193 research outputs found

    Incomplete operational transition complexity of regular languages

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    The state complexity of basic operations on regular languages considering complete deterministic finite automata (DFA) has been extensively studied in the literature. But, if incomplete DFAs are considered, transition complexity is also a significant measure. In this paper we study the incomplete (deterministic) state and transition complexity of some operations for regular and finite languages. For regular languages we give a new tight upper bound for the transition complexity of the union, which refutes the conjecture presented by Y. Gao et al. For finite languages, we correct the published state complexity of concatenation for complete DFAs and provide a tight upper bound for the case when the right operand is larger than the left one. We also present some experimental results to test the behavior of those operations on the average case, and we conjecture that for many operations and in practical applications the worst-case complexity is seldom reached

    Contextualização de conteúdos de química e desenvolvimento de projetos a partir de um sistema agroflorestal

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    Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da implantação de um Sistema Agroflorestal - SAF - em uma escola de educação básica pública brasileira. A partir de problematizações/questionamentos relacionados ao SAF, estudantes do ensino médio foram incentivados para o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa que relacionassem suas indagações com conceitos científicos. Assim, o SAF funcionou como fonte de informações para a contextualização do ensino de química. Os projetos desenvolvidos pelos estudantes possibilitaram a busca a informações, a interação de maneira diferenciada com conceitos, a transformação de concepções prévias, o trabalho em grupo, a produção de conhecimento e a sua socialização aos colegas. Os resultados evidenciaram que houve contribuição para melhoria da aprendizagem e intensificação do interesse pelo conhecimento científico

    Effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index on cardiometabolic risk factors in schoolchildren

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    Introduction High levels of physical fitness established during childhood and adolescence have been associated with positive effects on cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRF), which persist into adulthood. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, and obesity during this period are considered public health problems. These conditions tend to worsen in adulthood, increasing the incidence of chronic diseases, deteriorating CMRF, and consequently leading to higher comorbidity and mortality rates. Objective To investigate the effect of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and body mass index (BMI) on CMRF in children and adolescents. Methods The sample consisted of 49 schoolchildren of both sexes aged 10–17 years. Anthropometric assessments, CRF test, muscle strength test, and blood pressure (BP) measurement were conducted. Participants were allocated into groups based on BMI (eutrophic, overweight, obese), and CRF levels (low-fit, normal-fit, and high-fit). Results Obese individuals had lower CRF values compared to the eutrophic and overweight groups. The cardiometabolic risk profile (CMRP) was significantly higher in the obese group compared to the eutrophic group but showed no significant difference compared to the overweight group. The hight-fit group had lower CMRP values compared to the low-fit group. Conclusions Higher BMI and CRF values had negative and positive effects on CMRF and CMRP in schoolchildren, respectively. Overweight or obese schoolchildren with low levels of CRF constitute an unfavourable cardiometabolic risk profile

    La oralidad como poder en el proceso de alfabetización: relato de experiencia con niños del campo quilombola

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    Abstract: In this article, part of the action developed in the project will be presented under the title “Orality as a power in the literacy process of children in the quilombola countryside”, a teaching and extension project of the Núcleo de Educação Popular Paulo Freire (NEP), managed by the subgroup - Popular Education Group with Quilombola Students (GEPEQ), from the State University of Pará (UEPA), which aimed to collaborate with the literacy process of Quilombola students in the 3rd year of elementary school, at the Municipal School of Early Childhood Education and Fundamental Quilombola (EMEIFQ), located in the quilombola community of Vila União/Campina, in Salvaterra Ilha de Marajó/PA. The methodological contributions used were the qualitative approach and descriptive analysis of the meetings that took place in the project. To this end, supported by Alves and Marques (2021), Rufino (2014), Freire (1988), Arroyo (2014) among others who contribute to the analysis of this article. It was verified that the project that made use of orality and ludic activities, contribute to the learning, assimilation of the students and are builders of moral and social principles, as well as, such activities collaborate in the teaching process, being aggregator in learning.Resumo: Neste artigo será apresentado parte da ação desenvolvidas no projeto sob o título “A oralidade como potência no processo de alfabetização de crianças do campo quilombola”, projeto  de ensino e extensão do Núcleo de Educação Popular Paulo Freire (NEP), manejado pelo subgrupo - Grupo de Educação Popular com Estudantes Quilombolas (GEPEQ), da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), que teve como objetivo colaborar com o processo de alfabetização de estudantes quilombolas do 3º ano do ensino fundamental anos iniciais, da Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil e Fundamental Quilombola (EMEIFQ), localizada na comunidade quilombola de Vila União/Campina, em Salvaterra ilha de Marajó/PA. Os aportes metodológicos utilizados foram da abordagem qualitativa e análise descritiva dos encontros ocorridos no projeto. Para tanto, apoiados em Alves e Marques (2021), Rufino (2014), Freire (1988), Arroyo (2014) entre outros que contribuem nas análises deste artigo. Verificou-se que o projeto que fez uso da oralidade e de atividades lúdicas, contribuem na aprendizagem, assimilação dos alunos e são construtores de princípios morais e sociais, como também, tais atividades colaboram no processo de ensino, sendo agregador na aprendizagem.  Resumen: En este artículo, parte de la acción desarrollada en el proyecto será presentada bajo el título “La oralidad como potencia en el proceso de alfabetización de los niños del interior quilombola”, proyecto de enseñanza y extensión del Núcleo de Educação Popular Paulo Freire (NEP), gestionado por el subgrupo - Grupo de Educación Popular con Estudiantes Quilombolas (GEPEQ), de la Universidad Estatal de Pará (UEPA), que tuvo como objetivo colaborar con el proceso de alfabetización de estudiantes quilombolas en el 3er año de la escuela primaria, en la Escuela Municipal de Educación Infantil y Fundamental Quilombola (EMEIFQ), ubicada en la comunidad quilombola de Vila União/Campina, en Salvaterra Ilha de Marajó/PA. Los aportes metodológicos utilizados fueron el enfoque cualitativo y el análisis descriptivo de los encuentros que se desarrollaron en el proyecto. Para ello, se apoya en Alves y Marques (2021), Rufino (2014), Freire (1988), Arroyo (2014) entre otros que contribuyen al análisis de este artículo. Se verificó que el proyecto que hizo uso de la oralidad y las actividades lúdicas, contribuyen al aprendizaje, la asimilación de los estudiantes y son constructores de principios morales y sociales, así como, dichas actividades colaboran en el proceso de enseñanza, siendo agregadoras en el aprendizaje

