239 research outputs found

    Best career memories of retired people: a retrospective study

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    Best Career Memories of Retired People: A Retrospective Study In the Human Resources field, it has been understood that stories can place value on career research. This thesis aims to explore the best memories retired people invoke when asked about their career stories. The literature abounds with studies regarding career, but the contributors are mainly on the job or about to. It was conducted thirty semi-structured interviews and the main conclusions were related with three dimensions: work, impact on others, and personal growth. The study found that the relationship between work, and impact on others and personal growth is moderated by the responsibility associated with employee’s job

    Integrated nano-plasmonics: reflecting a waveguide mode with a single nano-antenna

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    Integrated plasmonic systems have the potential to revolutionise telecom devices [1]. However, the large losses and poor efficiency of plasmonic systems [2] have limited the use of metallic systems as optical circuits. Here we present a hybrid silicon-metallic system in which a single nano-antenna embedded in a single-mode silicon waveguide acts as a tuneable and narrow-band switch. Nanoantennas interact very strongly with light [3], such that when the nano-antenna is at resonance with the waveguide mode up to 80% of the light is blocked by it. This drop in transmission is a consequence of scattering and interference between the dipole and the waveguide mode, which is efficient over the nano-rod resonance bandwidth. The high performance and simplicity of this hybrid device holds great promise for future optoelectronic circuits

    Uber, a path for profitability or a market misperception?

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    The present equity research report serves the purpose of executing a valuation of Uber Technologies, Inc, an American multinational company that provides peer-to-peer ridesharing, food delivery, freight services, and bicycle and scooter sharing systems in more than 700 cities in 63 countries. The valuation performed has in mind the optimistic factors about the company’s future(scale, dominance, profitability, and a favorable environment to revenue growth) but also the risks it may have to face (ATG as a risky segment, regulatory restrictions, and ease of raising debt).The price target achieved through a DCF valuation is $38.47, 29% above the market price as of 31stDecember 2019, leading to a buy recommendation

    Pielonefrite aguda : diagnóstico e tratamento

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Urologia, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraObjectivo: Este artigo de revisão tem como objectivo fazer um resumo da evidência científica publicada nos últimos 5 anos relativa ao diagnóstico e tratamento de Pielonefrite Aguda, tanto em adultos como em crianças. A Pielonefrite Aguda é uma infecção relativamente comum que pode deixar lesões parenquimatosas irreversíveis ou levar à morte do doente e que, por outro lado, implica gastos hospitalares elevados. Métodos: Efectuou-se uma pesquisa de textos na PubMed, utilizando os termos Mesh “Acute”, “Pyelonephritis”, “diagnosis”, “therapy” e “radiography”, em diferentes combinações. Resultados: Foram encontrados 65 documentos na pesquisa efectuada. Dos 65 foram seleccionados 41 textos. Foram apenas seleccionados os artigos relacionados com a clínica e avaliação laboratorial, comparação de métodos imagiológicos na avaliação de Pielonefrite Aguda, comparação da eficácia de diferentes planos terapêuticos, tanto em adultos como em crianças. Escolheram-se alguns textos que incluíssem populações mais específicas, como diabéticos e grávidas. Conclusão: O diagnóstico de Pielonefrite Aguda, no adulto, baseia-se essencialmente na clínica e nos achados laboratoriais, estando indicada a realização de exames imagiológicos quando a doença é severa, em pacientes de risco ou quando não existe resposta à terapêutica. O diagnóstico na criança é feito com o recurso à cintigrafia com ácido dimercaptosuccínico marcado com Tecnécio-99m. Têm-se feito esforços no sentido de encontrar um meio diagnóstico menos invasivo. Não existe consentimento quanto à terapêutica mais eficaz. A escolha do antibiótico deve ser feita tendo em conta as características específicas da população em causa bem como o espectro de resistência aos antibióticos. Deve-se iniciar tratamento empírico o mais rápido possível. Actualmente, existe uma tendência progressiva para encurtar o tempo de tratamento de modo a evitar o desenvolvimento de novas resistências aos antibióticos. Sempre que possível, deve-se utilizar a via oral. Estudos estão a ser elaborados no sentido de esclarecer o papel dos anti-inflamatórios e imunomoduladores no tratamento da Pielonefrite Aguda.Aim: The aim of this article is to review the scientific evidence published in the last 5 years, related to the diagnosis and treatment of Acute Pyelonephritis, both in children and adults. Acute Pyelonephritis is a relatively common disease which can leave irreversible parenquimatous lesions or even lead to the patient´s death. On the other hand, it also implies great medical costs. Methods: A search was carried out on PubMed using the Mesh terms “acute”, “pyelonephritis”, “diagnosis”, “therapy” and “radiography” in different combinations. Results: A total of 65 documents were found. From those, 41 were selected. Inclusion criteria: articles focused on the clinical and laboratorial characteristics of Acute Pyelonephritis, comparison of different imagiological methods and different therapeutical approaches and their effectiveness, both in the adult and pediatric populations; some studies, carried out on more specific populations, as diabetics and pregnant women, were also included. Conclusion: In adults, the diagnosis of Acute Pyelonephritis is mostly based on the clinical and laboratorial findings. Imagiology should be used in severe cases, in patients at greater risk or when there´s no response to the antibiotic therapy. In children the diagnosis has to be supported by a Technetium-99m-labeled dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. Efforts are being made in order to find a less invasive diagnostic method. There is no consensus on the best therapeutical approach. Nevertheless, it is known that the antibiotic choice should take in to account the characteristics of each specific population and the bacterial resistance spectrum. An empirical treatment should be started as soon as possible. Nowadays, there is a growing tendency to shorten the antibiotic administration periods in order to prevent the development of new antibiotic resistances. Oral prescription should be used whenever possible. Some studies are currently being made regarding the role of anti-inflammatories and imunomodulators on the treatment of Acute Pyelonephritis

