34 research outputs found

    ITERL: A Wireless Adaptive System for Efficient Road Lighting

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    This work presents the development and construction of an adaptive street lighting system that improves safety at intersections, which is the result of applying low-power Internet of Things (IoT) techniques to intelligent transportation systems. A set of wireless sensor nodes using the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard with additional internet protocol (IP) connectivity measures both ambient conditions and vehicle transit. These measurements are sent to a coordinator node that collects and passes them to a local controller, which then makes decisions leading to the streetlight being turned on and its illumination level controlled. Streetlights are autonomous, powered by photovoltaic energy, and wirelessly connected, achieving a high degree of energy efficiency. Relevant data are also sent to the highway conservation center, allowing it to maintain up-to-date information for the system, enabling preventive maintenance.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda Junta de Andalucía G-GI3002 / IDIOFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional G-GI3002 / IDI

    Detección Espectral Indirecta para un Radar Pulsante Wavelet

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    In this article we propose a simple distance estimation based on a pulsed radar system. The method consists of sending periodic signals formed from an orthogonal wavelet family and measuring the echo’s delay produced by the target in a domain different than the temporal one. The results of the simulations show an acceptable precision in the determination of the distance, avoiding the complex methods of synchronization, filtering and decision, used in traditional pulsed radars.En este artículo proponemos una estimación de distancia simple soportada en un sistema de radar de pulso. El método consiste en enviar señales periódicas formadas a partir de una familia wavelet ortogonal y la medida del atraso del eco producido por el albo e un dominio diferente al temporal. Los resultados de las simulaciones muestran una precisión aceptable en la determinación de la distancia, evitando los métodos complejos de sincronización, filtrado y decisión, utilizados en radares de pulso tradicionale

    Detección Espectral Indirecta para un Radar Pulsante Wavelet

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    In this article we propose a simple distance estimation based on a pulsed radar system. The method consists of sending periodic signals formed from an orthogonal wavelet family and measuring the echo’s delay produced by the target in a domain different than the temporal one. The results of the simulations show an acceptable precision in the determination of the distance, avoiding the complex methods of synchronization, filtering and decision, used in traditional pulsed radars.En este artículo proponemos una estimación de distancia simple soportada en un sistema de radar de pulso. El método consiste en enviar señales periódicas formadas a partir de una familia wavelet ortogonal y la medida del atraso del eco producido por el albo e un dominio diferente al temporal. Los resultados de las simulaciones muestran una precisión aceptable en la determinación de la distancia, evitando los métodos complejos de sincronización, filtrado y decisión, utilizados en radares de pulso tradicionale

    Violencia en la pareja en jóvenes mexicanos del mismo sexo: Un estudio exploratorio

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    Same-sex intimate partner violence is a phenomenon that until recently had not attracted attention in the scientific community, especially in regions such as Latin America, due factors such as heterocentrism, social stigmas and poor visibility contribute to the lack of research about this problem. Therefore, the present investigation was developed with the objective of exploring and describing the presence of violence committed and suffered in same-sex couples. Twenty-nine people participated, 14 women who indicated they were lesbians and 15 men who said they were gay, to whom the Inventory of Violence in Teen Courts (VADRI) was applied. The results show that both sexes tend to be victims and perpetrators of violence within their relationships, which agrees with findings obtained in other researches carried out with heterosexual couples, a result that could indicate that the dynamics of violence do not differ between homosexual and heterosexual couples, since both seem to have a bidirectional nature. In the violence manifested through control, it was found that both sexes are victims and perpetrators, through technological means and social networks, which agrees with findings obtained in studies carried out in heterosexual couples where their high frequency and possible normalization are highlighted.La violencia en parejas del mismo sexo es un fenómeno que hasta hace poco no había llamado la atención en la comunidad científica, especialmente en regiones como Latinoamérica, tal vez factores como el heterocentrismo, estigmas sociales y una poca visibilidad contribuyen a las pocas investigaciones sobre esta problemática. Por lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar y describir la presencia de violencia cometida y sufrida en parejas del mismo sexo. Participaron veintinueve personas: 14 mujeres que señalaron ser lesbianas y 15 hombres que indicaron ser gays, quienes contestaron el Inventario de violencia en el noviazgo adolescente (VADRI). Los resultados mostraron que ambos sexos tienden a ser víctimas y perpetradores de violencia dentro de sus relaciones, lo que concuerda con hallazgos obtenidos en otras investigaciones realizadas con parejas heterosexuales, resultado que podría indicar que las dinámicas de violencia no difieren entre parejas homosexuales y heterosexuales, puesto que ambas parecen tener una naturaleza bidireccional. En la violencia manifestada a través del control se halló que ambos sexos son víctimas y perpetradores, a través de medios tecnológicos y redes sociales, lo que concuerda con hallazgos obtenidos en investigaciones realizadas en parejas heterosexuales donde se remarca su alta frecuencia y posible normalización

    Violencia en la pareja en jóvenes mexicanos del mismo sexo: Un estudio exploratorio

