381 research outputs found

    Editorial: Microbial Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity

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    The great diversity of microbial life is the remaining majorreservoir of unknown biologicaldiversity on Earth. To understand this vast, but largely unperceived diversity with its untappedgenetic, enzymatic and industrial potential, microbial systematics is undergoing a revolutionarychange in its approach to describe novel taxa based on genomic/envirogenomic information(Rosselló-Móra and Whitman, 2019)S

    Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida: an integrated view of a bacterial fish pathogen

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    Pasteurellosis, or pseudotuberculosis, is a bacterial septicaemia caused by the halophilic bacterium Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (formerly Pasteurella piscicida). Although this disease was first described in wild populations of white perch and striped bass, currently the natural hosts of the pathogen are a wide variety of marine fish. The disease has great economic impact bothin Japan, where it affects mainly yellowtail cultures, and in the Mediterranean area, due to the losses it causes in seabream and seabass farms. This microorganism serves as a perfect model to study a bacterial fish pathogen, either at an applied level, to resolve or to mitigate the high economic losses of fish farmers, or at a basic level, for a better understanding of P. damselae subsp. piscicida biology. This article discusses the methods employed in our laboratory to study the causative agent of pasteurellosis. It reviews important aspects, from the diverse procedures for the detection and isolation of the pathogen to the latest molecular studies that have allowed its correct taxonomic allocation. Characterization of some virulence mechanisms and the available methods to prevent the disease are also presented

    Experimental Pseudomonas anguilliseptica infection in turbot Psetta maxima (L.): a histopathological and immunohistochemical study

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    Experimental infection with Pseudomonas anguilliseptica was performed both by intraperitoneal (i.p.) and bath route on juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima) in order to evaluate the pathology induced. Turbot was found to be sensitive to i.p. challenge (1.7×106 CFU/fish) but no to bath exposure. The i.p. challenge induced septicaemic infection and mortality. Externally, moribund fish showed distended abdomen and pale areas at day 9. The gross pathological internal signs present were abundant ascitic fluid in the peritoneal cavity, pale and enlarged spleen, pale and friable liver, and congestive and dilated gut with yellowish exudates. On histopathological examination, bacterial invasion was common in all the tissues studied but the most prominent pathological changes were observed in gut, spleen and kidney after 7 day with features of necrosis. The immunohistochemical findings support the widespread localization of the bacteria after the i.p. injection since the P. anguilliseptica was detected in spleen from day 1 post injection, in liver, kidney and gut from day 4, in muscle from day 7 and in brain from day 9. The difficulties in infecting healthy fish by bath challenge can be explained by the opportunistic nature of this pathogen

    From the Gene Sequence to the Phylogeography through the Population Structure: The Cases of Yersinia ruckeri and Vibrio tapetis

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    Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) are nowadays considered as gold standards in the study of microbial systematic, being both techniques based on the interpretation of the sequences of several housekeeping genes. In this context, the sequences can be analyzed from different points of view. On the one hand, the phylogeny of the bacterial species can be estimated using the MLSA approach and on the other hand, the structure of the population can be inferred by means of MLST. Moreover, most species display some degree of population structure that can be interpreted in geographic and chronological contexts, that is, phylogeographic studies. In this review, the phylogeny and population structure of two important fish and shellfish pathogens, Yersinia ruckeri and Vibrio tapetis, exhibiting very different evolutive patterns will be analyzed. In both cases, the species form robust and monophyletic groups from a phylogenetic point of view. Regarding to the population structure, very different results were found. While Y. ruckeri follows an epidemic model of clonal expansion with well‐adapted clones that explode to be widely distributed, V. tapetis appears to have a mixed structure in where the paradox of clonality and high level of variability coexist. Furthermore, phylogeographical studies provided the evolutionary and geographical context for the species, allowing the determination of historical and spatial influences on the diversification of both species

    Genome sequence of three Psychrobacter sp. strains with potential applications in bioremediation

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    To date, the genus Psychrobacter consists of 37 recognized species isolated from different sources, however they are more frequently found in cold and other non-polar environments of low water activity. Some strains belonging to the genus have shown different enzymatic activities with potential applications in bioremediation or food industry. In the present study, the whole genome sequences of three Psychrobacter-like strains (C 20.9, Cmf 22.2 and Rd 27.2) isolated from reared clams in Galicia (Spain) are described. The sequenced genomes resulted in an assembly size of 3,143,782 bp for C 20.9 isolate, 3,168,467 bp for Cmf 22.2 isolate and 3,028,386 bp for Rd 27.2 isolate. Among the identified coding sequences of the genomes, mercury detoxification and biogeochemistry genes were found, as well as genes related to heavy metals and antibiotic resistance. Also virulence-related features were identified such as the siderophore vibrioferrin or an aerobactin-like siderophore. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene suggested that these strains may represent novel species of the Psychrobacter genus. The genome sequences of the Psychrobacter sp. strains have been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession numbers MRYA00000000 (Cmf 22.2), MRYB00000000 (Rd 27.2) and MRYC00000000 (C 20.9), and the sequences could be found at the siteThis research was supported in part by grants AGL2013-42628-R and AGL2016-77539-R from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain)S

