18 research outputs found

    Infrared spectroscopic analysis of the inorganic components from teeth exposed to psychotherapeutic drugs

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    Teeth are unique and complex anatomical organs that can provide relevant data about a person's health, and play an important role in forensic medicine. Teeth are exposed to food, drinks, and the microbiota of the oral cavity; therefore, they have developed a high resistance to localized demineralization. Nevertheless, the continuous demineralization–remineralization cycle present in the oral environment can be influenced by stress, medication, mineralization agents, and other factors such as individual habits, especially diet. In this study, based on attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) spectra from tooth samples of 36 patients, several parameters were estimated: the crystallinity index (CI), the phosphate/amide I ratio, and the carbonate/phosphate ratio. In addition, in eight representative samples (six of the root of the tooth and two of the enamel area of the crown), additional characterization by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was conducted. From the FTIR data, it was observed that the highest CI values were found in patients who smoked. Further, in both root and crown samples, the intensity of the absorption band corresponding to PO43- increased in patients undergoing treatment with psychotherapeutic drugs. On the other hand, the intensity of the absorption band of the amide I group decreased with medical treatment and with the patient's biological age. Moreover, it was found that the remineralization process was more active in enamel than in the root due to direct contact with saliva. Regarding the results obtained from the X-ray powder diffractograms, exposure to psychotherapeutic drugs affected the definition of the peaks corresponding to hydroxyapatite, both in the crown and root samples. Concerning SEM results, qualitative differences in the stratification process in demineralized surfaces were observed, and EDS analyses showed some differences in the Ca/P ratio between pathological samples and control ones, but without clear patterns. The above techniques, in particular ATR-FTIR, showed promise for the investigation of the effect of changes produced in the hydroxyapatite structure in teeth and, consequently, to determine possible strategies in the diagnostic protocol

    Active ageing profiles among older adults in Spain: A Multivariate analysis based on SHARE study

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    Background: Following the active ageing model based on the Health, Lifelong Learning, Participation and Security pillars, this research has a twofold objective: i) to classify older adults according to active ageing profiles, taking into account the four pillars, and ii) to ascertain the relationship between the profiles and personal and contextual factors, as well as well-being and quality of life in old age. Methods: A study sample of 5,566 Spanish older adults who participated in wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) was included. Data were analysed in different steps applying several statistical analyses (Principal Component, Cluster, Discriminant, Multiple Correspondence and bivariate analysis with Pearson chi-square and ANOVA). Results: Five older adult profiles were obtained (I: with moderate activity; II: quasi-dependents; III: with active ageing-limiting conditions; IV: with diverse and balanced activity; V: with excellent active ageing conditions). The first three profiles were characterised by subjects with a high average age, low educational level, who were retired or housewives, and who perceived a moderate level of loneliness, satisfaction with the social network and quality of life, as well as having a larger family network, but living in small households or alone. In contrast, the latter two profiles showed better personal and contextual conditions, well-being and quality of life. Discussion and conclusions: The multidimensional approach to active ageing followed in this article has revealed the presence of several older adult profiles, which are confined to groups with better or worse active ageing conditions. In this context, if ageing is a process that reflects the previous way of life, intervention priorities will have to consider actions that promote better conditions during the life cycle.Research of this paper is a part of i) the QASP research project, funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III, Intramural Strategical Action in Health AESI 2018 (PI18CIII/00046); ii) it has also been partially funded by REDISSEC (RD16/0005/0002 and RD16/0001/0005, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund “A way to make Europe” / ”Investing in your future”) projects; iii) the R&D Activities Program ENCAGEn-CM (H2019/HUM-5698) funded by the Community of Madrid and co-funded by the European Social Fund; iv) the ENVACES R&D+i project (MINECO-FEDER, ref. CSO2015-64115-R). Authors acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Elaboració de la primera Guia de Bones Pràctiques d'Informació Mèdica a la Indústria Farmacèutica Espanyola

