101 research outputs found

    Formative Potential of the Development and Assessment of an Educational Escape Room Designed to Integrate Music-Mathematical Knowledge

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    In the particular case of Spain, student and teacher difficulties associated with the mathematical discipline have been evidenced in PISA and TEDS-M reports. As we consider that the teachers' difficulties are connected to the students' performance, we propose a multi-disciplinary approach to deliver specific didactic/mathematical knowledge to the trainee teachers. Such additional instruction shall be meaningfully connected to the real needs of the schools, so a service-learning approach is proposed here. In the present manuscript, the trainee teachers have co-designed educational escape rooms (in coordination with local schools) with the aim of mobilizing curricular knowledge. The goal of the educational escape rooms is to foster the mathematic-related competencies by establishing meaningful connections to other curricular disciplines (music-related knowledge, in the case of this study). This paper reports on the particular experience developed with a group of students (trainee teachers) while designing their educational escape rooms, focusing on the particular case of a specific student to evidence the formative potential of the procedure. The didactic suitability of the proposed escape room has been analyzed and professional development has also been discussed, showing the mobilization of relevant professional skills and fostering the related music and mathematical didactic competencies by shifting the teaching perspective from an algorithmic point of view to a more "reasoning and designing" strategy. This constitutes an evidence of the formative potential on the co-design of educational escape rooms, when designed in the frame of a service learning approach

    Buenas prácticas en competencias mediáticas y altas capacidades intelectuales

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    Esta comunicación tiene por objetivo relatar una experiencia llevada a cabo con alumnos con altas capacidades intelectuales bajo el eje principal de la educación en pantallas y ofrecer una guía didáctica que permita implementar el taller en otros centros docentes. La metodología de trabajo se ha realizado desde tres universidades andaluzas de Comunicación y Educación (Universidad de Málaga, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla y Universidad de Cádiz).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Adults and Elders and their use of ICTs. Media Competence of Digital Immigrants

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    The undisputed presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in our lives has led to the development of new forms of social, interactive and critical relationships. This study aims to compare the level of media competencies, in relation to six established categories, of two population groups: adults (aged 18-55) and elders (aged over 55). The sample was composed of 714 people from the eight provinces making up the Spanish region of Andalusia. The study conducted was based on the selection and comparison of results of specific items drawn from two separate questionnaires, directed to both population groups. The data were statistically processed in accordance with the distribution of the sample proportions. The objective was to identify and contrast the degree of digital literacy of these two groups, in terms of their use, productivity and interaction with technological tools. The results highlight the needs and demands of both groups in terms of technology, critical reading and audio-visual production. It is notable that adults aged 18 to 30 have a higher level of expertise in the interaction and language dimensions, while those aged 30 and above perform better in critical and participative dimensions offered by such media, such as reflection, analysis and creation. In the over-55 group, there is a direct correlation between income bracket and level of media skills, the latter significantly diminishing with age

    Adults and Elders and their use of ICTs. Media Competence of Digital Immigrants

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    The undisputed presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in our lives has led to the development of new forms of social, interactive and critical relationships. This study aims to compare the level of media competencies, in relation to six established categories, of two population groups: adults (aged 18-55) and elders (aged over 55). The sample was composed of 714 people from the eight provinces making up the Spanish region of Andalusia. The study conducted was based on the selection and comparison of results of specific items drawn from two separate questionnaires, directed to both population groups. The data were statistically processed in accordance with the distribution of the sample proportions. The objective was to identify and contrast the degree of digital literacy of these two groups, in terms of their use, productivity and interaction with technological tools. The results highlight the needs and demands of both groups in terms of technology, critical reading and audio-visual production. It is notable that adults aged 18 to 30 have a higher level of expertise in the interaction and language dimensions, while those aged 30 and above perform better in critical and participative dimensions offered by such media, such as reflection, analysis and creation. In the over-55 group, there is a direct correlation between income bracket and level of media skills, the latter significantly diminishing with age

    Anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects of microalgal carotenoids

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    Acute inflammation is a key component of the immune system's response to pathogens, toxic agents, or tissue injury, involving the stimulation of defense mechanisms aimed to removing pathogenic factors and restoring tissue homeostasis. However, uncontrolled acute inflammatory response may lead to chronic inflammation, which is involved in the development of many diseases, including cancer. Nowadays, the need to find new potential therapeutic compounds has raised the worldwide scientific interest to study the marine environment. Specifically, microalgae are considered rich sources of bioactive molecules, such as carotenoids, which are natural isoprenoid pigments with important beneficial effects for health due to their biological activities. Carotenoids are essential nutrients for mammals, but they are unable to synthesize them; instead, a dietary intake of these compounds is required. Carotenoids are classified as carotenes (hydrocarbon carotenoids), such as a- and |3 -carotene, and xanthophylls (oxygenate derivatives) including zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, fucoxanthin, lutein, a- and 3-cryptoxanthin, and canthaxanthin. This review summarizes the present up-to-date knowledge of the anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of microalgal carotenoids both in vitro and in vivo, as well as the latest status of human studies for their potential use in prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases and cancer.Universidad de Sevilla 2021/0000019

    La creación artística en adolescentes con altas capacidades y el uso integrado de los dispositivos móviles