    Unravelling the drivers behind COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and refusal among teachers: A nationwide study

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    This study aims to assess the determinants of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination hesitancy and refusal (VHR) among teachers, from pre-school to higher education, through an online survey. A logistic regression analysis was used to determine the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of the independent variables (perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes) per 1-point increase in the Likert scale, and VHR. Concerns about the vaccines' efficacy and safety increase the risk of VHR (OR = 6.97, 95 %CI: 4.82-10.09 and OR = 8.71, 95 %CI: 5.52-13.73, respectively). Higher risk perceptions of getting infected (1/OR = 3.94, 95 %CI: 2.93-5.29), trust in the effectiveness of vaccines in reducing this risk or protecting against suffering complications (OR = 3.52, 95 %CI: 2.72-4.55 and OR = 10.94, 95 %CI: 7.16-16.68, respectively), and higher trust levels on the information transmitted regarding COVID-19 vaccination, are associated to lower VHR. As VHR appears to be highly influenced by perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes, it is crucial to promote and design interventions targeted to transforming these determinants

    Multi-risk assessment to evaluate the environmental impact of outdoor pig production areas: a case study

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    Outdoor pig production (OPP) can be considered an intensive system in many areas of the Mediterranean region. The concentration of the rainfall in the winter season, the OPP’s topographic and soil properties, together with the continuous input of food and pigs’ excreta, contribute to a profound increase in the nutrients leaching and soil erosion. This work aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the DRASTIC-LU index and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to provide early information to improve the planning of this type of pig production through more adequate location and sustainable management practices. The two models were applied to an OPP with 2.24 ha, with a heavy animal charge (one adult per 1.120 m2 ). The results showed that 85% of the OPP area has a moderate risk to the vulnerability index to groundwater pollution and 15% high risk. The risk of soil erosion ranged from very severe to extremely severe in 96% of the area. The DRASTIC-LU indexes and the RUSLE model produce a multi-risk assessment that agreed with the observed field data. These two models showed accuracy to be used for early assessment when choosing the best location and improving management practices for OPP systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes about COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in older Portuguese adults

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    Background: Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has become a public-health emergency of international concern. Most efforts to contain the spread and transmission of the virus rely on campaigns and interventions targeted to reduce Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal (VHR). Objective: this study aims to assess the major factors associated with VHR in the older population in Portugal. Methods: a nation-wide cross-sectional study was conducted in the older Portuguese population (≥65 years old) through computer-assisted telephone interviewing. Logistic regression was used to determine the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of the independent variables (perceptions, knowledge and attitudes) and of the outcome (VHR). Results: the response rate was 60.1% (602/1,001). Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes were strongly associated with VHR probability. A 1-point Likert scale increase in concerns about the vaccines' efficacy and safety increased the risk of VHR by 1.96 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.40-6.28) and 3.13 (95%CI: 2.08-8.22), respectively. A reduction of VHR probability for 'reliability of the information released by social media' (OR = 0.34, 95%CI: 0.16-0.70) and for 'trust in national and international competent authorities' (OR = 0.34, 95%CI: 0.17-0.69) is also observed per 1-point increase. Conclusions: as VHR seems to be strongly associated with perceptions, knowledge and attitudes, the design and promotion of vaccination campaigns/educational interventions specifically targeted at changing these potentially modifiable determinants may help to tackle COVID-19 VHR and achieve a wider vaccine coverage

