502 research outputs found

    Nowa seria wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej "Technika Akceleratorowa"

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    The new Editorial Series of short research and didactic monographs on “Accelerator Technology” or in Polish “Technika Akceleratorowa” is devoted to all aspects of the research, design, construction, testing, commissioning and exploitation of very complex components and apparatus for particle accelerators, detectors, energy and particle sources, astrophysics and high energy physics experiments. A short, symbolic, title of the editorial series “Accelerator Technology”, embraces a large and flourishing branch of scientific activity. The monographs to be published in the series will be around 100 pages, usually not exceeding 150, and will provide a very concise and in depth discussion of relevant, narrowly defined topics. The books will be published in English, usually by international experts. They are mainly intended for students as well as young and new to the field engineers and physicists, as a fast start up for further and more advanced studies. The books originally stem from the EU FP6 CARE Project - Coordination of Accelerator Research in Europe and are successfully continued in the EU FP7 EuCARD Project - European Coordination of Accelerator Research. The editorial series was initiated by dr Roy Aleksan of CEA. The books were added to the EuCARD as a contractual item

    Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline ZrN PVD coatings on AISI 430 stainless steel

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    The nanocrystalline films of zirconium nitride have been synthesized using ion-plasma vacuum-arc deposition technique in combination with high-frequency discharge (RF) on AISI 430 stainless steel at 150oC. Structure examinations X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoidentation method – were performed to study phase and chemical composition, surface morphology, microstructure and nanohardness of coatings. The developed technology provided low-temperature coatings synthesis, minimized discharge breakdown decreasing formation of macroparticles (MPs) and allowed to deposit ZrN coatings with hardness variation 26.6…31.5 GPa. It was revealed that ZrN single-phase coatings of cubic modification with finecrystalline grains of 20 nm in size were formed

    Комплексна профілактика тромбоемболічних ускладнень у хворих із гострою хірургічною абдомінальною патологією, поєднаною з хронічними захворюваннями вен нижніх кінцівок

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    The work studied the effect of anticoagulant comprehensive prevention of thromboembolic complications in patients with acute abdominal surgical pathology combined with chronic venous disease of lower extremities for changes in coagulation and tissue microcirculation. It was found out significant improvement tissue microcirculation by drug hypocoagulation, reducing the risk of thromboembolic complications.В работе изучено влияние комплексной антикоагулянтной профилактики тромбоэмболических осложнений у больных с острой хирургической абдоминальной патологией, сочетанной с хроническими заболеваниями вен нижних конечностей, на изменения коагуляции и тканевой микроциркуляции. Выявлено существенное улучшение тканевой микроциркуляции за счет медикаментозной гипокоагуляции, снижение рисков тромбоэмболических осложнений.У роботі вивчено вплив комплексної антикоагулянтної профілактики тромбоемболічних ускладнень у хворих із гострою хірургічною абдомінальною патологією, поєднаною з хронічними захворюваннями вен нижніх кінцівок, на зміни коагуляції та тканинної мікроциркуляції. Виявлено суттєве покращення тканинної мікроциркуляції за рахунок медикаментозної гіпокоагуляції, зниження ризиків тромбоемболічних ускладнень


