19 research outputs found

    Interactive game “Kahoot!” as the media of students’ vocabulary assessment

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    This research aims to investigate students’ perspectives on using the interactive game “Kahoot!” as the media of vocabulary test at one of the public senior high schools in Yogyakarta Indonesia. It was qualitative research with five voluntarily participating students as the participants. An in-depth semi-structured interview was applied as the data collection technique. The theme-based analysis was used in this study. The finding shows that first, Kahoot! is more practical for a vocabulary test. Second, the game can attract the students’ attention to the test. Third, it helps the students to be more active in the classroom and the last, the game makes the students more enthusiastic in doing the test. However, this research also found some negative sides of using Kahoot!; first, the students become less confident with their score, especially when they get lower scores than other students because the scores were displayed on the leader board in Kahoot! application; second, some students had a lack of knowledge in using the application; and the last, the time was limited. This study implies that the use of Kahoot! in the EFL classroom can be an alternative for teachers to teach vocabulary and provide fun learning activities for the students

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pengelolaan Sampah di Pasar Banjarsari Kota Pekalongan

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    Market envionment is dirty and leaves garbage problems indicate less than optimal performance of waste management. The aims of this study are to evaluate solid waste management done by managers and many kind of influence in it. The methods used are quantitative desciption methodology. This research is using stratified random sampling which divided in to several homogeny groups amount in 94r respondents. The result of study, there are solid waste amount is 30,2 m3/day with the amount of solid waste which is in the service only 22 m3/day, there fore solid waste management performance only 72,85%. Of these conditions, solid waste management performance is still uneffective and far from the public expectation. Technical aspect such as placement, collection and transport of waste, awareness and the number of personal are influencing solid waste management performance, also lack of merchant participation in waste management and payment of levies, lack of capacity and the number of bins, lack of budget, and overseeing of waste management. Recommendations of this research is managers need to improve the area solid waste service in market by adding the number of personal, equipment, and need more socialization of solid waste management to the merchan

    Jim Ife’s thought on the principle of community development in islamic community development perspective

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    In this thesis, writer research about Jim Ife’s thought on principles community development in Islamic community development perspective. The research purposes of this researcher are firstly, to describe the framework of principles of community development from Jim Ife thought. Secondly, to analyze the principles framework of community development of Jim Ife thought in Islamic community development perspective. This research is use the literature method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Community development is a process where community members are supported by agencies to identify and take collective action on issues which are important to them. Community development empowers community members and creates stronger and more connected communities. In long study about how community development program or activities work among community. Well known with the important step is for understanding about the community development principles. Through these principles are the guidance to practice community development. Considerably many of well known experts sociology who give the explanation about community development principles, but here in this research, focus on Jim Ife’ thought moreover to analysis his thought on community development principles in Islamic perspective. Jim Ife describes around sixteen principles which is related with modern era. His thought always upgrade to follow the fact in community. In other hand community development principle in Islamic perspective brought simple principles. Both has different and correlation. That the point of this research to analysis both principles

    Enhancing children’s interest in learning through loose parts media

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    To deal with early childhood’s interest in learning as a psychological aspect of a person, early childhood education (ECE) teachers should employ varied media. Learning interest is related to enthusiasm and willingness to participate in learning activities. Kuntum Mekar is an ECE unit that became a subject in this study. Their vision is to create a generation of intelligent, creative, and independent individuals; however, they face challenges in children's interest in learning activities. So, the aim of this study was to enhance the learning interest through loose parts media to increase the opportunity for stimulating all of the children's developmental aspects. This research involved 10 children aged 5–6 years and was conducted using the classroom action research (CAR) method. Two cycles are employed, including four steps: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The achievement of indicators for the development of children's interest in learning through loose parts media has been successful, as expected, with a 90% achievement indicator of class. The priority of increasing children's interest in learning is essentially developing the ability of all aspects that exist in the child optimally, and loose parts media have been proven to do that. Therefore, loose parts media are recommended for early childhood teachers for enhancing children’s interest in learning