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    Informació mèdica; Indústria farmacèutica; Bones pràctiquesInformación médica; Industria farmacéutica; Buenas prácticasMedical information; Pharmaceutical industry; Good practicesIntroducció. La indústria farmacèutica (IF) és un important proveïdor d'informació i documentació mèdica. La Informació Mèdica (IM) és una activitat necessària per tal que els medicaments i productes sanitaris comercialitzats per les empreses farmacèutiques s'utilitzin de forma segura i eficaç. Per aquest motiu, han de proporcionar informació fiable, precisa, equilibrada i imparcial a professionals de la salut i pacients. El Grup d'IM d'AMIFE es creà el 2014 com a fòrum de debat sobre la situació actual i el futur de la IM, dels seus professionals i dels serveis que proporciona. Objectiu. En no haver-hi legislació específica, el Grup es plantejà la importància de definir i orientar les obligacions i activitats d'IM a la IF. Encara que hi ha algunes guies internacionals, es considerà imprescindible elaborar una guia espanyola de bones pràctiques. Mètode. Coordinat per dos membres del Grup, es convidà tot el Grup a participar en el projecte, tant en la planificació com en la redacció, avaluació d'experts i edició dels capítols. Es va elaborar l'índex i s'assignaren els autors. Cada capítol havia d'incloure una revisió del tema i observacions o conclusions que, consensuades, donarien lloc a recomanacions. Resultats. S'ha redactat, i es publicarà molt aviat, la Guia de Bones Pràctiques d'Informació Mèdica a la Indústria Farmacèutica Espanyola. En 12 capítols es tracta de la importància de la IM, les característiques dels departaments d'IM i els seus professionals, i els procediments normalitzats de treball així com de temes legals, d'ètica, de propietat intel·lectual, de medicina basada en l'evidència i d'avaluació de la qualitat, i es plantegen els reptes futurs. Conclusions. És important disposar d'una Guia de Bones Pràctiques d'IM a la IF. Aquest treball ha permès aprofundir en el tema, redactar la primera guia espanyola i elaborar conclusions i recomanacions així com establir una xarxa col·laborativa entre els professionals d'IM de la IF.Introducción. La industria farmacéutica (IF) es un importante proveedor de información y documentación médica. La Información Médica (IM) es una actividad necesaria para que los medicamentos y productos sanitarios comercializados por las empresas farmacéuticas se utilicen de forma segura y eficaz. Por este motivo, deben proporcionar información fiable, precisa, equilibrada e imparcial a profesionales de la salud y pacientes. El Grupo de IM de AMIFE se creó en 2014 como foro de debate sobre la situación actual y el futuro de la IM, de sus profesionales y de los servicios que proporciona.Introduction. The pharmaceutical industry is a leading provider of medical information and documentation. The Medical Information is a necessary activity so that the medicines and sanitary products marketed by the pharmaceutical companies are used safely and efficiently. For this reason, they must provide reliable, accurate, balanced and unbiased information to healthcare professionals and patients. The AMIFE IM Group was created in 2014 as a forum for debate on the current situation and the future of the IM, its professionals and the services it provide

    Gasdermin B expression predicts poor clinical outcome in HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Altres ajuts: This work has been supported by the Community of Madrid (grant S2010/BMD-2303 to GMB), the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to JA. Alba Mota is a predoctoral student supported by a FPU fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport). David Sarrio is a postdoctoral researcher funded by the AECC Scientific Foundation.Around, 30-40% of HER2-positive breast cancers do not show substantial clinical benefit from the targeted therapy and, thus, the mechanisms underlying resistance remain partially unknown. Interestingly, ERBB2 is frequently co-amplified and co-expressed with neighbour genes that may play a relevant role in this cancer subtype. Here, using an in silico analysis of data from 2,096 breast tumours, we reveal a significant correlation between Gasdermin B (GSDMB) gene (located 175 kilo bases distal from ERBB2) expression and the pathological and clinical parameters of poor prognosis in HER2-positive breast cancer. Next, the analysis of three independent cohorts (totalizing 286 tumours) showed that approximately 65% of the HER2-positive cases have GSDMB gene amplification and protein over-expression. Moreover, GSDMB expression was also linked to poor therapeutic responses in terms of lower relapse free survival and pathologic complete response as well as positive lymph node status and the development of distant metastasis under neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment settings, respectively. Importantly, GSDMB expression promotes survival to trastuzumab in different HER2-positive breast carcinoma cells, and is associated with trastuzumab resistance phenotype in vivo in Patient Derived Xenografts. In summary, our data identifies the ERBB2 co-amplified and co-expressed gene GSDMB as a critical determinant of poor prognosis and therapeutic response in HER2-positive breast cancer