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    Same-sex intimate partner violence is a phenomenon that until recently had not attracted attention in the scientific community, especially in regions such as Latin America, due factors such as heterocentrism, social stigmas and poor visibility contribute to the lack of research about this problem. Therefore, the present investigation was developed with the objective of exploring and describing the presence of violence committed and suffered in same-sex couples. Twenty-nine people participated, 14 women who indicated they were lesbians and 15 men who said they were gay, to whom the Inventory of Violence in Teen Courts (VADRI) was applied. The results show that both sexes tend to be victims and perpetrators of violence within their relationships, which agrees with findings obtained in other researches carried out with heterosexual couples, a result that could indicate that the dynamics of violence do not differ between homosexual and heterosexual couples, since both seem to have a bidirectional nature. In the violence manifested through control, it was found that both sexes are victims and perpetrators, through technological means and social networks, which agrees with findings obtained in studies carried out in heterosexual couples where their high frequency and possible normalization are highlighted.La violencia en parejas del mismo sexo es un fenómeno que hasta hace poco no había llamado la atención en la comunidad científica, especialmente en regiones como Latinoamérica, tal vez factores como el heterocentrismo, estigmas sociales y una poca visibilidad contribuyen a las pocas investigaciones sobre esta problemática. Por lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar y describir la presencia de violencia cometida y sufrida en parejas del mismo sexo. Participaron veintinueve personas: 14 mujeres que señalaron ser lesbianas y 15 hombres que indicaron ser gays, quienes contestaron el Inventario de violencia en el noviazgo adolescente (VADRI). Los resultados mostraron que ambos sexos tienden a ser víctimas y perpetradores de violencia dentro de sus relaciones, lo que concuerda con hallazgos obtenidos en otras investigaciones realizadas con parejas heterosexuales, resultado que podría indicar que las dinámicas de violencia no difieren entre parejas homosexuales y heterosexuales, puesto que ambas parecen tener una naturaleza bidireccional. En la violencia manifestada a través del control se halló que ambos sexos son víctimas y perpetradores, a través de medios tecnológicos y redes sociales, lo que concuerda con hallazgos obtenidos en investigaciones realizadas en parejas heterosexuales donde se remarca su alta frecuencia y posible normalización

    Análisis Del Estrés Laboral Y Su Repercusión En La Salud Física Y Mental En Operadores De Tracto Camión

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    The Work stress (WS) is one of the leading causes of deterioration of physical and psychological well-being within organizations. In this research the multivariate dependence of some signs and symptoms of work-related illness was analyzed and calculated. A cross-sectional and descriptive study of a base of logistic operations of fleet dedicated to the transportation of beer in the center of the state of Veracruz was carried out. The population studied was 230 operators. Only male operators, active within the company, were included and operators who at the time of the study were under medical and vacation disability were excluded. The multivariate Pearson correlation was used to validate the research questions and chi-square to calculate the dependence of variables. As a result, we obtained five variables taken from two in two that were dependent on each other. We conclude that there is a healthy relationship between the observed variables, which are listed in order of pathological impact and their physiological reexaminations in the organism. The pressure within work caused by job stress represents a potent source of mental illness such as depression

    Estudio De Los Proyectos De Residencia Profesional Como Generadores De Productividad Y Cambio Organizacional

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    Professional residency projects (PRP) have the theoretical knowledge and skills of the professional discipline of the students who develop them. Each professional residency project provides companies with viable opportunities and solutions that contribute to productivity. We sought to identify the influence between the application of the PRP and the changes in effectiveness and efficiency. This application affects the internal control and generates an organizational change. This paper analyzed some effects of the PRP through a descriptive and documentary study. The data collection instrument was validated through the Pearson correlation. The dependence between PRPs and the generation of productivity, change in internal control was calculated. The results obtained were generated with the chi-square statistical independence test. This test showed four variables that are more dependent on each other. The theoretical square chi of a pair of variables was graphed and the theoretical inverse function: p-value vs. square chi of 1 degree of freedom to observe the intersection. In conclusion, it was observed that the projects of professional residency influence in the internal control and the productivity of the companies via efficacy-efficiency

    Assessment of a primary care-based telemonitoring intervention for home care patients with heart failure and chronic lung disease. The TELBIL study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Telemonitoring technology offers one of the most promising alternatives for the provision of health care services at the patient's home. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a primary care-based telemonitoring intervention on the frequency of hospital admissions.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>A primary care-based randomised controlled trial will be carried out to assess the impact of a telemonitoring intervention aimed at home care patients with heart failure (HF) and/or chronic lung disease (CLD). The results will be compared with those obtained with standard health care practice. The duration of the study will be of one year. Sixty patients will be recruited for the study. In-home patients, diagnosed with HF and/or CLD, aged 14 or above and with two or more hospital admissions in the previous year will be eligible.</p> <p>For the intervention group, telemonitoring will consist of daily patient self-measurements of respiratory-rate, heart-rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, weight and body temperature. Additionally, the patients will complete a qualitative symptom questionnaire daily using the telemonitoring system. Routine telephone contacts will be conducted every fortnight and additional telephone contacts will be carried out if the data received at the primary care centre are out of the established limits. The control group will receive usual care. The primary outcome measure is the number of hospital admissions due to any cause that occurred in a period of 12 months post-randomisation. The secondary outcome measures are: duration of hospital stay, hospital admissions due to HF or CLD, mortality rate, use of health care resources, quality of life, cost-effectiveness, compliance and patient and health care professional satisfaction with the new technology.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The results of this study will shed some light on the effects of telemonitoring for the follow-up and management of chronic patients from a primary care setting. The study may contribute to enhance the understanding of alternative modes of health care provision for medically unstable elderly patients, who bear a high degree of physical and functional deterioration.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN89041993">ISRCTN89041993</a></p

    Innovaciones y mejoras en el proyecto tutoría entre compañeros. Curso 2015-2016

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    Memoria ID-0137. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2015-2016