823 research outputs found

    Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition Letters. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern Recognition Letters 26.16 (2005): 2628 – 2639, DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2005.06.008A novel adapted strategy for combining general and user-dependent knowledge at the decision-level in multimodal biometric authentication is presented. User- independent, user-dependent, and adapted fusion and decision schemes are com- pared by using a bimodal system based on ¯ngerprint and written signature. The adapted approach is shown to outperform the other strategies considered in this pa- per. Exploiting available information for training the fusion function is also shown to be better than using existing information for post-fusion trained decisions.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Tech- nology under projects TIC2003-09068-C02-01 and TIC2003-08382-C05-01

    THU0626 Social networks as a source of information for patients with rheumatic diseases

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    Background: Internet is an informative source for patients with different diseases. False information in social networks about health issues is a growing problem. Rheumatology is no stranger to this problem and there is a lot of false information regarding rheumatic diseases. Objectives: To show objective data on misinformation published in social networks available to spanish-speaking rheumatic patients Methods: We create accounts on Facebook (FB) and Google unique for this work. Multimedia was included in Spanish, with a convenience sampling according to the deployment of the platform (FB) or in descending order for reproductions on YouTube (YT). Two independent reviewers extracted information on online time, number of reproductions and characteristics of the most popular videos. Videos consulted on 10-11-18. Results: With the search term ”rheumatoid arthritis” (RA), the most reproduced video is titled ”celery green juice for arthritis” (6.4 million reproductions). Of the first 50 videos with more reproductions, 39 are of natural or home remedies such as vinegar, “moringa”, etc., and 35 videos indicate in their content, that they can cure RA. With the term ”lupus”, the most reproduced video is titled ”God’s tea, cure chronic tiredness, thyroid, arthritis, lupus and vertigo” (1.4 million reproductions). Of the first 50 videos with more reproductions, 31 correspond to natural or home remedies such as celery, thyme, diets among others and 29 videos indicate that they can cure lupus. With the term ”fibromyalgia”, the most reproduced video is entitled ”I am 61 years old and this cured my arthritis, vertigo, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue and the thyroid” (1.1 million reproductions). Of the 50 first videos with more reproductions, 40 are of natural or home remedies such as thyme, tea, among others and 33 videos indicate that they can cure the disease. With the data of the videos uploaded online in October 2018, 50 videos were chosen in YT and FB. There was no correlation between online time and the number of views on any platform. In FB, 56% of the videos contained false information, with no difference in online time in both groups (16 [12-22] vs 18 [13-25], p = 0.3).). In YT, only 38% was considered false information, without differences between groups in online time (19 [11-26] vs 22 [12-24])

    Economía Solidaria en la Región de Santander

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    The Santander region of the Republic of Colombia is considered as an example of solidarity economy throughout the country. lt is characterized by having the first solidary territory of the nation. Cooperative and solidarity policies in this region have served as an example for other regions in relation to the link between economic and social development and solidarity economies. The university foundation of San Gil, whose origin is directly related to the solidarity economy, is an example of this.Región Santandereana de la República de Colombia es considerada como ejemplo de economía solidaria en todo el país. Se caracteriza por tener el primer territorio solidario de la nación. Las políticas de cooperativismo y solidaridad en esta Región, han servido como ejemplo para otras regiones en relación al vínculo entre el desarrollo económico-social y las economías solidarias. La fundación universitaria de San Gil, cuyo origen se relaciona directamente con la Economí

    Ethics Of English On Business Presentation

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    Business presentation is needed by persons to inform or persuade audience about certain topics. Through the presentation, information are clearly received by audience. So it needs many aspects to do, such as chronological order of presentation; clear language; good attitude and behavior; and polite ethics. Ethics is the standards one uses to determine right from wrong in terms of thought and behavior. It is one of major components of successful presentation. To do that, ones could adopt ethics from their own culture or culture where they are right now, i.e. in abroad. This paper here intends to show ethic of English business presentation and ethic of presentation to public in order to persuade audience to use the product/ program. It means that it is not to use on presentation of national or International seminar because the rule is not so detailed and complicated The business presentation based on the result of research and good communication is necessary to present objective information, therefore public will get clear and objective understanding. In fact, showing strengths on the own products and showing the weaknesses of others are prohibited to save the existence of brands

