33 research outputs found

    Recording of high efficiency diffraction gratings by He-Ne laser

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    The investigation results of holographic diffraction gratings recording processes by radiation of helium-neon laser have been represented. Inorganic As₄₀S₂₀Se₄₀ photoresist treated by the newly developed selective etching solution was chosen as a registering media. Angular and spectral dependencies of grating diffractive efficiency absolute values were measured. A comparison of fabricated gratings characteristics with corresponding parameters of gratings recorded on As₄₀Se₆₀ photoresist was carried out. Numericall simulation of groove profiles inherent to holographic gratings made in various experimental conditions was performed. Shown is that photoresists based on As₄₀S₂₀Se₄₀ are suitable for production of high quality holographic optical elements

    First measurement of Ωc0 production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV

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    The inclusive production of the charm–strange baryon 0 c is measured for the first time via its hadronic √ decay into −π+ at midrapidity (|y| <0.5) in proton–proton (pp) collisions at the centre-of-mass energy s =13 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The transverse momentum (pT) differential cross section multiplied by the branching ratio is presented in the interval 2 < pT < 12 GeV/c. The pT dependence of the 0 c-baryon production relative to the prompt D0-meson and to the prompt 0 c-baryon production is compared to various models that take different hadronisation mechanisms into consideration. In the measured pT interval, the ratio of the pT-integrated cross sections of 0 c and prompt + c baryons multiplied by the −π+ branching ratio is found to be larger by a factor of about 20 with a significance of about 4σ when compared to e+e− collisions

    Recording of rainbow holograms using As₂Se₃ amorphous layers

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    The simple method of phase-relief rainbow master-hologram recording using the only laser has been developed. In this method at both recording steps (a normal transmission hologram and phase-relief sunlight-viewable master hologram recording) the same inorganic chalcogenide photoresist and the same postexposure one-stage treatment are used. It results in more simple and cheaper process of master hologram fabrication

    Cholesterol and Ion Channels

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    Symmetry plane correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76TeV

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    International audienceA newly developed observable for correlations between symmetry planes, which characterize the direction of the anisotropic emission of produced particles, is measured in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_\text {NN}} = 2.76 TeV with ALICE. This so-called Gaussian Estimator allows for the first time the study of these quantities without the influence of correlations between different flow amplitudes. The centrality dependence of various correlations between two, three and four symmetry planes is presented. The ordering of magnitude between these symmetry plane correlations is discussed and the results of the Gaussian Estimator are compared with measurements of previously used estimators. The results utilizing the new estimator lead to significantly smaller correlations than reported by studies using the Scalar Product method. Furthermore, the obtained symmetry plane correlations are compared to state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model calculations for the evolution of heavy-ion collisions. While the model predictions provide a qualitative description of the data, quantitative agreement is not always observed, particularly for correlators with significant non-linear response of the medium to initial state anisotropies of the collision system. As these results provide unique and independent information, their usage in future Bayesian analysis can further constrain our knowledge on the properties of the QCD matter produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

    Azimuthal correlations of heavy-flavor hadron decay electrons with charged particles in pp and p–Pb collisions at sNN\pmb {\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{{NN}}}}} = 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceThe azimuthal (Δφ\Delta \varphi ) correlation distributions between heavy-flavor decay electrons and associated charged particles are measured in pp and p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{{NN}}}} = 5.02 TeV. Results are reported for electrons with transverse momentum 4<pT<16GeV/c4<p_{\textrm{T}}<16\textrm{GeV}/c and pseudorapidity η<0.6|\eta |<0.6. The associated charged particles are selected with transverse momentum 1<pT<7GeV/c1<p_{\textrm{T}}<7\textrm{GeV}/c, and relative pseudorapidity separation with the leading electron Δη<1|\Delta \eta | < 1. The correlation measurements are performed to study and characterize the fragmentation and hadronization of heavy quarks. The correlation structures are fitted with a constant and two von Mises functions to obtain the baseline and the near- and away-side peaks, respectively. The results from p–Pb collisions are compared with those from pp collisions to study the effects of cold nuclear matter. In the measured trigger electron and associated particle kinematic regions, the two collision systems give consistent results. The Δφ\Delta \varphi distribution and the peak observables in pp and p–Pb collisions are compared with calculations from various Monte Carlo event generators

    Σ(1385)±\Sigma (1385)^{\pm } resonance production in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}}~=~5.02 TeV

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    International audienceHadronic resonances are used to probe the hadron gas produced in the late stage of heavy-ion collisions since they decay on the same timescale, of the order of 1–10 fm/c, as the decoupling time of the system. In the hadron gas, (pseudo)elastic scatterings among the products of resonances that decayed before the kinetic freeze-out and regeneration processes counteract each other, the net effect depending on the resonance lifetime, the duration of the hadronic phase, and the hadronic cross sections at play. In this context, the Σ(1385)±\Sigma (1385)^{\pm } particle is of particular interest as models predict that regeneration dominates over rescattering despite its relatively short lifetime of about 5.5 fm/c. The first measurement of the Σ(1385)±\Sigma (1385)^{\pm } resonance production at midrapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}}= 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector is presented in this Letter. The resonances are reconstructed via their hadronic decay channel, Λπ\Lambda \pi , as a function of the transverse momentum (pTp_\textrm{T}) and the collision centrality. The results are discussed in comparison with the measured yield of pions and with expectations from the statistical hadronization model as well as commonly employed event generators, including PYTHIA8/Angantyr and EPOS3 coupled to the UrQMD hadronic cascade afterburner. None of the models can describe the data. For Σ(1385)±\Sigma (1385)^{\pm }, a similar behaviour as K(892)0\textrm{K}^{*} (892)^{0} is observed in data unlike the predictions of EPOS3 with afterburner

