99 research outputs found

    La importancia del testamento en la (auto)representación de la mujer noble de la Edad Moderna. María de Guevara, Condesa de Escalante y su proyección histórica

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza las últimas voluntades de María de Guevara, Condesa de Escalante, en el contexto del género testamentario de la edad moderna española. En el testamento de 1678, junto con su codicilo de 1681y la memoria pre-mortem de 1683, Guevara se posiciona políticamente desde una sólida consciencia social y de género sexual y consigue dejar una impronta personal e histórica para el futuro. Por su papel custodio, esta documentación se convierte así en una memoria de su vida en la que se distingue claramente entre el yo que se (auto)representa y aquellos que, siguiendo sus mandas y disposiciones, la recordarán después de su muerte.ABSTRACT: This essay analyzes the last will and testament of María de Guevara, Countess of Escalante, in the context of the testamentary genre of early modern Spain. In the will of 1678, along with the 1681 codicil and the 1683 pre mortem [last disposition] document, Guevara politically positions herself from a solid social and gender consciousness and is able to leave a personal and historical mark for the future. For its custodial role, her last will becomes then a memory of her life in which a clear distinction is made between the ‘I’ that (self)represents and those who, following her dispositions and requests, will remember her after her death

    Emociones y autoridad de la reina consorte María Teresa de Austria en la correspondencia con sor Mariana de la Cruz

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    In contrast to the silenced or negative image that has been used traditionally to represent the queen of France and infant of Spain, María Teresa of Austria (1638-1683), the correspondence with her cousin, sor Mariana de la Cruz, nun in the Descalzas Reales in Madrid, shows a different image in which she reclaims her role as consort queen. In these letters, the queen recreates herself through discourse as a key link in the negotiations between Spain and France for the marriage between Car- los II and María Luisa of Orleans. Emotional and intimate expresions are interwined with political matters and it is through emotional language that María Teresa articulates her public participation on issues of state and she is able to promote and legitimate her authority as consort queen.En contraste con la imagen silenciada o negativa con la que se ha representado tradicionalmente a la reina de Francia e infanta de España María Teresa de Austria (1638-1683), la correspondencia con su prima sor Mariana de la Cruz, monja de las Descalzas Reales de Madrid, muestra una imagen diferente a través de la que reclama su papel como reina consorte. En las cartas, la reina se autorecrea discursivamente como eslabón fundamental en las negociaciones entre Francia y España con motivo del matrimonio entre Carlos II y María Luisa de Orleans. Expresiones afectivas e íntimas se entrelazan con información y propuestas relacionadas con asuntos políticos y es por medio de este lenguaje emocional que María Teresa articula su participación pública en asuntos de Estado y puede promover y legitimar su autoridad como reina consorte

    Principios bioéticos, su relación con el paciente oncológico. Estudiantes de 2do año licenciatura en enfermería / Bioethical principles, their Relationship with patients suffering from cancer. Nursing Students of 2nd academic year

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    La Bioética es el estudio sistemático de la conducta humana en el campo de las ciencias biológicas y la atención a la salud en la medida en que esta conducta se examine a la luz de valores y principios morales. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y longitudinal para valorar los principios bioéticos y su relación con el paciente oncológico, como parte del cumplimiento de las habilidades y sistema de conocimientos de la asignatura Enfermería medico quirúrgica y comunitaria en el 2do año de la carrera correspondiente al curso 06-07 en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. El universo estuvo constituido por los 143 estudiantes matriculados en esta sede, de ellos se tomó una muestra de 70, a los cuales se les realizó una encuesta. Las principales variables que se midieron fueron: conocimiento de la enfermedad, importancia del trasplante de órganos, autorización de la necropsia, principios de la ética médica. Se aplicó el método porcentual para el procesamiento de la información. Arribamos a la conclusión de que la mayoría de los estudiantes tienen conocimientos del manejo de pacientes con esta enfermedad, todos plantean que el paciente con muerte cerebral puede donar órganos, la necropsia es vital para conocer la causa de la muerte y la aplicación de los principios bioéticos es importante para la atención al paciente con esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: BIOÉTICA/método, ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERÍA, ONCOLOGÍA MÉDICA, PACIENTE. ABSTRACT Bioethics is the systematic study of human behaviour in the field of biological sciences and health care up to the point that this behavior is analyzed taking into account values and moral principles. A descriptive, longitudinal research to assess bioethical principles and their relationship with patients suffering from cancer was carried out, as a part of the development of skills and system of knowledge in the subject of Surgical and Community Nursing in the 2nd academic year of nursing studies during the course 2006-2007 in the Medical School of Pinar del Rio. The total sample was composed of 143 nursing students enrolled in this municipal venue. The final sample included 70 students to apply a survey. The main variables were : knowledge about the disease, importance of organ transplantation, consent of necropsy and principles of medical ethics. Percentage method to process the information was applied. The main conclusions stated were: the majority of the students have knowledge about the management of the patients suffering from this disease, all of them expressed that patients with brain death can donate organs, consent of necropsy is of vital importance to know the cause of death and the application of bioethical principles to the medical care of those patients suffering from cancer. Key words: BIOETHICS/method, NURSING STUDENTS, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY, PATIENT

