848 research outputs found

    Modelled testbeds: Visualizing and augmenting physical testbeds with virtual resources

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    Testbed facilities play a major role in the study and evolution of emerging technologies, such as those related to the Internet of Things. In this work we introduce the concept of modelled testbeds, which are 3D interactive representations of physical testbeds where the addition of virtual resources mimicking the physical ones is made possible thanks to back-end infrastructure. We present the architecture of the Syndesi testbed, deployed at the premises of University of Geneva, which was used for the prototype modelled testbed. We investigate several extrapolation techniques towards realistic value assignment for virtual sensor measurements. K-fold cross validation is performed in a dataset comprising of nearly 300’000 measurements of temperature, illuminance and humidity sensors collected from the physical sensors of the Syndesi testbed, in order to evaluate the accuracy of the methods. We obtain strong results including Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) levels below 7%

    Microclimate in coffee plantation grown under grevillea trees shading.

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    Microclima de café arborizado com grevílea. Medições de radiação solar global, velocidade do vento, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, foram realizadas em um cafezal (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, cultivado a pleno sol e arborizado com grevílea (Grevillea robusta), no município de Mococa ? SP (21º 28? S, 47º 01? W, altitude 665 m) entre janeiro e dezembro de 2005, com o objetivo de apresentar os efeitos do cultivo arborizado no microclima. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que houve atenuação média dos valores de radiação solar global, em cultivo de café arborizado, em 26%, com variação mensal de 24 a 30%. Pela descontinuidade da cobertura das árvores de grevílea, foi verificada diferença de transmissão da radiação solar em diferentes pontos do sistema arborizado. Foi verificada ainda redução média de 35% nas médias quinquidiais da velocidade do vento no cultivo arborizado em relação ao cultivo a pleno sol. O cultivo arborizado promoveu redução na temperatura máxima do ar e no déficit de saturação de vapor no período diurno, sendo essas reduções mais evidentes no ponto amostral próximo à árvore de grevílea

    Food demand in Brazil: an application of Shonkwiler & Yen Two-Step estimation method

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a demanda de alimentos no Brasil por meio da estimação de um sistema de demanda com dezoito produtos usando dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares realizada em 2002 e 2003 (POF 2002/2003). A forma funcional utilizada foi o Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS). A estimação utiliza o Procedimento de Shonkwiler e Yen para lidar com o problema do consumo zero. Os resultados mostraram que as probabilidades de aquisição dos produtos básicos foram negativamente relacionadas com a renda familiar mensal, enquanto carnes, leite e outros produtos mostraram uma relação positiva. As variáveis de educação, regionais e de localização do domicílio também foram importantes no primeiro estágio da estimação. Em relação às elasticidades-renda, nenhum bem foi considerado inferior e seis de dezoito foram considerados bens de luxo.The objective of the analysis is to estimate a demand system including eighteen food products using data from a Brazilian Household Budget Survey carried out in 2002 and 2003 (POF 2002/2003). The functional form used was Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS). Estimation employs the Shonkwiler and Yen method to account for zero consumption. Results showed that purchase probabilities of staples foods were negatively related to family monthly income, while meat, milk and other products showed a positive relation. Regional, educational and urbanization variables were also important in the first stage estimation. While some of the goods had negative income coefficients, none were inferior and six of eighteen were luxuries based on second stage estimates

    Psychological aspects of pre-symptomatic testing for Machado–Joseph disease and familial amyloid polyneuropathy type I

