2,874 research outputs found

    Resolución de problemas como estrategias didácticas innovadoras utilizadas por el docente en el contenido del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme en la asignatura de ciencias naturales con estudiantes de séptimo grado de la esc. “Dr. Pedro Joaquín Chamorro cardenal “del Municipio de San Marcos departamento de Carazo; durante el II semestre del año 2015

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, Resolución de problemas como estrategias didácticas innovadoras utilizadas por el docente en el contenido del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme en la asignatura de ciencias naturales con estudiantes de séptimo grado de la esc. “Dr. pedro Joaquín chamorro cardenal “del municipio de San Marcos Departamento de Carazo; durante el II semestre del año 2015. Tiene como propósito primeramente, identificar las estrategias de enseñanza, aprendizaje que utiliza el docente en el desarrollo del contenido movimiento rectilíneo uniforme, en los estudiantes de séptimo grado de la Esc.”Dr. Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal”. De igual manera Comprobar el uso adecuado de la resolución de problema para desarrollar el contenido de movimiento rectilíneo uniforme como una estrategia didáctica innovadora en los estudiantes de séptimo grado de dicho colegio. Para así Proponer la aplicación de la resolución de problemas como estrategia didáctica innovadora y de esta manera mejorar el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en los contenidos del Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme en los estudiantes de séptimo grado. La implementación de las nuevas estrategias metodológicas por parte de los maestros que se resisten a implementar estrategias más innovadoras, es una problemática en la educación actual, por lo que consideramos de mucho interés realizar un análisis investigativo sobre la aplicación de estas en la asignatura de Ciencias Naturales en el contenido Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme. Presentando la información recopilada en los distintos momentos del trabajo y que pueden servir de pauta para replantearse otras perspectivas que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad del proceso de aprendizaje en la resolución de problemas del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo ya que no utilizamos datos numéricos sino la experiencia de los informantes. Nuestra investigación es de tipo descriptiva y transversal porque se desarrolló en poco tiempo. Para recopilar la información realizamos entrevistas a informantes claves, tales como: docente del centro, a los estudiantes se les aplico encuestas relacionadas con el contenido y las estrategias que implementa el docente, también realizamos observaciones al desarrollo de la clase impartida por el docente. Todos estos instrumentos que aplicamos nos permitieron obtener información más confiable. Con nuestro trabajo investigativo nos dimos cuenta de que los estudiantes tienen una esquematización de la física como planteamientos meramente matemáticos y las estrategias que el docente aplica para la resolución del problemas del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme son muy tradicionales y poco motivadoras, esto hace que el estudiante no muestre interés por el contenido, por ende pudimos concluir con nuestro trabajo investigativo que los docentes deben de poner en practica la aplicación de las estrategias que permita un buen desarrollo en la ejercitación de los estudiantes en cuanto a darle respuesta a problemas del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme de esta manera los estudiantes podrán analizar, interpretar, solucionar los planteamientos propuestos y tomarle más interés al contenido del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme

    A variational model of fracture for tearing brittle thin sheets

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    Tearing of brittle thin elastic sheets, possibly adhered to a substrate, involves a rich interplay between nonlinear elasticity, geometry, adhesion, and fracture mechanics. In addition to its intrinsic and practical interest, tearing of thin sheets has helped elucidate fundamental aspects of fracture mechanics including the mechanism of crack path selection. A wealth of experimental observations in different experimental setups is available, which has been often rationalized with insightful yet simplified theoretical models based on energetic considerations. In contrast, no computational method has addressed tearing in brittle thin elastic sheets. Here, motivated by the variational nature of simplified models that successfully explain crack paths in tearing sheets, we present a variational phase-field model of fracture coupled to a nonlinear Koiter thin shell model including stretching and bending. We show that this general yet straightforward approach is able to reproduce the observed phenomenology, including spiral or power-law crack paths in free standing films, or converging/diverging cracks in thin films adhered to negatively/positively curved surfaces, a scenario not amenable to simple models. Turning to more quantitative experiments on thin sheets adhered to planar surfaces, our simulations allow us to examine the boundaries of existing theories and suggest that homogeneous damage induced by moving folds is responsible for a systematic discrepancy between theory and experiments. Thus, our computational approach to tearing provides a new tool to understand these complex processes involving fracture, geometric nonlinearity and delamination, complementing experiments and simplified theories.Fil: Li, Bin. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; España. Sorbonne Université; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Millán, Raúl Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Torres Sánchez, Alejandro. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Roman, Benoît. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Sorbonne Université; FranciaFil: Arroyo Balaguer, Marino. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; Españ

