40 research outputs found
Noves troballes sobre diabetis tipus 2 a nivell cel路lular
Els autors d'aquest treball van analitzar una prote茂na present en el teixit muscular: el transportador de glucosa 4 o GLUT4, molt important en la regulaci贸 dels nivells de glucosa de la sang. Les conclusions de l'estudi permeten con猫ixer amb m茅s profunditat els mecanismes cel路lulars implicats en el desenvolupament de la diabetis tipus 2.Los autores de este trabajo analizaron una prote铆na presente en el tejido muscular: el transportador de glucosa 4 o GLUT4, de gran importancia en la regulaci贸n de los niveles de glucosa en la sangre. Las conclusiones del estudio permiten conocer con m谩s profundidad los mecanismos celulares implicados en el desarrollo de la diabetes tipo 2
Vacunes per a peixos per administraci贸 oral
Actualment la major part del consum de peixos prov茅 de l'aq眉icultura. En aquest sentit, per millorar la condici贸 de les esp猫cies cultivades, el grup d'Immunologia evolutiva de la Unitat de Mecanismes de resposta a l'estr猫s i la malaltia de l'institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB- UAB) liderat per la Dra. Nerea Roher ha desenvolupat un format de vacuna oral per peixos d'inter猫s comercial, en col路laboraci贸 amb el Instituto de Investigaci贸n y Formaci贸n Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) de C脿diz.Actualmente la mayor parte del consumo de peces proviene de la acuicultura. En este sentido, para mejorar la condici贸n de las especies cultivadas, el grupo de Inmunolog铆a evolutiva de la Unidad de Mecanismos de respuesta al estr茅s y la enfermedad del Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biomedicina (IBB-UAB) liderado por la Dra. Nerea Roher ha desarrollado un formato de vacuna oral para peces de inter茅s comercial, en colaboraci贸n con el Instituto de Investigaci贸n y Formaci贸n Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA) de C谩diz
Interacci贸 de la prote茂na quinasa CK2 amb la xaperona GRP94 : implicacions funcionals /
Consultable des del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa prote茂na quinasa CK2 茅s una serina/treonina quinasa molt conservada i ubiqua en organismes eucariotes, implicada en diversos processos cel路lulars importants com proliferaci贸 o tumorig茅nesis. L'enzim de mam铆fers est脿 format por dues subunitats catal铆tiques (a y/o a') y dues subunitats reguladores (b) encara que tamb茅 s'ha descrit l'exist猫ncia de subunitats catal铆tiques lliures. La regulaci贸 de l'activitat CK2 no 茅s una regulaci贸 cl脿ssica mitjan莽ant segons missatgers o fosforilaci贸, de fet la subunitat catal铆tica t茅 activitat constitutiva. Es postula que la regulaci贸 es podria dur a terme per variaci贸 de la localitzaci贸 subcel路lular mitjan莽ant interacci贸 con prote茂nes adscrites a compartiments subcel路lulares concrets. La prote茂na xaperona grp94 (94 kDa-glucose regulated protein) 茅s una prote茂na d'estr猫s que pertany a la fam铆lia de les hsp90 i que es localitza al Reticle Endopl谩smic (RE) de totes les c猫l路lules eucariotes. S'expressa constitutivament en condiciones normals y es sobreexpressa en situacions d'estr猫s com depleci贸 de calci, inhibici贸 de la glicosilaci贸, infecci贸 v铆rica, agents reductores etc. Utilitzant t猫cniques de Resson脿ncia Plasm貌nica, Far Western y Pull down demostrem que el domini carboxi terminal de grp94 interacciona amb la subunitat catal铆tica de CK2 (CK2a) per貌 no amb la subunitat reguladora ni amb l'holoenzim (a2b2). S'ha pogut mapejar la regi贸 d'interacci贸 entre ambdues prote茂nes, utilizant diversos mutants de CK2a, aix铆 la regi贸 s'ha delimitat a una regi贸 de lisines (K74-77) molt conservada entre las CK2a de diferents esp猫cies. D'altra banda s'ha demostrat que grp94 t茅 activitat xaperona in vitro sobre CK2a i citrat sintasa (CS). Utilizant assajos d'agregaci贸 indu茂da por xoc t猫rmic y t猫cniques de microsc貌pia electr貌nica s'ha determinat que grp94 es capa莽 d'inhibir l'agregaci贸n de CK2a i CS. L'activitat xaperona dep茅n fortament de l'estat d'oligomeritzaci贸 de grp94, de forma que en condicions reductores en que grp94 perd la seva estructura quatern脿ria, la capacitat d'inhibir agregaci贸 de prote茂nes est脿 disminu茂da. S'ha estudiat tamb茅 la distribuci贸 subcel路lular de CK2 i grp94 en un model animal de rates gen猫ticament obeses (fa/fa). Aquestes rates s贸n hiperinsulin猫miques i resistents a insulina degut a una down-regulation del receptor de insulina. S'hab铆a descrit en c猫l路lules en cultiu que el tractament amb dosis altes d'insulina indu茂a la s铆nstesi de grp94. S'ha observat que no hi ha variaci贸 ni en els nivells ni en la distribuci贸 subcel路lular de grp94 per貌 si hi ha variaci贸 tan en els nivells com en la distribuci贸 de CK2, que disminueix marcadament en citosol i augmenta en les fraccions membranoses.Protein kinase