221 research outputs found

    Heritage, tourism and development in rural territories of drylands : a case study in the Bermejo Valley region (La Rioja, Argentina)

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    Fil: Julio Rojo, David. Universidad Nacional de La RiojaFil: Torres, Laura. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas Fil: Pastor, Gabriela. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas <IADIZA

    Contribución de los concursos educativos al aprendizaje. Algunas experiencias.

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    La participación de los alumnos en competiciones escolares fuera del entorno del centro educativo es un fenómeno relativamente reciente (siglo XX) y con poca tradición, al menos en España. No obstante en los últimos diez años ha habido un gran auge de este tipo de concursos, particularmente en el ámbito de la Tecnología. En este estudio se analizan estas actividades como recurso didáctico y se valoran sus aportaciones al aprendizaje de los alumnos, sus ventajas e inconvenientes, beneficios, riesgos y limitaciones. También se aborda el aprendizaje cooperativo y su integración en la competición, fórmula que está detrás de la mayoría de los concursos escolares y que, a la vista de muchos, permite reducir sustancialmente las desventajas de este tipo de actividades. Por último se estudian las características de varias competiciones escolares de referencia y se analiza la experiencia de la participación de alumnos del I.P. Cristo Rey en dos concursos durante el curso pasado.Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    La metodología comprensiva en Educación Física

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    El deporte en la escuela es un tema muy controvertido. Algunos autores plantean como respuesta ante este hecho, el uso de la Metodología Comprensiva en Educación Física. Para llevarla a cabo se utilizan los juegos modificados. Lo que se pretende conseguir con estos juegos modificados, es la viabilidad del juego. La clave de estos juegos, es que minimizan las necesidades técnicas dando mayor protagonismo a la táctica. Con ellos se consigue una mayor participación del alumnado y una clase más fluida. Otras de las ventajas obtenidas con la utilización de esta metodología, son el aprendizaje en la toma de decisiones y el fomento de la igualdad, y la inclusión de todos los alumnos en el grupoGrado en Educación Primari

    Préstamos con períodos de carencia

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    En este trabajo analizamos el efecto que tiene la carencia en los sistemas clásicos de amortización de préstamos. Para ello, en primer lugar, definimos las magnitudes que componen los cuadros de amortización y describimos conceptos tales como el coste efectivo y la TAE. Además se analizarán los sistemas de amortización francés y uniforme, describiendo las magnitudes que se asocian a cada uno de dichos sistemas de amortización. En segundo lugar, mostramos cómo afecta la carencia, tanto total como parcial, a las diferentes magnitudes de los cuadros de amortización. Finalmente comparamos gráficamente, mediante un préstamo tipo, los cuadros de amortización de un préstamo con carencia que se amortiza tanto con el sistema francés como con el uniforme.Grado en Finanzas, Banca y Seguro

    ECCPA: Calculation of classical and quantum cross sections for elastic collisions of charged particles with atoms

