10 research outputs found

    Poder y contabilidad: Guglielmo Gonzaga y Angelo Pietra (1586-87)

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    El proceso judicial promovido en Mantua contra el prelado Camillo Luzzara y el romano Bernardino Pia en 1586 vendría a poner de manifiesto el malestar existente en la corte ducal contra el gobierno del tercer duque, Guglielmo Gonzaga. Uno de los factores que habría contribuido al mismo sería la revisión de los procedimientos contables encargada por el duque al monje genovés Angelo Pietra, reforma que formaba parte de un plan destinado a sanear las finanzas ducales y a garantizar el control de las finanzas cortesanas. Este artículo analiza las características del nuevo sistema basado en la doble contabilidad y considera al mismo como una manifestación destacada del proceso de concentración del poder impulsado por Guglielmo Gonzaga

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 1

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Agave, Arctotheca, Berberis, Bidens, Cardamine, Catalpa, Cordyline, Cotoneaster, Dichondra, Elaeagnus, Eragrostis, Impatiens, Iris, Koelreuteria, Lamiastrum, Lantana, Ligustrum, Limnophila, Lonicera, Lycianthes, Maclura, Mazus, Paspalum, Pelargonium, Phyllanthus, Pyracantha, Ruellia, Sorghum, Symphyotrichum, Triticum, Tulbaghia and Youngia

    Connaître pour gouverner ? Angelo Pietra et les réformes de Guillaume Gonzague III, duc de Mantoue et du Monferrat

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    Introduction. Un petit état seigneurial dans le système des pouvoirs européens L’état de Mantoue se compose, pendant toute son histoire, d’une seule ville, d’abord libre commune, puis dominée par des dynasties profondément enracinées dans la société locale entre le XIIIe et le XVIIIe siècles. L’existence d’une seule ville capitale, siège de la cour et de lignages sans adversaires à l’intérieur du pays, oriente la société locale autour de ce pôle d’attraction capable, à partir du XVe siècle, d..

    Poder y contabilidad: Guglielmo Gonzaga e Angelo Pietra (1586-87)

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    The prosecution of Bishop Camillo Luzzara and the “Roman” Bernardino Pia in Mantua in 1586 brought into the open the ill feeling in the ducal court towards the government of the third duke, Guglielmo Gonzaga. A contributory factor to this unrest was the reform of accounting practices encharged by the duke to the Genovese monk Angelo Pietra, a move that constituted part of a plan to put the finances of the duchy in order and ensure financial control of the court. This paper analyses the characteristics of the new double entry system and its salient role in the concentration of power pursued by Guglielmo Gonzaga.El proceso judicial promovido en Mantua contra el prelado Camillo Luzzara y el romano Bernardino Pia en 1586 vendría a poner de manifiesto el malestar existente en la corte ducal contra el gobierno del tercer duque, Guglielmo Gonzaga. Uno de los factores que habría contribuido al mismo sería la revisión de los procedimientos contables encargada por el duque al monje genovés Angelo Pietra, reforma que formaba parte de un plan destinado a sanear las finanzas ducales y a garantizar el control de las finanzas cortesanas. Este artículo analiza las características del nuevo sistema basado en la doble contabilidad y considera al mismo como una manifestación destacada del proceso de concentración del poder impulsado por Guglielmo Gonzaga

    Armando Sapori

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    Il volume illustra - tramite contributi di specialisti di storia economica, storia della storiografia, storia medievale e archivistica -, la figura e l'opera di Armando Sapori, il cui rettorato è ad oggi il più lungo nella storia della Bocconi (1952-1967). Il volume contiene anche l'edizione di numerose lettere inviate a Sapori e conservate nel suo archivio, la riedizione di un suo articolo di carattere metodologico, nonché un saggio finora inedito sulla sua esperienza alla Bocconi. Completano il volume un'ampia selezione di fotografie e l'indice degli antroponimi citati

    Prefazione [a Armando Sapori]

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    La Prefazione illustra i contenuti del volume su Armando Sapor

    The HIV-1 Tat Protein Has a Versatile Role in Activating Viral Transcription ▿

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    It is generally acknowledged that the Tat protein has a pivotal role in HIV-1 replication because it stimulates transcription from the viral long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter by binding to the TAR hairpin in the nascent RNA transcript. However, a multitude of additional Tat functions have been suggested. The importance of these functions is difficult to assess in replication studies with Tat-mutated HIV-1 variants because of the dominant negative effect on viral gene expression. We therefore used an HIV-1 construct that does not depend on the Tat-TAR interaction for transcription to reevaluate whether or not Tat has a second essential function in HIV-1 replication. This HIV-rtTA variant uses the incorporated Tet-On gene expression system for activation of transcription and replicates efficiently upon complete TAR deletion. Here we demonstrated that Tat inactivation does nevertheless severely inhibit replication. Upon long-term culturing, the Tat-minus HIV-rtTA variant acquired mutations in the U3 region that improved promoter activity and reestablished replication. We showed that in the absence of a functional TAR, Tat remains important for viral transcription via Sp1 sequence elements in the U3 promoter region. Substitution of these U3 sequences with nonrelated promoter elements created a virus that replicates efficiently without Tat in SupT1 T cells. These results indicate that Tat has a versatile role in transcription via TAR and U3 elements. The results also imply that Tat has no other essential function in viral replication in cultured T cells

    V. Kapitel Ein jüdischer professore de’ secreti

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