CK2 is a highly conserved and ubiquitously distributed serin/threonin kinase described in all eukaryotic organisms. CK2 has been implied in different cellular processes as proliferation or cancer. The mammalian enzyme is composed of two catalytic subunits (a and/or a') and two regulatory subunits (b), but have been described free catalytic and regulatory subunits. Regulation of CK2 is not a classic regulation through second messengers or phosphorylation, furthermore the catalytic subunit posses constitutive activity and it has been postulated that regulation could be done by changes in subcellular distribution due to interaction with different proteins from defined subcellular compartments. The protein chaperone grp94 (94 kDa-glucose regulated protein) belongs to the hsp90 family and is localized in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) of all eukaryotic cells. Is constitutively expressed in absence of stress and is overexpressed under stress conditions as calcium depletion, virus infection, reducing agents etc. In the present work using techniques as Surface Plasmon Ressonance (SPR), Far Western and Pull down assays we have demonstrated that carboxy-terminal domain of grp94 interacts with the catalytic subunit of CK2 (CK2a) but not with the regulatory subunit or with the holoenzyme (a2b2). We mapped the interacting region using different mutants of CK2a, and we delimited the interacting domain to the cluster of lysines present in the helix aC(K74-77) on CK2a. This basic cluster is highly conserved in CK2a from different species but is not present in other kinases of the same family. Furthermore we demonstrated that grp94 has chaperone activity in vitro on CK2a and citrate synthase (CS). Light scattering of aggregated samples (aggregation promoted by heat shock) and electronic microscope imaging of aggregated samples have demonstrated that grp94 is able to protect CK2a and CS from aggregation. Chaperone activity depends on the maintenance of oligomeric state of grp94, then in reducing conditions when grp94 has lost its quaternary structure the ability to inhibit aggregation is diminished. In this work we also have been studied the subcellular distribution of CK2 and grp94 in an animal model of genetically obese rats (fa/fa). Zucker fa/fa rats are hyperinsulinemics and insulin resistant due to a down-regulation of insulin receptor. Additionally it has been described that in cultured cells insulin promoted the overexpression of grp94. In our model there is no variation of the levels or distribution of grp94 but exist differences in the levels and distribution of CK2 in liver of obese rats. In this rats CK2 is lower in the cytosolic fraction and increase in membranous fractions
Nanodelivery Systems as New Tools for Immunostimulant or Vaccine Administration : Targeting the Fish Immune System
Fish disease treatments have progressed significantly over the last few years and have moved from the massive use of antibiotics to the development of vaccines mainly based on inactivated bacteria. Today, the incorporation of immunostimulants and antigens into nanomaterials provide us with new tools to enhance the performance of immunostimulation. Nanoparticles are dispersions or solid particles designed with specific physical properties (size, surface charge, or loading capacity), which allow controlled delivery and therefore improved targeting and stimulation of the immune system. The use of these nanodelivery platforms in fish is in the initial steps of development. Here we review the advances in the application of nanoparticles to fish disease prevention including: the type of biomaterial, the type of immunostimulant or vaccine loaded into the nanoparticles, and how they target the fish immune system
Polystyrene nanoplastics accumulate in ZFL cell lysosomes and in zebrafish larvae after acute exposure, inducing a synergistic immune response in vitro without affecting larval survival in vivo
Altres ajuts: pre-doctoral scholarship from UAB (2018FI_B_00711)The presence of small-sized plastic particles in marine and freshwater environments is a global problem but their long-term impact on ecosystems and human health is still far from being understood. Nanoplastics (<1000 nm) could pose a real and uncontrolled ecological challenge due to their smaller size and sharp ability to penetrate living organisms at any trophic level. Few studies evaluate the impact of nanoplastics in vivo on the immune system of aquatic organisms, while most of them assessed the impact on indirect markers of immune response such as regulation of gene expression, ROS production or DNA genotoxicity, among others. Moreover, the study of the effects of nanoplastics on aquatic vertebrate species in