1,316 research outputs found

    The danger within: the role of genetic, behavioural and ecological factors in population persistence of colour polymorphic species

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    Polymorphic species have been the focus of important work in evolutionary biology. It has been suggested that colour polymorphic species have specific evolutionary and population dynamics that enable them to persist through environmental changes better than less variable species. We suggest that recent empirical and theoretical work indicates that polymorphic species may be more vulnerable to extinction than previously thought. This vulnerability arises because these species often have a number of correlated sexual, behavioural, life history and ecological traits, which can have a simple genetic underpinning. When exacerbated by environmental change, these alternate strategies can lead to conflict between morphs at the genomic and population levels, which can directly or indirectly affect population and evolutionary dynamics. In this perspective, we identify a number of ways in which the nature of the correlated traits, their underpinning genetic architecture, and the inevitable interactions between colour morphs can result in a reduction in population fitness. The principles illustrated here apply to all kinds of discrete polymorphism (e.g. behavioural syndromes), but we focus primarily on colour polymorphism because they are well studied. We urge further empirical investigation of the genetic architecture and interactions in polymorphic species to elucidate the impact on population fitness

    Origins and population genetics of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) introduced to Australia and New Zealand

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    Context. Some populations of introduced species cause significant undesirable impacts but can also act as reservoirs for genetic diversity. Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) are ‘Vulnerable’ in their native range and invasive in Australia and New Zealand. Genetic data can be used to determine whether these introduced populations might serve as genetic reservoirs for declining native populations and to identify spatial units for management. Aims. We aimed to identify the provenance of sambar deer in Australia and New Zealand, and to characterise their genetic diversity and population structure. Methods. We used mitochondrial control region sequences and 18 nuclear microsatellite loci of 24 New Zealand and 63 Australian sambar deer collected across continuous habitat in each location. We estimated genetic diversity and population differentiation by using pairwise FST, AMOVA, and STRUCTURE analyses. We compared our data with 27 previously published native and invasive range sequences to identify phylogenetic relationships. Key results. Sambar deer in Australia and New Zealand are genetically more similar to those in the west of the native range (South and Central Highlands of India, and Sri Lanka), than to those in the east (eastern India, and throughout Southeast Asia). Nuclear genetic diversity was lower than in the native range; only one mitochondrial haplotype was found in each introduced population. Australian and New Zealand sambar deer were genetically distinct but there was no population structure within either population. Conclusions. The genetic differences we identified between these two introduced populations at putatively neutral loci indicate that there also may be underlying diversity at functional loci. The lack of population genetic structure that we found within introduced populations suggests that individuals within these popula- tions do not experience barriers to dispersal across the areas sampled. Implications. Although genetic diversity is reduced in the introduced range compared with the native range, sambar deer in Australia and New Zealand harbour unique genetic variants that could be used to strengthen genetic diversity in populations under threat in the native range. The apparent high levels of gene flow across the areas we sampled suggest that localised control is unlikely to be effective in Australia and New Zealand

    Genetic analysis reveals spatial structure in an expanding introduced rusa deer population

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    Context. Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis), originally introduced in the 1860s, are still spreading in eastern Australia. The expanding peri-urban rusa deer population in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia is having undesirable impacts on human and ecological communities, but the spatial structure of this population has not been investigated. Genetic information on invasive species is potentially useful in identifying management units to mitigate undesirable impacts. Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate population structure, characterise dispersal, and determine if natural and human-made landscape features affected gene flow in rusa deer invading the Illawarra region of New South Wales. Methods. We used reduced representation sequencing (DArT-Seq) to analyse single nucleotide polymorphisms distributed throughout the genomic DNA of rusa deer culled during a management program. We used admixture and Principal Component Analyses to investigate population structure with respect to natural and human-made landscape features, and we investigated whether our genetic data supported the presence of sex-biased dispersal. Key results. Genetic diversity was highest in the north, near the original introduction site. A railway line demarcated restricted gene flow. Surprisingly, the Illawarra escarpment, a prominent landscape feature, did not restrict gene flow. There was no evidence of sex-biased dispersal and seven individuals were identified as genetic outliers. Conclusions. The genetic structure of the Illawarra rusa deer population is consistent with individuals spreading south from their introduction site in Royal National Park. The population is not panmictic, and a landscape feature associated with urbanisation was associated with increased spatial genetic structure. Outliers could indicate hybridisation or secondary incursion events. Implications. Rusa deer can be expected to continue invading southwards in the Illawarra region, but landscape features associated with urbanisation might reduce dispersal across the landscape. The genetic structuring of the population identified three potential management units on which to prioritise ground shooting operations