    Termination and Cost Analysis with COSTA and its User Interfaces

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    COSTA is a static analyzer for Java bytecode which is able to infer cost and termination information for large classes of programs. The analyzer takes as input a program and a resource of interest, in the form of a cost model, and aims at obtaining an upper bound on the execution cost with respect to the resource and at proving program termination. The costa system has reached a considerable degree of maturity in that (1) it includes state-of-the-art techniques for statically estimating the resource consumption and the termination behavior of programs, plus a number of specialized techniques which are required for achieving accurate results in the context of object-oriented programs, such as handling numeric fields in value analysis; (2) it provides several nontrivial notions of cost (resource consumption) including, in addition to the number of execution steps, the amount of memory allocated in the heap or the number of calls to some user-specified method; (3) it provides several user interfaces: a classical command line, a Web interface which allows experimenting remotely with the system without the need of installing it locally, and a recently developed Eclipse plugin which facilitates the usage of the analyzer, even during the development phase; (4) it can deal with both the Standard and Micro editions of Java. In the tool demonstration, we will show that costa is able to produce meaningful results for non-trivial programs, possibly using Java libraries. Such results can then be used in many applications, including program development, resource usage certification, program optimization, etc

    Blue organic seven segment display based on poly (9,9-dioctyfluorene)with β-phase emission

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    In this work, organic seven segment displays based on poly(9,9-dioctyfluorene), PFO, have been fabricated. PFO has consolidated as an attractive material for PLEDs due to its efficient blue emission [1] and high hole mobility. Additionally, PFO has a particular conformation, called β-phase associated to extended PFO chain conformation, which is of great interest for potential device applications because, among all others, it has the highest photoluminescence quantum efficiency [2] and the best colour stability [3]. The structure fabricated uses Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as anode, Poly(3,4 -ethylenedioxythiophene) /poly(4- styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as hole transport layer and Ba:Al as cathode. After thoroughly cleaning the substrates (covered with ITO) a photolithography process is carried out in order to pattern the anode. Next, the organic layers (PEDOTT:PSS and PFO) are spin casted. Finally, metals (Ba~30 nm and Al~100 nm) are thermally evaporated in an atmosphere of 6x10 -6 Torr. PFO is dissolved in toluene at 1 % wt. A detailed description of the fabrication process can be found in [4]. Finally, the device is encapsulated (using an epoxy and a glass tap) and contacts are indium soldered on the pads. In figure 1, we can observe the shadow mask used for the anode photolitography process (left) and the final device lighting in a zero configuration (right)

    On-Surface Hydrogen-Induced Covalent Coupling of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via a Superhydrogenated Intermediate

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    The activation and subsequent covalent coupling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great interest in fields like chemistry, energy, biology, or health, among others. However, this is not a trivial process. So far, it is based on the use of catalysts that drive and increase the efficiency of the reaction. Here, we report on an unprecedented method in which the dehydrogenation and covalent coupling is thermally activated in the presence of atomic hydrogen and a surface. This mechanism, which requires of the superhydrogenation of the PAHs, has been characterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and rationalized by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This work opens a door toward the formation of covalent, PAH-based, macromolecular nanostructures on low-reactive surfaces, thus facilitating its applicability.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Results for the 2023 VIMS Industry Cooperative Surveys of the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Georges Bank Scallop Resource Areas

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    The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) conducted high resolution sea scallop dredge surveys of the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) and Georges Bank (GB) scallop resource areas during May–July 2023

