867 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle energies for large molecules: a tight-binding GW approach

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    We present a tight-binding based GW approach for the calculation of quasiparticle energy levels in confined systems such as molecules. Key quantities in the GW formalism like the microscopic dielectric function or the screened Coulomb interaction are expressed in a minimal basis of spherically averaged atomic orbitals. All necessary integrals are either precalculated or approximated without resorting to empirical data. The method is validated against first principles results for benzene and anthracene, where good agreement is found for levels close to the frontier orbitals. Further, the size dependence of the quasiparticle gap is studied for conformers of the polyacenes (C4n+2H2n+4C_{4n+2}H_{2n+4}) up to n = 30.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Prior-based Coregistration and Cosegmentation

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    We propose a modular and scalable framework for dense coregistration and cosegmentation with two key characteristics: first, we substitute ground truth data with the semantic map output of a classifier; second, we combine this output with population deformable registration to improve both alignment and segmentation. Our approach deforms all volumes towards consensus, taking into account image similarities and label consistency. Our pipeline can incorporate any classifier and similarity metric. Results on two datasets, containing annotations of challenging brain structures, demonstrate the potential of our method.Comment: The first two authors contributed equall

    Nonlocal vortex motion in mesoscopic amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 structures

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    We study nonlocal vortex transport in mesoscopic amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 samples. A dc current I is passed through a wire connected via a perpendicular channel, of a length L= 2-5 um, with a pair of voltage probes where a nonlocal response Vnl ~ I is measured. The maximum of Rnl=Vnl/I for a given temperature occurs at an L-independent magnetic field and is proportional to 1/L. The results are interpreted in terms of the dissipative vortex motion along the channel driven by a remote current, and can be understood in terms of a simple model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Doppler Shift in Andreev Reflection from a Moving Superconducting Condensate in Nb/InAs Josephson Junctions

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    We study narrow ballistic Josephson weak links in a InAs quantum wells contacted by Nb electrodes and find a dramatic magnetic-field suppression of the Andreev reflection amplitude, which occurs even for in-plane field orientation with essentially no magnetic flux through the junction. Our observations demonstrate the presence of a Doppler shift in the energy of the Andreev levels, which results from diamagnetic screening currents in the hybrid Nb/InAs-banks. The data for conductance, excess and critical currents can be consistently explained in terms of the sample geometry and the McMillan energy, characterizing the transparency of the Nb/InAs-interface.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, title modifie

    Dynamical bi-stability of single-molecule junctions: A combined experimental/theoretical study of PTCDA on Ag(111)

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    The dynamics of a molecular junction consisting of a PTCDA molecule between the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope and a Ag(111) surface have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. Repeated switching of a PTCDA molecule between two conductance states is studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy for the first time, and is found to be dependent on the tip-substrate distance and the applied bias. Using a minimal model Hamiltonian approach combined with density-functional calculations, the switching is shown to be related to the scattering of electrons tunneling through the junction, which progressively excite the relevant chemical bond. Depending on the direction in which the molecule switches, different molecular orbitals are shown to dominate the transport and thus the vibrational heating process. This in turn can dramatically affect the switching rate, leading to non-monotonic behavior with respect to bias under certain conditions. In this work, rather than simply assuming a constant density of states as in previous works, it was modeled by Lorentzians. This allows for the successful description of this non-monotonic behavior of the switching rate, thus demonstrating the importance of modeling the density of states realistically.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Atlas Toolkit: Fast registration of 3D morphological datasets in the absence of landmarks

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    Image registration is a gateway technology for Developmental Systems Biology, enabling computational analysis of related datasets within a shared coordinate system. Many registration tools rely on landmarks to ensure that datasets are correctly aligned; yet suitable landmarks are not present in many datasets. Atlas Toolkit is a Fiji/ImageJ plugin collection offering elastic group-wise registration of 3D morphological datasets, guided by segmentation of the interesting morphology. We demonstrate the method by combinatorial mapping of cell signalling events in the developing eyes of chick embryos, and use the integrated datasets to predictively enumerate Gene Regulatory Network states

    Whole slide image registration for the study of tumor heterogeneity

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    Consecutive thin sections of tissue samples make it possible to study local variation in e.g. protein expression and tumor heterogeneity by staining for a new protein in each section. In order to compare and correlate patterns of different proteins, the images have to be registered with high accuracy. The problem we want to solve is registration of gigapixel whole slide images (WSI). This presents 3 challenges: (i) Images are very large; (ii) Thin sections result in artifacts that make global affine registration prone to very large local errors; (iii) Local affine registration is required to preserve correct tissue morphology (local size, shape and texture). In our approach we compare WSI registration based on automatic and manual feature selection on either the full image or natural sub-regions (as opposed to square tiles). Working with natural sub-regions, in an interactive tool makes it possible to exclude regions containing scientifically irrelevant information. We also present a new way to visualize local registration quality by a Registration Confidence Map (RCM). With this method, intra-tumor heterogeneity and charateristics of the tumor microenvironment can be observed and quantified.Comment: MICCAI2018 - Computational Pathology and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis - COMPA

    Deep Autoencoding Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation in Brain MR Images

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    Reliably modeling normality and differentiating abnormal appearances from normal cases is a very appealing approach for detecting pathologies in medical images. A plethora of such unsupervised anomaly detection approaches has been made in the medical domain, based on statistical methods, content-based retrieval, clustering and recently also deep learning. Previous approaches towards deep unsupervised anomaly detection model patches of normal anatomy with variants of Autoencoders or GANs, and detect anomalies either as outliers in the learned feature space or from large reconstruction errors. In contrast to these patch-based approaches, we show that deep spatial autoencoding models can be efficiently used to capture normal anatomical variability of entire 2D brain MR images. A variety of experiments on real MR data containing MS lesions corroborates our hypothesis that we can detect and even delineate anomalies in brain MR images by simply comparing input images to their reconstruction. Results show that constraints on the latent space and adversarial training can further improve the segmentation performance over standard deep representation learning

    Predicting Fluid Intelligence of Children using T1-weighted MR Images and a StackNet

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    In this work, we utilize T1-weighted MR images and StackNet to predict fluid intelligence in adolescents. Our framework includes feature extraction, feature normalization, feature denoising, feature selection, training a StackNet, and predicting fluid intelligence. The extracted feature is the distribution of different brain tissues in different brain parcellation regions. The proposed StackNet consists of three layers and 11 models. Each layer uses the predictions from all previous layers including the input layer. The proposed StackNet is tested on a public benchmark Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Neurocognitive Prediction Challenge 2019 and achieves a mean squared error of 82.42 on the combined training and validation set with 10-fold cross-validation. In addition, the proposed StackNet also achieves a mean squared error of 94.25 on the testing data. The source code is available on GitHub.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Accepted by MICCAI ABCD-NP Challenge 2019; Added ND
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