    Host adaptive immunity deficiency in severe pandemic influenza

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    INTRODUCTION: Pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza causes severe lower respiratory complications in rare cases. The association between host immune responses and clinical outcome in severe cases is unknown. METHODS: We utilized gene expression, cytokine profiles and generation of antibody responses following hospitalization in 19 critically ill patients with primary pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza pneumonia for identifying host immune responses associated with clinical outcome. Ingenuity pathway analysis 8.5 (IPA) (Ingenuity Systems, Redwood City, CA) was used to select, annotate and visualize genes by function and pathway (gene ontology). IPA analysis identified those canonical pathways differentially expressed (P < 0.05) between comparison groups. Hierarchical clustering of those genes differentially expressed between groups by IPA analysis was performed using BRB-Array Tools v.3.8.1. RESULTS: The majority of patients were characterized by the presence of comorbidities and the absence of immunosuppressive conditions. pH1N1 specific antibody production was observed around day 9 from disease onset and defined an early period of innate immune response and a late period of adaptive immune response to the virus. The most severe patients (n = 12) showed persistence of viral secretion. Seven of the most severe patients died. During the late phase, the most severe patient group had impaired expression of a number of genes participating in adaptive immune responses when compared to less severe patients. These genes were involved in antigen presentation, B-cell development, T-helper cell differentiation, CD28, granzyme B signaling, apoptosis and protein ubiquitination. Patients with the poorest outcomes were characterized by proinflammatory hypercytokinemia, along with elevated levels of immunosuppressory cytokines (interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-1ra) in serum. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest an impaired development of adaptive immunity in the most severe cases of pandemic influenza, leading to an unremitting cycle of viral replication and innate cytokine-chemokine release. Interruption of this deleterious cycle may improve disease outcome.The study was scientifically sponsored by the Spanish Society for Critical Care Medicine (SEMICYUC). Funding: MICCIN-FIS/JCYL-IECSCYL-SACYL (Spain): Programa de Investigación Comisionada en Gripe, GR09/0021-EMER07/050- PI081236-RD07/0067. CIHR-NIH-Sardinia Recherché-LKSF Canada support DJK.S

    Methodology and fieldwork logistics of a multilevel research study on the influence of neigbourdhood's characteristics on natives and Ecuadorian's mental health in Spain