    Quantification of sulcal emergence timing and its variability in early fetal life: Hemispheric asymmetry and sex difference

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    Human fetal brains show regionally different temporal patterns of sulcal emergence following a regular timeline, which may be associated with spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression among cortical regions. This study aims to quantify the timing of sulcal emergence and its temporal variability across typically developing fetuses by fitting a logistic curve to presence or absence of sulcus. We found that the sulcal emergence started from the central to the temporo-parieto-occipital lobes and frontal lobe, and the temporal variability of emergence in most of the sulci was similar between 1 and 2 weeks. Small variability (\u3c 1 week) was found in the left central and postcentral sulci and larger variability (\u3e2 weeks) was shown in the bilateral occipitotemporal and left superior temporal sulci. The temporal variability showed a positive correlation with the emergence timing that may be associated with differential contributions between genetic and environmental factors. Our statistical analysis revealed that the right superior temporal sulcus emerged earlier than the left. Female fetuses showed a trend of earlier sulcal emergence in the right superior temporal sulcus, lower temporal variability in the right intraparietal sulcus, and higher variability in the right precentral sulcus compared to male fetuses. Our quantitative and statistical approach quantified the temporal patterns of sulcal emergence in detail that can be a reference for assessing the normality of developing fetal gyrification

    Simulated Disperser Analysis: determining the number of loci required to genetically identify dispersers

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    Empirical genetic datasets used for estimating contemporary dispersal in wild populations and to correctly identify dispersers are rarely tested to determine if they are capable of providing accurate results. Here we test whether a genetic dataset provides sufficient information to accurately identify first-generation dispersers. Using microsatellite data from three wild populations of common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), we artificially simulated dispersal of a subset of individuals; we term this &lsquo;Simulated Disperser Analysis&rsquo;. We then ran analyses for diminishing numbers of loci, to assess at which point simulated dispersers could no longer be correctly identified. Not surprisingly, the correct identification of dispersers varied significantly depending on the individual chosen to &lsquo;disperse&rsquo;, the number of loci used, whether loci had high or low Polymorphic Information Content and the location to which the dispersers were moved. A review of the literature revealed that studies that have implemented first-generation migrant detection to date have used on average 10 microsatellite loci. Our results suggest at least 27 loci are required to accurately identify dispersers in the study system evaluated here. We suggest that future studies use the approach we describe to determine the appropriate number of markers needed to accurately identify dispersers in their study system; the unique nature of natural systems means that the number of markers required for each study system will vary. Future studies can use Simulated Disperser Analysis on pilot data to test marker panels for robustness to contemporary dispersal identification, providing a powerful tool in the efficient and accurate design of studies using genetic data to estimate dispersal.<br /

    Characterization of the stretched exponential trap-time distributions in one-dimensional coupled map lattices

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    Stretched exponential distributions and relaxation responses are encountered in a wide range of physical systems such as glasses, polymers and spin glasses. As found recently, this type of behavior occurs also for the distribution function of certain trap time in a number of coupled dynamical systems. We analyze a one-dimensional mathematical model of coupled chaotic oscillators which reproduces an experimental set-up of coupled diode-resonators and identify the necessary ingredients for stretched exponential distributions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Optimal method for fetal brain age prediction using multiplanar slices from structural magnetic resonance imaging