    Principios bioéticos, su relación con el paciente oncológico. Estudiantes de 2do año licenciatura en enfermería / Bioethical principles, their Relationship with patients suffering from cancer. Nursing Students of 2nd academic year

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    La Bioética es el estudio sistemático de la conducta humana en el campo de las ciencias biológicas y la atención a la salud en la medida en que esta conducta se examine a la luz de valores y principios morales. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y longitudinal para valorar los principios bioéticos y su relación con el paciente oncológico, como parte del cumplimiento de las habilidades y sistema de conocimientos de la asignatura Enfermería medico quirúrgica y comunitaria en el 2do año de la carrera correspondiente al curso 06-07 en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. El universo estuvo constituido por los 143 estudiantes matriculados en esta sede, de ellos se tomó una muestra de 70, a los cuales se les realizó una encuesta. Las principales variables que se midieron fueron: conocimiento de la enfermedad, importancia del trasplante de órganos, autorización de la necropsia, principios de la ética médica. Se aplicó el método porcentual para el procesamiento de la información. Arribamos a la conclusión de que la mayoría de los estudiantes tienen conocimientos del manejo de pacientes con esta enfermedad, todos plantean que el paciente con muerte cerebral puede donar órganos, la necropsia es vital para conocer la causa de la muerte y la aplicación de los principios bioéticos es importante para la atención al paciente con esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: BIOÉTICA/método, ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERÍA, ONCOLOGÍA MÉDICA, PACIENTE. ABSTRACT Bioethics is the systematic study of human behaviour in the field of biological sciences and health care up to the point that this behavior is analyzed taking into account values and moral principles. A descriptive, longitudinal research to assess bioethical principles and their relationship with patients suffering from cancer was carried out, as a part of the development of skills and system of knowledge in the subject of Surgical and Community Nursing in the 2nd academic year of nursing studies during the course 2006-2007 in the Medical School of Pinar del Rio. The total sample was composed of 143 nursing students enrolled in this municipal venue. The final sample included 70 students to apply a survey. The main variables were : knowledge about the disease, importance of organ transplantation, consent of necropsy and principles of medical ethics. Percentage method to process the information was applied. The main conclusions stated were: the majority of the students have knowledge about the management of the patients suffering from this disease, all of them expressed that patients with brain death can donate organs, consent of necropsy is of vital importance to know the cause of death and the application of bioethical principles to the medical care of those patients suffering from cancer. Key words: BIOETHICS/method, NURSING STUDENTS, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY, PATIENT

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos del Cesar y del Magdalena

