2,023 research outputs found

    An R- and I-Band Photometric Variability Survey of the Cygnus OB2 Association

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    We present a catalog of photometrically variable stars discovered within two 21'.3 X 21'.3 fields centered on the Cygnus OB2 association. There have hitherto been no deep optical variability studies of Cyg OB2 despite it being replete with early-type massive stars, perhaps due to the high and variable extinction (up to A_V ~ 20) that permeates much of the region. Here we provide results of the first variability study with this combination of spatial coverage (~ 0.5 deg) and photometric depth (R ~ 21 mag). We find 121 stars to be variable in both R- and I-band, 116 of them newly discovered. Of the 121 variables, we identify 27 eclipsing binaries (EBs) and eclipsing binary candidates, 20 potential Herbig Ae/Be stars, and 52 pulsating variables. Confirming both the status and the cluster membership of the Herbig Ae/Be stars would address the uncertainty regarding the age and star formation history of Cyg OB2. We match our catalog to known variables and binaries in the region, 2MASS near-IR (NIR) data, and Chandra X-ray observations to find counterparts to new variables in other wavelengths.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Ap

    Comparison of a proprioceptive training program on stable base and unstable base

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    The aim is to compare two proprioceptive training programs on a stable (G1) and an unstable (G2) base in terms of balance and stability. During a 5 week period, 18 professional football players underwent a proprioceptive training program, 9 in G1 and the other 9 in G2. The Standard Excursion Balance Test was applied before and after the intervention program. Significant intragroup differences were found in the variables LEFT FRONT, ANTEROLATERAL LEFT (ANTLAT.LEFT), BACK RIGHT and ANTEROMEDIAL RIGHT (ANTMED.RIGHT) (p<0,005) for the G1, and FRONT RIGHT, FRONT LEFT, POSTMED.RIGHT, POSTMED.LEFT and MED.RIGHT (p <0,005) for G2. We conclude that there are no significant differences between the unstable base training and training stable base regarding improvement in balance and stability.Actividad Física y Deport

    Pharmacological management of spasticity in multiple sclerosis: Systematic review and consensus paper

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Treatment of spasticity poses a major challenge given the complex clinical presentation and variable efficacy and safety profiles of available drugs. We present a systematic review of the pharmacological treatment of spasticity in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. METHODS: Controlled trials and observational studies were identified. Scientific evidence was evaluated according to pre-specified levels of certainty. RESULTS: The evidence supports the use of baclofen, tizanidine and gabapentin as first-line options. Diazepam or dantrolene could be considered if no clinical improvement is seen with the previous drugs. Nabiximols has a positive effect when used as add-on therapy in patients with poor response and/or tolerance to first-line oral treatments. Despite limited evidence, intrathecal baclofen and intrathecal phenol show a positive effect in severe spasticity and suboptimal response to oral drugs. CONCLUSION: The available studies on spasticity treatment offer some insight to guide clinical practice but are of variable methodological quality. Large, well-designed trials are needed to confirm the effectiveness of antispasticity agents and to produce evidence-based treatment algorithms

    Recommendations for vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis who are eligible for immunosuppressive therapies: Spanish consensus statement

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    Esclerosis múltiple; Vacunación; ConsensoEsclerosi múltiple; Vacunació; ConsensMultiple sclerosis; Vaccination; ConsensusAntecedentes La reciente aparición de terapias de alta efectividad para el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple (EM), con potencial riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, obliga plantear estrategias de prevención y minimización de riesgos. La vacunación constituye una parte esencial del manejo de estos pacientes. Este consenso recoge una serie de pautas y escenarios prácticos de vacunación en pacientes adultos con EM candidatos a tratamiento inmunosupresor. Metodología Se llevó a cabo un consenso de tipo formal. Tras definir el alcance del documento, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de vacunación en pacientes con EM, así como guías de vacunación específicas de pacientes inmunosuprimidos y en tratamiento biológico con otras enfermedades. Para la formulación de las recomendaciones se empleó la metodología de Modified Nominal Group Technique. Desarrollo La vacunación en pacientes candidatos a tratamiento inmunosupresor se debe plantear antes de iniciar un tratamiento inmunosupresor siempre que la situación clínica del paciente lo permita. Se recomendarán tanto aquellas indicadas en el calendario vacunal del adulto, como algunas específicas, en función de la inmunidad previa. Si ya está instaurado el tratamiento inmunosupresor las vacunas vivas atenuadas estarán contraindicadas. Para aquellas vacunas que dispongan de un correlato de protección se recomienda monitorizar la respuesta serológica transcurridos de uno a 2 meses de la última dosis.Background The recent development of highly effective treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS) and the potential risk of infectious complications require the development of prevention and risk minimisation strategies. Vaccination is an essential element of the management of these patients. This consensus statement includes a series of recommendations and practical scenarios for the vaccination of adult patients with MS who are eligible for highly effective immunosuppressive treatments. Methodology A formal consensus procedure was followed. Having defined the scope of the statement, we conducted a literature search on recommendations for the vaccination of patients with MS and specific vaccination guidelines for immunosuppressed patients receiving biological therapy for other conditions. The modified nominal group technique methodology was used to formulate the recommendations. Development Vaccination in patients who are candidates for immunosuppressive therapy should be considered before starting immunosuppressive treatment providing the patient's clinical situation allows. Vaccines included in the routine adult vaccination schedule, as well as some specific ones, are recommended depending on the pre-existing immunity status. If immunosuppressive treatment is already established, live attenuated vaccines are contraindicated. For vaccines with a correlate of protection, it is recommended to monitor the serological response in an optimal interval of 1-2 months from the last dose