    Elevated Glutamate and Glutamine Levels in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Probable Alzheimer's Disease and Depression

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    Recent evidence suggests that Alzheimer's disease (AD) and depression share common mechanisms of pathogenesis. In particular, deregulation of glutamate-mediated excitatory signaling may play a role in brain dysfunction in both AD and depression. We have investigated levels of glutamate and its precursor glutamine in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with a diagnosis of probable AD or major depression compared to healthy controls and patients with hydrocephalus. Patients with probable AD or major depression showed significantly increased CSF levels of glutamate and glutamine compared to healthy controls or hydrocephalus patients. Furthermore, CSF glutamate and glutamine levels were inversely correlated to the amyloid tau index, a biomarker for AD. Results suggest that glutamate and glutamine should be further explored as potential CSF biomarkers for AD and depression

    New tendencies in non-surgical periodontal therapy

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    The aim of this review was to update the evidence of new approaches to non-surgical therapy (NSPT) in the treatment of periodontitis. Preclinical and clinical studies addressing the benefits of adjunctive antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, probiotics, prebiotics/synbiotics, statins, pro-resolving mediators, omega-6 and -3, ozone, and epigenetic therapy were scrutinized and discussed. Currently, the outcomes of these nine new approaches, when compared with subgingival debridement alone, did not demonstrate a significant added clinical benefit. However, some of these new alternative interventions may have the potential to improve the outcomes of NSPT alone. Future evidence based on randomized controlled clinical trials would help clinicians and patients in the selection of different adjunctive therapies

    Relic abundance of mass-varying cold dark matter particles

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    In models of coupled dark energy and dark matter the mass of the dark matter particle depends on the cosmological evolution of the dark energy field. In this note we exemplify in a simple model the effects of this mass variation on the relic abundance of cold dark matter.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Version published in PL


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    A piscicultura orgânica é a criação de peixes em água isenta decontaminantes ou poluentes, os quais se alimentam naturalmente ourecebem ração com certificação orgânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisarsensorialmente filés de jundiá (Rhamdia voulezi) fritos e defumados submetidosà alimentação com rações orgânicas certificadas e comerciais, a fim de verificara influência dessas sobre as características sensoriais do produto final. Ospeixes foram cultivados em tanques-rede, alimentados com ração orgânica ecomercial por um período de 60 dias. Ao final, os peixes foram transferidosao laboratório para posterior beneficiamento. Os filés de jundiá orgânico ecomercial permaneceram em salmoura por 40 minutos, em seguida foramfritos e defumados. Para a análise sensorial, foi utilizado o teste de diferençatriangular, aplicado a 24 provadores não treinados, que receberam seisamostras codificadas. A análise estatística demonstrou não haver diferençasignificativa (P<0,05) entre as amostras, revelando que as rações certificadasorgânicas não influenciaram nas características sensoriais dos filés, logo,torna-se interessante este tipo de cultivo para peixes

    Intelligent methods for business rule processing: State-of-the-art

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    In this article, we provide an overview of the latest intelligent techniques used for processing business rules. We have conducted a comprehensive survey of the relevant literature on robot process automation, with a specific focus on machine learning and other intelligent approaches. Additionally, we have examined the top vendors in the market and their leading solutions to tackle this issue.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure