82 research outputs found

    A helmintofauna dos vertebrados terrestres da ilha de S. Miguel (Açores) : lista anotada das espécies conhecidas

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    O presente trabalho refere-se aos resultados de pesquisas helmintológicas realizadas em 1746 hospedeiros, incluindo 14 espécies de vertebrados terrestres, envolvendo a quase totalidade das espécies domésticas e selvagens da ilha de S. Miguel. Foram assinaladas 77 espécies respeitantes a NEMATODA, PLATYHELMINTHA e ACANTHOCEPHALA, a maioria das quais (65) pertencentes a NEMATODA. Nos PLATYHELMINTHA consideram-se as classes CESTODA e DlGENEA representadas por 8 e 2 espécies respectivamente. Quanto a ACANTHOCEPHALA inclui apenas 2 espécies. Com excepção de Fasciola hepatica L., 1758 e Strongylus vulgaris (Looss, 1800), todas as espécies são pela primeira vez assinaladas na região. A lista anotada é apresentada por hospedeiro e segundo ordem alfabética, referindo-se ainda a prevalência e localização dos parasitas, assim como as localidades da ilha em que os hospedeiros foram analisados.ABSTRACT: The helminth fauna in 1746 hosts, comprising 14 different species, which included almost all species of domestic and wild terrestrial vertebrates from S. Miguel Island, were studied. Of the classes NEMATODA, PLATYHELMINTHA and ACANTHOCEPHALA, 77 species were identified; most of them (65) were NEMATODA. PLATYHELMINTHA including CESTODA and DlGENEA are represented by 8 and 2 species, respectively. ACANTHOCEPHALA includes 2 species only. Excluding Fasciola hepatica L., 1758 and Strongylus vuLgaris (Looss, 1800), all the reported species are new records for the Azores Archipelago. The checklist is presented according to host and in alphabetical order. Frequency of occurrence and site within the host, as well as the localities where the host animal occurred, are presented

    Emotional context, maternal behavior and emotion regulation

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    This study investigated the importance of emotion-eliciting context (positive and negative) and mother’s behaviors (constrained and involved) on toddlers’ emotion regulation behavioral strategies, emotional expressiveness and intensity, during three episodes eliciting fear, frustration/anger and positive affect. Fifty-five children between 18 and 26 months of age and their mothers participated in the study. Toddlers’ regulatory strategies varied as function of emotion-eliciting context (children exhibited behavioral strategies more frequently during positive affect and frustration/anger episodes and less frequently during fear episodes) and maternal involvement. Toddlers’ expression of emotion varied as function of emotion-eliciting context (children exhibited more emotional expressions, both negative and positive during fear and frustration/anger episodes compared to positive affect episodes). Toddlers’ expression of emotion was not strongly related to maternal involvement, however, the intensity of emotional expression was related to the interaction of context and maternal involvement

    A biblioteca escolar como comunidade colaborativa : um contributo para o desenvolvimento profissional docente

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Supervisão e Avaliação Escolar.Este trabalho de investigação desenvolveu-se ao longo do ano letivo 2013.2014, num agrupamento de escolas e contou com a colaboração de três professoras. A investigação focou a abordagem às conceções que as participantes no estudo detêm sobre trabalho colaborativo, biblioteca escolar e desenvolvimento profissional. Este propósito levou-nos a apostar num projeto de formação, sustentado pela investigação-ação, assente na reflexão sobre a prática, como estratégia de formação das participantes neste estudo, procurando ultrapassar a tradicional dicotomia entre teoria e prática, com base em quadros teóricos de referência nas áreas da Biblioteca Escolar, Trabalho Colaborativo, Formação e Desenvolvimento Profissional. Colocámos assim as seguintes questões investigativas: 1. Quais as conceções que as participantes no estudo detêm sobre trabalho colaborativo? 2. Que conceções possuem as participantes no estudo sobre o papel da biblioteca escolar enquanto comunidade colaborativa? 3. De que modo o trabalho colaborativo, os processos formativos e a prática reflexiva influenciam o desenvolvimento profissional das participantes neste estudo? A metodologia de investigação foi essencialmente qualitativa, combinando investigação-ação e estudo de caso, recolhendo dados das professoras e dos alunos, respetivamente, registados em áudio durante o programa de formação e também em notas de campo, memorandos e em questionários aplicados às participantes e aos alunos envolvidos no nosso estudo, após as sessões de formação. Foi possível registar o entusiasmo das professoras no processo de investigação-ação-formação, verificando-se no final desta investigação, alguma coerência global entre as conceções definidas pelas participantes e as respetivas práticas. Percecionamos que a investigação-ação-formação, desenvolvida em contexto colaborativo na biblioteca escolar, determinou mudanças nas práticas das professoras participantes e conduziu à construção de um percurso e de um referente teórico que permitiram uma atitude investigativa e reflexiva condutora de mudanças pedagógicas e de crescimento pessoal e profissional, o que sublinha o contributo da presente investigação-ação-formação no desenvolvimento profissional das participantes.This research work has been developed throughout the school year 2013.2014, in a school cluster and with the collaboration of three teachers. The research focused on the approach to the conceptions that the participants in the study hold on collaborative work, school library and professional development. This purpose has led us to invest in a teacher training project, supported by action- research, based on reflection over practice as a strategy for the training of participants in this study, trying to overcome the traditional dichotomy between theory and practice, based on theoretical reference frameworks in the areas of School Library, Collaborative Work, Teacher Training and Professional Development. We have placed the following research questions: 1. What are the conceptions that the participants in the study have about collaborative work? 2. What conceptions have the participants in the study on the role of the school library as a collaborative community? 3. In what way do collaborative work, formative processes and a reflective practice influence the professional development of the participants in this study? The research methodology was essentially qualitative, combining action research and case study, collecting data from teachers and students, respectively, recorded in audio during the teacher training program and also in field notes, memos and questionnaires to participants and students involved in our study after the teacher training sessions. It was possible to register the enthusiasm of teachers in the action-research-teacher training process, checking at the end of this investigation, some overall coherence between the conceptions defined by the participants and their respective practices. We have perceived that the research-action-teacher training, developed in a collaborative environment in the school library, has determined changes in the practices of the participant teachers and led to the construction of a route and a theoretical reference that allowed an investigative and reflective attitude conductive of pedagogical changes, personal and professional growth, underlining the contribution of this action- research-teacher training in the participants professional development

    (Re)construção de Percursos Formativos ao Longo da Vida: O caso dos Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos (EFA)

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    Os Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos (adiante designados Cursos EFA), assumeme como uma das respostas formativas e de qualificação disponíveis no sistema de educação e dequalificação em Portugal. Desde a sua criação, até à data, ocorreram alterações várias, sob oponto de vista legal, metodológico e pedagógico. Procurou-se efectuar uma breve descrição daoferta EFA, apontando-se duas dimensões: (i) a sua génese e evolução; (ii) as especificidades doeu modelo de formação/ estrutura curricular, relacionando essas dimensões com a importância doprincípio de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida (ALV). Como palavras-chave destaque paraeducação e formação de adultos e aprendizagem ao longo da vida

    Dinâmicas e processos de inovação em regiões do interior de Portugal: caso de estudio

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la dinámica y los procesos de innovación en las regiones interiores del centro de Portugal buscando identificar los factores que estimulan la dinámica territorial de la innovació

    Emotion regulation and attachment: Relationships with children’s secure base, during different situational and social contexts in naturalistic settings

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    This study investigated the relationships between children’s secure base and emotion regulation, namely their behavioral strategies and emotional expressiveness, during different situational and social contexts in naturalistic settings. Fifty-five children ranging in age from 18 to 26 months of age and their mothers participated in this study. Children were exposed to three situational (fear, positive affect and frustration/anger) and two social (maternal constraint and involvement) contexts. Toddlers’ behavioral strategies differed as function of emotion-eliciting context, maternal involvement and attachment quality. Emotional expressiveness varied as function of an interaction involving situational contexts, maternal involvement and children’s attachment security

    Novel and revisited approaches in nanoparticle systems for buccal drug delivery

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    The buccal route is considered patient friendly due to its non-invasive nature and ease of administration. Such delivery route has been used as an alternative for the delivery of drugs that undergo first-pass metabolism or are susceptible to pH and enzymatic degradation, such as occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. However, the drug concentration absorbed in the buccal mucosa is often low to obtain an acceptable therapeutic effect, mainly due to the saliva turnover, tongue and masticatory movements, phonation, enzymatic degradation and lack of epithelium permeation. Therefore, the encapsulation of drugs into nanoparticles is an important strategy to avoid such problems and improve their buccal delivery. Different materials from lipids to natural or synthetic polymers and others have been used to protect and deliver drugs in a sustained, controlled or targeted manner, and enhance their uptake through the buccal mucosa improving their bioavailability and therapeutic outcome. Overall, the main aim of this review is to perform an overview about the nanotechnological approaches developed so far to improve the buccal delivery of drugs. Herein, several types of nanoparticles and delivery strategies are addressed, and a special focus on pipeline products is also given.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    "(Re) Construção de Percursos Formativos ao Longo da Vida: o caso dos Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos”

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    Livro que reúne comunicações da IV edição do “Aprender no Alentejo”- Encontro Regional de Educação, realizado na Universidade de Évora

    Attachment security and HPA axis reactivity to positive and challenging emotional situations in child-mother dyads in naturalistic settings

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    This study investigated adrenocortical activity in response to different challenging and positive affect emotional contexts in child–mother dyads, as function of attachment security (children’s secure base behaviors and mothers’ attachment representations). Fifty-one children ranging in age from 18 to 26 months and their mothers participated in this study. Secure children showed significant increases in their cortisol levels after fear episodes and significant decreases, after positive affect ones. No significant changes were found for frustration/ anger episodes. Insecure children did not show significant differences in cortisol levels in any of the episodes, which suggests that insecure attachment may be related to hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis suppression in response to challenging and positive contexts. Mothers of insecure children showed significantly higher cortisol concentrations in pre- and post-session samples, than mothers of secure children. Mothers’ personal attachment representations influenced their own cortisol responses, as well as their children’s (in a marginal significant way)

    Preparation and preliminary demonstration of in vivo tolerability

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    This research was funded by Universidade de Lisboa PhD grant: REITORIA/BD/FF01/2015. supported in part through Grant UID/DTP/04138/2019 from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.), a fruit rich in phenolic compounds (PCs), has been considered effective in mitigating oxidative damage induced by an excess of reactive oxygen species. Due to large molecular weight and intrinsic instability in some physiological fluids, PCs’ passage through biological membranes is very limited. Carriers like phytosomes are promising systems to optimize oral absorption of encapsulated extracts. This work prepared and fully characterized phytosomes containing bioactive phenolic extracts from persimmon in terms of size, surface charge, encapsulation efficiency and stability over six months. These phytosomes were orally dosed to Wistar rats during a 15-day period. Afterwards, haematological and biochemical analyses were performed. Monodisperse phytosomes were successfully prepared, with size less than 300nm (PI < 0.3) and high encapsulation efficiency (97.4%) of PCs. In contrast to free extract, extract-loaded phytosomes had higher antioxidant activity after 6 months storage. Oral administration of extract-loaded phytosomes and free extract did not lead to lipidic profile changes and were within referenced normal ranges, as well as glycaemia levels and urine parameters. The results highlighted the potential of persimmon PCs as food supplements or pharmacological tools, suggesting a promising and safe phytosomal formulation containing bioactive agents of persimmon that could lead to health benefits.publishersversionpublishe