1,588 research outputs found

    3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake

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    The paper investigates on the hydro-acoustic waves propagation caused by the underwater earthquake, occurred on 6 February 2012, between the Negros and Cebu islands, in the Philippines. Hydro-acoustic waves are pressure waves that propagate at the sound celerity in water. These waves can be triggered by the sudden vertical sea-bed movement, due to underwater earthquakes. The results of three dimensional numerical simulations, which solve the wave equation in a weakly compressible sea water domain are presented. The hydro-acoustic signal is compared to an underwater acoustic signal recorded during the event by a scuba diver, who was about 12 km far from the earthquake epicenter

    Time-domain analysis of RF and microwave autonomous circuits by vector fitting-based approach

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    This work presents a new method for the analysis of RF and microwave autonomous circuits directly in the time-domain, which is the most effective approach at simulation level to evaluate nonlinear phenomena. For RF and microwave autonomous circuits, time-domain simulations usually experiment convergence problems or numerical inaccuracies due to the presence of distributed elements, preventing de-facto their use. The proposed solution is based on the Vector Fitting algorithm applied directly at circuit level. A case study relative to a RF hybrid oscillator is presented for practical demonstration and evaluation of performance reliability of the proposed method

    On the flow field generated by a gradually varying flow through an orifice

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    The motion of a vortex ring generated by gradually varied flows through a thin-edged orifice has been investigated experimentally using particle image velocimetry. This flow reproduces the primary characteristics of many biological flows, such as cardiac flows through valves or jellyfish and squid propulsion. Even though vortex ring formation has been extensively studied, there is still interest in gradually varying inflows, i.e. the ones that are mostly found in previous conditions. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the time scaling already proposed in the literature to the entire cycle of vortex ring formation, pinch-off and free motion. To this end, eight inflow time laws have been tested, with different acceleration and deceleration phases. They have been selected in relation to practical applications by their resemblance to the main characteristics of cardiovascular and pulsed locomotion flows. Analysis of measured velocity and vorticity fields suggested a general criterion to establish the instant of vortex pinch-off directly from the imposed velocity program. This allows the proper scaling of the entire time evolution of the vortex ring for all tested inflows. Since it is quite easy to identify this instant experimentally, these results give a simple, practical rule for the computation of scales in vortex ring formation and development in the case of gradual inflows. The ``slug model\u27\u27 has been used to test the proposed scaling and to obtain predictions for the vortex position, circulation and vorticity which are in agreement with experimental data

    Lipid metabolism in fatty liver of lysine- and threonine-deficient rats

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    Rats were fed a low protein diet deficient in and supplemented with lysine and threonine. Liver lipids contained more lecithin, sphingomyelin, and free fatty acids, and less amino phospholipids in the deficient rats. No variations in fatty acid composition of choline- and ethanolamine-containing phospholipids were found; only palmitic acid was increased in the serine-containing phospholipids of the deficient animals. The incorporation of acetate-(14)C into phospholipids, but not into other liver lipids, was lower in deficient rats. In the plasma of deficient rats the concentration of esterified fatty acids and phospholipids was lower, of free fatty acids higher, than in the controls. The fatty acid composition of depot fat differed from that of liver neutral fat both in deficient and supplemented animals. The results presented establish that multiple metabolic defects resulting from lysine and threonine deficiency accompany the fatty liver. The design of the experiments does not permit conclusions to be drawn regarding the causal relationship between the various alterations in lipid metabolism and the fatty liver


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    The fatty acid composition of total lipids, neutral fat, and phospholipids in liver of rats fed low protein rice diets deficient in and supplemented with lysine and threonine has been studied to extend the knowledge of the chemical composition of portal fatty liver. More linoleic acid and less 20:4, 20:5, and 22:6 in percentage of fatty acids was found in total liver lipids in lysine- and threonine-deficient rats. An increase in the percentage of linoleic acid in neutral fat, and a decrease of 20:5, 22:5, and 22:6 in phospholipids, was observed in the livers of the rats fed the deficient diets, suggesting a control of lysine and threonine on polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism. The absolute amounts of linoleic, palmitic, and oleic acids in fatty livers were increased; slight changes were seen in amounts of palmitoleic, stearic, and arachidonic acids; eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were slightly decreased. These data seem to indicate some alterations in the metabolism of fatty acids, besides those described by other authors, that accompany fat accumulation in the liver