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    Este estudio de investigación participa de un proceso comunicativo y colaborativo entre los protagonistas de este estudio, alumnos de altas capacidades, y otros agentes implicados: padres, docentes universitarios, profesores de educación primaria y secundaria, coordinadores de mentorías universitarias, y expertos de la Junta de Andalucía y la Universidad de Cádiz. La superdotación, concepto utilizado por primera vez en 1972 por Whipple, con intención de nombrar a los niños con una capacidad superior a lo normal y las teorías que han desarrollado este modelo, han mostrado el abanico de características y rasgos que presentan los aprendizajes de estas personas y su interacción entre ellas. Las más destacadas, a juicio de la comunidad científica, serían: habilidad general y/o habilidad específica por encima de la media poblacional; altos niveles de compromiso con la tarea y de creatividad. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo con 13 jóvenes adolescentes con edades entre 8 y 16 años; representa una actividad planificada y guiada por propósitos y fines determinados por el tiempo y el espacio con la intención de entender las realidades que se estudian caracterizadas por los intercambios e interacciones de los protagonistas, alumnos y alumnas de altas capacidades. La metodología utilizada ha sido cualitativa, de tipo observacional y descriptiva basada en el estudio de procesos creativos interdisciplinares y su praxis. Hemos conseguido acercarnos a la realidad social de estos niños, escuchar, interpretar y comprender sus vivencias, formas de actuar, decisiones, dificultades, opiniones y entender sus experiencias tal como se producen en el contexto

    Clinical trials and Haemophilia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Madrid's experience

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Clinical trials and Haemophilia during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Madrid's experience". Haemophilia (2020): 16 May, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/hae.14055. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Version

    Working memory of emotional stimuli: electrophysiological characterization

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    Memorizing emotional stimuli in a preferential way seems to be one of the adaptive strategies brought on by evolution for supporting survival. However, there is a lack of electrophysiological evidence on this bias in working memory. The present study analyzed the influence of emotion on the updating component of working memory. Behavioral and electrophysiological indices were measured from a 3-back task using negative, neutral, and positive faces. Electrophysiological data evidenced an emotional influence on the working memory sensitive P3 component, which presented larger amplitudes for negative matching faces compared to neutral ones. This effect originated in the superior parietal cortex, previously reported to be involved in N-back tasks. Additionally, P3 results showed a correlation with reaction times, where higher amplitudes were associated with faster responses for negative matching faces. These findings indicate that electrophysiological measures seem to be very suitable indices of the emotional influence on working memory

    The overlooked immune state in candidemia: A risk factor for mortality

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    Producción CientíficaLymphopenia has been related to increased mortality in septic patients. Nonetheless, the impact of lymphocyte count on candidemia mortality and prognosis has not been addressed. We conducted a retrospective study, including all admitted patients with candidemia from 2007 to 2016. We examined lymphocyte counts during the first 5 days following the diagnosis of candidemia. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between lymphocyte count and mortality. Classification and Regression Tree analysis was used to identify the best cut-off of lymphocyte count for mortality associated with candidemia. From 296 cases of candidemia, 115 died, (39.8% 30-day mortality). Low lymphocyte count was related to mortality and poor outcome (p < 0.001). Lymphocyte counts <0.703 × 109 cells/L at diagnosis (area under the curve (AUC)-ROC, 0.783 ± 0.042; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.700–0.867, p < 0.001), and lymphocyte count <1.272 × 109 cells/L five days later (AUC-ROC, 0.791 ± 0.038; 95%CI, 0.716–0.866, p < 0.001) increased the odds of mortality five-fold (odds ratio (OR), 5.01; 95%CI, 2.39–10.93) at time of diagnosis, and three-fold (OR, 3.27; 95%CI, 1.24–8.62) by day 5, respectively. Low lymphocyte count is an independent predictor of mortality in patients with candidemia and might serve as a biomarker for predicting candidemia-associated mortality and poor outcome.Junta de Castilla y León (grant VA161G18

    The importance of platelet glycoside residues in the haemostasis of patients with immune thrombocytopaenia

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    Loss of sialic acid from the carbohydrate side chains of platelet glycoproteins can affect platelet clearance, a proposed mechanism involved in the etiopathogenesis of immune thrombocy-topaenia (ITP). We aimed to assess whether changes in platelet glycosylation in patients with ITP affected platelet counts, function, and apoptosis. This observational, prospective, and transversal study included 82 patients with chronic primary ITP and 115 healthy controls. We measured platelet activation markers and assayed platelet glycosylation and caspase activity, analysing samples using flow cytometry. Platelets from patients with ITP with a platelet count &lt;30 × 103/µL presented less sialic acid. Levels of α1,6-fucose (a glycan residue that can directly regulate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity) and α-mannose (which can be recognised by mannose-binding-lectin and acti-vate the complement pathway) were increased in the platelets from these patients. Platelet surface exposure of other glycoside residues due to sialic acid loss inversely correlated with platelet count and the ability to be activated. Moreover, loss of sialic acid induced the ingestion of platelets by human hepatome HepG2 cells. Changes in glycoside composition of glycoproteins on the platelets’ surface impaired their functional capacity and increased their apoptosis. These changes in platelet glycoside residues appeared to be related to ITP severity.This research was funded by FIS-Fondos FEDER PI19/00631, FIS-Fondos FEDER PI19/00772 and Platelet Disorder Support Associatio