    A variational model of fracture for tearing brittle thin sheets

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    Tearing of brittle thin elastic sheets, possibly adhered to a substrate, involves a rich interplay between nonlinear elasticity, geometry, adhesion, and fracture mechanics. In addition to its intrinsic and practical interest, tearing of thin sheets has helped elucidate fundamental aspects of fracture mechanics including the mechanism of crack path selection. A wealth of experimental observations in different experimental setups is available, which has been often rationalized with insightful yet simplified theoretical models based on energetic considerations. In contrast, no computational method has addressed tearing in brittle thin elastic sheets. Here, motivated by the variational nature of simplified models that successfully explain crack paths in tearing sheets, we present a variational phase-field model of fracture coupled to a nonlinear Koiter thin shell model including stretching and bending. We show that this general yet straightforward approach is able to reproduce the observed phenomenology, including spiral or power-law crack paths in free standing films, or converging/diverging cracks in thin films adhered to negatively/positively curved surfaces, a scenario not amenable to simple models. Turning to more quantitative experiments on thin sheets adhered to planar surfaces, our simulations allow us to examine the boundaries of existing theories and suggest that homogeneous damage induced by moving folds is responsible for a systematic discrepancy between theory and experiments. Thus, our computational approach to tearing provides a new tool to understand these complex processes involving fracture, geometric nonlinearity and delamination, complementing experiments and simplified theories

    El sistema de detracciones del IGV y los principios constitucionales

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    El propósito de esta investigación fue resolver Ia situación problemática observada en empresas formales obligadas por el sistema de detracciones a actuar como recaudadoras y ser responsables de depositar, sólo en el Banco de la Nación, los montos detraídos, los cuales pueden ser incautados como recaudación fiscal si se detecta algún incumplimiento lo que acarrea más de una sanción por un mismo hecho. Para ello, se identificó que el problema principal era la relación del Sistema de Detracciones del IGV con los principios oonstitucionales, estableciéndose cómo objetivo determinar el alcance de esa relación, de allí que Ia hipótesis planteada fuera que el Sistema de Detracciones de| IGV vulnera Ios principios constitucionales previstos en la Constitución del Perú de 1993.The purpose of this research was to solve the problematic situation observed in fomtal enterprises forced by the detractions system to act as tax collectors and be responsible for depositing, only in the Bank of the Nation, the discounted amounts, which can be seized as tax revenues if a failure is detected, which causes more than one penalty for the same act. To do this, it was identified that the main problem was the relationship of the GST Detraction System with constitutional principles, stablishing as purpose to determine the extent of that relationship, hence the hypothesis was that the GST Detraction System violates the constitutional principles provided in the Constitution of Peru of 1993.Tesi

    Neuropsychological assessment and perinatal risk: A study amongst very premature born 4- and 5-year old children

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    Background: Prematurity and its consequences are serious problems that can result in numerous neurosensory disabilities and cerebral cognitive dysfunctions. The Perinatal Risk Index (PERI) might provide a predictive measure of these problems. Aim: This study compared the cognitive development of prematurely born children at 4 and 5 years of age with age-matched peers born at term. The secondary objective was to determine whether a correlation exists between perinatal risk and performance on neuropsychological tests among premature children. Methods: A total of 54 children between four and five years of age were evaluated; 27 were born very premature (premature group; PG), and 27 were born at term (term group; TG). Executive function, attention, memory, language, visual perception, and spatial structuring were evaluated. Subtests from the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, the Rey Complex Figure Test, the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Test A, Trails A and B, the spatial structuring questionnaire from the Child Neuropsychological Maturity Questionnaire, and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children were used. A PERI score was also obtained for the PG. Results: The PG showed significantly lower scores than the TG in all the studied cognitive domains. Visual-perceptive scores were significantly and negatively correlated with the PERI scores of the PG. Conclusions: The PG showed neurocognitive deficits compared with the TG. The PERI can be used to predict the development of visual-perceptive abilities in children between four and five years of age