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    The accurate prediction of fetal brain age using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may contribute to the identification of brain abnormalities and the risk of adverse developmental outcomes. This study aimed to propose a method for predicting fetal brain age using MRIs from 220 healthy fetuses between 15.9 and 38.7 weeks of gestational age (GA). We built a 2D single-channel convolutional neural network (CNN) with multiplanar MRI slices in different orthogonal planes without correction for interslice motion. In each fetus, multiple age predictions from different slices were generated, and the brain age was obtained using the mode that determined the most frequent value among the multiple predictions from the 2D single-channel CNN. We obtained a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.125 weeks (0.875 days) between the GA and brain age across the fetuses. The use of multiplanar slices achieved significantly lower prediction error and its variance than the use of a single slice and a single MRI stack. Our 2D single-channel CNN with multiplanar slices yielded a significantly lower stack-wise MAE (0.304 weeks) than the 2D multi-channel (MAE = 0.979

    Tipping the Balance: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Secreted Oxalic Acid Suppresses Host Defenses by Manipulating the Host Redox Environment

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    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic ascomycete fungus with an extremely broad host range. This pathogen produces the non-specific phytotoxin and key pathogenicity factor, oxalic acid (OA). Our recent work indicated that this fungus and more specifically OA, can induce apoptotic-like programmed cell death (PCD) in plant hosts, this induction of PCD and disease requires generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the host, a process triggered by fungal secreted OA. Conversely, during the initial stages of infection, OA also dampens the plant oxidative burst, an early host response generally associated with plant defense. This scenario presents a challenge regarding the mechanistic details of OA function; as OA both suppresses and induces host ROS during the compatible interaction. In the present study we generated transgenic plants expressing a redox-regulated GFP reporter. Results show that initially, Sclerotinia (via OA) generates a reducing environment in host cells that suppress host defense responses including the oxidative burst and callose deposition, akin to compatible biotrophic pathogens. Once infection is established however, this necrotroph induces the generation of plant ROS leading to PCD of host tissue, the result of which is of direct benefit to the pathogen. In contrast, a non-pathogenic OA-deficient mutant failed to alter host redox status. The mutant produced hypersensitive response-like features following host inoculation, including ROS induction, callose formation, restricted growth and cell death. These results indicate active recognition of the mutant and further point to suppression of defenses by the wild type necrotrophic fungus. Chemical reduction of host cells with dithiothreitol (DTT) or potassium oxalate (KOA) restored the ability of this mutant to cause disease. Thus, Sclerotinia uses a novel strategy involving regulation of host redox status to establish infection. These results address a long-standing issue involving the ability of OA to both inhibit and promote ROS to achieve pathogenic success

    Fermi-LAT Study of Gamma-ray Emission in the Direction of Supernova Remnant W49B

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    We present an analysis of the gamma-ray data obtained with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope in the direction of SNR W49B (G43.3-0.2). A bright unresolved gamma-ray source detected at a significance of 38 sigma is found to coincide with SNR W49B. The energy spectrum in the 0.2-200 GeV range gradually steepens toward high energies. The luminosity is estimated to be 1.5x10^{36} (D/8 kpc)^2 erg s^-1 in this energy range. There is no indication that the gamma-ray emission comes from a pulsar. Assuming that the SNR shell is the site of gamma-ray production, the observed spectrum can be explained either by the decay of neutral pi mesons produced through the proton-proton collisions or by electron bremsstrahlung. The calculated energy density of relativistic particles responsible for the LAT flux is estimated to be remarkably large, U_{e,p}>10^4 eV cm^-3, for either gamma-ray production mechanism.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Gamma-ray flares from the Crab Nebula

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    A young and energetic pulsar powers the well-known Crab Nebula. Here we describe two separate gamma-ray (photon energy >100 MeV) flares from this source detected by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The first flare occurred in February 2009 and lasted approximately 16 days. The second flare was detected in September 2010 and lasted approximately 4 days. During these outbursts the gamma-ray flux from the nebula increased by factors of four and six, respectively. The brevity of the flares implies that the gamma rays were emitted via synchrotron radiation from PeV (10^15 eV) electrons in a region smaller than 1.4 10^-2 pc. These are the highest energy particles that can be associated with a discrete astronomical source, and they pose challenges to particle acceleration theory.Comment: Contact authors: Rolf Buehler,[email protected]; Stefan Funk,[email protected]; Roger Blandford,rdb3@stanford ; 16 pages,2 figure
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