    Las nuevas construcciones de género y su repercusión en las prácticas sexuales de riesgo en jóvenes universitarias

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    [Resumen] En las últimas décadas se ha producido un notable incremento del porcentaje de infecciones de transmisión sexual, cuyas complicaciones tienen un profundo impacto en la salud sexual y reproductiva, especialmente sobre las mujeres. Estos datos, en sociedades desarrolladas (donde la información es un bien disponible para la gran mayoría de la población), hacen sospechar la existencia de otros factores que susciten las conductas sexuales de riesgo. En la actualidad, la aparición de modelos sexuales más flexibles para la mujer ha abierto un nuevo campo de enfrentamiento entre géneros que utiliza el cuerpo como arma política. Por ello, este proyecto está encaminado a estudiar si existe relación entre esta reconceptualización de género y sexualidad, y un aumento de las prácticas sexuales de riesgo. La gestión que las mujeres ejercen sobre su salud sexual está íntimamente relacionada con su propio autoconcepto, pero si a pesar de su modernización, éste todavía impone limitaciones que frenan la libertad sexual de las mujeres, es necesario intervenir para eliminar esas restricciones y garantizar la sexualidad saludable de las mujeres. Objetivo principal: Conocer cómo las nuevas construcciones de género en mujeres jóvenes universitarias influyen y/o condicionan las prácticas sexuales de riesgo. Metodología: Se utilizará una metodología de tipo cualitativo, aproximándonos mediante la Investigación acción-participación (IAP). Como método de recogida de datos, se emplearán las técnicas de entrevista individual semiestructurada, los grupos de discusión y, posteriormente, talleres educativos.[Abstract] During the last decades there has been a notable increase in the percentage of sexually transmitted infections, whose complications have a deep impact on sexual and reproductive health, especially on women. These data make suspect, in developed societies (where information is a good available to the vast majority of the population), the existence of other factors which raise risky sexual behaviours. Nowadays, the appearance of more flexible sexual models for women has opened a new field of confrontation between genders, which uses the body as a political weapon. Therefore, this project aims to study the correlation between this reconceptualization of gender and sexuality, and an increase in risky sexual practices. Management that women have over their sexual health is closely connected with their own self-concept, but if despite its modernization, it still imposes constraints that hinder the sexual freedom of women, it is necessary to intervene to remove these restrictions and ensure healthy sexuality of women. General objective: To know how new constructions of gender in young university women can influence and/or determine risky sexual behaviours. Methodology: We will use the qualitative methodology, approaching through an action-participation investigation (API). Semi-structured individual interviews, discussion groups and later educational workshops will be used as data collection method.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2015/201

    Reseña Histórica del Grupo de Taxonomía, Filogenia y Diversidad

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    Global market: shellfish imports as a source of reemerging food-borne hepatitis A virus infections in Spain

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    A total of 16 mollusk imports from South America to Spain, including clam and scallop species, were analyzed for hepatitis A virus (HAV), due to the great concern about this type of food after an important hepatitis A outbreak in eastern Spain in September 1999. In addition, clams from the stock that had caused the outbreak were also tested. Of the 17 stocks, four were positive for the presence of HAV RNA as demonstrated by RT-PCR and Southern hybridization. Contradictory analyses confirmed the results of the primary tests in all cases. The findings obtained in this work strongly support the role of mollusk imports from endemic areas of HAV as an important vehicle of hepatitis A, and demonstrate the imperative need for sanitary control measures to prevent future outbreaks of this disease

    Inhibitory activity of Phaeobacter strains against aquaculture pathogenic bacteria