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    Machado–Joseph disease [MJD, also spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3)] and familial amyloid polyneuropathy type I (FAP-I or ATTR V30M) are neurodegenerative disorders, inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, which have a high prevalence in Portugal, probably due to a founder effect. MJD and FAP-I are late-onset diseases, with symptoms emerging usually during adulthood. CGPP, which is the national reference centre for these disorders, has a genetic lab that offers diagnostic, pre-symptomatic and prenatal testing and an outpatient clinic to counsel and follow relatives at risk for hereditary ataxias, FAP- I and Huntington disease (HD). The present work is a review of our 10- year experience with psychological counselling of individuals at risk for MJD and FAP-I. Persons at risk for FAP-I may show a better response to pre-symptomatic testing than those who are at risk for MJD and HD because of the availability of liver transplantation, which may improve their health and life expectancy. Psychological well-being and specific distress of MJD and FAP-I test applicants, before undergoing genetic testing (baseline level) and 3 to 6 months after disclosure of test results, have shown a low level of change, both in identified carriers and non-carriers. A major goal of psychological characterization of at-risk individuals for MJD and FAP-I is to determine the factors that influence the uptake of genetic testing


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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate by ultrasound and breeding soundness examination (BSE) the major diseases affecting the reproductive system of Nelore bulls, bred extensively in the state of Para, Brazil. Fifty-nine pure Nelore bulls were used, aged between 5 to 10 years, raised extensively in a commercial farm in the municipality of Paragominas, Pará state, Brazil.  Scrotal circumference, testicular length and width were measured. Semen collection for evaluation of ejaculate volume, turbulence, motility, vigor, concentration and sperm pathologies was performed. Ultrasound examination was performed by equipment type Ultrasonic Transducer - CHISON/D600vet, linear transducers, where the frequency used was 5 MHz, being held two images of each testis, the longitudinal-lateral, lateral and transverse planes. The images were processed using the program Image J. The data were analyzed using the statistical program SAS (2000) and means were compared using Tukey's test (p 0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that ultrasonography is an essential complementary tool in the diagnosis of reproductive disorders in animals subjected to BSE and its use should be recommended

    Eficiência da ureia revestida com polímeros, na produtividade de milho safrinha.

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    Em regiões tropicais e principalmente, sob cultivo em sistema de plantio direto, as perdas de N, na forma de NH3, por volatilização aliada à baixa disponibilidade hídrica, estão entre as principais causas de baixa produtividade de milho safrinha. Breda et al. (2010), constataram maior eficiência na utilização de ureia revestida com polímeros, em relação à redução das perdas de NH3 ocasionadas por volatilização. Consequentemente, ocasionando um melhor aproveitamento deste nutriente pelas plantas, podendo gerar incremento de produtividade. Em sistemas de plantio direto, onde há um maior acúmulo de resíduos vegetais na superfície do solo, as perdas de N, na forma de NH3, são maiores em relação a outros sistemas de cultivo, como por exemplo, o plantio convencional (VIERO, 2011). Contudo, o sistema plantio direto na palha, nos proporciona inúmeras vantagens em relação ao cultivo convencional, como por exemplo, menor suscetibilidade a erosão, controle de temperatura do solo, equilíbrio da micro e macro biota do solo, melhor conservação de água, dentre outras. Levando-nos a buscar alternativas eficientes para o seu manejo, principalmente na safrinha, onde estes benefícios são essenciais para o sucesso da lavoura. Diante do disposto acima, o objetivo deste estudo foi, avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada protegida com polímeros, em plantas de milho cultivadas sob sistema de plantio direto, em regime de safrinha.Disponível em: http://www.cpao.embrapa.br/cds/milhosafrinha2013/PDF/61.pdf. Acesso em 18 dez. 2013

    Transpiration reduction as an answer to water stress: models versus measurements for irrigated olive trees in South Portugal