    Production of pions, kaons, and protons as a function of the relative transverse activity classifier in pp collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    International audienceThe production of π±^{±}, K±^{±}, and (p)p \left(\overline{\textrm{p}}\right)\textrm{p} is measured in pp collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV in different topological regions of the events. Particle transverse momentum (pT_{T}) spectra are measured in the “toward”, “transverse”, and “away” angular regions defined with respect to the direction of the leading particle in the event. While the toward and away regions contain the fragmentation products of the near-side and away-side jets, respectively, the transverse region is dominated by particles from the Underlying Event (UE). The relative transverse activity classifier, RT_{T} = NT_{T}/〈NT_{T}〉, is used to group events according to their UE activity, where NT_{T} is the measured charged-particle multiplicity per event in the transverse region and 〈NT_{T}〉 is the mean value over all the analysed events. The first measurements of identified particle pT_{T} spectra as a function of RT_{T} in the three topological regions are reported. It is found that the yield of high transverse momentum particles relative to the RT_{T}-integrated measurement decreases with increasing RT_{T} in both the toward and the away regions, indicating that the softer UE dominates particle production as RT_{T} increases and validating that RT_{T} can be used to control the magnitude of the UE. Conversely, the spectral shapes in the transverse region harden significantly with increasing RT_{T}. This hardening follows a mass ordering, being more significant for heavier particles. Finally, it is observed that the pT_{T}-differential particle ratios \left(\textrm{p}+\overline{\textrm{p}}\right)/\left({\uppi}^{+}+{\uppi}^{-}\right) and (K+^{+} + K^{−})/(π+^{+} + π^{−}) in the low UE limit (RT_{T} → 0) approach expectations from Monte Carlo generators such as PYTHIA 8 with Monash 2013 tune and EPOS LHC, where the jet-fragmentation models have been tuned to reproduce e+^{+}e^{−} results.[graphic not available: see fulltext

    Anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations of identified hadrons in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceThe first measurements of elliptic flow of π±^{±}, K±^{±}, p+p \textrm{p}+\overline{\textrm{p}} , KS0 {\textrm{K}}_{\textrm{S}}^0 , Λ+Λ \Lambda +\overline{\Lambda} , ϕ, Ξ+Ξ+ {\Xi}^{-}+{\overline{\Xi}}^{+} , and Ω+Ω+ {\varOmega}^{-}+{\overline{\varOmega}}^{+} using multiparticle cumulants in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV are resented. Results obtained with two- (v2_{2}{2}) and four-particle cumulants (v2_{2}{4}) are shown as a function of transverse momentum, pT_{T}, for various collision centrality intervals. Combining the data for both v2_{2}{2} and v2_{2}{4} also allows us to report the first measurements of the mean elliptic flow, elliptic flow fluctuations, and relative elliptic flow fluctuations for various hadron species. These observables probe the event-by-event eccentricity fluctuations in the initial state and the contributions from the dynamic evolution of the expanding quark–gluon plasma. The characteristic features observed in previous pT_{T}-differential anisotropic flow measurements for identified hadrons with two-particle correlations, namely the mass ordering at low pT_{T} and the approximate scaling with the number of constituent quarks at intermediate pT_{T}, are similarly present in the four-particle correlations and the combinations of v2_{2}{2} and v2_{2}{4}. In addition, a particle species dependence of flow fluctuations is observed that could indicate a significant contribution from final state hadronic interactions. The comparison between experimental measurements and CoLBT model calculations, which combine the various physics processes of hydrodynamics, quark coalescence, and jet fragmentation, illustrates their importance over a wide pT_{T} range.[graphic not available: see fulltext

    Measurement of the non-prompt D-meson fraction as a function of multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    International audienceThe fractions of non-prompt (i.e. originating from beauty-hadron decays) D0^{0} and D+^{+} mesons with respect to the inclusive yield are measured as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The results are reported in intervals of transverse momentum (pT_{T}) and integrated in the range 1 < pT_{T}< 24 GeV/c. The fraction of non-prompt D0^{0} and D+^{+} mesons is found to increase slightly as a function of pT_{T} in all the measured multiplicity intervals, while no significant dependence on the charged-particle multiplicity is observed. In order to investigate the production and hadronisation mechanisms of charm and beauty quarks, the results are compared to PYTHIA 8 as well as EPOS 3 and EPOS 4 Monte Carlo simulations, and to calculations based on the colour glass condensate including three-pomeron fusion.[graphic not available: see fulltext