    Herramienta de evaluación de la calidad de los Materiales Educativos Digitales: perfiles de aplicación del profesor y del alumno

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    Este documento contiene dos adaptaciones de la herramienta de evaluación de la calidad de materiales educativos digitales (MED) del estándar UNE 71362 al profesor y al alumno que no son especialistas en Tecnologías ni en Accesibilidad con el fin de facilitar o mejorar la creación y selección de MED. Estos perfiles de aplicación no garantizan el cumplimiento del 100% de los criterios de calidad, por lo que no pueden ser usados como herramienta para certificar la calidad de los MED. Sin embargo, sí pueden ser usados para asegurar/comprobar con más facilidad determinados aspectos de la calidad

    Predictive Power of the "Trigger Tool" for the detection of adverse events in general surgery: a multicenter observational validation study

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    Background In spite of the global implementation of standardized surgical safety checklists and evidence-based practices, general surgery remains associated with a high residual risk of preventable perioperative complications and adverse events. This study was designed to validate the hypothesis that a new “Trigger Tool” represents a sensitive predictor of adverse events in general surgery. Methods An observational multicenter validation study was performed among 31 hospitals in Spain. The previously described “Trigger Tool” based on 40 specific triggers was applied to validate the predictive power of predicting adverse events in the perioperative care of surgical patients. A prediction model was used by means of a binary logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of adverse events among a total of 1,132 surgical cases included in this study was 31.53%. The “Trigger Tool” had a sensitivity and specificity of 86.27% and 79.55% respectively for predicting these adverse events. A total of 12 selected triggers of overall 40 triggers were identified for optimizing the predictive power of the “Trigger Tool”. Conclusions The “Trigger Tool” has a high predictive capacity for predicting adverse events in surgical procedures. We recommend a revision of the original 40 triggers to 12 selected triggers to optimize the predictive power of this tool, which will have to be validated in future studies

    Guías colombianas de cardiología síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de muerte en los países industrializadosy en los países en vía de desarrollo. Dentro de estas patologías la enfermedad coronaria es la manifes-tación más prevalente y se asocia con alta mortalidad y morbilidad. Las presentaciones clínicas de laenfermedad coronaria isquémica incluyen, isquemia silente, angina de pecho estable, falla cardíaca,angina inestable, infarto agudo del miocardio y muerte súbita. En esta primera entrega se tratará elsíndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST que incluye la angina inestable y el infarto agudo delmiocardio sin elevación del ST.Q4121-27