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    Summary. Patient K., apply to Ternopil University Hospital with complaints of hematuria and intermittent low back pain. Complaints were noted in the last two days, for the first time. During examination of patient limb edema was detected. Laboratory indexes: general blood tests and electrocardiogram – without pathological changes. Cystourethroscopy, no pathology was detected. According to ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen, retroperitoneal organs, lower extremities, no pathological changes were detected. Computed tomography with contrast of the vessels of the abdominal organs was performed. Doubling of the right renal artery with an atypical abnormal location of the accessory artery was revealed. As a result of the conducted diagnosis of diseases the patient was able to establish a congenital anomaly development of the arterial system of the right kidney which caused compression of the right renal vein, and ectasia, venous stasis of blood and the phenomenon of phlebohypertension in the right kidney, which, in fact, caused hematuria. Venous stasis caused thrombosis with progression of thrombosis to the vena cava inferior with flotation into the lumen. Considering the fact of flotation with the spread of thrombotic masses in the inferior vena cava, the method of treatment is surgery – thrombectomy of the right renal and vena cava inferior.РЕЗЮМЕ. Больной К. обратился в Тернопольскую университетскую больницу с жалобами на гематурию и периодические боли в пояснице. Жалобы возникли за последние два дня впервые. При осмотре у больного обнаружен отек конечностей. Лабораторные показатели – общие анализы крови и электрокардиограмма – без патологических изменений. При проведении цистоуретроскопии патологии не выявлено. По данным УЗИ брюшной полости, забрюшинных органов, нижних конечностей патологических изменений не выявлено. Выполнена компьютерная томография с контрастированием сосудов органов брюшной полости. Выявлено удвоение правой почечной артерии с атипичным патологическим расположением добавочной артерии. В результате проведенной диагностики у пациента удалось установить врожденную аномалию развития артериальной системы правой почки, вызвавшую сдавление правой почечной вены, ее эктазию, венозный застой крови и явления флебогипертензии в правой почке, которое, собственно, и вызвало гематурию. Венозный застой вызвал тромбоз с прогрессированием тромбоза в нижнюю полую вену с флотацией в ее просвет. Учитывая факт флотации с распространением тромботических масс в нижнюю полую вену, методом лечения избрано оперативное вмешательство – тромбэктомия из правой почечной и нижней полой вен.РЕЗЮМЕ. Пацієнт К. звернувся в Тернопільську університетську лікарню зі скаргами на гематурію та періодичний біль у попереку, які з’явилися протягом останніх двох днів, вперше. При об’єктивному фізикальному обстеженні виявлено пастозність шкірних покривів та виражений набряк обох нижніх кінцівок. Лабораторні показники – загальний, біохімічний аналізи крові, коагулограма та електрокардіограма – без патологічних змін. Наявна макрогематурія. При проведенні цистоуретроскопії патології не виявлено. За даними ультрасонографічного обстеження живота, органів заочеревинного простору, нижніх кінцівок патологічних змін не виявлено. Проведено комп’ютерну томографію з контрастуванням судинного русла органів черевної порожнини, в результаті якої виявлено подвоєння правої ниркової артерії з нетиповим аномальним розташуванням додаткової артерії. У результаті проведеної діагностики захворювання у пацієнта вдалось встановити вроджену аномалію розвитку артеріальної системи правої нирки, що спричинила компресію правої ниркової вени, її ектазію, венозний стаз крові та явища флебогіпертензії у правій нирці, що, власне, і стало причиною гематурії. Саме венозний стаз і спричинив тромбоутворення із прогресуванням тромбозу на нижню порожнисту вену з флотацією в її просвіт. Враховуючи явища флотації з поширенням тромботичних мас у нижню порожнисту вену, методом лікування обрано оперативне втручання – тромбектомію з правої ниркової та нижньої порожнистої вен

    Phylogenetic and Molecular Characterization of a 23S Ribosomal-Rna Gene Positions the Genus Campylobacter in the Epsilon-Subdivision of the Proteobacteria and Shows That the Presence of Transcribed Spacers Is Common in Campylobacter Spp

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    The nucleotide sequence of a 23S rRNA gene of Campylobacter coli VC167 was determined. The primary sequence of the C. coli 23S rRNA was deduced, and a secondary-structure model was constructed. Comparison with Escherichia coli 23S rRNA showed a major difference in the C. coli rRNA at approximately position 1170 (E. coli numbering) in the form of an extra sequence block approximately 147 bp long. PCR analysis of 31 other strains of C. coli and C. jejuni showed that 69% carried a transcribed spacer of either ca, 147 or ca. 37 bp. Comparison of all sequenced Campylobacter transcribed spacers showed that the Campylobacter inserts were related in sequence and percent G+C content. All Campylobacter strains carrying transcribed spacers in their 23S rRNA genes produced fragmented 23S rRNAs. Other strains which produced unfragmented 23S rRNAs did not appear to carry transcribed spacers at this position in their 23S rRNA genes. At the 1850 region (E. coli numbering), Campylobacter 23S rRNA displayed a base pairing signature most like that of the beta and gamma subdivisions of the class Proteobacteria, but in the 270 region, Campylobacter 23S rRNA displayed a helix signature which distinguished it from the alpha, beta, and gamma subdivisions. Phylogenetic analysis comparing C. coli VC167 23S rRNA and a C. jejuni TGH9011 (ATCC 43431) 23S rRNA with 53 other completely sequenced (eu)bacterial 23S rRNAs showed that the two campylobacters form a sister group to the alpha, beta, and gamma proteobacterial 23S rRNAs, a positioning consistent with the idea that the genus Campylobacter belongs to the epsilon subdivision of the class Proteobacteria

    Effects of a balanced translocation between chromosomes 1 and 11 disrupting the DISC1 locus on white matter integrity