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    El conflicto armado colombiano genera una gran variedad de situaciones que incrementan las desigualdades sociales, a las que se ve expuesta la población afrocolombiana, quienes además, de ser víctimas de las condiciones generales que enfrentan los pobladores en medio de la guerra, se ven particularmente afectados por la discriminación y el abandono estatal, en el que se encuentran los territorios raizales de la comunidad afrocolombiana. Esta realidad se evidencia en el relato de Camilo, un joven afrocolombiano que ha sido lacerado por el desplazamiento forzoso, ha sufrido la proximidad del reclutamiento por parte por diferentes actores armados ilegales y del estado. Además, ha sido amenazado y perseguido de manera directa, al ser testigo de enfrentamientos entre estos grupos, convirtiéndose en un objetivo de interés y desencadenando su persecución, aislamiento, detrimento socioemocional y dificultades de adaptación al entorno. Con base en estas circunstancias, se conciben nueve preguntas en total, siendo tres de ellas circulares, estratégicas y reflexivas, con el objetivo de vislumbrar diferentes aspectos del individuo, que permitan diseñar y ejecutar de manera eficiente y significativa una intervención psicosocial. Además, de estas preguntas, en este trabajo el lector encontrará, un análisis con sus respectivas estrategias de acompañamiento e intervención en el caso Peñas Coloradas, comunidad afectada por el abandono estatal y diversas problemáticas asociadas al conflicto armado. De igual forma se reflexiona acerca de herramientas como la foto voz y se introduce el enlace de la página Wix, en donde se presentan los resultados finales de la actividad. Palabras claves: Conflicto armado, Desigualdades, Memoria, Resiliencia y Víctimas.The Colombian armed conflict generates a great variety of situations that increase social inequalities, to which the Afro-Colombian population is exposed, who, in addition to being victims of the general conditions faced by the inhabitants in the midst of the war, are particularly affected due to discrimination and state abandonment, in which the Raizal territories of the Afro-Colombian community are found. This reality is evident in the story of Camilo, a young Afro-Colombian who has been lacerated by forced displacement, has suffered the proximity of recruitment by different illegal armed actors and the state. In addition, he has been directly threatened and persecuted, witnessing clashes between these groups, becoming a target of interest and triggering his persecution, isolation, socio-emotional detriment and difficulties in adapting to the environment. Based on these circumstances, a total of nine questions are conceived, three of them being circular, strategic and reflective, with the aim of glimpsing different aspects of the individual, which allow the efficient and significant design and execution of a psychosocial intervention. In addition to these questions, in this work the reader will find an analysis with their respective accompaniment and intervention strategies in the Peñas Coloradas case, a community affected by state abandonment and various problems associated with the armed conflict. In the same way, it reflects on tools such as photo voice and the link to the Wix page is introduced, where the final results of the activity are presented. Keywords: Armed conflict, Inequalities, Memory, Resilience and Victims

    SARS-CoV-2 viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs is not an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome

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    The aim was to assess the ability of nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load at frst patient’s hospital evaluation to predict unfavorable outcomes. We conducted a prospective cohort study including 321 adult patients with confrmed COVID-19 through RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Quantitative Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA cycle threshold values were used to calculate the viral load in log10 copies/mL. Disease severity at the end of follow up was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe. Primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death (n= 85, 26.4%). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load over the second quartile (≥7.35 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.003) and second tertile (≥ 8.27 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.01) were associated to unfavorable outcome in the unadjusted logistic regression analysis. However, in the fnal multivariable analysis, viral load was not independently associated with an unfavorable outcome. Five predictors were independently associated with increased odds of ICU admission and/or death: age≥ 70 years, SpO2, neutrophils > 7.5 × ­103 /µL, lactate dehydrogenase≥ 300 U/L, and C-reactive protein≥ 100 mg/L. In summary, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load on admission is generally high in patients with COVID-19, regardless of illness severity, but it cannot be used as an independent predictor of unfavorable clinical outcome

    Cadmium induces reactive oxygen species-dependent pexophagy in Arabidopsis leaves.

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    Cadmium treatment induces transient peroxisome proliferation in Arabidopsis leaves. To determine whether this process is regulated by pexophagy and to identify the mechanisms involved, we analysed time course-dependent changes in ATG8, an autophagy marker, and the accumulation of peroxisomal marker PEX14a. After 3 hr of Cd exposure, the transcript levels of ATG8h, ATG8c, a, and i were slightly up-regulated and then returned to normal. ATG8 protein levels also increased after 3 hr of Cd treatment, although an opposite pattern was observed in PEX14. Arabidopsis lines expressing GFP-ATG8a and CFP-SKL enabled us to demonstrate the presence of pexophagic processes in leaves. The Cd-dependent induction of pexophagy was demonstrated by the accumulation of peroxisomes in autophagy gene (ATG)-related Arabidopsis knockout mutants atg5 and atg7. We show that ATG8a colocalizes with catalase and NBR1 in the electron-dense peroxisomal core, thus suggesting that NBR1 may be an autophagic receptor for peroxisomes, with catalase being possibly involved in targeting pexophagy. Protein carbonylation and peroxisomal redox state suggest that protein oxidation may trigger pexophagy. Cathepsine B, legumain, and caspase 6 may also be involved in the regulation of pexophagy. Our results suggest that pexophagy could be an important step in rapid cell responses to cadmium

