15 research outputs found

    Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la implementación de una cadena de tiendas de conveniencia en Lima Metropolitana

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    En la actualidad, se han implementado, en los diferentes distritos de Lima, tiendas de conveniencia, las cuales se caracterizan por ser establecimientos de compras al paso y en pequeñas o medianas cantidades. El valor agregado que propone brindar el presente proyecto a las tiendas de conveniencia existentes es la implementación de máquinas dispensadoras para que sus clientes puedan comprar de manera práctica y rápida gran variedad de productos como bebidas, snacks, frutas, café u otros. En el presente estudio de pre factibilidad, se demuestra la viabilidad económica y financiera de implementar una cadena de tiendas de conveniencia en Lima Metropolitana. En el estudio estratégico, se analizaron los factores principales del macro entorno, los cuales brindaron información de la situación actual de la economía peruana y del sector retail. En base al análisis del micro entorno, se plantearon los objetivos y estrategias del proyecto para lograr posicionar las tiendas en el mercado ya existente. En el estudio de mercado, mediante el análisis de los aspectos demográfico, socioeconómico y demográfico se definió que el proyecto irá dirigido a aquellas personas que deseen realizar compras al paso y que pertenezcan a los niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C de Lima Metropolitana. Además, luego de seleccionar las zonas en las que se van a implementar las tiendas, se realizó el cálculo de la demanda, la cual asciende a 29,259 personas, de las cuales se proyecta que realizarán un consumo mensual promedio de 15 soles durante el primer año. Mediante el estudio técnico, se determinó el tamaño, las ubicaciones y la distribución de las cuatro tiendas de conveniencia a implementar en los distritos de Jesús María, Lince, Pueblo Libre y Magdalena. En el estudio legal, se detalló el procedimiento y requerimientos para constituir la empresa, la cual será una sociedad anónima cerrada. En cuanto al estudio organizacional, se definieron las áreas de la empresa, el personal a requerir, el rol de cada uno dentro de la organización y los servicios que se van a tercerear. Finalmente, en el estudio económico y financiero, se determinó que para el desarrollo del proyecto se va a requerir una inversión de S/ 560,739.74, de la cual el 70% será financiada por capital propio y el 30% mediante préstamos. Para el análisis de la rentabilidad del proyecto, se detallaron los presupuestos de egresos e ingresos, los estados financieros y el flujo de caja. El cálculo de los indicadores financieros y económicos dieron como resultado que el TIRE es 30.17%, el TIRF es 31.25%, el VANE es S/ 341,220.64 y el VANF es S/ 286,752.04, con lo cual se logra demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto.Tesi

    Recent Advances in Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Research in Latin America

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    Pathogenic Escherichia coli are known to be a common cause of diarrheal disease and a frequently occurring bacterial infection in children and adults in Latin America. Despite the effort to combat diarrheal infections, the south of the American continent remains a hot spot for infections and sequelae associated with the acquisition of one category of pathogenic E. coli, the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). This review will focus on an overview of the prevalence of different STEC serotypes in human, animals and food products, focusing on recent reports from Latin America outlining the recent research progress achieved in this region to combat disease and endemicity in affected countries and to improve understanding on emerging serotypes and their virulence factors. Furthermore, this review will highlight the progress done in vaccine development and treatment and will also discuss the effort of the Latin American investigators to respond to the thread of STEC infections by establishing a multidisciplinary network of experts that are addressing STEC-associated animal, human and environmental health issues, while trying to reduce human disease. Regardless of the significant scientific contributions to understand and combat STEC infections worldwide, many significant challenges still exist and this review has focus in the Latin American efforts as an example of what can be accomplished when multiple groups have a common goal.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Recent Advances in Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Research in Latin America

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    Pathogenic Escherichia coli are known to be a common cause of diarrheal disease and a frequently occurring bacterial infection in children and adults in Latin America. Despite the effort to combat diarrheal infections, the south of the American continent remains a hot spot for infections and sequelae associated with the acquisition of one category of pathogenic E. coli, the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). This review will focus on an overview of the prevalence of different STEC serotypes in human, animals and food products, focusing on recent reports from Latin America outlining the recent research progress achieved in this region to combat disease and endemicity in affected countries and to improve understanding on emerging serotypes and their virulence factors. Furthermore, this review will highlight the progress done in vaccine development and treatment and will also discuss the effort of the Latin American investigators to respond to the thread of STEC infections by establishing a multidisciplinary network of experts that are addressing STEC-associated animal, human and environmental health issues, while trying to reduce human disease. Regardless of the significant scientific contributions to understand and combat STEC infections worldwide, many significant challenges still exist and this review has focus in the Latin American efforts as an example of what can be accomplished when multiple groups have a common goal.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Identification d’antigènes protecteurs croisés pour mettre au point un vaccin contre les souches intestinales pathogènes d’E. coli : cible spéciale d’E. coli entérohémorrhagique