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    PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA KOMIK UNTUK MENANAMKAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KOLABORASI DAN JEJARING PADA PELAJARAN DASAR DESAIN SISWA KELAS X BUSANA BUTIK SMKN 6 YOGYAKARTA Oleh: Sri Rondiyah Ngubudiyah 10513241024 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbentuk komik materi prinsip-prinsip desain untuk menanamkan nilai karakter kolaborasi dan jejaring bagi siswa kelas X Busana Butik di SMKN 6 Yogyakarta, 2) Mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran komik untuk menanamkan pendidikan karakter kolaborasi dan jejaring pada pelajaran dasar desain. Pengembangan media komik untuk menanamkan pendidikan karakter kolaboratif dan jejaring pada pelajaran dasar desain siswa kelas x busana butik smkn 6 yogyakarta ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau research and development dengan menerapkan teori Borg and Gall dengan 5 langkah penelitian yang mengadopsi tim puslitjaknov. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: 1) analisis produk; (2) mengembangkan produk awal, (3) validasi ahli dan revisi, (4) uji coba kelompok kecil, (5) uji Lapangan/ keterbacaan siswa. Proses validasi dilakukan oleh 2 orang ahli media dan 2 orang ahli materi. Uji kelompok kecil dilakukan dengan 5 siswa dan untuk uji lapangan dilakukan dengan 26 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan angket. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian pengembangan media komik untuk menanamkan pendidikan kolaboratif dan jejaring pada pelajaran dasar desain siswa kelas x busana butik smkn 6 yogyakarta ini adalah 1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran dengan tahap analisis produk dengan mengkaji kurikulum dan silabus, mengembangkan produk awal yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pra produksi, Produksi (grand desain komik, merancang susunan, story board, konsultasi, membuat gambar, scaning, colouring, menulis narasi, editing, cetak), Pasca produksi, Review produk, validasi ahli menyatakan layak dengan revisi, uji kelompok kecil menyatakan layak, dan langkah terakhir uji lapangan yang menyatakan produk sangat layak. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk komik yang mampu menanamkan pendidikan karakter kolaborasi dan jejaring pada mata pelajaran dasar desain. 2) Media pembelajaran komik ini termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan rerata nilai 152. Oleh sebab itu dengan adanya komik tersebut, mampu menanamkan pendidikan karakter kolaborasi dan jejaring pada mata pelajaran dasar desain. Kata kunci : Media komik, pendidikan karakter, kolaborasi dan jejaring, dasar desai


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    Unit Donor Darah (UDD) kabupaten Jepara merupakan unit pelayanan teknis yang berkedudukan di bawah pengurus Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) kabupaten Jepara yang mempunyai Tugas Pokok Menyelenggarakan Upaya Kesehatan Transfusi Darah (UKTD) seperti kegiatan pengerahan penyumbang darah, pengambilan, pengamanan, pengolahan, penyimpanan dan penyampaian darah kepada pasien melalui sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Dengan Fungsi Melaksanakan penyediaan darah transfusi yang berkualitas, aman, efektif dalam jumlah yang cukup, mudah diperoleh dan tepat waktu. Untuk mendapatkan darah dari UDD seorang pasien harus memiliki surat rekomendasi dari dokter yang merawatnya yang kemudian diserahkan kepada petugas UDD untuk dicarikan darah yang sesuai, tak jarang stok darah yang diminta habis sehingga pasien harus mencari di UDD lain. Sistem informasi berbasis web responsif ini dirancang untuk memudahkan pasien dalam mencari darah, pasien cukup membuka web ini dengan perangkat yang terkoneksi dengan internet, jika darah yang dibutuhkan tidak tersedia pasien bisa mencarinya dari komunitas donor darah. Komunitas donor darah ini adalah komunitas yang anggotanya siap mendonorkan darahnya kapanpun saat dibutuhkan

    Reviewing the Van Hiele model and the application of metacognition on geometric thinking