vivo is still scarce. In this context, we seek to shed light on the underlying effects of polystyrene nanoplastics (PS-NPs) on the immune response in a model fish species (Danio rerio, zebrafish) after an acute exposure, with a combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments. Our results show that PS-NPs (65 nm) are efficiently taken up by zebrafish liver cells, accumulating mainly in lysosomes. Furthermore, the expression of immune genes presents a synergy when cells were simultaneously exposed to PS-NPs, at a low dose and early time point (12 h) and challenged with a viral stimulus (poly(I:C)). Moreover, zebrafish larvae also internalize PS-NPs, accumulating them in the gut and pancreas. However, at concentrations of up to 50 mg l-1 in an acute exposure (48 h), PS-NPs do not interfere with the survival of the larvae after a lethal bacterial challenge (Aeromonas hydrophila). This study addresses the relevant environmental question of whether a living organism exposed to PS-NPs can cope with a real immune threat. We show that, although PS-NPs can induce an immune response, the survival of zebrafish larvae challenged with a bacterial infection after an acute exposure to PS-NP is not decimated with respect to unexposed larvae
A Novel Liposome-Based Nanocarrier Loaded with an LPS-dsRNA Cocktail for Fish Innate Immune System Stimulation
Development of novel systems of vaccine delivery is a growing demand of the aquaculture industry. Nano- and micro- encapsulation systems are promising tools to achieve efficient vaccines against orphan vaccine fish diseases. In this context, the use of liposomal based-nanocarriers has been poorly explored in fish; although liposomal nanocarriers have successfully been used in other species. Here, we report a new ~125 nm-in-diameter unilamellar liposome-encapsulated immunostimulant cocktail containing crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from E. coli and polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid [poly (I:C)], a synthetic analog of dsRNA virus, aiming to be used as a non-specific vaccine nanocarrier in different fish species. This liposomal carrier showed high encapsulation efficiencies and low toxicity not only in vitro using three different cellular models but also in vivo using zebrafish embryos and larvae. We showed that such liposomal LPS-dsRNA cocktail is able to enter into contact with zebrafish hepatocytes (ZFL cell line) and trout macrophage plasma membranes, being preferentially internalized through caveolae-dependent endocytosis, although clathrin-mediated endocytosis in ZFL cells and macropinocytocis in macrophages also contribute to liposome uptake. Importantly, we also demonstrated that this liposomal LPS-dsRNA cocktail elicits a specific pro-inflammatory and anti-viral response in both zebrafish hepatocytes and trout macrophages. The design of a unique delivery system with the ability to stimulate two potent innate immunity pathways virtually present in all fish species represents a completely new approach in fish health
Cellular and molecular evidence for a role of tumor necrosis factor alpha in the ovulatory mechanism of trout
Background: The relevance of immune-endocrine interactions to the regulation of ovarian function in teleosts is virtually unexplored. As part of the innate immune response during infection, a number of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) and other immune factors, are produced and act on the reproductive system. However, TNF alpha is also an important physiological player in the ovulatory process in mammals. In the present study, we have examined for the first time the effects of TNF alpha in vitro in preovulatory ovarian follicles of a teleost fish, the brown trout (Salmo trutta). Methods: To determine the in vivo regulation of TNF alpha expression in the ovary, preovulatory brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were injected intraperitoneally with either saline or bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In control and recombinant trout TNF alpha (rtTNF alpha)-treated brown trout granulosa cells, we examined the percentage of apoptosis by flow cytometry analysis and cell viability by propidium iodide (PI) staining. Furthermore, we determined the in vitro effects of rtTNF alpha on follicle contraction and testosterone production in preovulatory brown trout ovarian follicles. In addition, we analyzed the gene expression profiles of control and rtTNF alpha-treated ovarian tissue by microarray and real-time PCR (qPCR) analyses. Results: LPS administration in vivo causes a significant induction of the ovarian expression of TNF alpha. Treatment with rtTNF alpha induces granulosa cell apoptosis, decreases