    Systemic and Local Hypoxia Synergize Through HIF1 to Compromise the Mitochondrial Metabolism of Alzheimer's Disease Microglia

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    Microglial cells are key contributors to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), constituting the first cellular line against Aß plaques. Local hypoxia and hypoperfusion, which are typically present in peripheral inflammatory foci, are also common in the AD brain. We describe here that Aß deposits are hypoxic and hypoperfused and that Aß plaque-associated microglia (AßAM) are characterized by the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1)-regulated genes. Notably, AßAM simultaneously upregulate the expression of genes involved in anaerobic glycolysis and oxidative mitochondrial metabolism, show elongated mitochondria surrounded by rough endoplasmic reticulum, and blunt the HIF1-mediated exclusion of pyruvate from the mitochondria through the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1). Overstabilization of HIF1 –by genetic (von Hippel-Lindau deficient microglia) or systemic hypoxia (an AD risk factor)– induces PDK1 in microglia and reduces microglial clustering in AD mouse models. The human AD brain exhibits increased HIF1 activity and a hypoxic brain area shows reduced microglial clustering. The loss of the microglial barrier associates with augmented Aß neuropathology both in the chronic hypoxia AD mouse model and the human AD brain. Thus, the synergy between local and systemic AD risk factors converges with genetic susceptibility to cause microglial dysfunction.Peer reviewe

    Hypoxia compromises the mitochondrial metabolism of Alzheimer’s disease microglia via HIF1

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    Genetic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk factors associate with reduced defensive amyloid β plaque-associated microglia (AβAM), but the contribution of modifiable AD risk factors to microglial dysfunction is unknown. In AD mouse models, we observe concomitant activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) pathway and transcription of mitochondrial-related genes in AβAM, and elongation of mitochondria, a cellular response to maintain aerobic respiration under low nutrient and oxygen conditions. Overactivation of HIF1 induces microglial quiescence in cellulo, with lower mitochondrial respiration and proliferation. In vivo, overstabilization of HIF1, either genetically or by exposure to systemic hypoxia, reduces AβAM clustering and proliferation and increases Aβ neuropathology. In the human AD hippocampus, upregulation of HIF1α and HIF1 target genes correlates with reduced Aβ plaque microglial coverage and an increase of Aβ plaque-associated neuropathology. Thus, hypoxia (a modifiable AD risk factor) hijacks microglial mitochondrial metabolism and converges with genetic susceptibility to cause AD microglial dysfunction.R.M.-D. was the recipient of a Sara Borrell fellowship from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (CD09/0007). N.L.-U., C.O.-d.S.L., C.R.-M. and M.I.A.-V. were the recipients of FPU fellowships from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU14/02115, AP2010‐1598, FPU16/02050 and FPU15/02898, respectively). A.H.-G. was the recipient of an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (BES-2010-033886). This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MINEICO, ISCIII and FEDER (European Union) (SAF2012‐33816, SAF2015‐64111‐R, SAF2017-90794-REDT and PIE13/0004 to A.P.); by the Regional Government of Andalusia co-funded by CEC and FEDER funds (European Union) (‘Proyectos de Excelencia’; P12‐CTS‐2138 and P12‐CTS‐2232 to A.P.); by the ‘Ayuda de Biomedicina 2018’, Fundación Domingo Martínez (to A.P.) ; by the ISCIII of Spain, co-financed by FEDER funds (European Union) through grants PI18/01556 (to J.V.) and PI18/01557 (to A. Gutierrez); by Junta de Andalucía, co-financed by FEDER funds (grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to A. Gutierrez) and US‐1262734 (to J.V.)); and by Spanish MINEICO (BFU2016-76872-R and BES-2011-047721 to E.B.).Peer reviewe