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    The methodological design, characteristics and fieldwork stage of a multilevel research study on the impact of the environmental characteristics on mental health in an autochthonous and immigrant population are described in this paper. Individual data were obtained using a core questionnaire 40 minutes length from home interviews of Spanish and Ecuadorian adults from September 2006 to January 2007. A random sample of 1186 people aged 18-55, with equal distribution of gender and nationality was obtained from Civil Registers of 33 areas (municipalities or neighbourhoods) of Madrid, Alicante, Almeria and Murcia, chosen by ethnic density and socioeconomic criteria. Previously, a pilot study was carried out. Socioeconomic indicators of neighbourhoods and selected communities were obtained from Municipal Registers and other secondary sources. Finally, 1144 people were interviewed (96%). Each person was contacted at home at two different times. The global response rate was 61%, higher among Ecuadorians (69%), who presented more problems of localisation (34%). Analyzing methods and fieldwork process the conclusion is that sample strategies for this type of population studies should be evaluated using feasibility criteria given time and money constraints, against the need to obtain representative samples of the target populations. There were serious shortcomings in the availability of social integration indicators at the neighbourhood level. Se realizó una investigación multinivel sobre el impacto de las características ambientales de la zona de residencia en la salud mental de población autóctona e inmigrante. El objetivo de este artículo es describir el planteamiento metodológico de la investigación, el trabajo de campo, las tasas de respuesta correspondientes y discutir el diseño metodológico y las dificultades derivadas de su puesta en práctica. Los datos individuales se obtuvieron aplicando un cuestionario estructurado de aproximadamente 40 minutos, mediante entrevista domiciliaria a personas españolas y ecuatorianas de 18 a 55 años. El trabajo se realizó de septiembre de 2006 a enero de 2007 en una muestra estimada de 1.186 personas equiparada por sexo y nacionalidad, obtenida aleatoriamente de los Padrones Municipales de 33 áreas (municipios o barrios) de Madrid, Alicante, Almería y Murcia, seleccionadas según criterios de densidad étnica y socioeconómicos. Previamente se realizó un estudio piloto (n=113) Los indicadores sociodemográficos de las áreas se obtuvieron a partir de fuentes secundarias. Se entrevistó a 1.144 personas (96%). La tasa de respuesta global fue del 61%, superior entre ecuatorianos (69%), colectivo que presentó más problemas de localización (34%). Las negativas a colaborar fueron más altas entre españoles (21%). Se concluye que en este tipo de estudios sería conveniente revisar las estrategias de muestreo para combinar criterios de eficiencia con la necesidad de obtener una muestra representativa de la población diana. Se constata la dificultad de obtener datos inframunicipales de integración social

    Th1 and Th17 hypercytokinemia as early host response signature in severe pandemic influenza

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    Abstract Introduction Human host immune response following infection with the new variant of A/H1N1 pandemic influenza virus (nvH1N1) is poorly understood. We utilize here systemic cytokine and antibody levels in evaluating differences in early immune response in both mild and severe patients infected with nvH1N1. Methods We profiled 29 cytokines and chemokines and evaluated the haemagglutination inhibition activity as quantitative and qualitative measurements of host immune responses in serum obtained during the first five days after symptoms onset, in two cohorts of nvH1N1 infected patients. Severe patients required hospitalization (n = 20), due to respiratory insufficiency (10 of them were admitted to the intensive care unit), while mild patients had exclusively flu-like symptoms (n = 15). A group of healthy donors was included as control (n = 15). Differences in levels of mediators between groups were assessed by using the non parametric U-Mann Whitney test. Association between variables was determined by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient. Viral load was performed in serum by using real-time PCR targeting the neuraminidase gene. Results Increased levels of innate-immunity mediators (IP-10, MCP-1, MIP-1β), and the absence of anti-nvH1N1 antibodies, characterized the early response to nvH1N1 infection in both hospitalized and mild patients. High systemic levels of type-II interferon (IFN-γ) and also of a group of mediators involved in the development of T-helper 17 (IL-8, IL-9, IL-17, IL-6) and T-helper 1 (TNF-α, IL-15, IL-12p70) responses were exclusively found in hospitalized patients. IL-15, IL-12p70, IL-6 constituted a hallmark of critical illness in our study. A significant inverse association was found between IL-6, IL-8 and PaO2 in critical patients. Conclusions While infection with the nvH1N1 induces a typical innate response in both mild and severe patients, severe disease with respiratory involvement is characterized by early secretion of Th17 and Th1 cytokines usually associated with cell mediated immunity but also commonly linked to the pathogenesis of autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. The exact role of Th1 and Th17 mediators in the evolution of nvH1N1 mild and severe disease merits further investigation as to the detrimental or beneficial role these cytokines play in severe illness