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    Metacognition, or the ability to think about thinking, is essential in the development of geometric thinking. However, studies on the Van Hiele model and the application of metacognition on geometric thinking are still under-researched. This study aimed to provide a review of the Van Hiele model and the application of metacognition on geometric thinking. A total of 844 articles were retrieved through internet search engines from 1995 to 2020 and manually selected and reviewed systematically. The keywords used related to the Van Hiele model, metacognition, and geometric thinking. The findings that emerged from the review were categorized into two main themes which were the effectiveness of the Van Hiele model towards geometric thinking and the effectiveness of the application of metacognition on geometric thinking. Most articles revealed the positive indication of the geometric thinking development through the Van Hiele model intervention. It also seems that the potential of the application of metacognition in the Van Hiele model can strengthen geometric thinking development. Researchers and educators may find this knowledge useful in conducting empirical studies and developing learning instructions based on the application of metacognition in the development of geometric thinking


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat guru pembimbing tentang keterampilan dasar mengajar mahasiswa PPL program studi pendidikan administrasi perkantoran di SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman tahun 2015. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru pembimbing mahasiswa PPL program studi pendidikan administrasi perkantoran di SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman tahun 2015 yang berjumlah 12 orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populatif yang berarti semua subyek dijadikan responden penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Uji instrumen menggunakan validitas isi, yang ditentukan utamanya atas dasar pertimbangan (expert judgement) dari dosen pembimbing. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapat guru pembimbing tentang keterampilan dasar mengajar mahasiswa PPL yang meliputi aspek-aspek yang diteliti yaitu: 1) keterampilan membuka pelajaran berdasarkan rata-rata 6,91 masuk dalam kategori kurang baik dengan persentase sebesar 50,0% (6 responden); 2) keterampilan menjelaskan berdasarkan rata-rata 6,83 masuk dalam kategori kurang baik dengan persentase sebesar 58,3% (7 responden); 3) keterampilan bertanya berdasarkan rata-rata 15,33 masuk dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase sebesar 33,3% (4 responden); 4) keterampilan memberikan penguatan berdasarkan rata-rata 2,75 masuk dalam kategori kurang baik dengan persentase sebesar 50,0% (6 responden); 5) keterampilan mengadakan variasi berdasarkan rata-rata 9,00 masuk dalam kategori baik dengan persentase sebesar 41,7% (5 responden); 6) keterampilan membimbing diskusi kelompok kecil berdasarkan rata-rata 6,25 masuk dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase sebesar 41,7% (5 responden); 7) keterampilan mengelola kelas berdasarkan rata-rata 8,42 masuk dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase sebesar 50,0% (6 responden); 8) keterampilan menutup pelajaran berdasarkan rata-rata 5,67 masuk dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase sebesar 41,7% (5 responden). Kata Kunci : Pendapat, Keterampilan Dasar Mengaja

    Digital Readiness in Islamic Education: A Case Study of Pesantren Assalafiyyah Mlangi Sleman, Indonesia

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    Purpose – The study's primary objective was to assess the level of preparedness among students at Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyyah Mlangi, Komplek Kitab Putra Madrasi, in navigating the challenges of the digital era, with a specific focus on their adaptability within the sphere of Islamic education. Design/methods– A quantitative research methodology was adopted, centering on a survey conducted among 302 active male students at the institution. The sample size, which amounted to 75 students, was calculated using the Solvin formula. A structured questionnaire, designed to evaluate various aspects of digital literacy and adaptability, was employed for data collection, with the analysis executed through Likert scale scoring. Findings – The study unveiled a substantial level of digital literacy among the students. It was found that the majority of students had access to digital devices and were capable of discerning between positive and negative content on the internet. Notably, 84% of the survey responses were classified as 'Highly Suitable' in terms of digital era readiness, based on Arikunto's evaluative scale. Research implications/limitations – These findings indicate an imperative need to deepen the integration of digital literacy and ethical considerations within Islamic educational curricula. However, the research's confinement to a single educational institution poses limitations on the broader applicability and generalizability of its conclusions. Practical implications – The results emphasize the importance of incorporating comprehensive digital education in Islamic educational settings, preparing students not only for technological proficiency but also for responsible and ethical digital engagement. Originality/value – This study contributes valuable insights into the current state of digital readiness among students in an Islamic educational context. Its focus on the intersection of traditional Islamic education with contemporary digital challenges presents a unique perspective in educational research