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    Cette thèse de doctorat s'est déroulée dans le cadre d'un projet européen FP7 (7th Framework Program) MSCA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie action) ITN (Initiale Training Network) EID (European Industrial Doctorates) appelé DISCo (a multidisciplinary Doctoral Industrial School on novel preventive strategies against Escherichia coli infections) coordonné par Mariagrazia Pizza et co-coordonné par Mickaël Desvaux. Ainsi, ce doctorat s'est déroulé pour moitié en Italie au centre de recherche GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) sur le site de Sienne sous la supervision de Roberto Rosini et la direction de Fabio Polticelli de Universita degli Studi Roma Tre. L'autre moitié de la thèse s'est déroulée en France à l'INRA, centre Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes sur le site de Theix sous la direction de Mickaël Desvaux et Grégory Jubelin comme co-encadrant. Cette thèse de doctorat participe au développement de nouvelles stratégies préventives aux infections aux E. coli pathogènes intestinaux (InPEC), en particulier E. coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC), par une stratégie vaccinale. Dans ce contexte, une approche de vaccinologie inverse a été mise en œuvre pour identifier de nouveaux antigènes candidats qui ont ensuite été délivrés par la technologie GMMA (Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens). Par ailleurs, un domaine épitope potentiel chez les autotransporteurs, i.e. l'autochaperon, a été caractérisé par analyse des séquences protéiques et modélisation structurale.Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are a major cause of large outbreaks mainly affecting developed countries. From 1982 to 2002, a total of 350 E. coli O157 outbreaks were reported in the United States. EHEC infection causes diarrheal disease often associated with clinical complications like hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Although efforts focused on hygiene have been implemented in the food supply chain to reduce the risk of the foodborne E. coli O157 infection, outbreaks caused by this pathogen are still common. In addition, antibiotic-based therapy is discouraged for their potential undesirable effect in releasing shiga-toxin from the bacteria. Among non-antibiotic preventing strategies, vaccine development is warranted, still nowadays a licensed vaccine specific for human use against EHEC is not available. In this study, we used the Reverse Vaccinology approach applied on the EHEC O157:H7 genome to select new potential vaccine candidates. We identified a panel of 24 of potential protein antigens and we successfully expressed three of them in Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens (GMMA) delivery system. GMMA expressing these vaccine candidates resulted to be immunogenic, raising a specific antibody response for two of the selected antigens. In particular, immunization with MC001 candidate was able to reduce intestinal EHEC O157:H7 colonization lowering the bacterial count in feces, colon and ceacum tissues in mice. This candidate was found to be homologue to the Salmonella Typhimurium Lipid A deacylase enzyme (LpxR) and to our knowledge this study was the first report describing it as vaccine candidate. Also, gene distribution and sequence variability analysis showed that MC001 was mainly present and conserved in EHEC O157:H7 and in some EPEC. Given the high genetic variability among and within these pathotypes, the identification and inclusion of this conserved candidate in a vaccine might cover against major intestinal pathogenic strains. Furthermore, because it has been showed that during the infection process some autotransporters, as MC021 can be reactive, we also analysed molecular determinant with an important role for their proper secretion and folding, namely the autochaperon (AC) domain. It appeared the AC is a common feature of autotransporters but strictly associated with passenger domains exhibiting a –helix fold. Their exposition at the bacterial cell the surface further positions the AC as a potential antigenic target and/or development of new treatments. These findings further provide new research directions for the development of non-antibiotic preventive strategy against InPEC in human but also animal

    Regulatory Control of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 lpf1 Operon by H-NS and Ler▿

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    Long polar fimbriae 1 (Lpf1) of Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a tightly regulated adhesin, with H-NS silencing the transcriptional expression of the lpf1 operon while Ler (locus of enterocyte effacement-encoded regulator) acts as an antisilencer. We mapped the minimal regulatory region of lpf1 required for H-NS- and Ler-mediated regulation and found that it is 79% AT rich. Three putative sites for H-NS binding were identified. Two of them, named silencer regulatory sequence 1 (SRS1) and SRS2, are located on a region that covers both of the lpf1 promoters (P1 and P2). The third putative H-NS binding site is located within the lpfA1 gene in a region extending from +258 bp to +545 bp downstream of ATG; however, this site does not seem to play a role in lpfA1 regulation under the conditions tested in this work. Ler was also found to interact with Ler binding sites (LBSs). Ler binding site 1 (LBS1) and LBS2 are located upstream of the two promoters. LBS1 overlaps SRS1, while LBS3 overlaps the P1 promoter and SRS2. Based on the experimental data, we propose that H-NS silences lpf1 expression by binding to both of the SRSs on the promoter region, forming an SRS-H-NS complex that prevents RNA polymerase-mediated transcription. A model of the regulation of the lpfA1 operon of E. coli O157:H7 by H-NS and Ler is discussed