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    Objective Individuals carrying rare, but biologically informative genetic variants provide a unique opportunity to model major mental illness and inform understanding of disease mechanisms. The rarity of such variations means that their study involves small group numbers, however they are amongst the strongest known genetic risk factors for major mental illness and are likely to have large neural effects. DISC1 (Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1) is a gene containing one such risk variant, identified in a single Scottish family through its disruption by a balanced translocation of chromosomes 1 and 11; t(1;11) (q42.1;q14.3). Method Within the original pedigree, we examined the effects of the t(1;11) translocation on white matter integrity, measured by fractional anisotropy (FA). This included family members with (n = 7) and without (n = 13) the translocation, along with a clinical control sample of patients with psychosis (n = 34), and a group of healthy controls (n = 33). Results We report decreased white matter integrity in five clusters in the genu of the corpus callosum, the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, acoustic radiation and fornix. Analysis of the mixed psychosis group also demonstrated decreased white matter integrity in the above regions. FA values within the corpus callosum correlated significantly with positive psychotic symptom severity. Conclusions We demonstrate that the t(1;11) translocation is associated with reduced white matter integrity in frontal commissural and association fibre tracts. These findings overlap with those shown in affected patients with psychosis and in DISC1 animal models and highlight the value of rare but biologically informative mutations in modeling psychosis

    Associations of negative affective biases and depressive symptoms in a community-based sample

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    Acknowledgements. We thank professor Jonathan Roiser (University College London, UK) and professor emeritus Ian Deary (University of Edinburgh, UK) for their input on task selection and statistical analysis. We also acknowledge all researchers who have contributed to the collection of data for the current study. Most importantly, we would like to thank all participants of Generation Scotland, and particularly those of the STRADL subcohort, for their participation in the research. Financial support. Stratifying Resilience and Depression Longitudinally is supported by the Wellcome Trust through a Strategic Award (Grant No. 104036/Z/14/Z) and through an Investigator Award (Grant No. 220857/Z/ 20/Z). The Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Department (Grant No. CZD/16/6), Scottish Funding Council (Grant No. HR03006) and Wellcome Trust (Grant No. 216767/Z/19/Z) provided core support for Generation Scotland.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Associations of negative affective biases and depressive symptoms in a community-based sample

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    Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) was previously associated with negative affective biases. Evidence from larger population-based studies, however, is lacking, including whether biases normalise with remission. We investigated associations between affective bias measures and depressive symptom severity across a large community-based sample, followed by examining differences between remitted individuals and controls. Methods: Participants from Generation Scotland (N = 1109) completed the: (i) Bristol Emotion Recognition Task (BERT), (ii) Face Affective Go/No-go (FAGN), and (iii) Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT). Individuals were classified as MDD-current (n = 43), MDD-remitted (n = 282), or controls (n = 784). Analyses included using affective bias summary measures (primary analyses), followed by detailed emotion/condition analyses of BERT and FAGN (secondary analyses). Results: For summary measures, the only significant finding was an association between greater symptoms and lower risk adjustment for CGT across the sample (individuals with greater symptoms were less likely to bet more, despite increasingly favourable conditions). This was no longer significant when controlling for non-affective cognition. No differences were found for remitted-MDD v. controls. Detailed analysis of BERT and FAGN indicated subtle negative biases across multiple measures of affective cognition with increasing symptom severity, that were independent of non-effective cognition [e.g. greater tendency to rate faces as angry (BERT), and lower accuracy for happy/neutral conditions (FAGN)]. Results for remitted-MDD were inconsistent. Conclusions: This suggests the presence of subtle negative affective biases at the level of emotion/condition in association with depressive symptoms across the sample, over and above those accounted for by non-affective cognition, with no evidence for affective biases in remitted individuals

    Challenges in QCD matter physics - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

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    Substantial experimental and theoretical efforts worldwide are devoted to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. At LHC and top RHIC energies, QCD matter is studied at very high temperatures and nearly vanishing net-baryon densities. There is evidence that a Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) was created at experiments at RHIC and LHC. The transition from the QGP back to the hadron gas is found to be a smooth cross over. For larger net-baryon densities and lower temperatures, it is expected that the QCD phase diagram exhibits a rich structure, such as a first-order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter which terminates in a critical point, or exotic phases like quarkyonic matter. The discovery of these landmarks would be a breakthrough in our understanding of the strong interaction and is therefore in the focus of various high-energy heavy-ion research programs. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will play a unique role in the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities, because it is designed to run at unprecedented interaction rates. High-rate operation is the key prerequisite for high-precision measurements of multi-differential observables and of rare diagnostic probes which are sensitive to the dense phase of the nuclear fireball. The goal of the CBM experiment at SIS100 (sqrt(s_NN) = 2.7 - 4.9 GeV) is to discover fundamental properties of QCD matter: the phase structure at large baryon-chemical potentials (mu_B > 500 MeV), effects of chiral symmetry, and the equation-of-state at high density as it is expected to occur in the core of neutron stars. In this article, we review the motivation for and the physics programme of CBM, including activities before the start of data taking in 2022, in the context of the worldwide efforts to explore high-density QCD matter.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Published in European Physical Journal