    Informe de Política Monetaria - Octubre 2020

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    Recent data suggest that the technical staff’s appraisals of the condition and development of economic activity, inflation and the labor market have been in line with current trends, marked by a decline in demand and the persistence of ample excess productive capacity. A significant projected fall in output materialized in the second quarter, contributing to a decline in inflation below the 3% target and reflected in a significant deterioration of the labor market. A slow recovery in output and employment is expected to continue for the remainder of 2020 and into next year, alongside growing inflation that should remain below the target. The Colombian economy is likely to undergo a significant recession in 2020 (GDP contraction of 7.6%), though this may be less severe than projected in the previous report (-8.5%). Output is expected to have begun a slow recovery in the second half of this year, though it is not projected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2021 amid significant global uncertainty. The output decline in the first half of 2020 was less severe than anticipated, thanks to an upward revision in first-quarter GDP and a smaller contraction in the second quarter (-15.5%) than had been projected (-16.5%). Available economic indicators suggest an annual decline in GDP in the third quarter of around 9%. No significant acceleration of COVID-19 cases that would imply a tightening of social distancing measures is presumed for the remainder of this year or in 2021. In that context, a gradual opening of the economy would be expected to continue, with supply in sectors that have been most affected by the pandemic recovering slowly as restrictions on economic activity continue to be relaxed. On the spending side, an improvement in consumer confidence, suppressed demand for goods and services, low interest rates, and higher expected levels of foreign demand should contribute to a recovery in output. A low base of comparison would also help explain the expected increase in GDP in 2021. Based on the conditions laid out above, economic growth in 2020 is expected to be between -9% and -6.5%, with a central value of -7.6%. Growth in 2021 is projected to be between 3% and 7%, with a central value of 4.6% (Graph 1.1). Upward revisions compared to the July report take into account a lower-than-expected fall in first-semester growth and a somewhat faster recovery in the third quarter in some sectors. The forecast intervals for 2020 and 2021 growth tightened somewhat but continue to reflect a high degree of uncertainty over theevolution of the pandemic, the easures required to deal with it, and their effects on global and domestic economic activity.Box 1. Evaluation of the Predictive Capacity of Expected Inflation Measures. Authors: César Anzola-Bravo, Anderson Grajales-Olarte, Alexander Guarín-López, Julián Camilo Mateus-Gamboa, Jonathan Alexander Muñoz-Martínez, Carlos Andrés Quicazán-Moreno, Juan Sebastián Rojas-Moreno, Cristhian Hernando Ruiz-CardozoBox 2. Literature Review: Weighing the Drivers of Portfolio Flows to Emerging Market Economies. Authors: Andrés Sánchez-Jabb

    Monetary Policy Report - January 2021

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    Macroeconomic Summary Overall inflation (1.61%) and core inflation (excluding food and regulated items) (1.11%) both declined beyond the technical staff’s expectations in the fourth quarter of 2020. Year-end 2021 forecasts for both indicators were revised downward to 2.3% and 2.1%, respectively. Market inflation expectations also fell over this period and suggested inflation below the 3% target through the end of this year, rising to the target in 2022. Downward pressure on inflation was more significant in the fourth quarter than previously projected, indicating weak demand. Annual deceleration among the main groups of the consumer price index (CPI) was generalized and, except for foods, was greater than projected in the October report. The CPI for goods (excluding foods and regulated items) and the CPI for regulated items were subject to the largest decelerations and forecasting discrepancies. In the first case, this was due in part to a greater-than-expected effect on prices from the government’s “VAT-fee day” amid weak demand, and from the extension of some price relief measures. For regulated items, the deceleration was caused in part by unanticipated declines in some utility prices. Annual change in the CPI for services continued to decline as a result of the performance of those services that were not subject to price relief measures, in particular. Although some of the overall decline in inflation is expected to be temporary and reverse course in the second quarter of 2021, various sources of downward pressure on inflation have become more acute and will likely remain into next year. These include ample excesses in capacity, as suggested by the continued and greater-than-expected deceleration in core inflation indicators and in the CPI for services excluding price relief measures. This dynamic is also suggested by the minimal transmission of accumulated depreciation of the peso on domestic prices. Although excess capacity should fall in 2021, the decline will likely be slower than projected in the October report amid additional restrictions on mobility due to a recent acceleration of growth in COVID-19 cases. An additional factor is that low inflation registered at the end of 2020 will likely be reflected in low price adjustments on certain indexed services with significant weight in the CPI, including real estate rentals and some utilities. These factors should keep inflation below the target and lower than estimates from the previous report on the forecast horizon. Inflation is expected to continue to decline to levels near 1% in March, later increasing to 2.3% at the end of 2021 and 2.7% at year-end 2022 (Graph 1.1). According to the Bank’s most recent survey, market analysts expect inflation of 2.7% and 3.1% in December 2021 and 2022, respectively. Expected inflation derived from government bonds was 2% for year-end 2021, while expected inflation based on bonds one year forward from that date (FBEI 1-1 2022) was 3.2%.Box I. Macroeconomic Expectations: Analysis of the Monthly Survey of Economic Analyst Expectations. Authors: Hernando Vargas, Alexander Guarín, Anderson Grajales, César Anzola, Jonathan Muño