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    Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades / Agencia Estatal de Investigación / European Regional Development Fund, European Union (projects no. RTI2018-098117-B-C22 and PID2019-104888GB-I00 ) and from Junta de Andalucía (projects no. FQM387 and P18-RT-3237 ) is gratefully acknowledged.Program summary Program Title: eccpa CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.17632/c3tn9hyfvb.1 Licensing provisions: CC by NC 3.0 Programming language: Fortran 90/95 Nature of problem: The program computes differential cross sections (DCSs) for elastic collisions of charged particles (electrons, positrons, muons, antimuons, protons, antiprotons, and alphas) with neutral atoms. Calculations are performed within the static-field approximation with screened Coulomb potentials expressed as a sum of Yukawa terms with their parameters fitted to approximate the atomic electrostatic potentials resulting from the Thomas–Fermi model and from self-consistent Dirac–Hartree–Fock–Slater calculations. The program eccpa provides DCSs computed with four different approaches: the classical trajectory method, the Born approximation, the partial-wave expansion method with approximate phase shifts, and the eikonal approximation. The user is allowed to select the atomic number of the target atom, the potential model, the kind of projectile and its kinetic energy. Calculation results are written in a number of output files with formats suited for visualization with a plotting program. A Java graphical user interface allows running the program and visualizing the results interactively. Solution method: A relativistic extension of the classical trajectory method is formulated on the assumption that the interaction in the center-of-mass frame is central, which is a fundamental requirement of the adopted calculation schemes; the DCS in the laboratory frame is then obtained from the relativistic (Lorentz) transform of the DCS calculated in the center-of-mass frame. This scheme qualifies as semi-relativistic, because it accounts for relativistic kinematics in a rigorous way, but disregards the differences between the interactions observed from the laboratory and the center-of-mass frames. We consider the elementary quantum formulation based on the relativistic Schrödinger (or Klein–Gordon) wave equation obtained from the correspondence principle. Accurate DCSs for potential scattering can be computed by using the partial-wave expansion method, at the expense of considerable numerical work. To avoid the difficult calculation of phase shifts from the numerical solution of the radial wave equation, we adopt a simplified strategy that combines the (first) Born approximation, for both the scattering amplitude and the phase shifts, and the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation for the phase shifts. We also describe the semi-classical eikonal approximation, which is known to yield reliable DCSs for collisions with small scattering angles. The case of collisions of electrons and positrons is considered on similar grounds, with the scattering amplitudes obtained from the Dirac equation. The numerical work is simplified by approximating the interaction potential as a sum of Yukawa terms, which allows performing a good part of the calculations analytically. Integrals of functions given by analytical formulas are calculated by means of an adaptive algorithm that combines the 20-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula with a bisection scheme; this algorithm allows strict control of numerical errors and gives results with a relative accuracy better than about for well-behaved integrands. The whole calculation for a given energy of the projectile takes no longer than a few seconds on a modern personal computer, quite irrespectively of the energy and of the atomic number of the target atom. Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: The adopted interaction potentials correspond to atoms with point nuclei. The use of a parameterization instead of numerical tables of the potential (obtained, e.g., from atomic structure calculations) has a minor effect on the calculated DCSs. This effect is limited to large scattering angles, where the actual DCS does differ from calculations with screened Coulomb potentials due to the effect of the finite size and structure of the atomic nucleus, which is disregarded here. DCSs obtained from the partial-wave expansion method and with the eikonal approximation provide a fairly accurate description of collisions with small and moderate deflection angles. They can be used, e.g., in Monte Carlo simulations of the transport of fast charged particles in matter. The information generated by the program allows assessing the accuracy of calculations with the various approaches, and permits identifying the ranges of validity of the classical trajectory method and the Born approximation.The Fortran program eccpa calculates differential and integrated cross sections for elastic collisions of charged particles with atoms by using the classical-trajectory method and several quantum methods and approximations. The collisions are described within the framework of the static-field approximation, with the interaction between the projectile and the target atom represented by the Coulomb potential of the atomic nucleus screened by the atomic electrons. To allow the use of fast and robust calculation methods, the interaction is assumed to be the same in the center-of-mass frame and in the laboratory frame. Although this assumption neglects the effect of relativity on the interaction, it allows using strict relativistic kinematics. The equation of the relative motion in the center-of-mass frame is shown to have the same form as in the non-relativistic theory, with a relativistic reduced mass and an effective potential. The wave equation for the relative motion, as obtained from the correspondence principle, is formally identical to the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation with the reduced mass and the effective potential, and it reduces to the familiar Klein-Gordon equation when the mass of the target atom is much larger than that of the projectile. Collisions of spin 1/2 projectiles are also described by solving the Dirac wave equation. Various approximate solution methods are described and applied to a generic potential represented as a sum of Yukawa terms, which allows a good part of the calculations to be performed analytically. The program eccpa is useful for assessing the validity and the relative accuracy of the various approximations, and as a pedagogical tool.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesEuropean Commission PID2019-104888GB-I00, RTI2018-098117-B-C22European Regional Development FundJunta de Andalucía FQM387, P18-RT-3237Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Importancia del concepto de Empresa Familiar en investigación: utilización de la base de datos SABI para su clasificación

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    Este trabajo tiene que ver con aspectos conceptuales de la empresa familiar (EF) y su impacto en la investigación. Su objetivo es servir de guía en el desarrollo de trabajos empíricos que pretenden disociar la EF de la empresa no familiar (EnF) mediante la utilización de bases de datos, particularmente contables y, más concretamente, en el caso español, con la base SABI. En él se pone de manifiesto la importancia, en el ámbito empírico, de buscar un mecanismo que nos permita identificar la EF de forma eficiente, así como las dificultades existentes para ello con el uso de SABI. Trabajar con diferentes criterios de selección y el uso de apellidos nos permite proponer una tipología de EF.

    Technological Innovation Inputs, Outputs and Performance: the moderating role of Family Involvement in Management

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    The objective of this article is to study the relationship between R&D intensity and continuous technological innovation and between technological innovation outcomes and sustained firm performance. We also analyse the moderating role of family management in both relationships. The results show that R&D intensity has a positive effect on continuous technological innovation and family management moderates negatively this relationship. Our findings also suggest that the influence of the family management significantly contribute to improve the effect of the technological innovation on sustained performance. It seems that some family-managed firms characteristics (nepotism,…) could hinder the efficient conversion of R&D expenditures into continuous technological innovation outcomes, but once family-managed firms have obtained technological innovation outcomes, they become riskier and put all its social capital to work to improve the conversion of innovation outcomes into performance. Therefore, family involvement in management looks influence technological innovation efficiency


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    En este trabajo presentamos los datos tafonómicos y arqueozoológicos preliminaresobtenidos en la revisión que hemos realizado, de los restos de macromamíferos que proporcionaron lasexcavaciones de la cueva del Buxu. Se cuantifica y evalúa la presencia de carnívoros así como suposible incidencia en la formación del registro arqueológico, también se ofrecen los datos deestacionalidad y edad estimada en el momento de la muerte de los macromamíferos, fundamentalmentede los principales taxones: Rupicapra rupicapra y Cervus elaphus. Los datos que aportamos podrán serutilizados para que el debate sobre el tránsito a la diversificación de los recursos, observado a lo largodel Paleolítico superior, pueda ser efectuado con mayor precisiónThis paper presents the preliminary taphonomic and archaeozoological data obtained from the review of the remains of macromammals who provided the excavations of El Buxu cave. It quantifies and assesses the presence of carnivores and their potential impact on the formation of the archaeological record; also it offers the data for seasonality and estimated age at the time of the death of macromammals, mainly of the fundamental taxa: Rupicapra rupicapra and Cervus elaphus. The data could be used to debate about the transit to the observed diversification of resources, along the Upper Paleolithic, with accuracy