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    The so-called stress functions, allowing quantification of transpiration or evapotranspiration reduction, as an answer to water deficit stress (stress coefficient, Ks), are useful tools for irrigation scheduling. It is known that this coefficient depends on several variables and parameters, such as evapotranspiration rate, root patterns/density and soil properties. However, the most common Ks models with practical applicability do not include some of these factors and the experimental work on this matter is not abundant. A well-known model proposed in the FAO 56 manual uses two parameters: the allowable depletion (p) and the total available soil water (TAW) in the root zone, the input variable being the soil water depletion (SWD). We discuss the application of this model in olive trees under specific natural conditions. Two studies were conducted in Alentejo, South Portugal (2011 and 2017), in one intensive and one super intensive drip irrigated olive orchards (Olea europaea 'Arbequina'). Transpiration reduction was obtained from sap flow measurements. For both experiments, Ks was related to the estimated SWD. The experimental relationship was compared with modelling outputs. Experimental results show that, in both experiments, the Ks FAO 56 model only fits using parameters such as p= 0.05 and TAW = 350 mm. The suggested p in that manual is 0.7. Furthermore, for such soils, anisotropic canopy and small wetted area (drippers), 350 mm is much more than first approach estimates would suggest. The results can be related with the root system functioning and resilience of olive treesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pseudo-obstrução intestinal em paciente com diabetes mitocondrial que apresentou boa resposta ao tratamento adjunto com coenzima Q10

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    Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD) has been related to an A to G transition in the mitochondrial tRNA Leu (UUR) gene at the base pair 3243. This subtype of diabetes is characterized by maternal transmission, young age at onset and bilateral hearing impairment. Besides diabetes and deafness, the main diagnostic features, a wide range of multisystemic symptoms may be associated with the A3243G mutation. Organs that are most metabolically active, such as muscles, myocardium, retina, cochlea, kidney and brain are frequently affected. Gastrointestinal tract symptoms are also common in patients with mitochondrial disease and constipation and diarrhea are the most frequent manifestations. However, there are few prior reports of intestinal pseudo obstruction in MIDD patients. Here we report the case of a patient with MIDD associated with the mtDNA A3243G mutation who developed chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction, and the introduction of Coenzyme Q10 as adjunctive therapy led to a solution of the pseudo obstruction.Diabetes mitocondrial ou diabetes e surdez de herança maternal (MIDD, acrônimo de maternally inherited diabetes and deafness) é freqüentemente associado à mutação mitocondrial A3243G. Esse subtipo de diabetes é caracterizado por transmissão materna, disacusia neuro-sensorial bilateral e idade precoce de aparecimento. Além do diabetes e da surdez, principais características diagnósticas, outros sintomas em diferentes órgãos podem também associar-se à mutação A3243G. Os órgãos que são metabolicamente mais ativos, tais como músculos, miocárdio, retina, cóclea, rim e cérebro, são freqüentemente afetados. Sintomas do trato gastrintestinal também são comuns em pacientes com doença mitocondrial, sendo diarréia e obstipação as manifestações mais freqüentes. Entretanto, há poucos relatos de pseudo-obstrução intestinal em portadores de diabetes mitocondrial. Este relato descreve o caso de uma paciente com diabetes mitocondrial que apresentou pseudo-obstrução intestinal e que com a introdução de coenzima Q10, como terapia adjunta, teve resolução o quadro.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Asymptotic entanglement in a two-dimensional quantum walk

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    The evolution operator of a discrete-time quantum walk involves a conditional shift in position space which entangles the coin and position degrees of freedom of the walker. After several steps, the coin-position entanglement (CPE) converges to a well defined value which depends on the initial state. In this work we provide an analytical method which allows for the exact calculation of the asymptotic reduced density operator and the corresponding CPE for a discrete-time quantum walk on a two-dimensional lattice. We use the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density operator as an entanglement measure. The method is applied to the case of a Hadamard walk for which the dependence of the resulting CPE on initial conditions is obtained. Initial states leading to maximum or minimum CPE are identified and the relation between the coin or position entanglement present in the initial state of the walker and the final level of CPE is discussed. The CPE obtained from separable initial states satisfies an additivity property in terms of CPE of the corresponding one-dimensional cases. Non-local initial conditions are also considered and we find that the extreme case of an initial uniform position distribution leads to the largest CPE variation.Comment: Major revision. Improved structure. Theoretical results are now separated from specific examples. Most figures have been replaced by new versions. The paper is now significantly reduced in size: 11 pages, 7 figure