    High Performance and Reliable MPPT Solar Array Regulator for the PCDU of LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA PCDU is a very optimised and reliable Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit based on an unregulated 28 V bus, maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The high demanding specification in terms of mass, efficiency and performances can be fulfilled only with unconventional, less conservative solutions. An enormous effort has been done to prove the reliability and robustness of the adopted solutions. Moreover, LISA PCDU faces and solves typical problems of battery follower MPPTs: damage of Li-Ion batteries in case of overdischarge, operation without battery and power loss in Conductance to MPPT transitions. The MPPT Solar Array Regulators module is one of the most impacted designs. The paper explains the main challenges faced and the relevant solutions adopted to achieve this highly optimised and reliable design

    2D self-assembly of o-OPE foldamers for chiroptical barcoding

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    We report on the preparation and characterization of two dimensional (2D) films of (S,S,P)-1 and (R,R,M)-1ortho-oligophenylene ethylene (o-OPE) enantiomers presenting high values of circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). The amphiphilic character of these two molecules allows a precise 2D self-assembly at the air/water interface and an efficient transfer onto a glass solid support. The morphological and chiroptical characterization of the solid supports after the transfer of 1, 8, 16 and 32 Langmuir films of (S,S,P)-1 and (R,R,M)-1 has been carried out. The strong chiroptical values of these monomers allow reliable ECD measurements to be obtained after a single transfer, with ECD values increasing as the number of transferred films increases. The semi-liquid behavior of the monomers on the solid substrate allows CPL measurements free of photoselection artifacts that show values similar to those obtained in solution and independent of monomer concentration. All these properties have allowed us to develop the first simple organic molecule (SOM)-based chiroptical barcoding presenting positive and negative regions as a proof of concept

    Classical BSE prions emerge from asymptomatic pigs challenged with atypical/Nor98 scrapie

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    Pigs are susceptible to infection with the classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (C-BSE) agent following experimental inoculation, and PrPSc accumulation was detected in porcine tissues after the inoculation of certain scrapie and chronic wasting disease isolates. However, a robust transmission barrier has been described in this species and, although they were exposed to C-BSE agent in many European countries, no cases of natural transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) infections have been reported in pigs. Transmission of atypical scrapie to bovinized mice resulted in the emergence of C-BSE prions. Here, we conducted a study to determine if pigs are susceptible to atypical scrapie. To this end, 12, 8–9-month-old minipigs were intracerebrally inoculated with two atypical scrapie sources. Animals were euthanized between 22- and 72-months post inoculation without clinical signs of TSE. All pigs tested negative for PrPSc accumulation by enzyme immunoassay, immunohistochemistry, western blotting and bioassay in porcine PrP mice. Surprisingly, in vitro protein misfolding cyclic amplification demonstrated the presence of C-BSE prions in different brain areas from seven pigs inoculated with both atypical scrapie isolates. Our results suggest that pigs exposed to atypical scrapie prions could become a reservoir for C-BSE and corroborate that C-BSE prions emerge during interspecies passage of atypical scrapie

    A comparison among PCNL, Miniperc and Ultraminiperc for lower calyceal stones between 1 and 2 cm: A prospective, comparative, multicenter and randomised study

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    Background: Conventional Percutaneous Lithotripsy (PCNL) has been an effective, successful and easy approach for especially &gt; 1 cm sized calyceal stones however risks of complications and nephron loss are inevitable. Our aim is to compare the efficacy and safety of PCNL, MiniPerc (MP) and UltraMiniPerc (UMP) for lower calyceal stones between 1 and 2 cm with a multicenter prospective randomized study. Methods: Between January 2015 and June 2018, 132 consecutive patients with single lower calyceal stone were enrolled. Patients were randomized in three groups; A: PCNL; B: MP; C: UMP. 44 patients for the Group A, 47 for Group B and 41 for Group C. Exclusion criterias were the presence of coagulation impairments, age of &lt; 18 or &gt; 75, presence of infection or serious comorbidities. Patients were controlled with computerized tomography scan after 3 months. A negative CT or an asymptomatic patient with stone fragments &lt; 3 mm size were the criteria to assess the stone-free status. Patient characteristics, stone free rates (SFR) s, complications and re-treatment rates were analyzed. Results: The mean stone size were 16.38, 16.82 and 15.23 mm respectively in Group A, B and C(p = 0.34). The overall SFR was significantly higher in Group A (86.3%) and B (82.9%) as compared to Group C (78%)(p &lt; 0.05). The re-treatment rate was significantly higher in Group C (12.1%) and complication rates was higher in Group A (13.6%) as compared to others(p &lt; 0.05). The hospitalization was significantly shorter in Group C compared to Group A (p = 0.04). Conclusions: PCNL and MP showed higher efficacy than UMP to obtain a better SFR. Auxiliary and re-treatment rates were higher in UMP. On the other hand for such this kind of stones PCNL had more complications. Overall evaluation favors MP as a better indication in stones 1-2 cm size