5,509 research outputs found

    Motion in gauge theories of gravity

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    A description of motion is proposed, adapted to the composite bundle interpretation of Poincar\'e Gauge Theory. Reference frames, relative positions and time evolution are characterized in gauge-theoretical terms. The approach is illustrated by an appropriate formulation of the familiar example of orbital motion induced by Schwarzschild spacetime.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, revised version with minor change

    Analytic model for the ballistic adsorption of polydisperse mixtures

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    We study the ballistic adsorption of a polydisperse mixture of spheres onto a line. Within a mean-field approximation, the problem can be analytically solved by means of a kinetic equation for the gap distribution. In the mean-field approach, the adsorbed substrate as approximated as composed by {\em effective} particles with the {\em same} size, equal to the average diameter of the spheres in the original mixture. The analytic solution in the case of binary mixtures agrees quantitatively with direct Monte Carlo simulations of the model, and qualitatively with previous simulations of a related model in d=2d=2.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, includes 2 PS figures. Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Anomalous scaling in the Zhang model

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    We apply the moment analysis technique to analyze large scale simulations of the Zhang sandpile model. We find that this model shows different scaling behavior depending on the update mechanism used. With the standard parallel updating, the Zhang model violates the finite-size scaling hypothesis, and it also appears to be incompatible with the more general multifractal scaling form. This makes impossible its affiliation to any one of the known universality classes of sandpile models. With sequential updating, it shows scaling for the size and area distribution. The introduction of stochasticity into the toppling rules of the parallel Zhang model leads to a scaling behavior compatible with the Manna universality class.Comment: 4 pages. EPJ B (in press

    Temporal percolation in activity driven networks

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    We study the temporal percolation properties of temporal networks by taking as a representative example the recently proposed activity driven network model [N. Perra et al., Sci. Rep. 2, 469 (2012)]. Building upon an analytical framework based on a mapping to hidden variables networks, we provide expressions for the percolation time marking the onset of a giant connected component in the integrated network. In particular, we consider both the generating function formalism, valid for degree uncorrelated networks, and the general case of networks with degree correlations. We discuss the different limits of the two approach, indicating the parameter regions where the correlated threshold collapses onto the uncorrelated case. Our analytical prediction are confirmed by numerical simulations of the model. The temporal percolation concept can be fruitfully applied to study epidemic spreading on temporal networks. We show in particular how the susceptible-infected- removed model on an activity driven network can be mapped to the percolation problem up to a time given by the spreading rate of the epidemic process. This mapping allows to obtain addition information on this process, not available for previous approaches

    On the numerical study of percolation and epidemic critical properties in networks

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    The static properties of the fundamental model for epidemics of diseases allowing immunity (susceptible-infected-removed model) are known to be derivable by an exact mapping to bond percolation. Yet when performing numerical simulations of these dynamics in a network a number of subtleties must be taken into account in order to correctly estimate the transition point and the associated critical properties. We expose these subtleties and identify the different quantities which play the role of criticality detector in the two dynamics.Postprint (author's final draft

    Relating Topological Determinants of Complex Networks to Their Spectral Properties: Structural and Dynamical Effects

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    The largest eigenvalue of a network's adjacency matrix and its associated principal eigenvector are key elements for determining the topological structure and the properties of dynamical processes mediated by it. We present a physically grounded expression relating the value of the largest eigenvalue of a given network to the largest eigenvalue of two network subgraphs, considered as isolated: The hub with its immediate neighbors and the densely connected set of nodes with maximum KK-core index. We validate this formula showing that it predicts with good accuracy the largest eigenvalue of a large set of synthetic and real-world topologies. We also present evidence of the consequences of these findings for broad classes of dynamics taking place on the networks. As a byproduct, we reveal that the spectral properties of heterogeneous networks built according to the linear preferential attachment model are qualitatively different from those of their static counterparts.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Zero temperature Glauber dynamics on complex networks

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    We study the Glauber dynamics at zero temperature of spins placed on the vertices of an uncorrelated network with a power-law degreedistribution. Application of mean-field theory yields as main prediction that for symmetric disordered initial conditions the mean time to reach full order is finite or diverges as a logarithm of the system size N, depending on the exponent of the degree distribution. Extensive numerical simulations contradict these results and clearly show that the mean-field assumption is not appropriate to describe this problem.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Immunization of complex networks

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    Complex networks such as the sexual partnership web or the Internet often show a high degree of redundancy and heterogeneity in their connectivity properties. This peculiar connectivity provides an ideal environment for the spreading of infective agents. Here we show that the random uniform immunization of individuals does not lead to the eradication of infections in all complex networks. Namely, networks with scale-free properties do not acquire global immunity from major epidemic outbreaks even in the presence of unrealistically high densities of randomly immunized individuals. The absence of any critical immunization threshold is due to the unbounded connectivity fluctuations of scale-free networks. Successful immunization strategies can be developed only by taking into account the inhomogeneous connectivity properties of scale-free networks. In particular, targeted immunization schemes, based on the nodes' connectivity hierarchy, sharply lower the network's vulnerability to epidemic attacks

    Scaling of a slope: the erosion of tilted landscapes

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    We formulate a stochastic equation to model the erosion of a surface with fixed inclination. Because the inclination imposes a preferred direction for material transport, the problem is intrinsically anisotropic. At zeroth order, the anisotropy manifests itself in a linear equation that predicts that the prefactor of the surface height-height correlations depends on direction. The first higher-order nonlinear contribution from the anisotropy is studied by applying the dynamic renormalization group. Assuming an inhomogeneous distribution of soil substrate that is modeled by a source of static noise, we estimate the scaling exponents at first order in \ep-expansion. These exponents also depend on direction. We compare these predictions with empirical measurements made from real landscapes and find good agreement. We propose that our anisotropic theory applies principally to small scales and that a previously proposed isotropic theory applies principally to larger scales. Lastly, by considering our model as a transport equation for a driven diffusive system, we construct scaling arguments for the size distribution of erosion ``events'' or ``avalanches.'' We derive a relationship between the exponents characterizing the surface anisotropy and the avalanche size distribution, and indicate how this result may be used to interpret previous findings of power-law size distributions in real submarine avalanches.Comment: 19 pages, includes 10 PS figures. J. Stat. Phys. (in press
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