    HELLP syndrome in relation to various clinical factors in a hospital in the State of Hidalgo

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of HELLP syndrome in relation to several clinical factors in the State of Hidalgo. Material and methods. This is a study of cases. The population of study, is composed of women who during their pregnancy have suffered HELLP syndrome after having suffered preeclampsia in a Hospital of Pachuca. Results. Within the complications, all patients had hyperreflexia and thrombocytopenia. 3 of them suffered headache. There was no previous preeclampsia, no nausea, jaundice, hematuria, or eclampsia. Half of the patients with HELLP presented not very high arterial hypertension, even asymptomatic, and 2 of them showed edema. There was epigastralgia, cholecystitis and liver failure in only one patient of 4. Out of a total of 8436 outpatients in the Pachuca Obstetrical Hospital, 4 patients had HELLP syndrome, with an incidence of 0.04%. Of the total of 4 patients 2 presented severe preeclampsia. Conclusion. So far, no cases have been reported in the cases treated with this syndrome in the institution where the study was carried out

    Síndrome de HELLP en relación a diversos factores clínicos en un hospital del Estado de Hidalgo

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of HELLP syndrome in relation to several clinical factors in the State of Hidalgo. Material and methods. This is a study of cases. The population of study, is composed of women who during their pregnancy have suffered HELLP syndrome after having suffered preeclampsia in a Hospital of Pachuca. Results. Within the complications, all patients had hyperreflexia and thrombocytopenia. 3 of them suffered headache. There was no previous preeclampsia, no nausea, jaundice, hematuria, or eclampsia. Half of the patients with HELLP presented not very high arterial hypertension, even asymptomatic, and 2 of them showed edema. There was epigastralgia, cholecystitis and liver failure in only one patient of 4. Out of a total of 8436 outpatients in the Pachuca Obstetrical Hospital, 4 patients had HELLP syndrome, with an incidence of 0.04%. Of the total of 4 patients 2 presented severe preeclampsia. Conclusion. So far, no cases have been reported in the cases treated with this syndrome in the institution where the study was carried out.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de HELLP en relación a diversos factores clínicos en el Estado de Hidalgo. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de casos. La población objeto de estudio, se compone de mujeres que durante su embarazo han padecido Síndrome de HELLP tras haber sufrido preeclampsia en un Hospital de Pachuca. Resultados. Dentro de las complicaciones, todas las pacientes presentaron hiperreflexia y plaquetopenia. 3 de ellas sufrieron cefalea. En ninguna hubo preeclampsias previas, tampoco náuseas, ictericia, hematuria o eclampsia. La mitad de las pacientes con HELLP presentaron hipertensión arterial no muy alta, incluso asintomáticas, y de igual manera 2 de ellas mostraban edema. Hubo epigastralgia, colecistitis y falla hepática solo en una paciente de un total de 8436 egresos que hubo en el Hospital obstétrico de Pachuca, 4 pacientes presentaron Síndrome de HELLP, arrojando una incidencia de 0.04%. Del total de 4 pacientes 2 presentaron preeclampsia severa. Conclusión. Hasta el momento, no se han informado decesos presentados en los casos tratados con este síndrome en la institución donde se llevó a cabo el estudio

    Metabolic Syndrome components combinations: evidence of asymmetric clustering determined by central obesity and homeostasis model assessment

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    Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is considereda cluster of metabolic risk factors which have been relatedwith insulin resistance (IR), yet its role in the pathologyof the syndrome remains unclear. The purpose of thisstudy is to evaluate the prevalence of MS, the clusteringof metabolic components, their relationship with IR andits degree of severity according to possible combinations.Materials and Methods: this is a cross-sectional study,with 2,230 individual from both sexes randomly selected,which were given a complete medical evaluation, includinganthropometric measurements, biochemical analysis andMS diagnosis was done using IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009. Thequalitative variables were expressed as absolute and relativefrequencies, using c2 test for significance and Z teststo assess proportion´ differences. Logistic regression modelswere calculated for Odds ratio for IR and MS.Results: The overall prevalence of MS was 42.4%, with40.4% in women and 44.6% in men, respectively. Severalcombinations do not present IR and lack abdominalobesity, including Hypertension-Low HDL-Hypertriacilglyceridemia(n=4), Hypertension-Hyperglycemia-Low HDL(n=3), and Hypertension-Hyperglycemia-Low HDL-Hypertriacilglyceridemia(n=3). Elevated waist circumferenceis observed accompanying metabolic combinations thatpresent IR.Conclusions: This study reports an alarming prevalenceof MS in Maracaibo. When the possible combinationswere studied IR is not observed as a common feature.There are several combinations which cluster less, suggestingthat a variable such as WC could influence thevariability and frequency of the phenotypes and associatedIR, rendering central obesity as a mandatory featurein the diagnosis of MS.Key Words: metabolic syndrome, metabolic risk components,HOMA, insulin resistance