    Romance histórico: do clássico ao contemporâneo/Historical romance: from classic to contemporary

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    Este artigo apresenta um quadro de algumas pesquisas sobre o Romance Histórico, as origens desse subgênero, os traços principais que o caracterizavam enquanto forma clássica e suas modificações nos diferentes momentos e sociedades. O percurso de investigação se inicia com György Lukács (2011), passa por Fredric Jameson (2007), Linda Hutcheon (1991), e se encerra com algumas discussões atuais que trazem para o centro do debate as recorrências e transformações por que passou o romance histórico. Essas discussões estão presentes no livro Romance Histórico: recorrências e transformações (2000), que reúne textos resultantes de debates realizados em simpósios que contemplam o assunto

    Cistoadenoma da trompa de falópio: Descrição de um caso clínico e revisão da literatura

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    Introdução Os tumores das trompas de Falópio são raros e têm uma histologia semelhante àquela encontrada em estruturas ginecológicas diferenciadas, como ovários e endométrio. Considerando que os ductos müllerianos têm elevado potencial de diferenciação celular na embriogénese, pensa-se que o cistoadenoma da trompa tenha origem mülleriana. O diagnóstico é acidental na maioria das vezes. Objetivos Sendo o cistoadenoma da trompa uma patologia rara, pretendeu-se descrever um caso clínico diagnosticado no CHUCB e efetuar uma análise comparativa com os casos descritos na literatura. Métodos Com vista à revisão bibliográfica e posterior análise comparativa com os casos de cistoadenoma da trompa publicados, foi efetuada uma pesquisa avançada na base de dados PubMed e Google Scholar, bem como uma consulta de processo clínico no SClínico Hospitalar no CHUCB. Resultados Do nosso conhecimento, existem na literatura dezasseis relatos de casos correspondentes a cistoadenoma benigno da trompa de Falópio. Na maioria dos casos reportados, o diagnóstico foi feito, acidentalmente, durante uma intervenção cirúrgica realizada por motivos que excluem o cistoadenoma da trompa ou através de exames de imagem. O tratamento definitivo consistiu na remoção da massa tumoral. Conclusão O cistoadenoma benigno da trompa de Falópio é um tumor raro, de difícil diagnóstico clínico, sendo habitualmente um achado histológico de uma peça operatória. O tratamento definitivo é a exérese cirúrgica completa. O prognóstico é favorável, mas desconhecido a longo prazo.Neoplasms of the Fallopian tube are rare and their histologic structure is similar to some differentiated tissues, such as the ovary and endometrium. Mullerian ducts have differentiation potential during embryogenesis and Fallopian tube cystoadenoma could have mullerian origin. Our paper intends to describe a clinical case of cystadenoma that was diagnosed in our hospital and perform a comparative analysis with the previous described cases on literature. An advanced research was performed on PubMed and Google Scholar, as well as a clinical process analysis. We found sixteen cases of benign cystoadenoma of the Fallopian tube in the literature. In most of the cases, the diagnosis was accidental, and was made during routine exams or a surgery dued to other issues. The benign cystoadenoma of the Fallopian tube is a rare neoplasm, its diagnosis is difficult and, many times, is an histological finding. The treatment is a complete surgery exeresis. The prognosis is favorable, however unknown for longer term

    Hematological and Morphological Analysis of the Erythropoietic Regenerative Response in Phenylhydrazine-induced Hemolytic Anemia in Mice

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    In this study we developed a mouse model of Phenylhydrazine (PHZ) -induced hemolytic anemia to study  erythropoietic regenerative response through clinical, pathological, and morphological studies. Hemolytic  anemia was induced in female mice (CF1) using PHZ at a wide range of doses (up to 100 mg/Kg) on days  0 and 2. Hemolytic anemia was observed at 60 mg/kg PHZ on day 4 and was evidenced by decreased HCT  (34.3±0.28%), reticulocytosis (51.6±2.10%), anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, leukocytosis, and increased  Heinz body count. A time-course and dose-dependence analysis of the regenerative response was performed.  HCT decreased on days 2 and 4 in a dose-dependent manner, returning to basal levels on day 8.  PHZ only induced reticulocytosis (day 4) at the highest doses tested (60-100 mg/kg). Heinz body formation  was dose-dependent. These changes were accompanied by splenomegaly and splenic erythroid hyperplasia.  Results revealed that the presence of erythroblastic islands was most clear in the spleen, followed by the  liver and kidney. SEM showed Heinz body-containing erythrocytes and spherocyte-like erythrocytes.  Anemia recovery results from coordinated action of extramedullary tissues depending on the time post  injection and the dose applied. In conclusion, this mouse model allowed us a better understanding of  murine erythropoietic regenerative response.