1,092 research outputs found

    Maternity protection of professionals collegiate: regime applicable to those integrated in RETA and those who are included in an alternative mutuality

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    El presente trabajo estudia el régimen jurídico de la prestación por maternidad biológica de las trabajadoras autónomas, en especial, de las profesionales liberales colegiadas incluidas en una Mutualidad de Previsión Social alternativa al RETA. Con ello se ponen de relieve las diferencias en materia de derechos y obligaciones de uno y otro colectivo de trabajadoras por cuenta propia, así como la reducida aplicabilidad del derecho de cesión al padre del disfrute del período de descanso por maternidad en el supuesto de profesionales colegiadas, tras la fijación de un nivel mínimo de cobertura y prestaciones por la Ley 27/2011. En particular, se analiza el modo en que las Mutualidades Alternativas al RETA cumplen con las exigencias legales de asegurar una protección mínima frente a determinadas contingencias, entre las que se encuentra la de maternidad, y si ello vacía o no de contenido la previsión relativa al derecho de cesión a favor del padre.This paper studies the legal status of biological maternity allowance for self-employed, especially of liberal professionals collegiate included in a Social Security Mutual alternative to RETA. This highlights the differences in the rights and obligations of both collective of self-employed, as well as the reduced applicability of the right to transfer to the father of the enjoyment of the period of maternity leave in the course of professional collegiate after setting a minimum level of coverage and benefits by Law 27/2011. In particular, it is analysed the way that the Alternatives Mutual to RETA meet the legal requirements to ensure minimum protection against certain contingencies, among which is that of motherhood, and if it empties of content the right of transfer in parent’s favour

    La acción social y las mujeres inmigrantes : ¿hacia unos modelos de intervención?

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    Quisiera ofrecer algunos planteamientos acerca de cómo las políticas públicas, incorporando del imaginario colectivo determinadas (re)presentaciones de género e inmigración, construyen a las mujeres inmigrantes como una nueva categoría de intervención social que se ve reforzada y reproducida en y a través de las prácticas de acción social de los agentes sociales. El texto que aquí se presenta se encuadra en la línea de trabajos que tratan de reflexionar sobre los mecanismos mediante los cuales imaginamos y significamos a la población inmigrante como ¿grupo de exclusión social¿ y la manera en que las políticas públicas y los Servicios Sociales se estructuran en torno a los mismos. En concreto, nuestra mirada interrogante va dirigida hacia los discursos y prácticas que versan sobre la categoría de ¿mujer inmigrante¿ con los que se ordena la realidad y entiende su exclusión social. Comenzaremos explicando muy brevemente las razones de porqué dirigimos nuestra atención hacia el estudio de las políticas públicas y los Servicios Sociales para enumerar a continuación algunas de las figuras y tropos discursivos más frecuentes que tienen por objeto a las mujeres inmigrantes, para concluir apuntando cuatro posibles modelos de intervención desde donde se resumen gran parte de las prácticas de integración social.The paper presents some theoretical questions and considerations about how, from politics, thoughts, and practices of intervention, female immigrants are constructed as a new «social exclusion group» basing on some specific (re)presentations of gender, immigration, and culture. Public policies, interpreted as techniques of governance, represent a central element for the society organization, its meanings, and social hierarchy. Thus, we understand that the manners which female immigrants are considered from the power spaces have social effects that rebound on the way to describe their situations problems and necessities, as well as the ways to manage their attention form Social Services. Drawing on the analysis of different national and autonomic plans for immigration and equality between genders, and our experience in some programs for social integration of female immigrants, this manuscript reflects how the “immigrant females” category is being included in policy documents. We focus our interest whether under these discourses and habitualized praxis underlie some specific keys of interactions and models of intervention. In consequence, when working with female immigrants, a sort of guidelines based on these (pre)notions, theories, attitudes, and practices are followed according to the “specific social problematic” to which these women are ascribe

    Binarized support vector machines

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    The widely used Support Vector Machine (SVM) method has shown to yield very good results in Supervised Classification problems. Other methods such as Classification Trees have become more popular among practitioners than SVM thanks to their interpretability, which is an important issue in Data Mining. In this work, we propose an SVM-based method that automatically detects the most important predictor variables, and the role they play in the classifier. In particular, the proposed method is able to detect those values and intervals which are critical for the classification. The method involves the optimization of a Linear Programming problem, with a large number of decision variables. The numerical experience reported shows that a rather direct use of the standard Column-Generation strategy leads to a classification method which, in terms of classification ability, is competitive against the standard linear SVM and Classification Trees. Moreover, the proposed method is robust, i.e., it is stable in the presence of outliers and invariant to change of scale or measurement units of the predictor variables. When the complexity of the classifier is an important issue, a wrapper feature selection method is applied, yielding simpler, still competitive, classifiers.Supervised classification, Binarization, Column generation, Support vector machines

