variabilis, S. sauricola and unundetermined species of atractideus was observed mostly surrounded by inflammatoryexudates formed by eosinophiles, giant cells, lymphocytes and connective tissue. Also,the presence of eosinophilic infiltrate in the mucosa was found as a response to thecontact with O. arndti and H. spirale. The results showed that all animals presentedparasitic lesions in the large intestine, most of them severe; whereas lesions in stomachand small intestine were mainly moderate and mild.El trabajo tuvo por objetivo identificar y describir las lesiones ocasionadas por helmintos en tortugas motelo (Chelonoidis denticulata). Se colectaron 40 tractos gastrointestinales de tortugas en el mercado de Belén, Iquitos, Perú, donde esta especie es comercializada como carne de consumo. El análisis macroscópico mostró que el 42.5, 70.0 y 100% de los estómagos, intestino delgado e intestino grueso, respectivamente, se encontraban parasitados o presentaban cambios patológicos de posible origen parasitario como nódulos, áreas de coloración negruzca, úlceras, perforaciones, engrosamiento, congestión y focos hemorrágicos. Se identificaron 11 especies de helmintos: Labiduris gulosa, Labiduris zschokkei, Labiduris irineuta, Atractismarquezi, Klossinemella travassosi, Sauricola sauricola, Chapiniella variabilis, Angusticaecum holopterum y Ophidascaris arndti (Nematoda), y Halltrema avitellinay Helicotrema spirale (Trematoda). Histológicamente, se evidenció la invasión de las cuatro túnicas gastrointestinales por estructuras parasitarias compatibles con H.avitellina (y sus huevos), C. variabilis, S. sauricola y una especie no determinada de atractídeo, rodeadas principalmente por exudados inflamatorios compuestos de eosinófilos, células gigantes, linfocitos y tejido conjuntivo. Asimismo, se observó la presencia de infiltrado eosinofílico en la mucosa como respuesta al contacto con O.arndti y H. spirale. Los resultados indican que todos los individuos presentaron lesiones parasitarias en intestino grueso, siendo la mayoría de grado severo, mientras que las lesiones en estómago e intestino delgado fueron mayormente de grado moderado y leve

    Detection of West Nile virus-specific antibodies and nucleic acid in horses and mosquitoes, respectively, in Nuevo Leon State, northern Mexico, 2006–2007

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    Abstract. In the last 5 years, there has been only one reported human case of West Nile virus (WNV) disease in northern Mexico. To determine if the virus was still circulating in this region, equine and entomological surveillance for WNV was conducted in the state of Nuevo Leon in northern Mexico in 2006 and 2007. A total of 203 horses were serologically assayed for antibodies to WNV using an epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (bELISA). Seroprevalences for WNV in horses sampled in 2006 and 2007 were 26% and 45%, respectively. Mosquito collections in 2007 produced 7365 specimens representing 15 species. Culex mosquitoes were screened for WNV RNA and other genera (Mansonia, Anopheles, Aedes, Psorophora and Uranotaenia) were screened for flaviviruses using reversetranscription (RT)-PCR. Two pools consisting of Culex spp. mosquitoes contained WNV RNA. Molecular species identification revealed that neither pool included Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera:Culicidae) complex mosquitoes. No evidence of flaviviruses was found in the other mosquito genera examined. These data provide evidence that WNV is currently circulating in northern Mexico and that non-Cx. quinquefasciatus spp. mosquitoes may be participating in the WNV transmission cycle in this region

    Presencia de Hemoparásitos en Tortugas Motelo (Chelonoides denticulata) (Linnaeus, 1766) Comercializadas en el Mercado de Belén, Iquitos, Perú

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    The aim of this study was to identify and determine the presence of blood parasites in yellow-footed tortoises sold in the market of Belen, Iquitos, Peru and their association with sex, body weight, hematocrit and parasitemia. Blood samples were collected from 47 tortoises in July 2010. The thin blood smears with Giemsa, the microcapillary Woo technique and the Buffy coat technique were used for the identification of the haemoparasites. The results showed the presence of Haemogregarina sp in 74.5% of the samples, being 68.8% in females and 86.7% in males. There were mature gamonts (11.09 ± 1.42 μm length x 5.82 ± 0.76 μm wide) and inmature gamonts (14.85 ± 0.69 μm x 3.26 ± 0.41 μm). There were no significant differences between the presence of the parasite and the variables sex, weight, hematocrit and parasitemia level.El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar y determinar la presencia de hemoparásitos en tortugas motelo comercializadas en el mercado de Belén, Iquitos, Perú, así como su asociación con las variables sexo, peso, hematocrito y parasitemia. Se colectaron muestras de sangre de 47 tortugas en julio de 2010. Se utilizaron las técnicas de frotis sanguíneo delgado con Giemsa, microcapilar de Woo y técnica de capa blanca o ‘Buffy coat’ para la identificación de los hemoparásitos. Se encontró la presencia de Haemogregarina sp, con una frecuencia de 74.5%, siendo de 68.8% en hembras y 86.7% en machos. Se encontraron gamontes maduros (11.09 ± 1.42 µm de longitud x 5.82 ± 0.76 µm de ancho) e inmaduros (14.85 ± 0.69 µm x 3.26 ± 0.41 µm). No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la presencia del parásito con las variables sexo, peso, hematocrito y nivel de parasitemia
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