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    A total of 523 bacterial strains were isolated during a 4-year period from mollusc hatcheries (flat oyster and clams) in Galicia (NW Spain). All of the strains were tested for their antibacterial activity against three larval pathogens (Vibrio anguillarum USC-72, V. neptunius PP-145.98, and Vibrio sp. PP-203). Of the isolates, 52 inhibited at least one of the target strains, and 11 inhibited all of them. The main source of active strains was oyster larvae, followed by water, tank surfaces, spat, and broodstock. Four similar strains, belonging to the genus Phaeobacter, showed the strongest activity. Strain PP-154, selected as representative of this group, displayed a wide spectrum of inhibitory activity against aquaculture pathogens, especially against members of the genus Vibrio, which is responsible for the most larval deaths. The inhibitory ability of such strain on solid medium was confirmed in seawater experiments, and the optimal conditions for antibacterial activity were established. These strains are promising probiotics for aquaculture facilities. Their potential benefit is based on the capacity to control the proliferation of a variety of aquaculture bacterial pathogens in mollusc larval cultures. [Int Microbiol 2009; 12(2):107-114

    Importancia de la composición hídrica en la litiasis renal: conocimiento de profesionales y aplicabilidad

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La litiasis renal es una enfermedad causada por la presencia de cálculos en el interior de los riñones o de las vías urinarias con una alta prevalencia en la sociedad. Estos se componen de sustancias normales de la orina pero, por diferentes razones, se han concentrado y solidificado en fragmentos de mayor o menor tamaño. La mejor forma de prevención de la recurrencia de litiasis es aumentar la ingesta de líquidos, especialmente agua, y consecuentemente el volumen urinario. La composición del agua, embotellada o del grifo, tendrá una gran importancia a la hora de prevenir cada tipo de litiasis, en función de las características de cada paciente y sus hábitos dietéticos. Será de obligado cumplimiento para los profesionales de las áreas de nefrología, urología y atención primaria que conozcan la composición de los diferentes tipos de agua disponibles para el consumo humano y de su zona territorial, para poder realizar recomendaciones óptimas. Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento por parte de los profesionales de salud de áreas especializadas acerca de la importancia de la composición hídrica en relación con la litiasis renal. Metodología: Se usará una metodología cuantitativa, al tratarse de un estudio transversal, cuasiexperimental, prospectivo. Resultados: Los resultados que se obtengan servirán para poner de relevancia si dicho conocimiento es el adecuado, y poder operativizarlos en una guía para mejorar las recomendaciones y asegurar una mejor educación sanitaria.[Resumo] Introducción: A litiasis renal é unha enfermidade causada pola presenza de cálculos no interior dos riles ou das vías urinarias cunha alta prevalencia na nosa sociedade. Estes compóñense de sustancias normais da ouriña pero, por diferentes razóns, concentráronse e solidificáronse en fragmentos de maior ou menor tamaño. A mellor forma de prevención da recurrencia de litiasis é aumentar a inxesta de líquidos, especialmente auga, e consecuentemente o volumen urinario. A composición da auga, embotellada ou da billa, terá unha gran importancia á hora de previr cada tipo de litiasis, en función das características de cada paciente e os seus hábitos dietéticos. Será de obrigado cumprimento para os profesionais das áreas de nefroloxía, uroloxía e atención primaria que coñezan a composición dos diferentes tipos de auga dispoñibles para o consumo humano e da súa zona territorial, para poder realizar recomendacións óptimas. Obxectivo: Explorar o coñecemento por parte dos profesionais de saúde de áreas especializadas acerca da importancia da composición hídrica en relación coa litiasis renal Metodoloxía: Usarase unha metodoloxía cuantitativa, ao tratarse dun estudo transversal, cuasiexperimental, prospectivo Resultados: Os resultados que se obteñan servirán para pór de relevancia si devandito coñecemento é o adecuado, e poder operativizarlos nunha guía para mellorar as recomendacións e asegurar unha mellor educación sanitaria.[Abstract] Introduction: Renal lithiasis is a disease caused by the presence of stones in the interior of the kidneys or urinary tract with a high level of prevalence in our society. These are composed by normal substances in the urine, but for different reasons, have been concentrated and solidified into fragments of varying size. The best form of prevention of the recurrence is to increase the intake of fluids, especially water, and therefore the urine volumen. The composition of the water,bottled or tap, will have a great importance in preventing each type of lithiasis, depending on the characteristics of each patient and their dietary habits. It will be mandatory for professionals in the areas of nephrology, urology and primary atention to know the composition of the different types of water available for human consumption and of its territorial area, to be able to make better recommendations. Aim: The main purpouse of this dissertation is to explore the knowledge of health professionals about water composition and its relation with the prevention of urolithiasis Methods: It is a transversal, prospective, quasi-experimental research, consequently we will use quantitative methodology. Results: Findings will help to ensure if health professional’s knowledge is suitable adn it could be implemented into a guideline to make better recommendations.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FCS). Asistencia e investigación sanitaria. Especialidade en Reeducación funcional, autonomía persoal e calidade de vida. Curso 2016/201