granulosa cell viability and stimulates the expression of genes known to be involved in the normal ovulatory process in trout. In addition, rtTNF alpha causes a significant increase in follicle contraction and testosterone production. Also, using a salmonid-specific microarray platform (SFA2.0 immunochip) we observed that rtTNF alpha induces the expression of genes known to be involved in inflammation, proteolysis and tissue remodeling. Furthermore, the expression of kallikrein, TOP-2, serine protease 23 and ADAM 22, genes that have been postulated to be involved in proteolytic and tissue remodeling processes during ovulation in trout, increases in follicles incubated in the presence of rtTNF alpha. Conclusions In view of these results, we propose that TNF alpha could have an important role in the biomechanics of follicle weakening, ovarian rupture and oocyte expulsion during ovulation in trout, primarily through its stimulation of follicular cell apoptosis and the expression of genes involved in follicle wall proteolysis and contraction
Decoding the genetic and functional diversity of the DSF Quorum-Sensing system in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia uses the Diffusible Signal Factor (DSF) quorum sensing (QS) system to mediate intra- and inter-specific signaling and regulate virulence-related processes. The components of this system are encoded by the rpf cluster, with genes rpfF and rpfC encoding for the DSF synthase RpfF and sensor RpfC, respectively. Recently, we have shown that there exist two variants of the rpf cluster (rpf-1 and rpf-2), distinguishing two groups of S. maltophilia strains. Surprisingly, only rpf-1 strains produce detectable DSF, correlating with their ability to control biofilm formation, swarming motility and virulence. The evolutive advantage of acquiring two different rpf clusters, the phylogenetic time point and mechanism of this acquisition and the conditions that activate DSF production in rpf-2 strains, are however not known. Examination of this cluster in various species suggests that its variability originated most probably by genetic exchange between rhizosphere bacteria. We propose that rpf-2 variant strains make use of a strategy recently termed as "social cheating." Analysis of cellular and extracellular fatty acids (FAs) of strains E77 (rpf-1) and M30 (rpf-2) suggests that their RpfFs have also a thioesterase activity that facilitates the release of unspecific FAs to the medium in addition to DSF. Production of DSF in rpf-1 strains appears in fact to be modulated by some of these extracellular FAs in addition to other factors such as temperature and nutrients, while in rpf-2 strains DSF biosynthesis is derepressed only upon detection of DSF itself, suggesting that they require cohabitation with DSF-producer bacteria to activate their DSF regulatory machinery. Finally, we show that the mixed rpf-1/rpf-2 population presents synergism in DSF production and virulence capacity in an in vivo infection model. Recovery and quantification of DSF from co-infected animals correlates with the observed mortality rate
Conseq眉猫ncies fisiol贸giques d'una activaci贸 del sistema immunitari sobre la reproducci贸n i el creixement en peixos d'inter茅s en aq眉icultura
En peixos teleostis, una activaci贸 del sistema immunitari comporta la producci贸 de factors immunitaris que ajuden a combatre una infecci贸 i estableixen una comunicaci贸 entre la resposta immunit脿ria innata i l'adaptativa. A part d'aquesta funci贸 estrictament immunit脿ria, els factors immunitaris poden afectar el funcionament d'altres c猫l路lules i teixits no immunitaris. Dos processos particularment importants, tant per l'estat biol貌gic d'una poblaci贸 de peixos, com per aspectes m茅s relacionats amb la productivitat d'esp猫cies en cultiu, s贸n la reproducci贸 i el creixement. En aquest treball es descriuen estudis encaminats a investigar els efectes d'una activaci贸 del sistema immunitari, i dels factors produ茂ts, sobre la reproducci贸 i el creixement en peixos teleostis.In teleost fish, an activation of the immune system entails the production of immune factors that are key to fighting an infeccion and establish a bridge between the innate and the adaptive immune responses. In addition to this strictly immune function, immune factors can also affect the function of other non-immune cells and tissues. Reproduction and growth are two processes that are particularly important for the biological condition of a population of fish as well as for aspects more related to productivity of cultured species. In this paper, we describe studies designed to investigate the effects of an activation of the immune system, as well as of the factors produced, on reproduction and growth in teleost fish