    New carbon monoliths for supercapacitor electrodes. Looking at the double layer

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    Carbon monoliths are prepared by combining two carbon phases. A major phase is activated anthracite, which provides microporosity and a large surface area. The other phase is a carbonized polymer that provides self-consistency and contributes to densifying the monolith. Different degrees of anthracite activation and different contents of the two phases are investigated. These all-carbon monoliths have surface areas up to 2600 m g, mechanical strengths up to 6 MPa, electrical conductivities up to 2–4 S cm, and densities between 0.4 and 0.7 g cm. In sulfuric acid electrolyte, gravimetric capacitances up to 307 F g are achieved. The double-layer capacitances due to the hydronium and bisulfate ions are separately measured, the former being approximately 25% higher than the latter. The size of the two ions electro-adsorbed at the double layer is discussed. The pseudocapacitance associated with the hydronium ion is 10–25% of the total capacitance of this ion. All of the carbon monoliths show high capacitance retention with current density; the retention of the double-layer capacitance is similar for the two types of ions and higher than the retention of the pseudocapacitance associated with the hydronium ion.Financial support through the projects of reference MAT2014‐57687‐R, GV/FEDER (PROMETEOII/2014/010) and University of Alicante (VIGROB‐136) is gratefully acknowledged. G.M.‐F. thanks MINECO for a pre‐doctoral fellowship

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Nursing Homes: Study Design and Population Description

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    Nursing homes for the elderly in Spain have experienced high rates of infection and mortality from COVID-19, although rates have varied from one region to another. Madrid is the region where most institutionalized older adults have died from the coronavirus. However, there is little known about the psychosocial and environmental factors involved in the high incidence of COVID-19 among the institutionalised population in this region. This article describes the protocol of a study on nursing homes during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (hereafter: Region of Madrid or Madrid Region) and provides information on the study design, measures used, and characteristics of the population studied. A questionnaire about life in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic was designed and a total of 447 persons over 60 years of age without cognitive impairment-220 in private nursing homes and 227 in public nursing homes-participated by answering questions about different topics: personal situations during the pandemic, feelings and methods of coping, residential environment, health, quality of life, ageism, and self-perception of ageing. The institutionalised person profile discussed in this study was an old woman, widowed, without children, with a low level of education, with multimorbidity, and who perceived her health and quality of life positively. Most of the participants were very concerned about COVID-19 and its effects. In fact, 38% had been diagnosed with COVID-19, of whom 20% were admitted to hospital and 20% had suffered negative impacts, such as pain and neurological problems. In addition, 70% of the residents remained confined to their rooms, which increased their perceptions of loneliness and social isolation. The worst-rated aspects of the nursing home resulted from the restrictive measures imposed on nursing homes during the pandemic. This research offers useful material for understanding the pandemic and its consequences from the perspective of the older institutionalised population, which could provide insights for designing public policies.This research was funded by (i) CSIC COVID-19 Research Fund (Urgent Measures to address the Economic and Social Impact of COVID-19, ref. 202010E158); this project was also supported with supplementary funding from the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, as well as from the Fundación General CSIC, for aspects related to the social dissemination of the project. (ii) PTI+ Global Health, CSIC Next Generation Funding (REC_EU), ref. SGL2103055.S

    Contextos residenciales, envejecimiento activo y calidad de vida. Un análisis a microescala en España

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    En el contexto del envejecimiento como fenómeno global, el paradigma del Envejecimiento Activo (EA) ha sido utilizado en las últimas décadas como línea de investigación en estudios de población y como instrumento de política pública. Fue originalmente conceptualizado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre la base de varios pilares para la actuación (salud, participación, seguridad y el aprendizaje) y determinantes (personales, comportamentales, sociales, económicos, servicios sociales y sanitarios, y el entorno físico, todos ellos atravesados por el género y la cultura) para mejorar la Calidad de Vida (CdV) (WHO, 2002; ILC-BR, 2015) al amparo de un enfoque integrador y multidimensional.Los resultados están apoyados por: el proyecto I+D+i ENVACES (MINECO-UE-FEDER, ref. CSO2015-64115-R; IP. F. Rojo-Pérez); el programa de actividades de I+D ENCAGE-CM (Comunidad de Madrid-UE-FSE, ref. S2015/HUM-3367; Coord.: G. Fernández-Mayoralas); la red de excelencia ENACTIBE (MINECO-FEDER, ref. CSO2015-71193-REDT; IP. V. Rodríguez-Rodríguez)