    La colonialidad de la naturaleza. Visualizaciones y "contra-visualizaciones" decoloniales para sostener la vida

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    Las representaciones estereotipadas de la naturaleza construidas desde Europa a partir del siglo xv a través de distintos mecanismos, constituyeron un ejercicio de violencia espistémica que suprimió la condición humana de los sujetos-objetos-naturalezas extraeuropeos. En este sentido, las reproducciones de la naturaleza colonial sostenidas por la industria cultural constituyen la imaginación del presente y continúan legitimando prejuicios y suposiciones hegemónicas. A partir de este contexto de investigación, el presente artículo tratará de develar de manera crítica, no solo algunos mecanismos en la conformación de esa mirada panóptica colonial de género y su incidencia en la colonialidad de la mirada, sino también algunas maniobras de contra-visualización de las mismas, como es el caso del performance Dos amerindios no descubiertos visitan… y su potencial contribución como dispositivo decolonial.

    La invariación acústica en el punto de articulación de las oclusivas del español

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    Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Devitt’s What-Is-Said

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    In his forthcoming book, Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Linguistic Pragmatism, Michael Devitt raises, once again, the debate between minimalism and pragmatism to defend the former. He claims that, by taking some overlooked conventions into account, a semantic notion of what is said is possible. In this paper, we claim that a semantic notion of what is said is not possible, especially if some overlooked compositional conventions are considered. If, as Devitt defends, verbal activity is more linguistically constrained, compositional linguistic rules should be included in his catalogue of overlooked conventions and this entails an important challenge to the minimalist claim that the semantic view of what is said can handle all context relative phenomena. In this paper, we argue that, when conventions concerning compositionality are not overlooked, modulation should be added to the two qualifications (disambiguation and saturation) accepted by Devitt in the constitution of what is said. Thus, what is said is not always literally said and the traditional semantic view of what is said cannot be saved

    Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Devitt’s What-Is-Said

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    In his forthcoming book, Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Linguistic Pragmatism, Michael Devitt raises, once again, the debate between minimalism and pragmatism to defend the former. He claims that, by taking some overlooked conventions into account, a semantic notion of what is said is possible. In this paper, we claim that a semantic notion of what is said is not possible, especially if some overlooked compositional conventions are considered. If, as Devitt defends, verbal activity is more linguistically constrained, compositional linguistic rules should be included in his catalogue of overlooked conventions and this entails an important challenge to the minimalist claim that the semantic view of what is said can handle all context relative phenomena. In this paper, we argue that, when conventions concerning compositionality are not overlooked, modulation should be added to the two qualifications (disambiguation and saturation) accepted by Devitt in the constitution of what is said. Thus, what is said is not always literally said and the traditional semantic view of what is said cannot be saved

    A dissimilarity-based approach for Classification

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    The Nearest Neighbor classifier has shown to be a powerful tool for multiclass classification. In this note we explore both theoretical properties and empirical behavior of a variant of such method, in which the Nearest Neighbor rule is applied after selecting a set of so-called prototypes, whose cardinality is fixed in advance, by minimizing the empirical mis-classification cost. With this we alleviate the two serious drawbacks of the Nearest Neighbor method: high storage requirements and time-consuming queries. The problem is shown to be NP-Hard. Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) programs are formulated, theoretically compared and solved by a standard MIP solver for problem instances of small size. Large sized problem instances are solved by a metaheuristic yielding good classification rules in reasonable time.operations research and management science;

    Semantic content and compositional context-sensitivity

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    Algunos teóricos han rechazado recientemente la concepción del contenido semántico de una oración como proposición mínima afirmando que para conseguir una proposición mínima a menudo se necesitan aspectos intencionales del contexto. Sin embargo, minimalistas como Borg siguen defendiendo que las oraciones en un contexto estrecho expresan proposiciones mínimas sin tener en cuenta las intenciones y lo defienden resolviendo o disolviendo las objeciones de incompletitud. En este artículo mostramos que esas supuestas defensas del proposicionalismo no sirven para evitar otras objeciones genuinas que dependen de la sensibilidad contextual composicional. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar que hay expresiones complejas que demandan composicionalmente de modo obligatorio efectos pragmáticos cuya recuperación depende de las intenciones y, por ello, proporcionan evidencia contra el tipo de proposicionalismo que fundamenta la defensa del minimismo semántico; A variety of theorists have recently argued against the explanation of the semantic content of a sentence as a minimal proposition claiming that intentional aspects of the context are often needed to obtain a minimal proposition. Minimalists such as Borg, however, still defend intention-insensitive minimal propositions for sentences in a narrow context and provide solutions or dissolutions against incompleteness objections. In this paper, we show that these putative defences of propositionalism do not serve to avoid some additional genuine objections which arise from compositional context-sensitivity. We aim to show that there are complex expressions which compositionally demand intention-sensitive pragmatic effects in a mandatory way and, for that reason, they provide us with evidence against the type of propositionalism that substantiates the defence of semantic minimalis