    EPMA position paper in cancer:current overview and future perspectives

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    At present, a radical shift in cancer treatment is occurring in terms of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine (PPPM). Individual patients will participate in more aspects of their healthcare. During the development of PPPM, many rapid, specific, and sensitive new methods for earlier detection of cancer will result in more efficient management of the patient and hence a better quality of life. Coordination of the various activities among different healthcare professionals in primary, secondary, and tertiary care requires well-defined competencies, implementation of training and educational programs, sharing of data, and harmonized guidelines. In this position paper, the current knowledge to understand cancer predisposition and risk factors, the cellular biology of cancer, predictive markers and treatment outcome, the improvement in technologies in screening and diagnosis, and provision of better drug development solutions are discussed in the context of a better implementation of personalized medicine. Recognition of the major risk factors for cancer initiation is the key for preventive strategies (EPMA J. 4(1):6, 2013). Of interest, cancer predisposing syndromes in particular the monogenic subtypes that lead to cancer progression are well defined and one should focus on implementation strategies to identify individuals at risk to allow preventive measures and early screening/diagnosis. Implementation of such measures is disturbed by improper use of the data, with breach of data protection as one of the risks to be heavily controlled. Population screening requires in depth cost-benefit analysis to justify healthcare costs, and the parameters screened should provide information that allow an actionable and deliverable solution, for better healthcare provision

    Brexit na perspectiva do Path Dependency

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    This research analyzed Brexit in a historical perspective, focusing on the specific relation between continental Europe and the United Kingdom during the XX Century, with emphasis on the period after the Second World War. The concept of path dependency was used to explore the historical factors and decision taken in the past, which, although in different circumstances, still influence the present and are useful to understand the Brexit. The basic premises that will be presented is that the UK in fact never identified itself with the idea of Europe as developed by the Continental members. It always saw itself as a country with a different history and a different role in the world. When it got its membership, the country only entered with one leg, keeping the other always outside. This also reflects the different configuration of its economic structure, specifically with regard to agriculture. By this, although not at all inevitable, it will be defended that we are dealing with a very British phenomenon which had extremely little chance to be repeated by other countries of the European Union.Esta pesquisa analisou o Brexit em uma perspectiva histórica, focando a conturbada relação entre a Europa continental e o Reino Unido ao longo do século XX, com ênfase no período pós Segunda Guerra Mundial. Foi utilizado o conceito de path dependency para argumentar sobre o papel de fatores históricos e decisões do passado, embora tomados em outras circunstâncias, ainda com força para influenciar o presente, para entender o Brexit. A premissa básica que será apresentada no ensaio é que o Reino Unido nunca participou de fato da ideia da Europa e sempre se viu como um país diferente por sua história e seu papel no mundo. Quando entrou, foi com uma perna só, a outra sempre ficou atrás, inclusive devido às especificidades de sua estrutura econômica herdada do passado, em particular no que diz respeito à agricultura. Desta forma, defende-se que, embora longe de ter sido inevitável, se tratou de um fenômeno limitado ao Reino Unido que tinha pouquíssima probabilidade de se repetir em outros países da União Europeia

    A Petrobras e o nacionalismo econômico no Brasil

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      The article analyses the historical evolution of the debate and the policies implemented for the oil exploitation in Brazil since its origins with emphasis on the constitution and trajectory of Petrobras. Different visions and arguments during the period will be presented around the main topics: the role of the government, the state company, the multinationals, and the private national oil companies. This reflects the various development concepts that disputed political hegemony during the period analysed. Basically, the article structures the debate around Bielschowsky´s (2011) classification: state-nationalism, private-nationalism and liberalism. The policies that were implemented reflected the political force to articulate concrete interests around these approaches. In this way the article the article presents the surge and consolidation of national-developmentalism during the 1950tees till the 1980tees, followed by a (neo)liberal period until the elections of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) which coincided with the discovery of expressive deep sea oil reserve (pre-salt). In this period there was a swing back to a developmentalist approach.  O artigo analisa a evolução histórica do debate e das políticas implementadas para a exploração do óleo no Brasil desde sua origem com ênfase na constituição e a trajetória da Petrobras. São apresentados a visões e argumentos nos diversos períodos a respeito do papel do governo, da estatal, das multinacionais e das empresas privadas nacionais no setor de petróleo. Esse reflete as várias concepções de desenvolvimento que disputaram a hegemonia ao longo do período em análise. São identificadas três abordagens presentes a partir de Bielschowsky (2011):  o pensamento nacionalista-estatatista, o nacionalista-privatista e o liberal. As políticas implementadas refletem a força política das articulações em torno dessas abordagens. O artigo aborda dessa forma o surgimento e a consolidação do nacional-desenvolvimentismo entre a década de 1950 e 1980, seguida de um período (neo) liberal até a presidência do Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) que coincidiu com a descoberto de grandes reservas no alto-mar (pré-sal) e que origem a uma volta a uma abordagem desenvolvimentista
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